MO Senate GOP Primary Memo
MO Senate GOP Primary Memo
MO Senate GOP Primary Memo
Fabrizio, Lee & Associates recently completed a survey of N=400 likely 2022 Republican
primary voters (RPV) in Missouri. The data shows that Governor Eric Greitens holds a very
substantial lead over his Republican opponents in the U.S. Senate primary. Furthermore, when
voters learn of his pledge to vote against re-electing Sen. Mitch McConnell as Senate GOP
Leader, Greitens further increases his lead over the rest of the field.
Missouri GOP Primary Voters are Strongly Positive Towards President Trump, while very
mixed on Sen. McConnell
An overwhelming 83% of Missouri RPV have a favorable opinion of Donald Trump, including
67% who have a very favorable opinion. On top of that, an even greater 88% approve of the job
he did as President, with 73% strongly approving. In sharp contrast, Missouri RPV are mixed on
Mitch McConnell – 46% favorable/42% unfavorable – and his positive image is weak, as only
13% view McConnell very favorably.
Eric Greitens’ pledge to remove Mitch McConnell as the Republican Leader in the U.S. Senate
propels the former Governor’s lead in the GOP primary even higher. His share of the vote jumps
up from 36% to 44%, and his lead over Eric Schmitt goes from +19 to +30.
Greitens holds a very healthy lead over his competitors, receiving more than double the vote of
his closest challenger. Greitens’ 36%, in a crowded field, will be extremely difficult to surpass
with only 25% undecided.
MALE 53%
Female, working outside the 27%
Female, homemaker 15%
Female/Refused (DO NOT READ) 5%