SPT Phase 1
SPT Phase 1
SPT Phase 1
“Building the
PEP Sports
Training Program
NOTE: Phase 1 Includes Weeks 1-4
*It is advised that Elite Athletes use their 1 Rep Max and Novice
Athletes use their 3 Rep Max for their Workout Percentages!
The amount of force an athlete can eccentrically load into a muscle tendon is directly
proportional to the amount of force he or she can apply. Training the eccentric phase of a
movement has two physiological processes that contribute to force development: (1) the
stretch reflex and (2) the stretch shortening cycle. The eccentric movement of a muscle
causes a series of physiological events that pre-load them and store kinetic energy which
is transferred to explosive and concentric dynamic movement. Eccentric training has been
shown to preferentially recruit Type II, high threshold-fast twitch motor units, motor units
that are imperative in the development of anaerobic power.
Traditional strength training methodology teaches athletes how to expel energy, but little
time and effort is spent teaching them to absorb it. Learning how to eccentrically absorb
energy before applying it can greatly increase your explosive power output and TAKE YOUR
This positive effect of potentiated training has been estimated to increase maximal
power output by 18 percent as compared to work conducted without performing any
type of priming exercise. These specialized methods are applied at the beginning of the
workout (our Force Velocity Continuum Blocks) when the nervous system is fresh. After
the specialized method is used, the nervous system will be slightly fatigued. In this state,
supplemental and pre-habilitation exercises can be applied to finish the set/workout.
Complexes: Complexes are proven to increase power. These involve heavy compound
exercises (weight greater than 80% of your 1RM) followed by a plyometric exercise involving
similar muscles and movements. An example of this is doing squats at high weight followed
by a plyometric such as a box jump.
Contrasts: Contrasts are one of the greatest methods to increase maximum strength. They
involve a near maximum lift (80 to 97 percent of 1RM), followed by sub-max drop sets,
starting at 70 percent of the 1RM and finishing at 50 percent of the 1RM.
Complex and contrast training are both meant to take advantage of the PAP effect, which
teaches muscles to produce maximum force in as little time as possible. By using both of
these methods you deliver a much higher stress load to yourself, thus maximizing explosive
The key difference between the French contrast method and complex or contrast training
is its utilization of the number of methods on the force velocity curve for explosive
development. The French contrast method, uses a four-exercise protocol which pushes your
physiological response and forces the utilization of alactic or anaerobic work.Simply put, the
French contrast method makes you powerful for longer periods of time.
To maximize the training time and efficiency, we have built into the program to have pre-
habilitation exercises executed during the rest intervals. Due to the extremely taxing nature
of the French contrast method, you will need four to five minutes of rest between sets to
allow the nervous system to recover and the muscles to replenish energy stores. Inserting
pre-habilitation work like this works great because it doesn’t physically tax the you between
sets and shortens the total time required for the workout.
Pre Core
Order Development Sets Reps Coaching Points Performance Benefits
A2 Elevated Box 1 10-12x • Stay Long And Tall • Strengthen Side Oblique’s
Band Pallof Press Per Through The Spine • Improves Stabilization
Rotation with Side • Don’t Round Back In The Core
Hip Stretch • Rotate Towards Knee Side • Improves Mobility
• Head/Eyes Should Follow & Stability In The Hip
Click For Demo The Hand/Body In Rotation
Exercise Order A1 A2 A3 A4
Range of Motion Sports Specific Sports Specific (Deep Position) Sports Specific
or Just Below Low Jumps
90 Degrees
Notes: • Take 20-30 seconds rest between each exercise (a1 through a4) & 4-5 minutes rest between each set.
• During the rest period perform upper body internal and external rotation x 8 reps per side.
• Take 1.5 minutes rest between sets to fully recover!
• Make sure to foam roll & stretch when finished the workout to speed up recovery!
Pre Core
Order Development Sets Reps Coaching Points Performance Benefits
Exercise Order A1 A2 A3 A4
Exercise Choice Back Squat Reactive Standing Delt Bent Over DB Wrist
(Pick your favorite Click For Demo Squat Drop Jump Lateral Reactive Rotations
Squat variation) Click For Demo Drops Click For Demo
Front Squat Click For Demo
Click For Demo
Coaching Points • Brace Core-Control • Quick Ground • Maintain Upright • Keep Wrist Straight
the Lowering Contact Position with • Maintain Core
• Blast Up • Explode Off Proper Alignment Engagement
the Ground • Retract Scapula/ • Maintain Up
• Be Aggressive/Push Strong Upper Back Right Posture
Ground • Start at Shoulder
Away Level
Performance • Develop Lower Body • Increase Ground • Faster Reaction • Stronger Grip
Benefits Strength and Power Reaction Time Strength
• Increase Power • Increase Fast • Stronger Shoulders • Stronger Wrist
Production = Twitch Muscle • Develops Shoulder • Shoulder Strength
Jump Higher Fibers Stabilization
• Increase Power • Develops Upper
Production Deceleration
• Take 20-30 seconds rest between each exercise (A1 to A2) & 4-5 minutes rest between each set
• During the rest period perform exercises from A3 & A4
B1 Kettlebell Swing 3 10-12x • Hip Hinge to Pick –Up Bell! • Increased Power
Knees Inline with Ankles, Production
Click For Demo Shoulder above Hips • Increased Muscular
• Maintain Neutral Back, Flat Endurance
feet and Shoulders Packed • Increased Aerobic
• Stand Tall with Core Capacity
& Glutes Engaged • Increased Anaerobic
D1 Pallof Press 2 Write • Keep Core & Glutes Engaged • Improves Core Stability
Alphabet Aphabet • Lock Out Arms & Keep In • Strengthens Deep Core
Per Side Front Of Body Transverse Abdominals
Click For Demo
D2 Single Leg 2 Write • Place Foot In Middle Of Pad • Develops Ankle, Knee,
Balance Aphabet • Have A Slight Bend With The Hip Stabilization
Pad Alphabet Per Leg Leg On The Pad And • Increases Body
Place Hands On Hips Control and Awareness
Click For Demo • Make Sure The Off Leg Which • Creates Hip
Is Writing The Alphabet Flexor Strength
Is Fully Moving Through
The Full Hip
• Take 1.5 Minutes rest between sets to fully recover!
• When block 1 is complete do a body weight isometric split stance squat
on both sides for as long as you can! Record the time on both sides and try to break it next week!
• After you complete the body weight isometric split stance squat then you will hold a isometric body
weight locked out pull-up hold for as long as possible! Record the time and try to break it next week!
• Make sure to foam roll & stretch when finished the workout to speed up recovery!
Exercise Order A1 A2 A3 A4
• Take 20-30 seconds rest between each exercise (A1 to A2)
& 4-5 minutes rest between each set to fully recover!
• During the rest period perform exercises from A3 & A4
• Take 1.5 Minutes rest between sets to fully recover!
• When you are on your last set on Bock 1 of B2 “single leg pistol squat” on your last rep do a
20 second eccentric lowering and a 20 second isometric hold on both sides to complete that exercise!
• Make sure to foam roll & stretch when finished the workout to speed up recovery!