Sikh Religion and Science
Sikh Religion and Science
Sikh Religion and Science
Published by:
OPINIONS ................................................................................ 6
FOREWORD ............................................................................ 8
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................... 12
CHAPTER 1............................................................................ 14
CHAPTER 2............................................................................ 26
CHAPTER 3............................................................................ 37
CHAPTER4............................................................................. 44
CREATION ................................................................................ 44
4.1 TIDAL THEORY ............................................................... 46
4.2 PROTOPLANET THEORY................................................... 46
4.3 HIGGS BOSON THEORY.................................................... 46
4.4 LOU WILLIAM THEORY ................................................... 47
4.5 SUPER-STRING THEORY ................................................. 47
4.6 SPECULATIVE THEORIES ................................................. 48
4.7 BIG BANG THEORY ......................................................... 49
4.8 THE SIKH VIEW .............................................................. 49
4.9 BIRTH DAY OF THE UNIVERSE.......................................... 55
CHAPTER 5............................................................................ 58
LIFE.......................................................................................... 58
5.1 LIFE DESCENDED FROM SPACE ........................................ 59
5.2 MATTER TRANSFORMED ITSELF INTO LIFE ....................... 59
5.3 SPONTANEOUS GENERATION THEORY ............................. 60
5.4 HIGGS BOSON THEORY ................................................... 61
5.5 SUGAR THEORY .............................................................. 61
5.6 AMINO-ACID THEORY ..................................................... 61
5.7 CHOANOFLAGELLATE THEORY........................................ 62
5.8 THEORIES OF EVOLUTION ............................................... 62
5.10 THE SIKH VIEW OF LIFE .................................................. 71
5.11 MODES OF REPRODUCTION ............................................. 76
5.12 MYSTERIES OF LIFE ........................................................ 77
5.13 LIFE IN STONES............................................................... 79
5.14 VARIETIES OF LIVING ORGANISMS ................................... 79
5.15 IS THERE LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS? ................................. 81
5.16 THE SIKH VIEW .............................................................. 84
5.17 COMPONENTS OF LIFE ..................................................... 86
5.18 LIFE IN PLANTS............................................................... 87
5.19 POLLINATION ................................................................. 88
5.20 LIFE WITHIN LIFE ........................................................... 88
5.21 PRIORITIES OF LIFE ON EARTH ......................................... 90
5.22 DEATH OF LIFE ............................................................... 90
CHAPTER 6............................................................................ 94
MOTION ................................................................................... 94
6.1 MOTION INSIDE MATTER ................................................. 94
6.2 MOTION OUTSIDE MATTER .............................................. 95
6.3 MACROCOSM IN MICROCOSM .......................................... 99
6.4 GRAVITATION .............................................................. 101
6.5 EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION .................................... 102
6.6 DEATH OF THE UNIVERSE ............................................. 105
6.7 SIKH VIEW OF THE DEATH OF OUR UNIVERSE ................. 107
5. “I have read your book with great interest and found it very
informative. It is a new addition to Sikh literature. You
have done a marvellous job in quoting relevant scientific
literature with respect to its religious interpretations. Thank
you for giving me the opportunity to read your informative
book.” Dr. Gurmel Singh Sidhu America.
# , - .)
# Sikhism #( ,
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- #$Dr. Rajinder Singh Deptt. of Hindi
G.H.G.Khalsa College Sadhar(India)
T he relationship between science and religion has been a point of
discussion between the volunteers of The Sikh Community and
Youth Service Nottingham and the local young people. In order to
address this issue Sardar Gurbachan Singh Sidhu was requested to meet
a group of specially invited intellectuals and university students. The
discussion that took place has formed the basis of this book.
About this book
There was a time when physics and chemistry were the only subjects considered as sciences but
today the word science is loosely applied to optics, ethics, politics, mathematics, Sociology,
biology, neurology, zoology, religion and a host of other disciplines.
Chapter 1
Science, mysticism and religion
“Science and religion, in spite of being autonomous
undertakings, are like contemporary forces that operate in
tandem” (Religious experience in science’ Dr. D.P.Singh)
It is commonly alleged that more bloodshed has occurred
on account of religion than any war in human history. Therefore
some people call religions ‘cultural cocoons’ which spread
fanaticism, bigotry, and discord. “Men never do evil so
completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious
conviction” says Pascal. Examples of crusaders and dictators like
Hitler, who exploited religion as their handmaiden, are quoted ad
“If I had known that my theories would lead to such destruction, I would rather have been a
watchmaker” (Albert Einstein How is it done p. 177)
Science cannot remove social injustice, economic
exploitation, bigotry and racial prejudice from the society. To this
end, religion can act as an antidote to the vagaries of society
because it tries to humanise scientists and urges them to realise
their responsibilities towards society.5
1.1 Religion
“At the end of his intellectual tether, man has never ceased to
become religious” (Introduction to Science by J.Arthur Thomson
p. 205)
The spirit behind both religion and science is persistent search for reality. “Science can only be
created by those who are thoroughly imbued with the aspiration toward truth and understanding.
This source of feeling, however, springs from the sphere of religion” (Albert Einstein Science
Philosophy and Religion: A Symposium 1941). “I can not conceive of a genuine scientist without a
profound faith” (Albert Einstein. Science and religion p.26) %+ +# # ) )
/ 0:<<4
According to Oxford English Dictionary it is “Human recognition of superhuman controlling
power.” “Practice of sacred rites.” . The word ‘Religion’ is derived from Religare, which means
‘to bring closer, to bind’. Some people define religion as “Thirst for God and its satisfaction.”
These people believe that (1) God actually exists eternally and (2) that moral law is a fact and (3)
that pursuit of moral laws will eventually ensure our final victory of right over wrong. In other
words God rewards righteousness of the humans and punishes their iniquity. They preach that
human mind is the habitation of Truth therefore it must be made pure for the divine guest.
Here history, mystery, philosophy and mythology get
(3) Spiritual and mystical Division: It concerns with spiritual
experiences, ethics, and individual conduct visa Vis society.
Rituals and ceremonies are the chains of the mind “ ”/
23<4 = + > + ) " / <3 1 4 %& +
+ + ) !#/ ? 6? 4 Sikhism advocates /discriminating intellect@4 A
; / ? 004 + ) - -
+#/ 03 :<4 - % % % - / 00064
A ;! 5 + ) / :224 This definition is supported
by the scientist Albert Einstein who writes, “True religion is real living with all one’s soul, with
all one’s goodness and righteousness.”
interest. Religion requires the individual to engage in service to
humanity without any ulterior motive or expectation of a reward.
1.2 Mysticism
“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the
mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science” (Albert
Einstein Science Philosophy & Religion: A symposium 1941 Chapter 13)
“ ; - % = + B / 2<? 4 # 8 % =
#/ 3 364
In Sikhism a truly knowledgeable mystic is called a Sant
( =God conscious man/woman4@10 The Guru says, “The
philosophy preached by a Sant (mystic) is the ladder for universal
spiritualism. Fortunate are those who follow it.”(AGGS p. 622).11
The Saints enkindle in us the thirst for the knowledge of the
Almighty. They are the pace setters of ethics, morality and the art
of living and hence instruments of God. They explain that our
visible world is only an illusion. It exists only for the realisation
of God’s moral purposes and to translate the Will of God into
activity. They direct the selfish, self-seeking individuals to
moderate their greed, control their desires and endeavour to create
something for humanity. Such a process simply enriches our own
individual personalities. The mystics guide us on how to get out
of self and raise ourselves above ourselves. Without mystics
humans are only a race of struggling, murdering and grabbing
animals, which consider others as adversaries and targets of
+ # 5 5/ 307 4
> % ' / 031 ? 4@ + # 5 # # /
C 2? 4@ The Sikh Gurus have also used the words % ; and - for Sant.
8 & / 2::4 + # / :7 64
# # / C 2? 4
have felt the need both of science and mysticism.”(Mysticism,
logic and other essays p. 1, 4 and 12).
1.3 Science
“One thing I have learned in a long life is that our science,
measured against reality, is primitive and childlike- and yet it
is the most precious thing that we have” (Albert Einstein
creator & rebel’ p.5)
ASystematic and formulated knowledge” Oxford English dictionary@ Some define it as “verified
knowledge.” Einstein described science as “Methodical thinking toward finding regulative
connections between our sensual experiences” (Ideas & opinions Crown publishers New York
1954) “Science grows out of our rationality in relation to material things. Art grows out of our
relation to living beings. Religion grows out of our relation to persons.” (Reason & Emotion by
John Mac Murray p.196). “The aim of science is to study nature and human experience
objectively” (Karl Pearson Grammar of science 1900 p.6)
“Today, Nature looms larger than ever and includes more fully than ever ourselves. It is, if you
will, a machine, but it is partly mentalised machine and in virtue of including ourselves, it is a
machine with human qualities of mind. It is a running stream of energy—mental and physical ---
and unlike man-made machines, it is actuated by emotions, fears and hopes, dislikes and love.”(Sir
Charles Sherrington Man on his nature p.38 Pelican Edition)
be classified as science or religion? Are there any moral and
spiritual laws comparable with the laws of physical sciences? If
there are, then in what way do they differ from the laws of
physical sciences? Scientists invent bombs, which on their own
pose no danger unless a moral (or immoral?) law of the humans
prompts their use.
According to the theory of relativity (1916) light bends in an accelerating system. Newtonian
mechanics holds true at low velocities only.
Psychologists and Psychiatrists do help but only in a limited sense. It is the Holy congregation
( D society of the pious people4 that can turn dross into gold.
Kidd “Social Revolution”
It needs to be understood that natural sciences deal with
truths of the physical world; whereas religion deals with the truths
of the metaphysical world. Methods applied by one discipline
cannot be applied by the other. A scientist cannot succeed by
applying theological arguments and a priest cannot prove the
existence of God or heaven and hell through experiments.
Scientific laws are open to change but religious laws are stable
and inflexible. They cannot be changed. We either accept them or
reject them but we cannot change them unless we abjure a
particular religion and adopt another. We do not establish the
truth of these laws through inference or deduction like we do in
science. To assume that an idea is unacceptable unless proved
scientifically is to pre-suppose that science is the only valid
thought process. Science can state what exists, but not what
should exist. Human society needs intellectual attitude, which is
as much the field of science as it is of religion.
“ The nature of reality is such that it can not be directly and immediately apprehended except by
those who have chosen to fulfil certain conditions making themselves loving pure in heart and poor
in spirit” (Aldus Huxley). Intuitive knowledge goes farther than rational knowledge. It does not
contradict it but certainly transcends it.
It is therefore justified to conclude that religion and
science are both necessary for human progress and that science
should work as a helper of religion.
Chapter 2
Science and Super-power
“The philosophy of religion differs from other physical
sciences in beginning with the idea of God instead of reaching
it at the last; in the one case it is the Terminus A Quo, in the
other Terminus Ab Quem” (Hegel)
2.1 God
“God is dead”. Nietzsche
Four hundred years ago, the fifth Guru of the Sikhs had
written, “One and the same “directive principle” exists in the
+ % + / 7 :04
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+ / ? :64 + #F %# % ) / ? :3 4
-# - + - )% / 04 - - + #/ 3:64 - #
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moon, the sun and the galaxies.” (AGGS P. 294)23 The Guru says,
“He established the earth, the sky and the air, the water of the
oceans, fire and food. He created the moon, the stars and the sun,
night and day and mountains; he blessed the trees with flowers
and fruit. (AGGS P.1399)24
%G ; / :7 64
% #) E) E) / 037 7 4 In Sikhism God can be male or
female ( #* 4. For the sake of convenience we shall use the word ‘He’ for
God. Albino Luciani (Pope John Paul I) speaking to a packed audience at St. Peters’ Square on
Sunday 10.9.78 said of God, “He is our father even more He is our Mother.” There was a hue and
cry throughout the Christian world against this statement because most Christians thought God
was male. Pope John Paul simply pointed out that he was quoting from Isaiah.
9 = 8 # / 361 4
- > # - - / 2:4
compels us to think of the Creator as working outside time and
space, which are part of His creation, just as the artist is outside
his canvas” (The mysterious Universe by Sir James Jeans P. 183)
H / 37?4 & +) ,) E) 5 )
'! 5 + + % / 01 <4 + % / 6C <
%8 + & / 001 1 4 A-( .
B/ ) ) 4 God is visible everywhere if only we have the eyes to see Him
/ I 4D ( (
The wavelength range in which our eyes can see is only .0001 centimetres. Waves of higher or
lower wavelengths go undetected. With this limited vision humans cannot claim to see
God is not material. He is the totality of cosmic
consciousness31 that exists everywhere.32 Therefore “The basic
oneness of the universe is not only the central characteristic of the
mystical experience, but is also one of the most important
revelations of modern physics. It becomes apparent at the atomic
level, and manifests itself more and more as one penetrates deeper
into matter, down into the realm of sub-atomic
particles.”(Dr.Capra The Tao of Physics p.130-131). Modern
science has therefore brought man to a point where he has begun
to see the unity of all things so vehemently preached by religion
“Man sees God through his own nature and he can not
transcend his being to exhaust the knowledge of the Supreme
Being” (Schiller. Human Knowledge)
- “In modern physics, the question of consciousness (- 4 has arisen in connection with
the observation of atomic phenomena. Quantum theory has made it clear that these phenomena
can only be understood as links in a chain of processes, the end of which lies in the
consciousness of the human observer” (Dr. Fritjof Capra Tao of physics p.300). Also read
Eugene Wagner’s book Symmetries and reflections—Scientific essays (p.172) where he
discusses this point and argues that consciousness may be an essential aspect of future theories
concerning matter and its properties. '! J
+ 5 #F 8 ) 5 " +" / <<<4
> ) # / 001 64
“It is incorrect to say that God is a person; it is more nearly correct to say that God is personal
meaning that God can be and is revealed existentially to a human person or persons” (Religion in
Philosophical & cultural perspective by J.C. Feaver and William Horosz 1967 page 15)
& - - +" /+ + <4@
God is an omnipotent and omnipresent cosmic conscious
energy.35 Sir A. Eddington says, “Consciousness is the most direct
thing in experience; all else is remote inference.” Although man
cannot be equal to God there is something of God in him. He is
the highest and the noblest creature endowed with a very
developed mind, intellect, reason, and power of discrimination,
which are not equally efficient in other creatures. Although
physiologically he is composed of the same elements as the other
living creatures, only he has the ability to look back into the past
and plan his future. He is comparatively more social than all other
creatures and has developed ethics as a tool for meaningful living.
He can discriminate between right and wrong, good and evil. He
has emotions and sentiments and the will power to control them.
There is an invisible, incomprehensible and indescribable spark of
superior consciousness in the human being. Such a marvellous
creature could not have developed from matter without the agency
of an intelligent Creator.
The words consciousness, force, energy, and power have been interchangeably used for God in
this book. The Sikh Gurus consider that this consciousness exists in all things + + +
+ / 6604 % 5 + + + - )% / 7 7 :4
/consciousness) + #+ 5 " / :64
Arguments, logic and scientific proofs alone fail to satisfy
the heart. “Above the logic of the head is the logic of the heart.
The heart has reason of its own, the head can never understand.”
(Rousseau in SVD p.114).
+ - / 6:04 G+ + "# / 627 4
; ) / :? 24 - # / 01 604 - K / 60<4
“Notion without intuition is empty, intuition without notion is blind” Kant
+ E) % + % + / 007 C 4 -
/ 01 ? 1 45 - # - / ::64@ JJOur mind is a great magician.
The Universe is nothing but an ocean of conscious energy in motion” (Sir Arthur Eddington)
+ / ?7?4
+ # " ) =" 5 9 )% / 001 1 ). “If thou hast
not seen the devil, look at thine own Self (Jalal-ud-din Roomi). “Your Self is your own Cain that
murders your own Abel” (William Law)
p.1)41 To the enlightened, ‘who purify their soul to attune with
God’,42 He is visible everywhere.
-+ -5 # - -/ 04 L # " " " / 03204
#/ 2204
# ) # ) % / 03C :4 =" - +" - 9 /
? 27 4 =" ; )# F = ) / 06:1 4 - / 01 61 4
If every effect has a cause, then there must be a cause behind the existence of scientific laws.
They could not have developed by themselves.
/ ? C 24 # /
01 3<4 8#) / 21 64
Unlike some other religions, Sikhism believes that God is
not born and “He cannot be installed (like a statue) nor can He be
created.”46 He is all consciousness that exists everywhere, in
everything, and is yet invisible47. The Guru says, “Like the
fragrance which remains in the flower, and like the reflection in
the mirror, the Lord dwells deep within; search for Him within
your own heart, O brother. Outside and inside, know that there is
only the One Lord; the Guru has imparted this wisdom to me. O
servant Nanak, without knowing one’s own self, the moss of
doubt is not removed” (AGGS p. 684).48 Consciousness can only
be realised but not seen. The Guru explains this point further
when he says, “Latent fire is contained in all vegetation, and
butter, though invisible, is contained in all milk. Similarly God’s
light (consciousness) is contained in everything high or low and is
latent. The Lord exists in all things. O saints, He is pervading and
permeating each and every heart. The perfect Lord is completely
permeating everything, everywhere; He is diffused in the water
and the land. Nanak sings the praises of the Lord, the treasure of
excellence; the True Guru has dispelled his doubt. The Lord is
pervading everywhere, permeating all, and yet, He is unattached
from all.”(AGGS P.700)49
, + / :4@ Hindus believe that Rama and Krishna were gods and
Christians believe that Christ was God. The Sikhs believe that God cannot be imagined to be
born. He is Unborn ( + 4 and self-created / # 4
+ #+ " / :64 “Consciousness is the most direct thing in
experience; all else is remote inference” Sir A. Eddington.
+ # +# = 5 # '! %+ 5
+ 5+ - # !# ; / 2C 64
) # ) ' 5 - - + " ' ! ' ! + 5
' ! ' ! > 5 > +) ,) > 5 " +
# - > 5 ) > / 20? 4
way without reference to consciousness.” The Sikhs call this
consciousness God, which is described by Guru Nanak as
“One universal Creator. His name is truth. Creative being
personified. Without fear or hatred. 50 Undying. Unborn. Self-
existent. The greatest and the most bounteous.”(AGGS p.1)
Some religions like Christianity think that God is revengeful. He sends locusts, brimstones,
famines and earthquakes to punish people. Sikhism preaches that God is without enmity
/ # 4@ This idea of Sikhism finds favour with modern scientists. For example Einstein writes,
“Subtle is the Lord but malicious He is not” (The science and the life of Albert Einstein.
P.Abraham published by the Oxford University Press.) -) # - - /
7 2:4
Chapter 3
Our Universe
“If we want a concrete picture of creation we may think of the
finger of God agitating ether” (Sir James Jeans Universe around
us p. 354)
3.1 Cosmology
“In space, the universe engulfs me and reduces me to a pin-
point. But through thought, I understand that universe.”
Universe is the amount of radiation and matter that exists and the space occupied by the same
and in between.A H . > H + + * I $ ) > I; . B
The beginning and end of our universe are unknown. Creation is like an old book which has lost
its first and last page. “ B/ :7 04 + "# & - /
Scriptural references to cosmology in the Adi Granth are too numerous to be quoted here. The
reader can consult pages 67, 223, 276, 350, 464, 929, 940, 1004 etc.
quest is never-ending. Their biggest telescopes are daily bringing
us more and more evidence of the incredible vastness of the
universe. We have come to know only recently that in our sky
there is not even one star, which is less than four light years53
away from us.
Time taken by the light in one year to travel at the velocity of 186,000 miles per second is called
a light year. It has been found that at this speed a beam of light travels 5878 million million
miles (9460 million million km) in a year. Our modern radio telescopes have so far explored a
distance of only up to 120 million light years. Our radio signals to the nearest star take at least
four light years. The pole star is 40 light years away from us.
Some other big bright suns are Sirius, Rigel, Deneb, Adhara, Hadar and Antares
among the total number of sand grains in the whole world. Our
most powerful telescopes have so far been able to explore only
that part of our universe whose radius is merely
1,000,000,000,000 light years. The unexplored part of the
universe is so vast that we cannot see it even with our most
powerful radio telescopes.
Muslims and Christians believe that there are seven upper and seven lower regions (-J 4
Galaxies are collections of stars held together by their mutual gravitational attraction. Our earth
is located in the Orion arm of the galaxy Milky Way. Some scientists believe that the nearest
galaxy to the earth is Andromeda, which is two million light years away. It is surrounded by 9
other galaxies and is supposed to contain 400 billion stars. Some quasars are 13 million light
years away from us. Some scientists believe that the nearest star system to the earth is Alpha
Centauri, which is about 4.4 million light years away from the Earth
The University of Texas and the Austin University of Minnesota have recently detected a light
signal from as far as 15 million light years away. They consider it to be the light of a dying star.
moved away from their positions to new locations. Scientists
claim that they have now detected radiation emitted by some stars
13 billion light years ago.
Our research about the universe is still very young and the
information about the immense size of our universe and the
movements of the heavenly bodies is still being gathered daily.
See Copernicus’s “De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium” published in 1543. His theory was
later rejuvenated by Galileo who became the butt of the Church’s anger and died an ignominious
death in prison.
3.2 The Sikh view of the universe
What the modern scientists have discovered after years
and years of research and spending billions of pounds on their
radio telescopes was explicitly stated many times by the Sikh
Gurus more than five hundred years ago. For example Guru
Nanak (1469-1539) wrote, “There are earths, beyond earths,
beyond earths (AGGS p. 3)”59 and “There are skies above skies
and earths below earths. Human mind gets tired of search. All
knowledge simply points to the one fact that there is no end of
vastness.” (AGGS P.5)60 “There is no end to the creation of the
Lord”61 (AGGS p. 3). About the sun and the moon he said, “There
are numerous suns, moons and other galaxies.”(AGGS p. 7)62
The Sikh Gurus clearly stated that man’s powers are too
limited to fully comprehend God’s marvellous creation. Any
attempt to empirically state the expanse of the universe is futile.
Our solar system is only one of the many like it.63 “If one
attempted to write down and calculate the vastness of the expanse,
how much would that come to?”(AGGS p.3)64 Qualifying the
impossibility of such an attempt the Guru said, “To state that the
‘number of heavenly bodies is beyond count’ is itself an
understatement”65 In order to make his assertion clearer Guru
Nanak wrote as follows:
# / 34 = / 0? C 4
) ) )% 5 >8 >8 ) , / <4
) / 0:324 %& ) % # " / 0:C 3 4
# "# / 34 A + # - B/ :? <4
- &) / ?4 % 5 ! % ;
/ :? <4 ! + / 002:4 ! - ;* - / 00234
! ; & F + / 20:4 ! ; & + ; ) / 00<24
! ; & / :? 24 ! &) / :? <4 %& / @ 0:3 24
) % ) % + "# )% ) % / 3 44
% ) % / 64
Nobody can describe His greatness.” (AGGS p. 24)
“Many millions are the winds, waters and fires. Many millions are
the countries and realms of the universe. Many millions are the
moons and suns. Many millions are the fields of creation and the
galaxies. Many millions are the skies and the solar systems.”
(AGGS p. 276)66
! " " # 5 ! &) 5 ! %M ;N N ! %"
%&5 ! ; & / :? 24 %& ) % # " / 0:C 34@ Innumerable are
the continents and underworlds. I cannot quantify them.
/ :? 64
+ # 5 + # / :C <4
Scientist Albert Einstein expresses the same idea when he says, “Two things inspire me to awe—
the starry heavens and the moral universe within” (Science philosophy & Religion)
+ "# 5 / <) + # + # 5
" )) + / :64
the unknown. Ultimate scientific ideas are all representations of
realities that cannot be fully comprehended. In all directions
scientists’ investigations bring him face to face with an insoluble
enigma; and he evermore perceives it to be an insoluble enigma.”
(Herbert Spencer First Principles p. 56
We are held to the earth; the earth is held to the sun; the sun
is held to the Milky Way and the Milky Way is held to a
cluster of galaxies” (Gregor’s ‘A Short history of Universe p. 98)
Matter is usually defined as something that has mass and occupies space. Mass has the tendency
to resist being moved or if moving, to resist a change in speed or direction. This property of
matter is called Inertia.
The other line of thought is that there are signs of
designing and planning in the universe and therefore it must have
been created by a superpower. For example Sir James Jeans
writes,” The universe shows evidence of a designing or
controlling power that has something in common with our own
individual minds.”(The mysterious universe page 187)
4.1 Tidal theory
According to this theory of creation a big nebula (cloud of
gaseous matter) revolving around itself became our sun. Millions
of years later a big star came too close to it. The gravitational pull
between the two caused tidal waves on the surface of the sun.
These powerful waves threw off sprays of gas, which spread
through space. In another 5,000,000,000 years these sprays cooled
down and became planets. Our earth is one of them.
This theory does not say where the sticky particles
originated. The world famous scientist Stephen Hawking does not
agree with this theory and says, “The so-called God-particle is a
This theory states that the world was full of very minute sub-
atomic particles, which were one million, million millionth part of
an atom. They existed in strings and vibrated at different
frequencies like the strings of a violin each producing a different
note. As time passed they developed into a plasma, which grew
bigger and bigger until it exploded with energy, resulting in the
birth of the universe.
Gordon Kane (University of Michigan) is positive that boson is real and exists whereas Stephen
Hawking has placed a bet of $100 to be paid to anybody who proves its existence. Professor
Kane says that if the Tevatron (a powerful atom smasher) at Fermilab in Illinois fails to find
boson, it will be discovered by £1.4 billion large Hadron Collider to be set up at CERN in 2007.
Many scientists have found faults with the string theory.
Now there are 5 different string theories in existence.
The idea is supported fully by Hinduism. In Chhandog Upnishad Chapter 19 (= ( %&
07 4 we find that a golden egg ( ; O & D ; &4 appeared from nowhere. A L
L + @B (See Rig Veda 10.72, 10.121, 16.190 and Manu Simirti).
After 1000 years it broke into two parts. One part became the sky and the other became the earth.
Out came Brahmadev (male), who then turned half of himself into a female and thus created the
entire world. According to another story Brahma is said to have been born from the Lotus flower
that grew in the naval of Vishnu. It took him 36 Yugas to get out of the lotus flower. Brahma is red
in colour, has four arms and four mouths. Each mouth gave rise to one of the four Vedas (Hindu
scriptures). According to Yajur Veda Brahmans were born from his mouth, Kashatryas from his
arms, Vaish from his thighs and Sudras from his feet.
God seen as G=Generator/creator (Brahma), O=Operator (Vishnu) and D=destroyer (Siva) appears
to be a later invention because according to the above story Vishnu was the first to be born.
Like the Semitic scholars some Indian philosophers have also stated that there are seven worlds
above us and seven below us. Bhu, Bhawar, Sawa, Meh, Jan, tap and sat are above and Atal, sutal,
vital, talatal, mahantal, rasatal and pataal are below us. The Sikh Gurus did not accept this. Guru
Nanak wrote “There are numerous nether regions and uncountable upper regions “ ) ) )%
4.7 Big bang theory
This theory was advanced by Garis Lambatre of Belgium
in 1930 and was fully supported by Garag Gamov of Russia in
1940. According to this theory 15 to 20 billion years ago there
was an explosion and in the millionth part of a second the
universe came into existence and expanded into space. The
explosion produced matter, motion, energy, time and space. The
gases from this explosion turned into galaxies, planets, our earth
and the sun. This theory also received full support and
corroboration from Russian scientist Friedman’s mathematical
calculations done earlier in 1920-21. Scientist Stephen Hawking
of Cambridge also believes that the universe emerged as a result
of an explosion of energy. In 1964 Arno Penzia and Robert
Wilson discovered very high frequency radio microwaves coming
from all directions of the sky. They believed that these
microwaves were the remnants of the “echo” of the Big Bang,
which is still pulsating and reverberating through the universe.
N N @@ / 623 45 % & " /
6264 - + = " + 5 - 5 ) = "#+ # " #5 ,
" 9 + %# " #/ C C 34
= ' = = /+ + 4 @ %! ( # / 3 204 Niyae (of Gauatma),
vashaishak (of Kanad), Sankh (of Kapil), Yog (of Patanjli), Mimansa (of Jaimani), and Vedant
(of Viasa) are the six main shastras outlining the six lines of thought. They were collectively
known as Khatdarshan (%! ( D= ( ( 4@ Expositions of these lines of thought are recorded
in many Hindu scriptures. For example see Katha (3.11), Maitrayani (6.10), Svetasvatara (4.10
and 6.16).
Dev said, “Many more laws of nature are involved in the creation
of the universe”76
- ; - / % 4 + , / :? <4
> ;! 5 %) & 5 - '8 5
/ 01 204 A = ; A/ 0067 4 %) # / :C 1 4
%) %#F - - / ? 6C 4 5 + > -+ & /
? C 24
The word Sat ( ) is usually translated as Truth. It also means ‘pervasive at all times and in all
places’ ‘not limited by space or time’ -+ - # - - (He is, He
was and He shall ever be.) also means ‘existence’.
A similar theory of Sunn, but with some difference, appears in Nasa Diya Sukta of Rig Veda, the
Hindu scripture.
) 5 ) 5 %# 5
" " # + 5 ;! 8 + 5 " + + )
5/ 01 3 ?
“From this primal void, came the moon, the sun and the
earth. His light pervades all the three worlds. The Lord of this
primal void is unseen, infinite and immaculate; He is absorbed in
the primal trance of deep meditation. From this primal void, the
earth and the intergalactic ethers were created. He supports them
without any visible support, by exercising His true power. He
fashioned the three worlds,81 and the illusion of Maya; He Himself
creates and destroys.” (AGGS P. 1037)82
The three worlds are the skies, the land and the oceans.
- + #" 5 + ; " 5 )% ) 8 ) 5
5 , % ) 5 %" " 5 + " /
01 3 ? 4
“God has made the world autonomous and self-active by bestowing upon it once and for all the
three principles of ‘becoming’,’ enduring’, and disintegration” (Jasbir Singh Ahluwalia The
sovereignty of the Sikh doctrine page 59)
' 8 '8 5 / ?4
+ -) " 5 & ) " 5 + # #
-) # + #E " / ? 4. Some translators have translated these three powers as Hindu gods
Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva. This is not correct. The Guru says, “ " " 5 ;
@B / <1 34 God created air, water and warmth but man turned them into
physical bodies of Brahma, Vishnu and Shivji. (AGGS P. 503). ; /
01 3<4@ ! +! / 6<24“ ! ! ;& + # )5
! ! ; + +" ) .( 00<2) Brahma ,Vishnu and Mahesh (Shivji
are millions ( !4 not three as sometimes misunderstood. ; # / 061 34
O God, you created innumerable Brahmas and Vishnus.
Guru himself recorded their criticism for posterity in his
composition Sidh Gosht (debate with Sidhas). (For a fuller debate
the reader should refer to Sidh Gosht in the Guru Granth Sahib).
Here are some of the issues the Sidhas raised.
“ # 5 B/ 7 634 A - , )
' B/ 7 61 4
“ - , ) ) B/ 7 61 4
8 5 8 5 8 !8
/ 01 C 04 “%& ; & ) ! B/ 01 324
“ # + # # B/ 7 61 4
“ + ;! / 01 63 4 A ;! + , , +B/
01 <7 4 A + P ) ) B/ 01 27 4
“In the beginning there was indescribable darkness91
Neither the earth nor the sky existed;
Only His unfathomable Will92 prevailed.
The sun and the moon were not there,
The night and the day had not taken shape.
The Lord alone existed in His meditative undisturbed mood.
There was no source of life, neither wind nor water,
Neither creation nor destruction.
The infinite Lord sustained the void with His own device.
He was detached and unlimited.
He had Himself created void out of void.
This He does and enjoys” (P. 1034-35)
N N N N N N N N N N N N N N / 01 3 64
The word means beginning and means un-imaginable. The Sikh theory is closer to big
bang theory in that both think there was a gaseus state ( D In the beginning
there was enormous dark Supernova4 which gave rise to water. Sir James Jeans writes on p. 12 of
his book “Vapours condensed into liquids and rivers and oceans came into being while the so–
called permanent gases-oxygen, nitrogen, helium, neon formed an atmosphere.”Guru Nanak had
earlier written the same )% /+ + 4
The idea finds full support in modern philosophy. For example R. Falckenberg in his’ History of
modern philosophy writes, “ At the beginning of the first development God is ‘Will’ without
object, eternal quietude and rest, unqualified groundlessness without determinate volition”
+ #5 8 ) #5 ) #F 5/ 01 :64
;, # =% / 0@: 04
“ B/ 34 A%& ) 5 # B/ 01 1 3 4
a cloud whose particles are undetectable. It is not solid but all
space or void. This theory is based on the uncertainty principle
established by Heisenberg. Dr.Fritjof Capra (University of
Berkeley) in his book The Tao of physics (p. 221-223) writes,
“The field theories of modern physics force us to abandon the
classical distinction between material particles and the void. The
vacuum is far from empty. On the contrary it contains an
unlimited number of particles which come into being and vanish
without end.”
) / 01 3 24 A +B/ :7 04
Christian & Jewish scholars calculate the age of our earth (up to 2003) as 5752 years.
Archbishop Usher of Ireland (1650) declared that our earth came into existence on Sunday 23
Estimates of scientists vary between four billion and
twenty billion years. Some put it between 2000- 600,00097 million
years. The World book encyclopaedia puts it at 4.5 billion years.
Modern American research estimates that the origin of the
universe took place 12 to 18 billion years ago.
Question: - “What was the time, the season, the day and the
month when the creation came into existence?
“How can the son claim to witness the birth of His father?”
October 4004 BC. This is also the date accepted by the Masons who think that Adam was born
four years later in 4000 B.C. They start their calendar from 4000 B.C. and call it A.L. (Anno
Sir James Jeans (Our Mysterious universe P. 12). Hindu Scholar Dyanand surmised that the
creation came into existence 1,96,085,3095 years ago (see Rigvedadibhashya Bhumika chapter 7)
He revealed it through interpreting hymn 7 chapter 31 of Yajurveda.
" ) % " " , " / 64
) & + #) % " 5 % > + )% )% " 5 , +
+ "# 5+ F + + "# / 64
(AGGS p. 248)100
“God did not leave any record of time, day or month when
He manifested His creation.” (Bhai Gurdas 18.7)101
+ + # 5 ) # / :C 64
> , +" / 0C @? 4
Chapter 5
“The body is the ultimate in technological perfection”
(Dr W.W. Akers Rice University)
The difference between non-life and life may be one of degree of consciousness rather than
difference of kind. There is no conclusive research on this topic yet. Even some plants behave like
living organisms. For example Venus-flytrap plant of North Carolina eats ants, spiders, flies, snails
and slugs. European butterworts bladderworts and the pitcher plants of Borneo are all carnivorous
plants and behave like living creatures eating meat and discarding skeletons. Some plants breathe
like humans and are susceptible to air pollution. In the 18th century sponges were thought to be
plants but now they have been classified as animals. Viruses defy any classification.
5.1 Life descended from space
In 1821 Sales Guyon de Montivault suggested that life on
earth actually came from the Moon. Towards the end of that
century the belief gathered momentum that life came from space
in meteorites.
Scientists believe that a large number of animals became extinct at the end of Permian period
about 250 million years ago and again at the end of Cretaceous period 65 million years ago
when at least 50% of life was wiped off the face of the earth.
The Amoeba, over millions of years, developed into the
most complex modern human body (100,000 billion complex
cells)104. All this happened through supposed physical and
chemical changes, which occurred over millions of years.
Anthropologists are not sure as to the time when this happened or when mankind became
5.4 Higgs Boson theory
This theory has already been discussed in the last chapter.
According to it ‘Boson’ is the source of all animate and inanimate
life. Vast laboratories (Tevatron) costing about £6 billion have
been set up by CERN 105on the border of France and Switzerland
to hunt for the ‘Boson’ (known as God-particle) by the collision
of electrons on positrons at velocities close to the speed of light.
This is being attempted by 5000 scientists in a tunnel, which is 17
miles long. The results are expected by 2007.
CERN is the name of the nuclear research council in French language. Recently its name has
been changed to “European Organisation for particle physics”
acids gave rise to one-celled living organisms such as Amoebae
(known as animal protozoa which is not supposed to die). In
1953 Stanley Miller and Harold Urey produced a molecule (water,
hydrogen, methane and ammonia etc) similar to the one that they
thought existed in the atmosphere 4 billion years ago and
subjected it to similar conditions of temperature and lightening
which existed at the time of creation. From this they produced
amino acids; nucleotides, sugars and fatty acids, which they said,
were precursors to more complex molecules essential for life.
Melvin Calvin and Sydney Fox later confirmed the findings of
this experiment.
“Of the vital processes which brought about these changes we are as yet ignorant”
Encyclopaedia Britannica Vol 14 page 767). Darwin himself had used at least 800 phrases like ‘Let
us assume, ‘we may well suppose’ etc in his Origin of species. It is also a fact that 75% of the
evolutionary chain is missing.
of change has been going on so long that it has produced all the
groups now living, as well as others that lived long ago and have
died out, or become extinct. (3) These different living things are
related to each other.”
(The World book encyclopaedia Vol. 6 page 330)
Ledyard Stebbins calculated that it would take nearly 20,000 generations for a small animal like
a mouse (Mus musculus) to become an 8 Ton heavy and 13 feet high elephant.
In 1980 using molecular biology, it was established that the fossils of Ramaphithecus were not
those of the ancestors of human beings (Homo sapiens).
5.9 Evaluation of the theories of creation
(a) Inanimate matter changes into life
& & # # =# - = / 01 4 A common tern was branded on 30June 1996
in Finland and freed. It was discovered in January 1997 at Rotamah Island (Australia) 16150
miles away across the oceans.
Bears and elephants eat clay. Clay contains kaolin which de-activates toxins from their diet.
Birds use agrimony and yarrow to line their nests because these herbs kill off parasites in their
nests and keep their chicks healthy. When the hedgehogs are ill they sun themselves to kill
infectious organisms on their skin. Dogs have been seen to eat grass to vomit out the contents of
their upset stomach. Why do squirrels eat away a part of the acorn from white oaks (but not that
from the red oaks) before burying them for use in winter? How do animals avoid eating
poisonous plants growing in the wild? (For details Read ‘How animals keep themselves well by
Weidenfield and Nicholson) Why do single-celled ocean organisms swarm exactly every 23
hours to cause bioluminescence glow in the oceans?
link between them.111 But it is misleading because the inner
structure of humans is comparatively closer to a frog than to the
ape world and no transitional forms between man and ape have
been found so far.
In genetics humans are closer to Chimpanzees but chimpanzees cannot swim and hold their
breath in water like humans. They fear water and easily get drowned. Humans also consume
more water than chimpanzees.
babies without mammary glands why did they need to develop
breasts? If breasts were necessary for survival, why do we still
find animals that do not have breasts to feed their babies and yet
survive just as well? If the development of male and female sex
organs was necessary for survival then why do we still have
asexual (e.g. Amoeba, which have no sex and multiply by self-
divison) and bisexual cells still surviving side by side with equal
ease? If one celled organisms could reproduce themselves
satisfactorily by dividing and subdividing and are still doing so,
then in what way did sexual reproduction help in evolution?
Mutation does not always lead to evolution. Nobel Prize
winner (1946) Mr. H.J. Muller says, “Most mutations are bad, in
fact good ones are so rare that we may consider them all as bad”
(Time November 11, 1946 page 96). For example, mutations
produced through the use of the drug thalidomide, did not produce
improved species but deformed and mutilated babies. In 1956 an
experiment at mutation on Africanised super honeybees in Brazil
went drastically wrong and produced killer bees. These bees
attack people and animals but have no better chances of survival
in comparison with the ordinary honeybees. They are
comparatively lazier and smaller and their speed of flight is slow.
We have also seen that when the ants mutate, they grow wings.
The wings do not help them survive; on the other hand they
become the cause of their untimely death.
It was claimed that before the year 1700 the British Biston
betularia moth was mottled with white and brown but when coal
began to be used in houses and factories by 1860, it mutated into
dark grey to become better camouflaged against birds of prey.
This was interpreted as a form of evolution. The fact however is
that Biston betuleria’s adaptability (mimicry) has been confused
with evolution. In everyday life we find that the same cats, cows,
sheep and buffaloes give birth to some babies with spots and
others without spots or colour contrast. It does not therefore seem
to prove evolution.
Kansas Board of Education deleted references to Darwin’s theory from their Science curriculum
in August 1999. Illinois Board followed suit in October 1999 and banned it. Oklahoma State
Textbook committee also recommended its removal from textbooks on 5th November 1999. A
conference recently held in Ohio (23.8.2002) condemned Darwin’s theory as untrue and
dangerous and asked it not to be taught in schools. The conference concluded that there is
“intelligent design” in all creation.
(d) Genetically modified plants and geeps
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is considered the carrier of
inheritance code but it remains the same in the living group. What
we find happening is only the shuffling or permutation of genes.
Living organisms related to each other are called Species. One or more Species related to each
other are called Genus. For example tiger, Lion (Felis Leo) and cat (Felis domestica) all belong
to Felis Family. Lynx and bobcat do not belong to this family but together they are all members
of Feldae genus. Nature permits interbreeding only among the members of a particular Genus.
Through the process of cell-fusion the Cambridge scientists produced a ‘geep’ from a goat and a
sheep in 1982. They named it Geep. Geeps only produce goats or sheep but no Geeps.
Other critics say that if “Survival of the fittest” is believed
then a time is bound to come when only one fittest animal (one of
the humans?) will survive on the earth. There are no signs of such
a thing happening.
This theory once captivated the minds of the scientists all over the
world. Von Daniken wrote two books “Chariots of the gods” and
“Gold of the gods” which rocked the world. Later the theory was
strongly supported by Graham Hancock through his book,
“Fingerprints of gods.” They even argued that life from other
planets has been regularly visiting our earth.
Unlike evolutionists, the Sikh Gurus believe that the
whole universe (including living organisms) was “created by God
under His inexplicable Will”.115 “First, He created Himself and
then He willed the nature to develop.”116(AGGS p.463) The
developmental differences in creation are not automatic or based
on “survival of the fittest”. “The differences have been created
consciously by the creator”117 and in a form suited to the work that
each species is assigned to do. Monkeys or chimpanzees may
become more and more intelligent but they will still remain
monkeys or chimpanzees. “My True Lord has enacted a
mysterious play. He has created each form different from the
One of the most important things created by God was
‘Air’119 which under His Will became the source of all life. The
Guru says, “From the True Lord came the air, and from the air
came water. From water, He created the three worlds (of life in
water, on earth and in air); in each and every heart He has infused
His Light.”120
" + “ There is indeed no way in which we can represent to
ourselves the process by which the Supreme Will brings things into being”(The Philosophy of
religion by Galloway.) + ;! / 01 63 4
+> -> > 5 L + # " &F - > / 6234 A
%# - / 01 3 :4 )B/ 01 3 24
E % # / 01 <24 Also read Asa M;1 p. 387,Gujri Ki var
M:3 p. 736, Nat M;4 P. 277 “God tastes an infinite joy in infinite ways” (Browning)
# ; -# %) - 5 + / 01 <<4
"#%) , ) %-P / 01 33 4 (The air started the whole play
everywhere) "# " + / 01 304 "# " + "#+ / 0:<24. In
1660 much later than the first publication of Guru Granth Sahib, Robert Boyle established the
fact that air is indispensable for life.
- # +) 5 +) ; " + ' ! ' ! + / 07 4 “
+ +) #+) ”( 0:C 3). The dependence of life on water and the
theory of water cycle in nature were propounded by Bernard Palissy in the sixteenth century
after the death of Guru Nanak.
The main constituent of life cells is cytoplasm, which is made of 80% water.
water when the Ozone layer on the earth became thick enough to
protect the living creatures from the lethal rays of space.
+ + "#/ 01 21 4
English scientist Robert Hooke discovered cells in 1665. Each cell is the minutest living unit.
There are nearly 75 trillion cells in the body and each second in each cell there are at least 6 trillion
chemical reactions taking place and yet they are as small as the full stop at the end of this sentence.
Phosphorus etc) as other objects of nature and obtain nourishment
from the same earth, yet they are different from them in many
ways. The main difference between species is that humans have
the ability to control and manipulate their surroundings, acquire
knowledge and make use of other species to serve them. The
biochemist Isaac Asimov, tells us that in a whole lifetime, the
human brain can absorb and retain more than one million bits of
information whereas the brains of other species have much
limited capability. Sikhism firmly asserts this fact and says, “O
Human being you are the Lord of the world. The other species are
subservient to you.”124
Human beings are social and ethical and can store their
emotions and sentiments. All this is possible through an
additional element in humans. This additional element according
to Sikhism is the Discerning intellect ( 4 127a property of
the soul@ It is discerning intellect that helps the human to be
rational and to be able to discriminate between right and wrong,
good and evil. The Sikh Gurus say, “The air, the water and the
+ 5 / 3 ? 64and “)% - + "
; & / 01 ? <4 A ) + B/ 7 034
+ + + + " ) / 01 3 4 ) + / :C :4
# ; -# %) - 5 + / 01 <24
+ ) - - +#/ 03:<4
fire unite to create all animate objects. But it is the restless
discerning intellect that dominates the game.”128 Scientists at one
time called this mysterious constituent “vital force” or “pre-
determined plan” Evolutionist Sir James Gray acknowledges it
when he writes, “There seems to be some directive principle at
work.” (Science today page 26)
Again the Sikh Gurus say that all creatures are equipped
with the potential for evolution within their own species129 but in
comparison with humans, the other species have much less ability
to evolve. The birds have been building their nests from times
immemorial but have not been able to improve upon their
techniques. Man, once a cave dweller, is now building
skyscrapers, computers and rockets and exploring the other
planets. Another unique factor in humans is that they are endowed
with the faculty of reason, which differentiates them from all
other animals.130
The Sikh theory of life also had its critics. The Guru has
recorded the questions and answers about the theory in the Guru
Granth Sahib for posterity. Here are some of the questions asked
by the intellectuals of the Guru’s time:
" " ) 5 --) - ) %) / 0<: + %
+ / 7 :3 4 A' ! ' ! ; ) ' ! ' ! + / <7 ? ).
“ + -) "B@ Nature is one but it has been mysteriously endowed
with three properties (of ‘becoming’, ‘enduring’, and ‘disintegration’).
The Sikh Gurus have consecrated reason as the noblest and highest function of the humans.
Human intellect is God’s gift but the Guru sharpens the intellect and polishes it to make it shine
in its godly glory.
, +# # #5 Answer + + % " #/ 007 3 4
2. Question: “When this heart and body did not exist, where
did the mind reside?” (AGGS P. 945)132
Answer: -” When the heart and the body did not exist, O
hermit, then the mind resided with the Absolute detached
Lord in the void” (AGGS P. 945).
+ #F # 5/ 7 6<4 #
# / 7 6<4
+ +# % % + / 7 624 # -+ +# %
# % / 7 624
&+ + + + + ) / 01 C 64 The division of life into four categories#
was firmly but wrongly believed in the time of Guru Nanak. &+ /from eggs as birds) + +
/from placenta as humans &animals4 + /from sweat or heat as lice and millipedes) +
/from breaking of earth as plants) is mentioned at many places in the Holy Granth. However the
Sikh Gurus did not accept this idea. At that time this idea of four modes was also current in the
west. They were named Monera, Protista, Plantae and Animalia. After research the
classification was extended to include Fungi as sixth kingdom. These days the list contains 13
kingdoms. In addition the scientists still do not know where to put viruses because they have
not decided whether the viruses are living or non-living? Life is believed to have evolved from
Monera, which are either bacteria or blue-green algae (it is still undecided whether they are
plants or bacteria).
“Countless are the modes of reproduction, countless are the
worlds, skies and galaxies.”135
! %" %& ! ; & / :? 24 %" " / ?4
Martinus Willem Beijerinck first discovered viruses in 1898 by experimenting on tobacco. As
soon as the viruses enter the living cell they become alive and multiply rapidly. Having entered
a healthy cell they replicate themselves into thousands and trick the host cell into producing
harmful acids rather than healthy cells. The healthy cell thus destroys itself. AIDS, influenza,
small pox, rabies, polio, measles, shingles and mumps etc are caused by viruses. Although
vaccines can control and kill certain viruses, the HIV virus that causes AIDS cannot be killed
because it attacks the body’s immune system itself. Sometimes viruses cause epidemics. In
1918 Influenza virus killed more people than were killed in the 1st world war. It wiped off 4%
of India’s population and 8% that of Alaska. America was the worst hit. Small Pox virus was
once the scourge of human beings but it has now been controlled. Since 1978 its deadly
microbes have been lying frozen in Moscow and Atlanta. The HIV virus is still causing deaths
and no vaccine has so far been discovered to control it.
A ; # %#B/ :? ? 4
find that these plants lived by chemosynthesis (converting
chemicals into food) rather than on photosynthesis by which all
plants live. The rift water has a temperature of 3990C. Ordinarily
life does not survive in such high temperatures. Since then, 295
other new species of life (called pyrococcus furiosus) have been
discovered in the hot waters of the Galapagos rift alone. That life
can exist in such high temperatures is mentioned by the Sikh
gurus in the Holy Guru Granth Sahib as follows, “Such is our
Lord that He provides sustenance even to those that exist in fire.”
(AGGS p. 488)138
All these have been discovered only recently and yet there
is no end to the forms and mysteries of life and the search is
going on. About such marine life the Guru said, “He has created
life in the deep dark recesses of the ocean and provides
%# # % / 6C C 4 # & +
- / 7 :1 4
These facts may sound strange to scientists and to us but the Guru says, “ + + + )#
+ ) 5 + + - # B/ 0664 All beings and
creatures live by breathing, but He could keep us alive, even without the breath. O Nanak, as it
pleases the True Lord, He gives us sustenance.
sustenance for them. There one life lives by feeding on another
one” (AGGS P. 955).140
“ - B A+ + %" B/ 7 <<4
%"B/ 6264 A + B/ 623 4
B/ 03 4
#) , + + # / 01 4 ! %" + # ; )
/ 0:304 % " ! - / 6C C 4
there were 84 lakh143 living types of creatures. The Sikh Guru
referred to this commonly held belief when he wrote “All the
supposed 8,400,000 species of life are offered sustenance by the
Great provider.”144 The Sikh Gurus however, did not put any limit
on the number of living species. They said, “The species, their
families, colours and names are all recorded by His moving pen.
If one tries to enumerate them, there will be no end to his
A Lakh in Indian system of counting is equal to 100,000.British anthropologist David
Attenborough in his book (Life on earth p. 11) appears to agree with this number.
- )% + + / 061 34
+ + ) % 8 ) 5 ) % ) % + "# )% ) % / 34
“The basic oneness of the universe is not only the central characteristic of the mythical
experience, but is also one of the most important revelations of modern physics. It becomes
apparent at the atomic level, and manifests itself more and more as one penetrates deeper into
matter, down into the realm of sub-atomic particles” (Dr. Fritjof Capra Tao of physics p. 130-
This is known as dormancy (temporary cessation of growth and activity). It may last a day or a
million years.
of North American Arctic Lupine.148 When planted, it still grew
into a plant similar to the present day Lupine. A single-seed fruit
known as double coconut is found on the Seychelles Islands. It
weighs 45 pounds. If planted, it takes up to 10 years before it
begins to grow.
Ice age arctic Lupine seeds were found buried in the Yukon Territory of Canada in 1954.
% 9 8 +" " # " /
0:C 7 4
+ + / 24
+ +# + 5 % %) / ? 3 24
‘Planet’ is a Greek word, which means ‘a wanderer’. Here it is used for all heavenly bodies.
Greek writer Plutarch believed that our moon was inhabited by living beings. He called them
Giordano Bruno opposed Platonic theory of Geocentric Universe recorded in Ptolemy’s
Almagest and stated that the planets revolved round the sun and the Universe was Heliocentric.
The Church however believed that the sun and the planets were moving round the earth. Bruno
was arrested by the Inquisition, which had been established by Pope Gregory in 1231 to
counteract agnosticism. He was burnt alive at the stake on 16 February 1600.
Scientists have so far detected signs that there was once water on three out of the nine planets in
our Solar system. Where there is water, there may be life.
life in space rests on the argument that if conditions are right for
life to exist on our earth, there may be other such planets in the
universe with similar conditions.
%& ;, + 5 + ) 5 + "# -
+" / 01 7 64 ,#) ) / C4 #" , /Earth and
sky are made seats 4 / C 374
" ) ) & 5+ = / ?4
+ & # # %& & ) ) /
<67 4
%# ) 5 ,#%& &) & 5+ ,# 5 ,#) ) 5
+ + # 5 %# # - 5 , 8
%& 5 ; & 5 E) ) 5 %
,) 5 + 5 ) 5 + + ; 5
; F / 0:324
There are copious references to life on other planets in the
hagiographic literature of Sikhism (Janam Sakhis).160
Janam Sakhies are the life stories of Guru Nanak. Their authorship has not been established with
any certainty.
+ ) 5 '! - / 00:C 4 - ) /
01 3 7 4 - ) / 01 3 1 4 - ;! + / ? 3 24@ It
should be understood that in Gurbani does not have the same meaning as ‘element’ in
science. An ‘element’ in science has been defined as ‘A substance that contains only one kind of
atoms’ for example Oxygen contains only oxygen atoms. Water is not an element in scientific
terms. It is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen. Some elements exist in more than one
physical form called Isotope or allotropes. For example sulphur. Graphite and diamond exist in
more than one allotropic form. Ninety scientific elements occur naturally but some have been
created by scientists from other elements by changing the number of atoms in their nucleus. So
in Gurbani actually means components or essential ingredients of life.
In his book Exploring our Universe (p.39) scientist
Branley writes, “The earth is made of three primary divisions
Water, earth, and air” which he thinks are essential ingredients for
“The air is the breath of spiritual life (Guru), the water like
our father is the cause of our being and the earth acts as a mother
for us. Day and night act like two nurses. This is how the play of
the world is enacted” (AGGS p. 8)165
Five elements are supposed to be the counterparts of five senses.
- + / 60<4 - + / 36:4
-) ) +) > / C C 64 "# - " / 23 4
" " 5 %) # ) + / C4
+ " + 9 / 6? :4
only grains but also plants have life in them is stated as follows;
“The gardener’s wife plucks the flower petals to offer them to a
stone statue. Little does she know that the flower petals she
plucks have life in them and the stone idol has no life in it”
(AGGS p. 479).167
5.19 Pollination
The secret of reproduction in plants remained a mystery
for a long time. Prospero Alpini stated in 1580 that the plants had
male and female sexes. In 1694 Rudolph Jakob Camerarius
identified male and female parts in plants. Later in 1763 Joseph
Gottlieb Kolreuter conducted fertilization experiments on plants
using animal pollinators. It was then that pollination of plants
through wind and insects like flies, bees, birds and bumblebees
etc was established as a fact. The Sikh Gurus had mentioned this
earlier than this when they wrote, “Such is the result of a bumble
bee enjoying fragrance that (by carrying pollen) it causes the trees
to bloom and the woods to become lush green and
fructify.”(AGGS p.1190)168
Coryne bacteria, micrococci and coliform bacterias. Millions of them are supposed to live
and feed on our body.
Bacteria were first discovered by Anton Van Leuwenhoek in 1683.They are the most abundant
form of life on earth. They grow on and inside living things and multiply by cell division. Our
saliva alone contains at least six types of bacteria including spirochetes, fusobacteria and bacilli
etc. Escherichia coli, clostridia and streptococci live in our bowels.
This gave rise to the science of Cytology and cytoplasm.
! ! / :4@ Our intestines contain around 11 trillion bowel
bacteria, which ferment and break down undigested fibre. 70 % of them (like Lactobacilli and
Bifidobacteria) are probiotic bacteria, which improve intestinal health. The other 30% are
harmful which are punished by the friendly bacteria when they overstep their allotted tasks
and boundaries.
5.21 Priorities of life on earth
Scientists agree that life passed through many stages on
this earth. They divide them into Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron
Age etc. It is stated that there were times when dinosaurs
inhabited this earth in large numbers. At another time mammoths
were the rulers. Man is said to have appeared on the scene last of
all and is the most intelligent of all life. These ideas are not new
to the Sikhs. The Sikh Gurus had already stated that life
(consciousness) has passed through different stages. At different
times different species dominated this planet. After ages and ages
consciousness reached its apex and appeared in the human form.
For example the Guru says,
“For ages and ages Life existed as worms and insects.
For ages and ages life existed as elephants, fish and deer.
For ages and ages life existed as birds and snakes.
For ages and ages life existed and laboured as horses and oxen.
At long last came the human form, an opportunity to merge in the
universal consciousness (God).” (AGGS p. 176)173
+ ! + + 5 + % >5 + # ;%
+ >5 ) + ) 5 - ) + 5/ 0? 24
+ +# ) ' / ::? 4 &) 5 +) 5 " , 5
/ 0664 + -) / 234
Entropy is the totality of a system’s thermal energy. It is a way of measuring the disorder or
Randomness of matter. For example all atoms in a healthy apple are in order but when the same
apple begins to rot the atoms become less ordered. Its entropy increases. Boltzman has given us
a formula to measure the entropy or the rate of disorderliness. It is S= K log w
increase in it is possible, the whole universe will be at one and the
same temperature. This temperature will be so low that life will be
impossible. They call it “heat-death” or “universal death”176. In
other words ‘our progress is our death’.
“There can be but one end to the universe-a heat death.” (Sir James Jeans The mysterious
universe page 24)
Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research in Bracknell has predicted that the average
global temperatures could be 5.50C higher by the year 2100.They base their prediction on the
factors like increasing levels of carbon dioxide, the atmospheric pollutants like phosphates,
burning of fossil fuels and oils, Volcanoes, fluctuations in the sun’s activity, changing level of
greenhouse gases and ozone etc.
This idea finds full support in Islam. See Quran 16:27 and 54:46
Einstein proved that all radiation is energy and that mass
can be converted to energy. When an atom emits energy, its mass
diminishes by the amount of radiation179 emitted by it. The total
emission of radiation of our sun has been calculated to be 250
million tons a minute. According to Mr. Shapley the total weight
of meteoric mass falling on the sun cannot be more than 120,000
tons a minute. So our sun is melting like ice at a rate of
519880000 tons a minute. Our sun is dying and life on earth will
not survive without the sun.
According to scientists “Radiation is matter moving with the speed of light (186000 miles per
second) and in general matter is radiation moving with a speed less than that of light. All
radiation x-ray, gamma ray and electromagnetic radiation etc. have the same uniform speed. It
is estimated that our sun will die in 7 Billion years from now after having spent all its energy.
The effects of cosmic radiation were studied by Professor Millikan at Pasadena.
of Evolution P.9)
The programmed ‘sense scene’ theory suggests that the rate of
deterioration of our bodies is predetermined. The seeds of our
death are present in our make up from birth and our genetic make-
up programmes our ageing and eventual death. Sikhism appears to
agree with the ‘sense scene’ theory and we find various references
to it in the Sikh scripture. Such as “When the human-being was
conceived, his death was recorded at the same time.181 “Whatever
is born must die, we only wait for our turns.”182
+ 8# ) )% / 03 ? ? 4 " ) % " / 0<34
+ -) #/ 6? 64 + +# ) # #/
0:3 04 + + / 01 6? 4 + +> # + # ) / 06:7 4
Chapter 6
“Motion is relative183 and nothing is at rest” (Albert Einstein)
S cience and religion both seem to agree that the laws of time,
space, and energy govern all animate and inanimate objects in
varying degrees. Both agree that from cat to camel and from
microbes to mammoths the constituent elements of all objects are
the same and the same creative principles work in everything.
Relativity: The earth moves round the sun; the sun is moving as the galaxy spins, and galaxy
itself is in motion. Everything in the universe is moving and consequently motion cannot be
measured absolutely. We can only say that a certain object is moving at a certain velocity
relative to another object.
“Matter consists of electrons and it is a form of energy” (Dr. Radha Krishnan). Electrons and
protons are parts of an atom. ‘Atom’ is a Greek word, which means “indivisible”. Two or more
atoms join together to form a molecule. A molecule of water has two atoms of hydrogen and
one atom of oxygen. In Punjabi an Atom is called " and an electron is called a ; " or ; " *@
An atom was once considered a solid part of matter. Now it is considered only as ‘space.’
99.9% of an atom is concentrated in its nucleus. If we magnify an atom into a football, even
then its nucleus would be invisible to the naked eye and its electrons would be going round it at
a distance of 0.5 mile. Electrons and protons behave as if they were waves (Known as de
Broglie Waves). An electron is difficult to pinpoint and it is on this fact that the German
Scientist Werner Heisenberg propounded his ‘uncertainty principle. Breaking the nucleus chain
causes enormous amount of energy release for measuring which Einstein devised the formula
E= mc2 Where E stands for energy, m for mass and c for velocity of light.
reign supreme because they have intellect, which leads to their
comparative supremacy over other forms of life.
They were honoured with Noble Prize in 1951 for their discovery.
This energy arises from the forces that hold the nucleus (protons and neutrons) together and are
akin to, but not quite the same, as magnetism. Simon Vander Meer has now discovered still
smaller particles of matter, which he named Wz. They are popularly known as quarks.
" + ) %&" 5 =" #" " G / 0321 4 An
" is an atom and a ; " is an electron.
Since the time of Aristotle (384-322 BC), the earth was
believed to be stationary and the sun and the stars were supposed
to be revolving around it. It was Polish astronomer Copernicus
(1473-1543), a contemporary of Guru Nanak),188 who challenged
this idea in 1543 AD but the western Church rejected his views.
In those days people opposing the religious views were arrested,
tortured or burnt alive. In 1600 AD, Giordano Bruno was burnt at
the stake because he said; “There are endless worlds similar to our
earth. I regard this world as a star. Similar to it are moons, planets
and other stars which are infinite in number and all these bodies
are worlds.”189 Galileo (1564-1642) said, “Man’s home in space is
only one of a number of small bodies revolving round a huge
central sun” He too was arrested, persecuted and made to abjure
his belief.190 Galileo’s findings have now been confirmed by
modern science.
“The sun and the moon obey His laws. They move billions
of miles and never stop.”191
It is improbable that Copernicus and Guru Nanak knew of each other’s views because of long
distances and different languages.
Bruno’s books are still on the ‘prohibited books’ list of the Vatican.
He was imprisoned for five years and was so afraid that he did not publish his book dialogue.
He became blind and died in misery. Now he is extolled as the father of experimental science.
In 1921 the Church apologised for torturing Galileo.
# - + # -- 5 8 -) / 6264
And this is what modern scientist Sir James Jeans says,
“By going farther into space we not only find no standard of
absolute rest, but encounter greater and greater speeds of motion.”
(The mysterious Universe p.113)192
American Astronomer Edwin Hubble stated that the farther away a galaxy is, the faster is it
moving away. The universe is expanding. This is known as Hubble’s Law.
' ' % / 6664 ' ' %8 / 7 024
) - % - - 5 ,) ) Q 5)! " 5 % )# 5 #
- 8 + 5 " / 62<4
Modern science has now confirmed that the movements of
atoms inside matter and the movements of the heavenly bodies in
space are not always regular. They are of many types and that all
living and non-living matter is continually in motion. This is
exactly what Guru Nanak had said, “The planets and solar
systems dance in the three qualities, as do those who bear love for
You, Lord. The beings and creatures all dance, and the four
sources of creation dance. (AGGS p. 506)195
The Guru says that the force that created the first motion
was the force of the Creator. “You yourself became the first force
and you yourself enforced your commandments” (AGGS
P.1076).“You yourself are the Creator Lord, the Cause of causes.
You created the universe and You support the whole earth”
(AGGS P.1082)196
A%& ; & ;# " - + ) ) 5+ + - - %" - / <1 24
“ " " 5 ;! " / 01 ? 24 ) 5
-) / 01 C :4 ( # / 7 :1 4
According to Sikhism Just as light (energy) transforms itself into darkness (invisible form of
energy), so do all objects originate from God and eventually revert to Him.
The words “ocean of conscious energy” have their echo in the
Sikh scriptures. The Guru says, “You have placed your expanse in
the field of energy”198
+ / 7 ? :4 + ; / 7 ? :4
> 5 )% + ; / :? <4 #
+ #
%) %) 5 + +) +) +) / C 3<4 ' !
' ! , +) + - / 0:324 + / @ 32? 4
+ ; & & + %+# #/ 27 <4 = #%& &) ) / ? <64
+ + / 3 6:4 + ; & & + / 002:4
Now it is common knowledge that the Universe is
epitomized in matter. The same universal physical and chemical
laws work inside the matter as in the surrounding universe.
Electrons are revolving around the nucleus just as the satellites are
moving around bigger heavenly bodies in the cosmos.201 “The
arrangement within the atom is similar to that of the solar system,
where lighter planets orbit the heavy sun.” (Josip Kleczek and
Peter Jakes in The Universe and the planet earth page 13)
The carbon atom consists of six electrons going around its nucleus exactly like our nine planets
going around the sun.
+ $+ + % / C ? 24 ' ! ' ! ; ) $' ! ' !
+ / <7 ? 4 The most common word used by the Sikh Gurus is Jote (+ or + 4.
Literally the word means ‘light’ which is a form of energy. In Sikhism this energy is considered
as universal consciousness. When one Guru died, the Sikhs said, “ His light has passed to the
next Guru.”(+ + ). Obviously it meant that ‘divine consciousness” of one Guru passed
into the other.
in itself is a perfect image of the total form of being. A drop of
water contains the form and substance of the whole ocean.” The
Sikh Guru had used this simile a long time before Swedenborg
when he said, “The drop of water is the sea and the sea in the drop
of water. How can we solve this riddle without knowing the
secret? (AGGS p.878). At another place he stated this more
succinctly by saying, “Whatever is in the universe is also in the
matter. Only the researchers understand this” (AGGS P. 695)203
6.4 Gravitation
A question is sometimes raised as to how such heavy
objects in the cosmos move around other objects without flying
away through a centrifugal force. The answer given by scientists
is that there exists a centripetal force between the revolving
bodies and their tethers. They call it gravitation. Newton was the
first to frame his laws of motion and define inertia. He gave us the
formula Fgrav=GM1 M2/ d2 where M1 and M 2 are the masses of the
two bodies and d is the distance between them. Asked “can pulls
and pushes happen without external causes?” Newton said, “No.
If a thing is in motion it will keep in motion for ever, if it is
" 9# + "#5 + -) - # = "#/
C ? C 4 A+ ; & % & + " 5 % 9 =" / 01 604 + +
/ 36:4@ “Atomic physics provided the scientists with the first glimpses of the essential
nature of things. Like the mystics, physicists were now dealing with a non-sensory experience
of reality and, like the mystics; they had to face the paradoxical aspects of this experience.
From then on, therefore, the models and the images of modern physics became akin to those of
Eastern philosophy” (Dr. Fritjof Capra Tao of Physics p.51) - %> ;M & ;8
( / 0@6 <4
+ + ) + ) + / 03 :04 + +> ) # / 06:24
stationary it will remain stationary for ever unless an external
force makes it change its course.” (Newton’s First Law of
The Sikh Gurus have also expressed their ideas about this
force ( ) D invisible mysterious power of God, gravitation4 that
keeps revolving bodies in position. The Guru says, “The force of
His Will keeps worlds in place. He suspends the heavens upon the
feet of His Command.” (AGGS p. 1071)205
/ 3 4 %& ) / 01 ? 24
A -+ - # -B /+ + 4 L # " " " / 03 204
# , 5 # / :7 64Kabir gives the analogy as follows:-
“ Just as the gigantic banyan tree is latent in its seed, so are the universes in the Lord. They exist
only in His Will,”
(i) - ; + + + " 5 + ) ) # )) F ) ) ) )# ) )
" / 7 ? ? 4 /ii4 & , % 5 % % / 3 C ? 4 (iii 4 + +#
+ 5 % %) 5 , K> 5 / ? 324 % #
> + # / :@7 04
mathematical analogy we can say that Zero ( "
Transcendent) expands to become ONE ( " Immanent4. The
unknown becomes known. Like the number ‘One,’ which forms a
part of every conceivable number great or small; God expands
from Sunn (zero) and becomes a part of every created object.
Thus the immanent Sat is “many and one at the same time.”211
% / :<1 4
# /? :24
“ ) ) ) - ) B @ 3 @0< When zero
sits with nine numerals, it works wonders. Such is the love of its intoxication that the more the
number of zeros, the greatest is the value of the numeral.
, * / ? 3 24 + /
23 <4 A # " 5 F " 5 E ) 5
%- , B/ C C 24@ Like the beads in a rosary he keeps the objects as separate
knots. He runs the world in many ways. When He withdraws the string all knots disappear into
one thread.”(AGGS p. 886) # %- P P / 21 <4
A+ # ;! 5 "#) B( :7 :) “ %) %# %) -#
#/ % :0 ? 4 A #% # E P P #B / 0:664@ It is significant
that unlike scientists using the words Explosion and Implosion, the Guru uses exactly the same
word KAWAO ( 4 for expansion and contraction. / 3 4 and
+" # )# + / 623 4 Kawao literally means ‘Word’ or ‘Hukm’(volition or
6.6 Death of the Universe
Robert Kirshner, known as the supernova hunter, thinks
that the expansion of the universe has started slowing down and
that a time will come when the stars and galaxies will have moved
so far away from each other that there will be horrible cold and
the universe will die.
When Immanuel Velikovsky published his famous book Worlds in collision in 1950 his ideas
were mocked and ridiculed as nonsense and scientists tried to have his book banned. Guru
Nanak also mentions irregularity of some planetary motions. See section 6.2.
According to scientists 50 tons of small meteorites enter the earth’s atmosphere every day. Only
about one tenth of them reach the earth or our oceans (Nearly 70% of our earth is occupied by
oceans). The others get burnt up in the atmosphere.
Black holes are collapsed stars. They attract matter, compress it and then do not let it escape.
Even photons of light cannot escape it. Scientists have observed a black hole, which is three
million times the weight of our sun. Some scientists believe that there are white holes as well.
They believe that all matter entering the black holes eventually ends up going into the white
holes. It is also believed that there is anti-matter (anti-protons and anti-electrons) in the
universe so there must be an anti-universe, a sort of mirror image of our universe.
Scientists Abbe Lemaitre and De Sitter of Leiden say that
the death of the universe is certain. They have proved that
periodic expansions and contractions of the universe are taking
place with enormous velocities. At present the universe is
expanding at a tremendous speed and the various galaxies are
rushing towards or moving away from each other at speeds of
hundreds of miles per second. According to Dr. Hubble and Dr.
Humason their telescope at Mount Wilson recorded the terrific
receding speed of a galaxy at 15000 miles per second. Ultimately
the galaxies will end up in a black hole and that will be the end of
the universe we know. If the galaxies start contracting, they will
end up in a pinpoint. Either way the death of the universe is
If Tachyon can be harnessed, man would be able to communicate anywhere in the universe
instantaneously. So far they have not been detected.
In 1982-83 it was recorded that the rotation of the earth
slowed down by 1/5000 of a second and in 1990 the earth’s day
lengthened by 1/2000 seconds. The time required by the earth to
complete one revolution round the sun is decreasing at a rate of
0.53 seconds per century. Changes like this may be happening
throughout the universe and as a consequence a time is bound to
come when the universe will be adversely affected or be
destroyed altogether.
Maya people of Central America were the first people to have floated the idea in their religious
book Popol Vuh (Book of council) that the existence of the universes is cyclical, one that
experiences recurring creations and destructions without end. They called the cycle ‘Baktun’
and believed that our universe has passed through 13 Baktuns.
+ , 5 > 5 / :? 24
%& ) ) 5 )# ; / 01 ? 24
+# +) + + - # - " / 06:? 4 +) E
5 +) / * 6C <4 A %# E P P #/ 0:664
Lincoln Barnet says that according to Einstein’s unified
field theory “The Universe is revealed as one eternal field in
which each star, each atom, each wandering comet and slow-
wheeling galaxy and flying electron, is seen to be but a ripple in
the underlying space-time unity.”(The universe and Dr. Einstein
p.120-122. We find similar words written by Guru Arjan Dev.
“ > /ripple45 ) % + ; B / :? <4
Chapter 7
Laws of Nature
“There is nothing in nature which is not bound by law, and
that means that whatever happens once must go on and must
have been going on”
(Swami Viveka Nanda What Religion is p.315)
Galileo quoted on page 154 of The mysterious universe. “God is a mathematician of a very high
order, and He used very advanced mathematics in constructing the Universe” (Scientific
American May 1963 p. 53)
Mathematics is not a perfect science. Mathematicians have so far failed to divide 1 by 3 or 22
by seven exactly. The Perfect God cannot be imagined to have imperfection in His creation.
Pythagoras theorem: “The sum of the areas of squares on the two smaller sides of a right angled
triangle is equal to the area of a square on the hypotenuse.
It appears simplistic to imagine that nature models her
behaviour on the whims, fancies and passions of human
philosophers. Theories like these are simply reflections of the
fertile minds of their thinkers. They are fanciful attempts of the
humans to mould Mother Nature to their own pre-conceived
notions. It is like different people watching a scene through
different coloured spectacles each claiming that reality exists only
in one colour.
+ / 04 + ;! / 01 63 4 )
/ 0<1 4 + / <<4 Here and there the Guru also calls
it Bhau ( 4 or Bhai ( #4 as A ) )% ) %5 - /
Energy is of many kinds. Kinetic energy, Potential energy, Solar energy, Nuclear energy,
Radiant energy, Chemical energy, Heat energy, Light energy, Electrical energy and Sound
energy etc. All of them obey the law of conservation. This was proved by Hermann Helmholtz
in 1847. In the process of production of nuclear energy mass changes into energy.
the above as corollaries). These laws state that matter, energy or
mass can never be created or destroyed by any known physical or
chemical means; they only change their form. For example water
may change into snow, ice, steam or cloud but its mass remains
the same. Our speech (sound energy) is mechanically converted
into electromagnetic waves and broadcast on the air. At the other
end the electromagnetic waves are once again converted into
sound energy. When we burn anything it does not disappear from
the surface of the earth. It changes into carbon dioxide, water,
ashes, light and other products. Atoms in the matter do not change
their identities but play different parts in differing guises. Their
total mass remains constant.230
It was Einstein who in 1905 proved that the theory was not
wrong. He found out that sound, heat, light and other conceivable
forms of energy also have a mass of their own. He therefore
modified and restated the law saying, “The rest-mass and the
energy-mass always remain constant.”
all changes, the sum total of this entity forms the whole activity of
the universe which does not change in total quantity” (Sir James
Jeans The Mysterious Universe p. 96-97)
" ) ) & 5+ = 5/ ?4 )# / 007 1 4 +
/ :<C 4@ The Sikh belief is that “The vacuity between the earth and the
skies is filled with light (+ energy) which neither increases nor decreases”. The word +
literally means light and light is a form of energy.
= = + / 27 <4 A = = + %) >
> / :1 7 4 # + # + / 01 ? 64
= + # = # -) #/ :C 04 # #+ / C C <4
# 5+ + ) + 5 ! ! 5 ! 5
5 ; ) - -) / C C <4
Things can move forward, backward, right, left, up or down. This makes three directions. Since
every thing moves in time as well as space, time is the fourth dimension. These four
dimensions are known as Space-time continuum or four-dimensional continuum.
7.2 Law of displacement
This law states that no two or more objects can occupy the
same space. For example when a dropper is dipped in a liquid,
pressed and released, the liquid rises into the dropper replacing
air. Chemically when sulphuric acid is poured on copper,
Hydrogen is displaced from the acid and copper takes its place.
# + # / 6? 64
Chemistry also admits that the constituents of a newly
formed compound lose their individuality in the chemical
reactions. This is reflected in the Guru’s words as,” When a thing
becomes part of another, then it loses its individual identity”238
) & $ + / :C <4
+ " ) +) +) / C 624 @ For a fuller explanation see Professor Sahib
Singh’s Guru Granth Sahib Darpan Vol. 6 page 279
The Sikh Gurus had already stated that water was a
compound and not an element (in scientific terms) and that it
transformed itself from air. The Guru wrote, “The True Lord
created air, air transformed itself into water and water gave rise to
life in the three worlds (of skies, land and oceans)” 240
- # +) 5 +) ; " + '! '! + / 07 4
An atom was once considered the smallest solid particle of matter. Now scientists believe that it
consists mainly of space. At its nucleus lie protons and neutrons. Protons have positive charge
whereas the neutrons are neutral. Circulating around the nucleus are even smaller particles
called electrons, which have a negative charge. An atom is only a few hundred millionth of a
centimetre across. A proton is so light that 160 million million million million of protons
would weigh only one gramme. An electron is 1800 times lighter than a proton. The number of
protons in an element is known as its atomic mumber.
Chinese call them Yang (active,warm,bright and creative positive male force) and Yin (passive,
still cold,dark and fertile negative female force)
5 / 01 ::4 +
) & / 01 03 4 ) & 5 " " ) + / 01 :24
These days DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) is used to detect culprits because no two DNA’s
(except those of twins) are alike. There is only one in 3 million chance for two persons to have
the same DNA
When the process is reversed, things disintegrate back into
their constituents. This is known as decomposition.
The Guru also applies this principle to the birth and death
of living creatures. For example the Guru explains the birth
through the law of combination when he says, “From the union
(Sanjog) of the sperm and the female egg, the body was formed
+ + -) )% 5/ 24@ The term Bhag ( 4 is used in
mathematics for the result when a number is divided by another number. Bhag is also used to
mean the punishment or reward of one’s good or bad deeds (in other words the effect of a
cause). also means luck , fate destiny or something that happens without plausible human
+ + > ;! ) - / <1 7 4 + + / 01 1 ? 4
+ 8 =8 / 01 6<4 + 8 + 8 =8 = 8 +8 + + #/ 0:3C 4
Atom bomb was constructed by splitting the atomic nuclei. Fission and Fusion both produce
enormous amounts of energy. Modern nuclear power plants use this principle to produce
(AGGS p.1026).249 Referring to human death the Guru applies the
principle of disintegration and says, “Light blends into light,
elements disintegrate into dust. What support is there for the one
who is lamenting (AGGS p. 885)? The Guru further says, “The
Creator Lord created this creation. It comes and goes, subject to
the Will of the Infinite Lord. No one dies; no one is capable of
dying.” (AGGS P.885)250 The Guru said, “The universe is bound
by the Lord’s law and no other law can operate within it” (AGGS
p.432)251 and this is exactly what Aristotle had said, “Divine
providence coincides completely with the operation of natural
causes.”(SVD p.66)
“By His law, the sky is spread above. By His law, His
creatures dwell in the water, on the land and throughout the
created worlds. By His law, we draw our breath and receive
our food. Through His laws, He watches over us, and inspires
us to see.” (AGGS page 949)
;! / :<1 4 " " / 0:C 4
F / ? 624 The nirgun Hari establishes the sargun
World ( D 4 and in it creates various types of abodes ( F D F D storhouses of
energy). And there are numerous varieties of such storehouses.
Chapter 8
The Moon
“Our earth is the third planet that came out of the Sun”
(Exploring our Universe -Branley)
Although the Sikh Gurus loved nature and its glory in all
spheres, they did not attach any special spiritual importance to the
moon in general or the full moon (Puranmashi). The Guru says,
“The glorious night of the full moon is effulgent but God alone is
perfect; He is the All-powerful cause of causes.” (AGGS p.
300)254 The Guru said there is nothing new or sacred about the full
According to the Hindu belief the moon is one of the 14 precious objects, which the gods
discovered on churning the oceans. The moon travels on a three wheeled cart pulled by ten
milk-white horses. Another belief tells us that the moon was born to Anusuya, wife of Atri
Rishi and was married to the 27 daughters of King Dakhsha. It is depicted as the king of
Brahmans in Vishnu Puran. Hindus and Muslims do not end their fasts without seeing the
moon. Romans worshipped the moon as goddess Luna or Diana. Moon goddesses of the
Greeks were Solene and Artimis. The Egyptians worshipped the moon as Khousu. The English
word ‘Lunatic’ means ‘struck by the moon.’ Sikhism rejects Moon-worship. “ + -
( #5 " " # + ; #5 E ! ) #/
8 0C @04
; " " , / 3114
moon. “On the night of the full moon, the full moon fills the sky.
Its power is diffused through its gentle light.” (AGGS p. 344)255
Giordano Bruno was the first person to have stated that the
moon was one of the planetoids like our own earth. Galileo later
supported this theory in 1610. The theory contradicted the current
religious ideas about the universe held at that time and therefore
even intellectuals (like the Professor of Philosophy at the
University of Padua) declined to look through Galileo’s telescope
and stuck to their deep-held beliefs. In 1665 Newton once again
talked about the moon and its gravitational pull. It was only in the
20th century that our ideas about the moon underwent a sea
change when on 21 July 1969 Neil Armstrong and Edwin Arnold
actually set foot on the moon.
- 5 ) + / 3664
- &) / ?4 , / :C 7 4
The Capture theory states that the moon is an independent
body. It was captured by the earth as it travelled past it and has
since been going around it.
Some scientific calculations conclude that the moon was closer to the earth 4.6x109 years ago, a
time, which approximates to the formation of our earth. According to World Book
Encyclopaedia at one time it was a mere 10,000 miles away from our earth. Analysis of the
moon rock brought back by Apollo astronauts proves that the moon is 4.2 billion years old.
- + #" 5 + ; " / 01 3? 4 - + , -) / 6C 64
commonly used by Scientists is 238,866 miles.259
The Sikh Gurus were not scientists and were not interested
in calculating distances between planets. But we find a story261 in
the Janam Sakhi (Biography) of Guru Nanak where the earth-
moon distance is said to have been estimated by the Guru. It is
given as 52000 Yojan.262 This gives us the distance between the
earth and the moon as 236363.63 miles. The difference between
the scientific calculations and the Guru’s supposed estimate is
merely 2503 miles, which is very insignificant when we measure
such long distances. Even scientists had calculated this distance as
225742 miles when the astronauts first visited the moon in 1969.
It is also a fact that this distance keeps changing because the
orbits of the earth and the moon are elliptical (egg shaped). It also
depends on the moment of measurement. The distance of the
Moon from us at its farthest point is 250,000 miles.
(Origin of our solar system p. 264).
Depending on the position of the moon there are three distances. (1) Perigee distance is 222,756
miles (2) Apogee distance is 254,186. The mean of the two (3) is 238,866 miles. These
distances keep changing. The scientists have been monitoring the distance of the moon from
the earth since the visit of the Apollo astronauts and now testify that the moon is one foot
farther from the earth than it was then.
The scientists have discovered that the moon is moving away from the earth at a rate of a few
centimetres every year. This will mean that the moon may eventually end up being so farther
away from the earth that its revolution may then be 47 days. Our day on the earth is also getting
longer by .00000002 seconds everyday.
See story No. 42 p. 291 of Janam Sakhi Bhai Bala published by Messrs Kirpal Singh and sons
A Yojan is equal to 4.5454545 Kos. And a Kos is equal to 1.1363636 miles.
Taking these facts into account one marvels at the distance
given in the Janam Sakhi, which is so close to the accurate
- + % ' / 01 3 3 4
#' #/ C 61 4 + - + /
3 :7 4 ' #" / 01 604
Chapter 9
Religion & Social sciences
“Most of what is popularly regarded as evolution of man is
social, not biological evolution”
(Encyclopaedia Americana Vol. 10 p. 613)
Rashid Al Din, a Jewish doctor, was the court historian and Vizier of Genghis Khan and
Tebtengri (Tebtengri means “Most heavenly”. His real name was Kochuchu) was his priest.
Tebtengri said that he held conversation with God through trance and, “God spoke to me saying,
I have given the whole earth to Temuchin and his sons and I have named him Genghis Khan”
Encouraged by such blatant lies Genghis Khan claimed, “ My strength was fortified by Heaven
and Earth; fore-ordained by the Almighty Heaven. I was brought here by Mother Earth”(See
Genghis Khan-His life and legacy by Paul Ratchnevsky Page 98). Although Tebtengri and his
father Monglik had rendered very meritorious services to Genghis Khan, the tyrant had
Tebtengri killed through stratagem under the law of Yasa because the later was getting too
) 5 The priests were also considered sinless and they assumed great powers to
themselves. “Even an illiterate and morally degraded Brahman is an angel” (Manu smirti 317,
319). See Gita XV, II-47 and iv-131
committed many atrocities in the name of religion. Reaction
started against their absolute authority, which soon challenged
their powers. Some stalwarts, whose motivation was drawn from
true religious conviction, have left a very pacifying influence on
the society. The Sikh Gurus were prominent among them. They
had the strength and the moral courage to face the violent
opposition with non-violence and spirituality and to advocate that
true and unbiased religion should be the torchlight for the
In Christianity Pope Gelasius preached the concept of Meeri and Peeri. He used to wear two
swords. “Martin Luther challenged the doctrine of the two swords, with its claim that the Pope
was the ultimate source of all authority, temporal as well as spiritual”(Read Political Ideas
edited by David Thomson, Pelican Book 1972 p. 36) At one time a Muslim Caliph too wore two
swords claiming to be the spiritual and temporal authority. In Sikhism the concept was clarified
by Guru Arjan Dev, who wrote ' - & , ) #5 > ! )# "# %
%)#/ 3:1 4@ ABuild your home on the unshakable pillars of truth and righteousness and seek
the protection of the Lord to stand by the oppressed and the needy.” Guru Hargobind
established Meeri and Peeri by wearing two swords and later Guru Gobind Singh bestowed the
Meeri and Peeri on the Khalsa.
Sikhism’s concept of religious involvement in statecraft is
not that of big brotherly attitude of dictatorship but that of
friendly and fatherly condemnation and censure of the
Government when it deviates from justice in doing the greatest
good to the greatest number of people.
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/ 01 C C 4 % - "#/ C 61 4
On this topic M.K.Gandhi wrote, “I can say without
hesitation, and yet in all humility, that those who say religion has
nothing to do with politics, do not know what religion means.”
9.2 Secularism
The word ‘secular’ is derived from the Latin word
Saeculum (meaning present age or this world). It was first used in
“+) ) ( L + ( + * + #- H B /
)4 Whether it is glorious imperialism or a democratic show, separation of religion from
politics leaves behind barbarism and brute force. (Sir Muhammed Iqbal)
“ ; " -) % 5 + -) 8 - B/ 0:61 4
1648 in the treaty of Westphalia at the end of religious wars in the
west. At that time it denoted “the removal of territory or property
from the control of ecclesiastical authorities.”271 George Jacob
Holyoake (1817-1906) was the main exponent of this doctrine and
defined it as “well being of mankind in the present life to the
exclusion of all considerations drawn from belief in God and a
future state.”272 Soon it acquired negative connotations and began
to be used as a weapon of counter-religious ideologies. It was
defined as non-ecclesiastical, non–religious and non-sacred anti-
clerical act. Its simple definition became “Liberation of modern
man from religious tutelage.” The dictionary meaning of
secularism is ‘concerned with the affairs of this world, worldly,
not sacred, not monastic, not ecclesiastical, temporal, profane”
(The concise Oxford Dictionary 1958 page 1124)
Considered in this context secularism can mean
individualism and goodbye to morality, truth, justice, compassion
and fair play. In Sikhism sacred and secular are co-mingled but
purified. The Guru condemned the secular authorities as “beasts
and animals” (AGGS p.1288)273 and the religious leaders as
“butchers and liars.”(AGGS p.471)274 He said that ‘truth, fair play
and justice have taken flight from both.’275He secularised religion
by divesting it of mystery, miracles, magic, divine incarnation and
supernatural mediation between man and God and purified
secularism by investing it with equality, mutual respect, goodwill,
morality, equal opportunity, religious toleration and openness in
“The Social Reality of Religion” by Peter L. Berger page 10. He defines the term to mean “the
process by which sectors of society and culture are removed from the domination of religious
institutions and symbols”(page 197) Professor Roger Mehl defines it as “the process by which
a society disengages itself from the religious ideas, beliefs and institutions which have ordered
its existence in order to constitute itself an autonomous reality, and in order to enclose religion
in the private sector of life” (The secular and secularisation” page5)
“Shorter Oxford Dictionary” page 1164. For further reading refer to Archbishop of Canterbury
A.M. Ramsey’s “Sacred and secular” or Harvey Cox’s “The sacred city”
+ 5/ 0:C C 4 + - % 5
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) + % & 5 8 -- ; # -8 / 06<4
Even in the most advanced western countries like
England and the U.S.A, secularism is not practised in the real
sense. For example only a Protestant Christian can become the
head of state in Britain. In America President Ronald Reagan
declared 1983 as “Year of the Bible” in his speech in the House of
Representatives on 5th April, 1982 and celebrated it at the state’s
9.3 Unionism
Modern society consists of trade unions, cultural
associations, colleges, universities, political parties, religious
groups, charitable bodies and economic organisations. In Sikh
terminology, the word used for a joint body of all such
9 ) # + / 7?4 + ) " /
# +" #+ #) ) + / ? :4
A + B/ 2? 04
organisations is Panth.279 It is similar to the term ‘continuity’ used
by Rousseau. On joining the ‘Panth’ each member surrenders
his/her individual interests to the collective whole and the
collective decision, known as Gurmata ( 4 becomes the
accepted policy. Every member of the ‘Panth’ must be a Khalsa
(a person pure in thought, word and deed) and must work for
Sarbat da Bhala (common good of all). These two conditions are
compulsory and the Gurmata (based on truth, morality and
justice) is religiously binding on every member of the Panth. It is
like saying, “What is good for the hive is good for the bee.” This
was the pattern of society that Guru Gobind Singh, the 10th Guru
of the Sikhs, tried to establish in 1699, long before the French
revolution of 1789, which brought with it the slogan of liberty,
equality and fraternity. The contribution made by Guru Gobind
Singh to democracy is now the aspiration of the whole world. It
was to such people that the great Guru is said to have dedicated
The concept of panch preached by Guru Nanak was for an individual. It was changed to Panth
in the time of Guru Arjan Dev when many differing communities started joining the Sikh faith.
“ + - ) , -) B/ 4 . Guru Gobind Singh used it
extensively for the society. The word Panth literally means “path or way of life.” Sikh nation is
now called ‘Panth’.
“They that take the sword shall perish with the sword”(Matthew 27:51-52). It should be noted
that The Bible also instructs, “Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot. Burn
for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise” (Exodus 21-24,250)
contact person to person and then to try any other method of
conflict resolution if available” (AGGS p. 371).281 When all
means fail, then, as a last resort, it is lawful to engage in active
resistance. The Guru says, “If your living means suffering
indignities then fie on your being alive”282
“My dear son, very hard times are ahead for the Sikh
community. The forces of Evil are cutting down the very roots of
fundamental human rights. I have tried to break the shackles of
slavery of common man in a peaceful manner but now the times
have changed. The Moghul kings have lost all humaneness and
have turned into beasts. I will still persuade Jahangir to leave this
policy but if the peaceful persuasion, even at the cost of my bodily
tortures fails, then take it for granted that it is no use enduring
tortures for changing the conscience of the Moghul rulers just as
;, + ; -) 5 % - 5 ; = (
3 ? 0)
+ + # ), + 5 + = % / 06:4 " " #+
" / <? 7 4 “it is the right of the just to fight and die for a just cause.”
Jahangir killed the Guru under the law of Yasa ( L 4 on 30.5.1606 by making him sit
on a hot iron plate. Under the law of Yasa the victim was killed through tortures without letting
blood. Full details of the Guru’s tortuous death are said to be recorded in a newspaper
published from Portugal in 1609. His body was floated away in river Ravi (H )
% 4
it is useless to lie down for sympathy before a horned beast. In
that case, then, try to meet the Evil with armed
resistance.”(C.H.Paine as quoted by Satbir Singh in History of
the Punjab)
9.6 Caste
Caste is a Portuguese word meaning ‘social division’.’
The Hindu word for caste is Warna (colour). Indian historians
think that Caste in India came into being when the fair skinned
Aryans, who conquered India around 1500 B.C, enslaved the dark
skinned aboriginals and hated them as inferior breed. Around 200
B.C Manu codified the castes into four broad groups Brahman,
Kashatrya, vaish and Shudra. This division later became such a
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/ 6? 34 + K / 03 67 4 '! # -
% / 21 <4 ) - % / 4
% / 3 :? 4 % + " # /
3 <1 4
Women got right to property in England only in 1875.
Mai Bhago, Maharani Sada Kaur and Sahib Kaur of Patiala led the Sikh armies. Ahmad Shah
Batalvi in his Tarikh-e-Panjab mentions a Sikh woman Rajinder Kaur whose intelligence,
courage and bravery he extols to the skies. See also History of the Sikhs by Hari Ram Gupta V.1
p. 81 for bravery of Sikh women.
rigid social structure that nobody could dare to cross the caste
According to Dr. Radhakrishnan the chief features of caste
are (1) Heredity: One cannot change his caste. 290 (2) Endogamy:
A member of one caste must marry members of the same caste (3)
Communal restrictions: accepting food and drinks from other
castes or mixing with them in convivial meetings as equals. (See
Indian philosophy) Heredity, occupation, intermarriage, social
intimacies, drawing of water from wells and visiting temples are
all considered factors deciding one’s caste.
A Shudra named Matanga so pleased Indra with his devotion; prayers and austerities that Indra
agreed to fulfil Matanga’s heart’s desire. When Matanga asked Indra to obliterate his caste and
thus liberate him; Indra flatly refused saying, “This is impossible.” Another Shudra
Shambhook was beheaded by the Hindu god Ram Chandra because the later being a shudra,
had no right to engage in religious rites. (See Ramayana chapter vii 74-76)
“In its social doctrine, the Gita was not egalitarian, but staunchly attached to the caste system,
and to it only the Brahman and the Kshatriya were noble by birth” (Hinduism by Nirad
Chaudhri p. 266). A ; " L % + L L L #( L (
+ L B (Rig-Veda X 90-12). “A Brahman must be honoured though devoid of every virtue
and merit; but a shudra never, though distinguished for every virtue and learning” (Living
religions of Indian people by Macnicol p.67). The teachings of Vedas are considered
( S (Not written by man). According to Manu, the Vedas descended from God but
others say that Brahma wrote them. Arya Smajists believe that Vedas came into existence on
the day of creation.
) ) 5 + + J" ) / 0367 4
- % # - # / 2:4 / :? 4
by saying, “Your caste is betrayed by your actions and behaviour”
(AGGS P. 1330).
+ #+ / 03 31 4 + % 5 -)
5N ! ) 5 & ' 8# K / 00:? 4 A+
/ 00:? 4 + # , - % #5 , #-% #/ 06:4
E 8 + E 8 5 + = / C 34
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In some religions restrictions are placed on the
consumption of certain foods. In some others restrictions also
exist on the preparation of food in a certain way (Halaal)
otherwise the food is not permissible to be eaten (Haraam).297 The
Sikh Gurus only stressed the need for cleanliness and moderation
and did not place any restrictions on the methodology of food
In Islam only an animal killed slowly by cutting the jugular vein is considered suitable for
eating (Halaal). Some Sikhs eat meat but they kill the animal by one stroke of the sword so
that the animal does not suffer unnecessary pain.
Pig meat is forbidden for Muslims and beef is forbidden for Hindus.
5 + % 5 )
+ #=!# - / 0604@Beef eating is sin for Hindus and Pork eating is sin for Muslims.
" )) + 5 ) 8 8 )# / 0604
)) % %" 5 ) #) " / 01 C 64
(b) Drugs
These days, abuse of substances such as paint, glue,
gasoline and cleaning fluids mainly by teen-aged children is
common. They are very toxic to the liver, heart and kidney. It has
been established that some of them even cause progressive brain
degeneration. One way or another, all intoxicants alter the normal
functioning of the human body and in the long-term cause serious
(c) Alcoholism
The use of alcohol is still very common in the world but
doctors and nutritionists agree that it causes cirrhosis, impaired
cognition and motor dysfunction. According to Nigel Hughes, the
chief executive of British Liver Trust, our liver is a very vital
organ in our body. It is involved in metabolism and re-circulates
blood in the body after removing toxins and useless by-products.
Although it continuously repairs itself (through a process called
fibrosis- thickening of connective tissue damage), it can be
damaged beyond repair through continuous and too much
drinking which leads to cirrhosis. Once cirrhosis has occurred, the
damage is irreversible. The Sikh Guru pointed to this fact when he
wrote, AThose who have cirrhosis within — they alone know the
pain it causes.”(AGGS p. 311)305
The Sikh Gurus wrote, “The fools drink wine and their
evil-mindedness leads them to the prostitutes. True inebriation
Drugs of abuse like LSD etc and most of the Psychotropic formulations available today were not
available in the time of Guru Gobind Singh but his general orders ban all intoxicants by
See Sikh Rehat Maryada SGPC Amritsar English edition 1978 page 22
“+ ,) +" ) / 3 004 ,) Smeans cirrhosis (See Mahan Kosh p.
16) ,) is caused through excessive drinking and is very painful. The habit of consistent
drinking causes fat to get deposited in the liver. This causes the liver to develop alcoholic
hepatitis or cirrhosis leading to discomfort, nausea and pain in the abdomen. In some extreme
cases it leads to death. The damaged liver tries to repair itself and re-grow to its original size
and shape. If the inflammation is severe and continuous, it causes ‘scar tissue’ called fibrosis.
Irregular nodules replace smooth tissue. The combination of nodules and fibrosis is called
cirrhosis, which is very painful. The Cancer research U.K. conducted a research in 50
countries of the world. On 12.11.2002 they reported that alcohol counts for 4% of breast
cancers in the developed world and around 2000 cases each year in U.K.
comes only through remembering the Lord.” 306 AOne person
brings a full bottle, and another comes to fill his cup. Drinking it,
his intelligence departs, and madness enters his mind. He cannot
distinguish between his own and others’ — he is struck down by
his Lord and Master. Drinking it, he forgets his Lord and Master,
and he is punished in the court of the Lord. Don’t drink the false
wine at all, if it is in your power. O Nanak, by His Grace, one
obtains the true wine, when the True Guru comes and meets him.
He shall dwell forever in the Love of the Lord and Master, and
obtain a seat in the mansion of His Presence.” (AGGS p. 554)307
(d) Smoking
Mr. A.C Selmon in his book, ‘Health and longevity,’
proves that alcohol and tobacco308 injure respiratory organs. His
findings have now been confirmed and smoking has been banned
in public places in many countries. Modern biologists and
medical men have amply substantiated the efficacy and
correctness of the instructions issued to the Sikhs by their 10th
Guru about smoking and drug addiction. It has been proved that
tobacco contains nicotine “Nicotine acts like a stimulant in small
doses but in large doses it has paralysing effects” (The habit of
smoking by Dr. W. Koskowski). The medical journal Lancet
A + %) ) 5 " + - )B/ 3774
" " " 5 + # ) # - 5 "
=" % % 5 + #% # )# + 5 9F )
- + 5 - # )# + 5 # #
) #, B / <<64 = - % ) + , / 01 1 0). By tasting
the useless, insipid wine, you have gone insane. You have simply wasted this precious time of
human life.
Apart from Sikhs and Parsee monks in Korea and Tibbet, Tsai-li sect of China and Ethiopian
Christians also prohibit smoking. The Mehdis of Sudan and the Wahabis of Arabia consider
smoking as incompatible with Islam. In 1604 King James I of England condemned it as
“Loathsome to the eye, hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain and dangerous to the lungs. In
1642 Pope Urban 8th prohibited its use in the churches. Efforts are now afoot throughout the
world to ban its production, sale, transport and use in any form.
According to the World Health Organisation report 1999 released by Dr. Gro Harlem
Brundtland, the Director General of WHO, 3.5 million people die of tobacco use every
year. According to WHO tobacco-related illness will be the world’s leading killer by 2020.
For more information read their report and their booklet “Leave the pack behind.”
wrote, “We most earnestly desire to see the habit of smoking
diminished and we entreat the youth of this country to abandon it
altogether.” It is now widely known that smoking causes cancer
but unfortunately it is still being glamourised by the tobacco
advertising agencies as a sign of maturity.
(e) Fasting
A+ ) J8 > ) = > B/ #4
Muslims fast for 40 days in Ramzan and the Hindus have many Varats (fasts) In Hinduism
fasting on Shivratri is considered to make a person immortal. Jains observe fast for 8 days. This
period of eight days is called Shamshri. Sins are believed to be obliterated after these fasts.
=& %& / C ? 34 % / 62? 4 % % +#
/ 7 1 <4 # ) / C ?34
9.8 Power and prestige
“' ) % = , =" B / 0:6<4@ The Sikhs are instructed to give away
at least one tenth of their earnings in charity. This is called Daswandh.
(AGGS P. 1604)313
9.9 Education
The word ‘education’ is derived from the word ‘educe’
which means ‘to bring out’. The aim of education, therefore, is to
bring out the best in human mind. According to Sikhism, human
mind is the seat of the divine and when it is piously stimulated, it
provides its best for humanity. The Guru says, “O my mind, you
are the light of the Divine. Recognize your true self.”(AGGS
A , 5 + ! - F & !P + 5 5 ;
)% ! 5 - +# B/ 021 64
% # % !5 % % ! / 006? 4
+ # " ) = " / * 6604
9 = 8 # / 361 4 + ; ! / ? 7 04
(AGGS p.285) 317it acknowledges that science alone is not
sufficient. “One can not be emancipated though knowledge of
science alone.”(AGGS p.903)318 Says the Guru. “A truly educated
person should be able to understand the purpose of life,” (AGGS
p.343)319 “desist from degrading others as inferior” (AGGS p.
473)320 and “as long as he lives in the world he must go on
acquiring knowledge.”(AGGS p.461)321 The sole aim of education
should be ’service.’ The Guru says, “The essence of wisdom lies
in the service of humanity.”(AGGS p.356) 322
5 - K + ' / C 3 :4 5
" / 7 3 34 + # ) / 22? 4
) # / 60<4
# / :? 64
+ + ; 8 ; / 201 4
9.11 Law
“Law does not change the heart, it only restrains the
heartless” (Martin Luther King)
In Islam the penalty for theft is cutting the hand of the thief.
“ + + + B( 1103)
The First World War killed 37,000,000 soldiers and 5,000,000 civilians. The Second World War
killed 22,000,000 soldiers and wounded 34,000,000. In addition thousands died of food
shortages and diseases caused by war pollution. “ The machine as an object of adoration is the
modern diabolism” (Bertrand Russell Impact of Science on Society p.77)
policies. Political machinations have disturbed the hornet’s nest of
hatred and awakened the sleeping ogre of religious
+ )" 5 + /01 ? 04 A + + & ) )8
5 ) + + +8 5 # )% ) ) ' ) 5 3 C @2
Bhai Gurdas was a devoted Sikh of the fifth Sikh Guru. He wrote a lot on Sikhism and wa
instrumental in scribing the Sikh Holy Granth.
8 ; ) 5 8 8 ) + 5 8
- ) "# 5 8 N N N @@ + K 8
+ 5 9F 8 = 5 , %! / 3 224 , + 8 #
/ 3224
8 ) % 9 " + 5 F ,#5 # + #/
03 7 61 4
!P !P -) ) % 5 + = # / 00:64
honest police man cautions their son or daughter for an offence. It
is a common belief that leaders themselves create most of the
rioting, hatred, crime, hypocrisy, dishonesty and immorality we
see today. The Gurus words said more than five hundred years
ago are true even today. He said, “Every beggar aspires to be a
ruler. Every blockhead sets up as a philosopher. The blind are
considered as connoisseurs of gems. The hypocrite sets up as a
spiritual leader. And thus falsehood has supplanted the Truth”
(AGGS p.1288)337
E # % & 5 % # 5 ) - 8
, / 0:C C 4
+ #+ + / 24 + + + + % / 001 34
meaning study) is a term which was coined by Ernst Haeckle in
1869. It is the science of the interaction of living organisms with
their environment. Care for ecology and the conservation of
natural resources has attracted world attention only recently. It is
now common knowledge that destruction of trees and
indiscriminate use of fossil fuels is poisoning our atmosphere and
is causing the greenhouse effect, leading to global warming and
harmful changes in our stratosphere.339 Man is now seriously
seeking remedies against a pending man-made disaster, which has
more or less become a certainty. The world leaders held a
conference of 180 world representatives at The Hague in the year
2001 to discuss the issue.340
In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries these problems
were not as acute as they are today and were not the cause of any
international concern. However even at that early age the Sikh
Gurus recognised the human responsibility towards conservation
and restoration of the Eco-system. They impressed upon humans
the necessity of studying and respecting Nature. Guru Nanak, the
founder of Sikh religion advised humans to always remain in tune
with Nature. He said, “Air is the breath of spiritual life (Guru), the
water like our father is the cause of our being and the earth acts as
a mother for us.”341 Humans are polluting air by burning coal,
All vegetation breathes gases from the air to survive. Pollutants found in smog clog the stomata
of the plants by reducing the amount of light reaching them. It increases production of ozone,
which in turn damages the palisades (thin walls of the cells) of the plants. Fluorides cause leaf
tissue to collapse and nitrous oxides and sulphur emitted by the burning of fossil fuels destroys
the vegetation through acid rain and inhibits the production of enzymes. By eating the polluted
plants, the animals are developing numerous diseases. For example female pseudo-
hermaphrodite polar bears, panthers with atrophied testicles and Trout with growing eggs in the
testes, have been discovered. Bio accumulative chemicals build up in animal tissue and through
their meat pass on to the humans. Artificial manures and brominated flame-retardants get
washed into our oceans and affect marine life. Andreas Kortenkamp, a toxicologist at the
University of London says, “I firmly believe there are warning signs and if we wanted to we
could act on them now.”
The first inconclusive discussion on the issue was held in 1992. A conference was held in
Johannesburg (26 to 31August 2002) once again to address world poverty and environment
issues. Generally broad goals are discussed and neat achievable targets escape discussion du
to world politics.U.N.O observed 5.6.2003 as environment day but it was no more than an
academic exercise.
" " / C 4Bhai Gurdas explains the concept of “Air Guru” as
follows. “ " ( # ; " B
oil, gas and other fossil fuels342 and polluting water and earth by
chemical spills, untreated sewage, industrial wastes, landfills,
septic tanks, chemical fertilisers and garbage dumping.
Devastating actions like these have already resulted in shrinking
the world’s fourth largest sea of Russia (Aral Sea). Mono Lake in
California is currently suffering the same fate
This has resulted in acid rain, which has destroyed large parts of forests in Scandinavia,
America and Germany. Landfills and pesticides leak out toxic chemicals into the nearby
potable surface water and cause numerous health problems. Fear of leaks from nuclear wastes
adds to the problems further. Destruction of forests is leading to soil erosion. It was to save the
environment that Guru Nanak said, “The earth is your mother”( 4@ Respect for
‘mother earth’ is the only solution to these problems.
“ " " ! - B/ 1036)
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cause behavioural and chemical changes in the human body. The
Sikh Gurus advised against such pollution by saying, “The more
noise you make the more you suffer” (AGGS P. 870) and “To
speak too much and babble is a useless waste of energy” (AGGS
p. 661). 348
9.14 Democracy
“Democracy is the aristocracy of scoundrels” (Lord Byron)
Ideas of democracy well up naturally and spiritually in
wide-awake individuals. Sikhism aspires to achieve democracy
) ) P / C ?14 A )" 9 " / 2204
“ ) H I B/ )) ) :7 1 4
Bhai Nand Lal was a poet laureate of Guru Gobind Singh, the 10th Guru of the Sikhs. Hi
exposition of Sikhism is considered authentic.
not through saleable votes, empty slogans and blind
representation but through moral conviction and leisurely
persuasion. Only democracy thus created has any chance of
success in the world today. The Guru explains, “The person in
authority should occupy his position only if he has the requisite
qualities. He should act under the direction of Panches (truthful
and God-fearing advisers).350 (AGGS p. 992)
+ % ! # " # - " / 7 7 :4 + , / 01 :64
Some large corporations like I.B.M; A.T.& T and General Motors had a meeting in New
Mexico in July 1986 to find ways and means of exploiting occult, metaphysics and Hindu
mysticism to enhance their share of the market. (See ‘The New York Times’ Sept 29,1986)
- , #A + % A/ ( ?CC4 A - * .) - B / ;
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because they are always imbued with the name of God.” (AGGS
p.3)353 The Panches, like the five beloved ones ( + 4 of
Guru Gobind Singh, are God-fearing people who are ready to
sacrifice their all for humanity.
9.15 Tolerance
Tolerance is the keynote of Sikhism. Lack of tolerance
leads to prejudice, fanaticism and violence. Sikhism condemns the
artificial man-made barriers of caste, creed, colour or sex and
declares, “Let everybody share the bounties of the Lord, nobody
is an outsider for you”354 (AGGS p. 97). Thus we see that Sikhism
seeks social justice and equality through its philosophy of
classless, caste-less and egalitarian society that nurtures God-
fearing citizens. It respects all religions and accords equal status to
- " - 5 - 5 - + 5 - /
34 -) / 01 3 7 4 A ; ) ' ) " 5 %
, ;, - " B/ 4@ He who controls sex, anger, enmity, avarice,
attachment and pride and develops truth, contentment, compassion, and righteousness as
preached in the Holy Granth is a Panch.
9 ) # + / 7?4 # )
/ 0:7 7 4 A B/ 2004
caste, religious orientation or social status. In some other religions
this is not the case.355 The spiritual writings of Hindus and
Muslims are included in the Sikh scriptures to demonstrate
equality. Amrit (The baptismal water) is sipped from one and the
same bowl by everybody when people are admitted into the order
of the Khalsa.
The Guru’s refectory (Langar), attached to the Gurdwaras,
is open to princes and paupers alike and anyone can attend it and
dine with the Sikhs. In order to respect the religious
susceptibilities of all religions, the food served in the Langar is
always vegetarian.
Non-Muslims are not permitted to visit the Muslim shrine in Mecca.
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B/ 0:7 7 4
He that does good to others, does good also to himself, not only in the consequence, but in the
very act; for the consciousness of well-being is in itself, ample reward” (Seneca)
place in the court of God.”(AGGS p.26)359 The world today
appreciates the services performed by Medicin sans frontiers,
Oxfam and the Red Cross. A similar organisation was established
by Guru Gobind Singh, the 10th Guru of the Sikhs, under the
management of Bhai Ghanaya. The members of this organisation
are today known as Sewa Panthis (servants of society). The Guru
goes a step further when he writes, “The wandering saints,
warriors, celibates and hermits fail in life. Through the Perfect
Guru, consider this: without selfless service, no one ever receives
the fruits of their rewards.”(AGGS p. 992)360
9.17 Materialism
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Marx, who dexterously established it in the world in 1847 through
his oft quoted maxim, “From each according to his ability, to each
according to his work.” This was a copy of Louis Blanc’s
Socialist party motto, which was popular at that time in France.
Marx was greatly influenced by the writings of Ludwig
Faverbach, Engels and Hegel.
& = +
+ + + " #F 5- ' -! + /
0:C C 4
Chapter 10
Spiritual Interests
10.1 Claims of exclusivity
The Archbishop of Canterbury had declined to attend the Chicago Parliament of world religions
(1893) organised by Catholic Cardinal Gibbons of America saying that the very meeting of
such a parliament implied that all religions were equal. Representatives of most of the religions
of the world attended this meeting but the archbishop did not. The ‘church of world creator’ is
all white, anti-Semitic, claims monopoly and hates non-Christian religions as heathens.
“L L B Only he who knows the Veda, knows the Truth. “Those who do not
follow the Vedas or criticise them should be cut up, burnt and destroyed”. (Athrav Veda
Chapter 12 Sukat 5 Hymn No. 62).“Never offer religion instruction to a shudra”(Manu Smirti
Ch.4 hymn 80)
A #E J > > ; / ) )” The Jews claim that God
favoured the Jews and granted them the land of Israel.
matches. They produce only self-righteous and intolerant snobs.
Sikhism preaches that exclusivity is the most damaging feature of
any religion. Sikhism teaches, “ The world is going up in flames
O Lord— shower it with Your Mercy, Save it, and deliver it from
sin through whichever door (religion) humanity approaches”
(AGGS p. 853)373 It advises that we “should not call any religion
inferior or false” and thus, “give rise to controversies.”374 “Many
roads thou hast fashioned, all of them lead to the light.” (Rudyard
10.2 Salvation
Almost all religions aspire for salvation (Mokhsha,
Nirvana) and claim that it is possible only through their particular
religion.375 Sikhism declares, “I aspire for neither worldly
pleasures nor do I crave for salvation. I crave for the love of the
Lord’s feet.”376(AGGS p.534). The aim of Sikhism is stated
clearly by Guru Nanak as follows: “To live the life truthfully
(Sachiara) and to rent asunder the wall of illusion that separates
us from God.” (AGGS P. 1)377 Spiritual and moral life, free from
fear, insecurity, injustice and prejudice is the goal of a Sikh.
+ +) Q % )# " + # # #) # / C <3 4
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“Outside the church there is no salvation” say the Christians.
+ - - ; - ) / <3 64
- # 8# !# )B / 04 “Sachiara” is enlightened, emancipated individual
invested with divine qualities.
“ # # B/ 06:? 4
“ ) %# B/ 000C 4
Guru is Jeewan mukt (Salvation while living).380 “O Nanak,
meeting the True Guru, one comes to know the perfect way.
While laughing, playing, dressing and eating (in other words
living ordinary, normal house-holders’ life), he is
liberated.”381Guru Nanak tied up salvation with social service and
wrote, “You have an honourable seat in the court of God only if
you perform social service in this world.” (AGGS P. 26)382
Commitment to such social service must be voluntary.
10.3 Conversion
“Do not believe in the words of a teacher unless you yourself
are convinced of the truth contained in his words.” (Berkeley)
Jeewan Mukti is explained by Guru Arjan Dev as follows, “One should be imbued with the
name of the Lord, not be affected by evil and to be one with God Almighty. Greed of wealth
touches him not. Hell and heaven or nectar and poison are the same for him. Copper for him
is gold and gold is copper. Attachments or detachments, honour and dishonour flee from him.
He is equanimous to both pleasure and pain. Such a person stands emancipated” (Gauri IX
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Conversion385 from one religion to another is preached and
practised by many religions. In some religions, there are even
merits available in the next world for those who convert others to
their religion. Conversion restricts human freedom of thought and
most often leads to inter-religious wars. Human conscience does
not tolerate religious bigotry because it is contrary to reason.
Society cannot develop if all human beings think exactly alike.
Naturally, therefore, in almost every religion we find so many
factions and sects.
Conversion seeks to stamp out other religions and enforces creedal and cultural conformation.
The memories of Christian crusades and Islamic Jihad have become an inalienable and
nostalgic part of human history.
A 5 " B/ 7 33 4 ) =" #
/ 6:1 4 ) ' " / ? <:4 " =& -
) / 23 7 4@ Circumstances change. An action (for example Guru’s action) at one time
may not be desirable or appropriate at another time but the Guru’s general instruction holds
good at all times.
become Sikhs. Therefore, the only conversion that Sikhism
recommends is the conversion of manners and moral behaviour.
Such a conversion can be better achieved through example rather
than coercion.
10.4 Prayer
“The power of prayer has been devalued along with many of
the world’s currencies in recent years.” (Pope John Paul I)
Men of science usually place no value on prayer and call it
selfish occupation. They believe that running away from life and
delving into God is escapism. But the psychologists and
philosophers believe “More things are wrought by prayer than this
world dreams of.”388
Einstein says, “Nobody will deny that the idea of the existence of
an omnipotent, just, omnibeneficent personal God is able to
accord man solace, help, and guidance; also by virtue of its
simplicity it is accessible to the most undeveloped mind.”
(Science, Philosophy and Religion: A symposium. New York
) U " # -# / 0601 4
According to Sikhism God really exists and prayer is not a
mere muttering of set mantras (incantations) but a sincere and
affectionate outpouring of the yearning soul to God. The Sikh
belief is that man is a spark of God-consciousness and the
difference between him and God is not in essence but in degree.
Prayer is thus an attempt of the part to be in tune with the whole.
It is the small consciousness speaking to universal consciousness,
a lower self, trying to ingratiate with its higher self. Just as an
agonised friend outpouring his mind to a close-bosom friend
enjoys catharsis (psychological relief) or a child sincerely begging
pardon of his father feels mental consolation, the prayer pacifies
the mind of the devotee.
Prayer before statues, angels, saints, gods and goddesses is
forbidden in Sikhism. The Guru says, “One who worships gods
and goddesses can achieve nothing from them. One washes the
stone gods in water but they sink in it. How can the gods and
goddesses ferry others across?”389
Unlike many other religions, the Sikh prayer does not
require blowing of conch shells, spreading of prayer mats
(Mussalahs), lighting candles, donning special costumes, dressing
statues,390 facing in a particular direction, burning incense, turning
prayer wheels or adopting different postures in their prayers. The
Sikh prayers are hymns, which can be enjoyed with or without
articulation at any place and at any time and a person sitting next
to a Sikh would not even know that a Sikh is praying. Sikh
prayers can be performed anywhere, whether at work, on a
journey or in company. The Guru says, “Use your hands and feet
to do all the work you are supposed to do and yet keep your mind
attuned to God.”391
(AGGS p. 1376)
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The Hindus perform Pranapratishta before a statue or a photo. It is believed that by doing so the
deity becomes alive. Milk and food are offered to the deity only after this ceremony.
A , - + )B / 03 ? 24
There are no set times or days392 for prayer in Sikhism.
Prayers can be performed at any time on any day.
10.5 Monotheism
Sikhism is strictly monotheistic. The very first visible
mark in the Sikh scripture is the mathematical figure ONE (04
representing the unity and uniqueness of God (R 4. This is
perfectly appreciated by modern thinkers. For example
Encyclopaedia Britannica says, “Monotheism is the ripest
expression of religious consciousness.”
10.6 Return of a prophet
The Jews believe that hemistich (the anointed one from the
family of David) would come and bring about an age of peace,
prosperity and harmony in the world. At that time, “each man will
sit under his own vine and the wolf will lie down with the lamb”.
He will re-build the Jewish temple.
The Muslims believe that Mehdi would come and rule the
world. The dead will rise from their graves. The Christians also
wait for the second coming of Lord Christ to claim his people.
The Parsees believe that Zarathustra will be supernaturally reborn
to a virgin from his own seed preserved in a lake and will appear
as Saoshyant (Messiah). He will raise the dead, save the
righteous and pour molten lead on the earth and hell. The Hindus
wait for the rebirth of Kalki Avtar.
The Sikhs do not believe that dead men come back. The
dead are like the ripe fruit of a tree, “which, once separated from
the branch, falls to the ground and does not come back to it”393
(AGGS p. 1366). According to Sikhism, what is important is not
Friday is the fixed day of prayer for the Muslims and the daily prayers must be performed at
exact times during the day. Jews keep Sabbath from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday. No
work, no travelling and no cooking are permitted during this period. The Jews must say
Kiddush (blessing over wine and bread). As a bare minimum the Sikhs are supposed to say
their morning and evening prayers but unlike the Muslims or Jews their exact times or days
are not fixed. , + / C 634
“+ E) ) & B/ 03 224
the person of the religious guide but the philosophy he preached.
It is a common belief that, the religious preceptors would
save their followers at the time of reckoning and ensure heaven
for them.394 The Sikh Gurus condemned this idea and said that
nobody would save anybody else. We swim or sink because of
our own deeds. “As we act, so are the rewards we receive; no one
can take the place of another” 395(AGGS p.406). Our misdeeds
and “vices are like chains around our necks”(AGGS p.
595)396while our virtues are like our saviours and friends.
Modern man asks for proof and simply frowns at the very
idea of the existence of such places. The Sikh Gurus have neither
denied the existence of the so-called heaven and hell nor
acknowledged their existence.399 They simply redefined the two
terms. The Gurus say that Heaven or paradise is the state of
human soul that reaches perfection or is imbued with the elixir of
God’s presence. “Heaven is where thy praises are sung,” said the
Guru. 400 The Guru disliked craze for salvation and said, “As long
as the mind craves for heaven, there is no chance of devotion to
the Lord” (AGGS p. 325).401
As for Hell the Guru said, “Those who are imbued with
God’s name do not even have to see the Hell”402
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For example the Muslims consider the month of Ramadan as more auspicious than other months
and the Friday as more sacred than other days. The Jews observe Saturday as Sabbath and as
such do not work on Saturdays. Ram Naumi and Shivratri are auspicious days for the Hindus.
rituals on those days. The Sikh Gurus considered all days equally
good. They said, “Only idiots and fools worry about omens and
special days.405
These days astrology is as much valued as prayer.
Newspapers are full of horoscopes and predictions. Sikhism
condemns these practices as mere superstition. The Sikh Gurus
preached discriminative thinking ( 4406 and forbade the Sikhs
from believing in anything without first rationalizing it. For
example about astrology the Guru says, “The astrologer,
calculating this and that, prepares our horoscope. Little does he
perceive the reality of the Real.”(AGGS p. 904)407 For the Sikhs
magic, necromancy, numerology, tarot predictions and amulets
are all unscientific and puerile distractions.408
, / C 634 , + / C 6:4
The word means ‘Rationalization’ or ‘Reasoning’. Usually it is said that reasoning is the life-
breath of agnosticism and the death-knell of religion. Sikhism vehemently preaches
/reasoning) and rejects blind faith.
61 ?
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Chapter 11
The universal religion
“Sikhism contains the seeds of a Universal state and a
Universal religion.” (Arnold Toynbee)
& +# ) ' + & 5/ C 7 04 5 & - /
02:4@ Abortion, cloning, euthenasia, blood transfusion, contraception, organ transplant, nuclear
attacks, and biological warfare etc are fairly new issues. No religion has suggested any solutions
to these problems directly but guidance on these and other issues can be easily inferred from
Hindus bathe at 68 religious places and claim that by doing so salvation is assured. +) # +
+ # *& / 6C 64
# , +# 5 +# , # 5+ > > / <:<4
eunuchs obtained the state of supreme dignity?” (AGGS p.
E +J #+ 5 5 - 5+ -
5 & & +J 5 & 5 % +J # 5% #
/ 3:64@ Some world religions preach celibacy.
+ ) - - +#/ 03 :<4 - %
% % - / 00064 % #" " ; /
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happiness. Most of us confuse pleasure with happiness. Pleasure
can be achieved in external things but happiness is found only in
the innermost sanctuary of self. Some of us think that happiness
can be enjoyed through accumulation of wealth but the Guru
discredits this idea and says, “For the sake of this wealth, so many
were ruined; because of this wealth, so many have been disgraced.
It cannot be amassed without sin, and it does not go along with
the dead.” 414Accumulation of wealth by means of usurping the
rights of others is the biggest sin. The Guru says, “Usurping
another’s right is as abhorrent as pig meat for a Muslim or beef
for a Hindu.” 415
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Dr. Capra is of the opinion that “ the basic elements of the Eastern world-view are also those of
the world-view emerging from modern physics”
We have seen that science and Sikhism are not
irreconcilable antagonists. Indeed discerning the close inter-
relation between Sikhism and science one can say that science and
Sikhism can heartily embrace each other harmoniously and bring
about all-round fulfilment of the human genius for the good of
! "# $%
Other books in the series
1. Introduction to Sikhism
4. A challenge to Sikhism