Tender Notice of Computer Consumable Items

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कायालय महालेखाकार (लेखा एवं हकदारी) थम, उ० ०,

20, सरोिजनी नायडू माग, इलाहाबाद-211001

No. ITCG/T. Notice/Consumable/2015-16/23555 Dated: 06.02.2015

Tender Notice of computer consumable items

Limited Sealed tenders are invited for supply of original Ink Jet cartridges, Toner
(HP/Lipi/Prodot Make), Print Head etc. as mentioned in the enclosed format of Bid on
rate contract basis which will be valid till 31st March, 2016 from date of award of
contract. The tenders should be addressed to the Dy. Accountant General/Admin,
Office of Accountant General (A&E)-I, 20, Sarojini Naidu Marg, U.P. Allahabad and will
be received in the office at ITCG Section up to 27.02.2015 at 3:00 P.M. No tenders will
be accepted after the due date and time. The tender will be opened on the same date
i.e. 27.02.2015 at 3:30 P.M in ITCG Section in the presence of representatives of the
firm, if present.

Terms & Conditions

1. The vendor should be registered with UPTT/CST/Vat.

2. The vendor should enclose Registration Certificate with his tender.
3. The rate should be inclusive of all taxes.
4. The firm must mentioned the name of the company clearly in their tender against
the item whose rates he has quoted..
5. The vendor must enclose authorization letter of the company with their tender,
whose rates he has quoted:
(i) Authorization letter of HP Company for supply of ink jet Cartridges, HP Toner
Cartridges, HP DAT Cartridges & HP DLT Tape etc.

(ii) Authorization letter of Prodot/Lipi Company for supply of Toner Cartridges

supporting to HP printer.

(iii) Authorization letter of Wep Company for supply of Wep make Print Head for
Dot matrix Printers.
6. The tender will not be entertained without authorization letter of the company.
7. The tender must be accompanied with the EMD of ` 5000/- (Rupees five thousand
only) which shall be in form of a crossed Demand draft from any Nationalized Bank in
favour of the Pay and Accounts Officer, Office of the Accountant General (A&E)-I, U.P.,
Allahabad payable at Allahabad.
8. Tender not accompanied with earnest money will not be considered.
9. Earnest money will be refunded to the unsuccessful vendors after acceptance of
the tender is conveyed to the successful vendor only.
10. All rates will be valid up to 31-03-2016.
11. The rates quoted for rate contract should be inclusive of all taxes.
12. Successful bidder should deposit 10% of performance security money of the total
value of the first Supply order in shape of bank guarantee or FDR from a Nationalized
Bank for the entire warranty period of Supplied items plus one month extra. The bank
guarantee will be prepared in favor of the ‘Pay and Accounts Officer, Office of the
Accountant General (A&E)-I, U.P., Allahabad’ after award of contract.
13. Bid Security will be refunded to successful bidder on receipt of performance
14. In the event of non-supply of original ink Jet cartridges, Toner and print head etc.
within the specified date by the successful bidder, Dy. Accountant General/Admin has
full right to terminate the rate contract by giving one month notice and the security
deposit will be forfeited.
15. EMD and Security deposit of the successful bidder/vendor shall be forfeited if they
deny from their offer after submission of their bids.
16. The items will be purchased in four spells during the year on the basis of quarterly
17. The firm should supply original items within 15 days from the date of supply order.
For any delay beyond 15 days. Dy. Accountant General/Admin has full right to impose a
penalty at rate of 1 ½ % per week of the value of supply order subject to a maximum of
five weeks.
18. The firm must change the defective/damaged items which may be required to be
replaced with same make/brand within 15 days from the date of information if any
given to him after receipt of supply.
19. The invoice of supplied items should be prepared in triplicate addressed to the
Accountant General (A&E)-I U.P. Allahabad.
20. All dispute and differences arising out of/or in connection of this quotations shall
subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts at Allahabad.
21. Any delay on the part of postal authorities will be sole responsibility of the firm.
22. Supply of Cartridges & Toners etc. will not be accepted if their manufacturing date
is more than three months old.
23. Envelops should indicate clearly “Tender for Computer Consumable items for
the year 2015-16”.

Sr. Accounts Officer/ITCG
Format of Bid for Computer consumable items like Ink Jet cartridges,
Toner, Print Head etc. for the year 2015-16

Sl. Name of item Rate per unit

No. inclusive of all
taxes (`)
1. HP make DAT Cartridge 320
2. HP make DAT Cartridge 72
3. Tandberg RDX 320 GB Cartridge
4. HP Make DLT Tape VSI 80/160
5. HP Inkjet Cartridge No.28A Color
6. HP Inkjet Cartridge No. 27A Black
7. HP Inkjet Cartridge No.21A Black
8. HP Inkjet Cartridge No. 22A color
9. HP Inkjet Cartridge No.703 (black)
10. HP Inkjet Cartridge No.703 (color)
11. HP Toner Cartridge 36A
12. HP Toner Cartridge 12A
13. HP Toner Cartridge 05A
14. HP Toner 16 A for 5200DN
15. HP Toner Cartridge 250A (3525n)

16. HP Toner Cartridge 251A(3525n)

17. HP Toner Cartridge 252A(3525n)

18. HP Toner Cartridge 253A(3525n)

19. HP Toner Cartridge 78A

20. HP Toner Cartridge 88A

21. HP Toner Cartridge CE310A(CP1025)

22. HP Toner Cartridge CE311A(CP1025)

23. HP Toner Cartridge CE312A(CP1025)

24. HP Toner Cartridge CE313A(CP1025)

25. HP Toner Cartridge CE350A for Color Laser Printer Model MFP M177fw

26. HP Toner Cartridge CE351A for Color Laser Printer Model MFP M177fw

27. HP Toner Cartridge CE352A for Color Laser Printer Model MFP M177fw

28. HP Toner Cartridge CE353A for Color Laser Printer Model MFP M177fw

29. Wep DMP Printer Head(LQ-1050)

30. Wep DMP Printer Head(HQ -1070)

31. Wep make Print Head 5235

32. Battery of Laptop

33. Pressure roller for Laser Printer 1008

34. Pressure roller for Laser Printer 1505

35. Image transfer kit of Laser Printer 3525N

36. Image transfer kit of Laser Printer 2055dn

37. Image transfer kit of Laser Printer 5200

38. Pressure roller for Laser Printer 1018

39. Pressure roller for Laser Printer 1020

40. Image transfer kit of Laser Printer CP1025

41. Image transfer kit of Multi-function Laser Printer 1536dnF

42. Pressure roller for Laser Printer P1606dn

43. Teflon for Laser Printer 1020

44. Teflon for Laser Printer 1008

45. Teflon for Laser Printer 1018

46. Teflon for Laser 1505

47. Teflon for Laser Printer P1606dn

48. Smart Array Battery for Server

49. Fuser Unit of Laser Printer 5200

50. Lamp of Projector

51. Prodot/Lipi Toner 36A for HP Laser Printer Model 1505

52. Prodot/Lipi Toner 12A for HP Laser Printer Model 1020

53. Prodot/Lipi Toner 05A for HP Laser Printer Model 2055dn

54. Prodot/Lipi Toner 16 A for HP Laser Printer Model 5200DN

55. Prodot/Lipi Toner 250A (3525n) for HP Laser Printer Model 3525n

56. Prodot/Lipi Toner 251A(3525n) for HP Laser Printer Model 3525n

57. Prodot/Lipi Toner 252A(3525n) for HP Laser Printer Model 3525n

58. Prodot/Lipi Toner 253A(3525n) for HP Laser Printer Model 3525n

59. Prodot/Lipi Toner 78A for HP Laser Printer Model M1536dnf & 1606
60. Prodot/Lipi Toner 88A for HP Laser Printer Model 1008

61. Prodot/Lipi Toner CE310A for HP Laser Printer Model CP1025

62. Prodot/Lipi Toner CE311A for HP Laser Printer Model CP1025

63. Prodot/Lipi Toner CE312A for HP Laser Printer Model CP1025

64. Prodot/Lipi Toner CE313A for HP Laser Printer Model CP1025

65. Prodot/Lipi Toner CE350A for Color Laser Printer Model MFP M177fw

66. Prodot/Lipi Toner CE351A for Color Laser Printer Model MFP M177fw

67. Prodot/Lipi Toner CE352A for Color Laser Printer Model MFP M177fw

68. Prodot/Lipi Toner CE353A for Color Laser Printer Model MFP M177fw

Signature with Seal of the firm

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