Cod152 53
Cod152 53
Cod152 53
(Naqeeb Ur Rahman)
Annexure A
Nomenclature A/U Quantity
1. Raspberry Pi 4 (4GB RAM, 32 GB Memory) Nos 10
2. Wifi Pine Apple Mark VII Nos 01
3. J-Link Pro JTAG Nos 01
Laptop (HP/Dell) Minimum Core i7 with lastest Gen 16 Nos 05
4. GB RAM, 512 GB SSD in built window Screen Minimum
Size 15.6”
5. Flipper Zero with Wifi with Dev Bd Nos 04
6. Hack 5 Fd Kit Nos 05
7. Wifi Router MIMO Nos 02
8. 2TB SSD External Hard Disk Nos 05
9. 4-8 TB or above HDD / 4-8 TB or above SSDs for NAS Nos 48
10. 16-24 Drive NAS Nos 02
11. Server Attach Storage Nos 40
12. Sets (Wireless Keyboard + Mouse) Nos 10
13. Network Color Printer (Laser Jet) Nos 05
14. Slide Sorter Nos 05
15. DVD Writer Nos 05
16. Ugee EX07 Digital Pen Tablet Nos 02
17. Dual Screen Arm for monitors (24-32 Inch Screen) Nos 04
18. Dual 4K HDMI Port splitter (4x in, 1x Out) Nos 05
Annexure B
d. Must not quote more than one rate for an item of identical brand / specs /
g. Must submit bid security as specified in this IT with-in the timeline specified.
j. Must provide proof of relationship with OEM or foreign principal and/or copy
of Master Level/Service Agreement with such OEM or foreign principal in
case of imported items.
k. Must provide valid proof in IT Documents that bidder has the financial,
technical, i n s t a l l a t i o n and supply / production capability necessary to
perform the Contract / Framework Agreement.
a. Bid Security equal to 5% (Five Percent) of the estimated bid amount, must
be furnished by bidder within five days of asking/intimation by COD Rwp.
b. Bid Security is required to protect COD Rwp against the risk of Bidder’s
conduct from date of opening of Commercial Offer till award of
contract, which may warrant the security’s forfeiture. The security amount
will stand forfeited in favor of COD Rwp, in case of any violation by bidder of
the IT conditions and agreements, reached during clarifications/negotiations
on Technical Offer (including but not limited to, withdrawing the bid before
expiry of its validity period, refusal to accept correction of errors in bid
submitted by him, refusal to sign the contract if declared successful bidder,
refusal to deposit Performance Security etc).
c. Successful bidder’s Bid Security will be returned onto him after his signing of
the framework- agreement and furnishing the Performance Security.
Unsuccessful bidders Bid Security will be returned onto them after signing /
award of framework-agreement to successful bidder.
b. Failure of the successful Bidder to comply with this shall constitute sufficient
grounds for the annulment of the award and forfeiture of the Bid Security.
7. Warranty Period
Annexure C
1. Bidders Name:
(Name of Company / Firm / Business as indicated in registration documents must
be mentioned)
2. Bidders Principal Telephone Contact
(An active land-line and/or cell number must be provided. All messages related to
bidding and subsequent contract / Purchase Orders will be communicated through
this contact number. Bidder retains all responsibility for missing any communication
due to non-availability or no response from the given number)
3. Type of Business / Company / Firm:
(Please declare and specify whether Govt, Semi-Govt, Private, Limited, Partnership
/ Cooperative, JV, Consortium and whiter listed on Stock Exchange or otherwise.
Documentary proof must accompany the declaration).
4. Owner / Owners :
(CNIC No, Copy of CNIC, Position/Appoint Title within the organization structure of
Company/ Firm, Name, Father’s Name and in case of multiple owners / partners,
information and documentation for all must be provided)
5. Chief Executive
(CNIC No, Copy of CNIC, Position/Appoint Title within the organization structure of
Company/ Firm, Name, Father’s Name must be provided)
6. Person Authorized to Sign Bid / IT Documents, Contracts and All Related
Complete address of firm/ head office including contact person
Factory(s) manufacturing facility address (if applicable)
Firm Profile / Web Address / Email
Liaison office/ supporting firms address in Pakistan
Details of Works/ projects already completed in Pakistan (if
Designated person authorized to act on behalf of Firm
(Appointment, Name, CNIC / Passport No)
Banker(s) in Pakistan
Registration certificate with any Defense Procurement body in
Pakistan (if any)
Annexure D
Date of Submission of Financial Proposal: [insert date (as day, month and year) of Bid
1. We, the undersigned Bidder, hereby submit the second part of our Bid, the
Financial Proposal. In submitting our Financial Proposal we make the following
additional declarations:
a. Prices quoted are inclusive of all taxes, duties, FE conversion rates as
applicable and are valid till 30 June 2024.
b. We have furnished Bid Security equal to 5% of estimated bid value.
c. We understand that this Bid, together with your written acceptance thereof
of our Technical Offer at the rate/price mentioned in your Letter of
Acceptance, shall constitute a binding contract between us, until a formal
contract/frame work agreement is prepared and/or Purchase Orders
d. Any amendment in our bid, changes to the commitments made therein
and/or refusal to undertake the contract on our part, after issue of Letter of
Acceptance from your side will render the Bid Security amount confiscated
in favor of Central Ordnance Depot Rawalpindi.
e. We accept to conclude a framework agreement with you if our bid is
accepted and to receive Purchase Orders from multiple Ordnance Depots /
Central Ordnance Depot across Pakistan and receive payment against
goods / equipment delivered in response to the above mentioned Purchase
Orders via various / respective CMAs (Controllers of Military Accounts)
offices across Pakistan.
2. We accept to deliver all the stores/equipment at the price quoted in this bid, DDP
Incoterms at Rawalpindi, without claiming any additional transportation / handling cost.
Name of the person duly authorized to sign the Bid on behalf of the Bidder:
[insert complete name of person duly authorized to sign the Bid and also attach
notarized letter of authority from the owner/chief executive/chairman board of
directors, authorizing the person to sign the bid]
Title of the person signing the Bid: [insert complete title of the person signing the Bid]
Signature of the person named above: [insert signature of person whose name
and capacity are shown above]
Date signed [insert date of signing] day of [insert month], [insert year]
IT No : COD RWP IT NUMBER 15 / NORMAL / 2023-24
Name of Bidder :Insert complete name of the Bidder/Company/Firm
Date of Submission :Insert Date On Which Bid / IT Documents Are Being Submitted
Se Nomenclature Accountin Country Quantity Unit Price Total Cost Remarks
r g of Origin (Inclusive of (Inclusive of
Unit All Taxes, All Taxes,
Duties) Duties)
1. Raspberry Pi 4 (4GB RAM, 32 Nos 10
GB Memory
2. Wifi pine apple Mark VII Nos 01
3. J-Link Pro JTAG Nos 01
Laptop (HP/Dell) Nos
Minimum Core i7 with lastest
4. Gen 16 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD 05
in built window Screen
Minimum Size 15.6”
Flipper Zero with Wifi with Dev Nos
5. 04
6. Hack 5 Fd Kit Nos 05
7. Wifi Router MIMO Nos 02
8. 2TB SSD External Hard Disk Nos 05
4-8 TB or above HDD / 4-8 TB Nos
9. 48
or above SSDs for NAS
10. 16-24 Drive NAS Nos 02
11. Server Attach Storage Nos 40
Sets (Wireless Keyboard + Nos
12. 10
Network Color Printer (Laser Nos
13. 05
Annexure E
Note: Italic text in this format is to help the bidder in filling of this proposal. Please
delete the text while filling the format
Date of Submission of Financial Proposal: [insert date (as day, month and year) of
Bid submission]
Name of the person duly authorized to sign the Bid on behalf of the
Bidder: [insert complete name of person duly authorized to sign the Bid and
also attach notarized letter of authority from the owner/chief executive/chairman
board of directors, authorizing the person to sign the bid]
Title of the person signing the Bid: [insert complete title of the person signing the
Info: Creative Junction News Agency Pvt Ltd
Subj: Advertisement
Attached tender notice is forwarded herewith for publishing in English and Urdu
Newspapers by 17 Feb 2024, please.
ٹینڈر نوٹس
سنٹرل آرڈنینس ڈپو راولپنڈی کو فرموں سےاشیاء کی خریداری کیلئے سربمہر ٹینڈرمطلوب ہے۔سٹور کی تفصیل پیپراکی ویب سائیڈ
پر موجود ہے۔ ٹینڈرکاغذات نیچے دیے گے پتہ سے کسی بھی ورکنگ ڈے حاصل کیے جاسکتے ہیں ۔ ٹینڈر 05مارچ 2023صبح
1030بجےتک جمع کروائے جاسکتے ہیں۔ ٹینڈر کھلنے کی تاریخ مورخہ 05مارچ 2023صبح 11:00بجے ہے۔
لوکل پرچیز آفیسر/سنٹرل آرڈننس ڈپوفورٹ روڈ راولپنڈی۔
051 -8770950 فون نمبر
موبا ئل نمبر0331-5763789
Central Ordnance Depot
Rawalpindi Lieutenant Colonel
Tel: 8000 - 34729 Local Purchase Officer
15 Normal/LP/23-24 dated 14 February 2024 )(Naqeeb ur Rahman
1. Central Ordnance Depot (COD) Rawalpindi invites sealed bids from Firms for Supply
of Cyber Security Equipment Items for which are available on PPRA website. Tender
documents can be collected from under mention address on any working day.
2. Tender deposit before 1030 hrs on 05 March 2024.
3. Tender will open at 1100 hrs on 05 March 2024.