Module 6
Module 6
Module 6
Lesson planning for some teachers is the most tedious part of teaching. However, experienced
teachers are of the opinion that the more detailed a plan is, the smoother the delivery of that
plan. In this Phase, the important parts of a lesson and how to write effective lesson plans are
dealt with.
A good lesson requires good planning. Your lesson plans ensure that several things happen in
your lesson:
Six of the strongest reasons as to why you should create an ESL lesson plan to make your
class a success.
• You have a definite language point to teach. Your lesson plan should be based around a
• What games and activities you are going to use? Certain activities work for some
language points, but not others. Make sure your games are also age/level appropriate.
• Your ESL lesson should have a purpose, it should keep building. Your students will be
lost if your lesson jumps from here to there as they won't be able to follow where you
are going.
• A lesson plan acts as a warning against possible difficulties in teaching the new
language, such as pronunciation. Because you have your lesson plan, you can allocate
extra time or find great activities that help to overcome the problem.
• Lesson plans will save you time because you will be likely to teach the same lesson more
than once and therefore, you can use your lesson plan over and over again.
• Using the lesson plans generally means that you are following the same pattern for all
your lessons. This helps to let your students know what's coming next, so they can focus
Ok, so, you’ve decided that creating a lesson plan for your classes is a good idea. Now what? A
lesson plan can include just about anything - it basically tells you what to teach and how to do
poems and black board are a few aids that are effective.
• Time: The time frame has to be kept in mind while doing any activity.
Also, the above three steps are pointless without the four essential elements that are never left
• A warm-up activity
• New language
• Review
Warm-up Activity - This activity sets the mood for the rest of the lesson. The warmers are
• Have fun
• Gain confidence
New Language - This is what your lesson plan is based around and will take up the majority of
• Introduction - This is where you explain the new language. It’s important that you
• Practice - This is where the language is “drilled” into the students through
• Application - This is where students now get to use the language they’ve just
learned in a fun and interesting way. This activity should allow as much student to
student interaction as possible.
• Be introduced with a concept that the students will understand and without, where
• Follow a structured presentation method so that your students can, follow where you
are going. Allow for as much student to student interaction as possible.
Review/follow up - helps your students to retain the language they have learned in the last
• Fun
• Short (Roughly 5-10 minutes, depending on how long your lesson is.)
• As student oriented as possible, i.e. the teacher should have minimal involvement.
Fun - Although not an actual “step” in your lesson plan, fun should be incorporated as much in
• Your students will show a greater willingness to learn if they are having fun.
• Your students will be better behaved because they are not bored.
• Greater participation leads to greater language retention, which makes you look better!
• Better word of mouth - the more fun your lessons are, the more likely word will spread
These are the core of your lesson plan. In the next section, we’ll take a look at some great tips to
• The planning begins either at the beginning or the end of the term.
• The contents or the text can be changed or the order can be altered if needed.
Term 1
February My Teacher, My
calendar, My birthday
• Short term planning may be a plan for one week, one unit or one topic.
• Decide what language item you are going to teach and how you are going to teach.
• Evaluation is a part of teaching, so write an evaluation into your plan at this stage.
• Remember the plan is a rough guide to show where you are going and what you hope to
Week, 4 weeks
Level Beginners
The method and Aids used Audio Visual Clips, comic strips
Remarks Comments on whether objectives were met. If not, then state the
Age 10 to 12 years
In this section we’ll take a look at ways that you can improve your basic lesson plan. These tips
can help your good lessons become great lessons! These tips, by themselves, cannot make a
lesson plan. You should always use the steps outlined in the previous section to build the
foundation of your lesson plan, these tips are like the sizzle to the sausage!
There are several considerations to take into account when developing your lesson content.
• Age - How old are your students? Are your activities appropriate for the age that you
are teaching?
• Ability/level - What do your students already know? Are you building a foundation of
• Classroom environment - What resources are available to you? How many students are
there? How big is the classroom? Can you take the students outside if need be?
• Sensitive topics - Be aware that as it is most likely that you will be teaching students
from a different culture than your own, they may have different values and beliefs.
Lesson Frameworks
Lesson frameworks are lesson sequences that can be built on and modified as appropriate for
different classes. They are a sequence of behaviors and choreographies that work as a stand-
alone lesson, although they are not intended as a prescription. They are intended to meet the
following criteria:
• Building on core materials - i.e. minimal vocabulary initially, expanded as the lesson
Lesson frameworks are hardly a new idea, and are basically what are found in most classroom
texts. They are a suggestion, but a suggestion inviting modification and adaptation to meet the
needs of the teacher, the students and the curriculum in any given situation.
To some extent, lesson frameworks plus the lesson contexts found in this book are an
alternative to a textbook. It would be possible for the teacher, and possibly the students, to
construct their own text choosing the contexts and frameworks that best suited their purposes.
This is not a novel idea, and might provide a feasible alternative for classes who find
The frameworks are presented as a minimal lesson plan that includes a column for the “target
Language Process
This column will define the target The process will be a brief sequence of
language either as written or as a steps for teaching the target language.
reference to a page in a text. Obviously, These are suggested steps and might be
the target language is a ‘sample’ to make varied or modified according to the
the lesson sequence and process clear. teacher’s and the students’ needs.
The teacher must substitute the
appropriate language for their students
Few examples of effective aids that one can use in a lesson plan are:
• Games
• Worksheets
Why use games? Besides being fun, why is it a good idea to use games?
• They provide a lot of language, repetition.
However, not all games are good for all classes, when choosing games, you should consider:
• Age/level appropriateness - Will the students be able to understand the game and even
enjoy it?
• Safety - Don’t risk your student’s safety for the sake of a fun lesson.
• Number of students - Some games only work with a certain number of students.
to student interaction.
• They can also help you to gauge how well a student is doing as you never know what
Does it flow?
• The whole point of a lesson plan is that at any point in your lesson, you can quickly
glance at what you have covered and know what’s coming up next. If you can’t make
sense of it, then you’ve wasted your time on a worthless lesson plan and possibly the
student’s time by planning a poor lesson.
• Lesson plans take the guess work out of calculating the length of your lessons. This
Sample lesson plans
ge level : 8 to 10 years (beginners) Objective: By the end of the lesson the students will be
able to use vocabulary associated with the beach in simple sentences Aids : Song, Flash
cards, Sea shells , role play .
Aids: Flashcards, sea shells (if available), paint (if you are going to use the “Sea Shells”
activity), “Ice-cream song” if desired, paper for drawing your family at the beach.
Activity: Paint Sea Shells or Draw your family at the beach with family members
Duration : 5minutes
Introduction: 10 minutes
Procedure :
• Use a big picture of a beach and introduce and drill the new vocabulary.
• Get the students to draw each part of the beach according to the words pointed out
by the teacher.
• Get the students to hold up their pictures and encourage them to say two sentences
about it.
Follow up activity: 20 minutes.
• Today’s activity: Painting Sea shells or sketching your family at the beach.
If you have sea shells, or you can get them easily, children usually enjoy painting
sea shells. It gives them something that they can touch and take home at the end of
the day.
• If you don’t have any sea shells , then get your students to draw a picture of
Fun activity: 5-7 minutes Themes – give the students a theme and play the animal
Framework of a lesson plan
Lesson no.
No. of students:
Topic: Context
Final Objective: What will they be able to do at the end…………. How…….. and about
Qualifying Objectives: What will they be able to do during or at the end of each stage of
the lesson?
Vocabulary taught:
Kindly refer to these following samples to have a better idea about lesson planning
No. of students: 15
Enabling Objectives: At the end of each stage of the lesson, students will be able to
• (Context setting) –respond to the visual aid and predict the topic
• (Pre- listening) –follow the bridge dialogue by listening to the teacher and respond to
the teacher/repeat the dialogue
Vocabulary Introduction (spoken & shown with images, not written):
• Neighbor
• Grocery store
• Laundromat
• shopping center
• across from
• barbershop
• Pine Street
• Move
• Around
• Thank you (may be added)
A conversation between two neighbors where one is new to the neighborhood is asking for
directions to the grocery store and a Laundromat.
• Grocery store and a Laundromat
Q2. Where is the grocery store?
• On Pine Street
Q3. Where is the Laundromat?
• Across from the shopping center.
Q4. What is there in the shopping center?
• A barbershop.
Speaking (assignment):
Students practice the script in pairs and do a role play.
Statement& Evidence of support material (images, fill in the blanks page, list of
Target Vocabulary -
Neighbor, Grocery store, Laundromat, shopping center, across from, barbershop, Pine Street
Lesson Procedure:
(Please mention time/duration for each stage/activity)
• Warmer- Teacher greets students and models the warmer, she does one demo and the
students follow. ( e.g. ‘Chinese whisper’ – related to listening/speaking skill) 15 min
• Context setting - a picture with arrows showing directions was shown. The teacher
elicits response and writes the topic on the board (10 min) and reviews the vocabulary
written by emphasizing on the correct pronunciation (5 min)
• Pre listening – Bridge dialogue (20 min)
A – Excuse me, are there any grocery stores around here?
B – Yes, there are some on pine street.
A – And is there a Laundromat near here?
B – I think there’s one across from the shopping Centre.
Differentiated tasks if any:
Anticipated Problems:
• Warmer –
Teacher’s instructions are not clear and not level appropriate.
Teacher is too tense and not smiling.
No modeling and too much teacher talk.
• Context setting –
Teacher forgets to set context.
Unrealistic or unrelated
Does not expand.
• Pre-listening –
Steps not in sequence or steps skipped.
Teacher is speaking too fast.
Teacher forgets to elicit on the board.
Teacher doesn’t ensure maximum coverage of the students.
• While listening –
Teacher plays the audio first.
Teacher doesn’t prepare students for the activity.
Teacher forgets to write the keyword answers on the board.
Audio is not clear.
Teacher writes the entire question on the board.
• Post listening –
Teacher forgets to model the script.
Teacher forgets to call student to do a role play.
There are insufficient scripts.
No monitoring while the students’ practice.
Trainer’s Name:
Sign: xxx
No. of students:10
spoken/nationality(ies) of
students: Marathi/Indian
13 years
Duration: 1.5 hours
• How old was Daniel when this picture was taken? (five to six years)
Vocabulary introduced: photograph, snowman, boots, favorite, five, six, wearing, sad, snowed
Prepositions introduced e.g. to, over, before, in, on, by,
Where can you keep photos? Complete the expressions with the correct preposition.
As In By On
Reading Text:
A favorite photo
One of my favorite photos is of my nephew and his friend in snow in Denver. My cousin took
the photo last March. My nephew Daniel and his friend are playing in the park before school.
It looks like they are making a snowman. I remember that it snowed all day that day. It often
snows in Denver!
My sister said that she was really sad because she wasn’t wearing boots.
Daniel and his friend didn’t want to go to school because they were having so much fun. I
think Daniel was about five or six when this photograph was taken. I keep this photo on my
living room wall in a frame called ‘Snow in Denver’.
Conversation/Debate/Q&A based on reading text (practice on learned vocabularies &
Completion question
Writing (assignment):
Statement & Evidence of support material (images, fill in the blanks page, list of
• Printout / photocopies of the text /script (as per head count and one for the teacher)
• Printout / photocopies of the worksheet (as per head count and one for the teacher)
• Projector, sound system and computer (checked for working condition)
• Reading text
• Homework assignment
• Grammar exercise questionnaire
• Printout of relevant Google images (in case of technical failure)
• List of vocabularies - Photograph, Snowman, Boots, Favorite, Five, Six
• Audio clip recorded
Using the vocabulary that was taught, write a paragraph about your favorite season and how
you spent your holidays during that season.
Lesson Procedure:
Teacher models and students follow/participate preferably linked with listening or any
linguistic warmer e.g. word association/ word race….
Context setting - (5 min) Teacher shows a YouTube video referring to the topic and asks a few
Teacher elicits responses from the students and writes the topic on the board.
• Teacher elicits the responses from the students and writes only the key word answers
on the board.
• Teacher repeats the above process with other ‘Wh’ questions.
Speaking: (15 min)
Reading – 20 min
Pre – Reading: -
• Teacher models demo of the Skimming activity on the board.
• Teacher distributes the envelops and instructs the students to match picture with the
• Teacher monitors while students do the activity.
• Teacher collects back the envelops after the task is completed.
While – Reading: -
(Correction question)
• Teacher models a sample question on the board.
• Teacher asks the first correction question from the given text.
• Students scan for the response in the text and respond.
• Teacher elicits responses from the students and writes only the key word answers on
the board.
• Teacher repeats the process for the next correction question.
(Completion question)
• Teacher models a sample question on the board.
• Teacher asks the first completion question from the given text
• Students scan for the response in the text and respond.
• Teacher elicits responses from the students and writes only the key word answers on
the board.
• Teacher repeats the process for the next completion question.
Post Reading – Writing (10 min)
Teacher samples the writing task on the board (about her own favorite photograph. Students
write about their favorite photograph as indicated by the teacher.
Anticipated Problems:
Context setting:
• Teacher forgets to set context
• Context is unrealistic or unrelatable
• Irrelevant probing questions asked
• Teacher fails to acknowledge the responses
• Forgets to elicit the topic on the board
• Instructions not clear
• Audio not clear
• Technical glitch
• Teacher writes the entire question on the board
• Teacher forgets to elicit key word answers on the board
• Teacher forgets to model the role play
• Inadequate number of scripts
• Instructions not clear
• No class control
Vocabulary and grammar:
• Teacher does not contextualize preposition
• Excessive teacher talk
• Instructions for the game not clear
• Teacher forgets to write preposition words on the board
• Instructions for the grammar exercise not clear
• Teacher forgets to model sample question on the board
• Sample questions are not relatable
• Correction and completion questions are irrelevant.
• Teacher forgets to write a sample on the board
• Instructions not clear
• No modeling no check
• Poor classroom management