Module 2 Entrepeneurship As A Career
Module 2 Entrepeneurship As A Career
Module 2 Entrepeneurship As A Career
Entrepreneurship as a Career
Entrepreneurship 11
Quarter 1 – Module 2:
Entrepreneurship as a Career
Dear Parents,
The Schools Division of Calamba City is one with every Filipino family in coping with the demands
of our modern times.
The current situation we are experiencing right now has caused immediate changes in our lives.
Above anything else, our priority is your child’s health and safety, but this does not prevent us from making
education happen. Even if your child will miss regular schooling this year, we want to assure you that no
student will be left behind, because learning is possible anytime, anywhere.
Thus, we present to you this Self Learning Module (SLM) to help your child meet the most
essential learning competencies in every subject and grade level, and will serve as your child’s major
learning tool, whether your child opts for online, modular or blended learning modality. The learning
activities in this SLM are arranged to lead your child to think critically, act skillfully, and reflect deeply on
each lesson and practice into real life skills. Most importantly, this SLM promotes self-paced learning as
your child can always review the least understood lessons as often as he/she pleases.
Since the students will be seeing their teachers less than before and will be staying with you at
home more often, then we wish to request one thing from you: please encourage your child not to stop
learning. Consider your child like our hero and fellow Calambeño Jose Rizal who, despite his studies
overseas, would always recall the most significant learning experience he had – his lessons with his
Thank you very much in being one with us! Together, let us envision that, by the end of this school
year, we will see your child as one responsible young person with a heart and mind for humanity, for
nature, for the country, and for God.
Dear Learner,
Welcome to a brand-new year of learning! We hope you are doing fine, although we understand
that you already miss going to school and spending fun, learning moments with your teacher in front and
your classmates just right beside you. Unfortunately, we have to wait a bit further for the situation to go
back to normal mode. But one thing is for sure—the opportunity for your learning cannot wait any longer.
By this time, you have already chosen your learning modality. Is your access to internet strong
enough for online learning mode, or does your lack of resources make you prefer modular learning? Well,
you do not have to worry as to what your case may be, because even if you cannot come to school, SDO
Calamba City is bringing the school right in your homes.
This is our gift to you: The Learning Packets that will help you meet the knowledge and skills
necessary for every subject in your grade level. Your teachers have worked hard in designing these
Learning Packets, and we guarantee that through this, everyday will be a wonderful learning experience
for you.
Please take time to read and do the activities in these Self Learning Module (SLM) as if you are
reporting in school. Set a regular study schedule for you as much as possible, but keep in mind that these
SLM will enable you to learn at your own pace. If you don’t understand a particular lesson, the SLM would
not mind you flipping back the pages over and over again for review. Also, remember to keep in touch
with your teachers. Send them a message through your online sessions or write them a note as you do
your modular activities.
With this, we wish you good luck in your studies, and we hope that you will remain happy and
enthusiastic in learning!
I What is new?
Activity 1: Which Mindset Do You Have?
Guide Questions:
1. Which mindset do you want to acquire?
2. Why did you choose one over the other?
3. Do you believe the saying “Changing your Mindset will Change your Self”? Why do you say so?
D What I know?
What does it mean to become a successful entrepreneur?
PRETEST: Will be available via google classroom.
D What is in?
Activity 2: Find the Entrepreneur in You
From the word search below, find the ten must have characteristics of a successful entrepreneur. Copy
and answer the word search or any applicable method.
D What is it?
Everybody has their own path to success. However, there are a few common traits and characteristics
that all successful entrepreneurs have in common.
A. Entrepreneurial Character Traits
(1) Character Trait refers to the mark or attribute that distinguishes an entrepreneur from the owner of
an ordinary small business.
(2) There are ten entrepreneurial characteristics grouped into three major clusters:
(a) Achievement Cluster contains of entrepreneurial character traits that are directly related to
the entrepreneur`s desire to be an achiever in the field of entrepreneurship such as (1) an opportunity-
seeker, (2) committed, (3) persistent, (4) a risk-taker and (5) efficient and quality-oriented.
(b) Planning Cluster is a set of characteristics of successful entrepreneurs that basically supports
the character traits in the achievement cluster such as (6) a goal-setter, (7) an information-seeker and (8)
systematic in planning and monitoring.
(c) Power Cluster refers to the relationship and image of the entrepreneur in the community such
as (9) a persuasive and positive networker and (10) self-confident.
NOTE: Please take time to answer the Entrepreneurial Self-test.
B. Entrepreneurial Skills
(1) Skills considered as the personal abilities to do things well. They come from the totality of the
knowledge, practice or experience and aptitude of a person.
(2) Entrepreneurial skills refer to the set of cognitive, technical and interpersonal skills required in the
practice of entrepreneurship.
D. Entrepreneurship or Employment
It is up to the person at the end of the day on what career trail he or she will follow, considering all
compelling career factors that are important to him or her.
The table below shows a comprehensive pros and cons of entrepreneurship compare to employment.
(2) Hiring and firing, Provides jobs; is the owner of Seeks for a job; is the one
organizational set-up and the business and conducts the applying for a job and is
major key result areas talent selection interviewed by the company`s
hiring officers
Fully responsible for serving
customers, making the Has the goal of satisfying only
business the employer or the direct
profitable/sustainable and supervisor
providing employee
Fully dependent on the
employer`s performance; is at
Has the power to disengage risk of losing his or her job if
nonperforming employees the company does not
applying the due process perform well; may find it
policy of disengaging difficult to just leave their
personnel below par employer if this is
their only source of income
Can venture into expansion of
business such as franchising Can only work for the current
and buying other similar employer exclusively
(3) Daily Tasks Performs all necessary Has routine tasks and works
variable tasks to establish and on regular or normal hours
manage a startup business,
Follows policies, procedures,
which usually takes most of
and memoranda from the
the entrepreneur`s time;
spend more hours on work
than a regular employee and
sometimes gets no sleep
(4) Leisure Time and Has a flexible schedule and Has a limited number of
vacations can take unlimited number of vacation days imposed by the
vacation days (applicable only employer
if the business has stabilized
(5) Taxation Taxed on the net income; can Taxed on the gross income;
claim taxable income cannot use expenses incurred
deductions for allowable related to the job such as food
expenses incurred by the and transportation expenses
business. to claim for deductions from
taxable income
E What is more?
Activity 3: Comprehension check!
1. Enumerate the skills and identify their sources.
2. Describe the significance of core competency.
3. Discuss the skills that must be acquired and developed in the practice of entrepreneurship.
4. Explain the concept of entrepreneurial competency and its importance in the practice of
5. Describe the importance of knowing oneself in the field of entrepreneurship.
Aduana, N.L(2017), Entrepreneurship in Philippine Setting for SHS, C&E Publishing, Inc.
Batisan, R. S. (2016), Entrepreneurship, DIWA Learning Systems Inc.