FMM Product Catalogue
FMM Product Catalogue
FMM Product Catalogue
In this product
catalogue, you
will find every
equipment that we
offer. You are one
step ahead to find
the silver bullet
to level up
your business.
Solutions &
PT Fajar Mas Murni proudly presents you
this bundle containing our wide range
of great products. The catalogue, which is
made just for you, great businessman
and businesswoman, will deliver you to a Make your inquiries instantly
next stage of your business. We highly hope
our presence will assist you to help your As we know, we live in a high mobility era
company to be better and better. when 24 hours a day may not be quite
enough. So, to ease you in making some
Having some cooperation with renowned inquiries in this catalogue, we provide you
and trustful principal partners, PT Fajar Mas with a smart feature here.
Murni brings you high quality products only.
All equipments in this product catalogue First, find the wanted product in this
are compiled and divided into 13 chapters catalogue. If you have found one, you will
arranged by line of business to ease you see a QR code attached near the product.
in finding specific tools.
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2 /3
Solutions & Products 2
Chapter I 6
Compressed Air System
Chapter II 10
Chapter III
Cement Quarry
Chapter IV 22
Basic Laboratory
Chapter V 26
Pathology Anatomy & Cytology
Chapter VI 32
Nanoscience Research
Microscopy & Microanalysis
Chapter VII 42
Stem Cell Research &
IVF Laboratory
Chapter VIII 48
Tools & Material Handling
Chapter IX 52
Chapter X 58
Petrochemical & Chemical
Chapter XI 64
Power Plant
Chapter XII 70
Oil & Gas
Chapter XIII 82
Inspections & NDT
Getting Closer 90
Air Filter
Chapter I Ingersoll Rand offers a comprehensive range of
compressed air filtration products for use in almost
every industrial environment. Within our line of filter
assembly range of threaded or flanged filters we
offer many models with connections from 3/8” to 12”
and flow capacities up to 20,000 CFM.
Compressed Air
System Refrigerant Air Dryer
Refrigerant air dryer has been designed to separate
water moisture from compressed air using
refrigeration technologies. Refrigerated dryer from
Ingersoll Rand offer multiple design features to
ensure constant dew point at all load levels and
will deliver a continuous dry air performance that
satisfies ISO 7183 industry standards, started from
0.2 m3/min to 224 m3/min and dew point up to -20o C.
6 /7
Receiver Tank
Absolutely essential to any compressed air system,
air receiver tanks not only serve as temporary
storage, but they also allow your system to perform
more efficiently. Air receiver tanks must be built to be
exceptionally durable and from reputable fabricator
compromising ASME Code Section VIII, suitable for
industrial or oil & gas requirements. Available from
500 L, vertical or horizontal type.
Stone Quarry
Pneumatic Crawler Drill
The powerful PCR200 crawler drill features a high-
performance PD200 drifter. It’s capable of high
maneuverability and exceptional operation ease on
any site to assure you a total drilling capability
that ranks as the best in this class.
10 11
Paving Breaker
Excava 200
Jaw Crusher
Nordberg C Series jaw crushers are
Airman portable air compressor available the most productive and cost-efficient
in a wide range of models to meet your jaw crushers for any primary crushing
need. Featuring sound proof structure application. C Series jaw crushers
and low noise, easy operation, and were originally developed to crush the
completely monitoring system, high Generator Set hardest ores and rocks so they perform
performance compressor with proven extremely well also in less demanding
reliability and high The Airman generators powered by applications,such as
efficiency. Provided in Kubota, Isuzu, Hino engines, renowned soft rock, recycling
box series designed for their superior reliability, quiet and and slag.
for mounting on pick efficient operation, and long service life
up trucks or stowing even for the most extreme applications.
operation in confined Suited for mining, construction, rental and
spaces. heavy industrial use.
Stone Quarry 12 / 13
The Lokotrack® LT106™ is equipped with the Nordberg® C106™
In addition for being provider of jaw crusher, with a proven track record in the toughest of
crushing and complete rock and mineral applications. New features, such as a radial side conveyor, high
processing solutions, Metso has also inertia flywheels and Metso IC™ process control system that
gained a worldwide reputation as a utilizes an ultrasonic material level sensor, offer the best capacity
specialist in vibrating equipment. As an and cost efficiency in the 40-tonne size class. The CAT® engine
example, more than 3000 units of the with hydraulic drive ensures trouble-free operation and enables
highly recognized and robustly designed the swinging function.
Cone Crusher Metso Premier CVBTM screen have been
sold. Our well proven Metso modular
Nordberg® HP Series™ cone crushers MVTM vibrators with the cardan shaft
feature a unique combination of crusher design are uniquely easy to maintain.
speed, throw, crushing forces and cavity
design. This field-proven combination
provides higher capacity and superior
end-product quality in all secondary,
tertiary and quaternary applications.
HP Series Cone Crushers products by
limiting crushing stage, which lower your
investment cost and saves energy.
Light Tower
With features, long and efficient runtimes, lower
risk deployment, and maximized freight costs,
Allmand light towers are built with the durability
and performance you demand. This dependable
light tower will maximize your jobsite and keep it In all, there are seven jaw crusher models for
running all through the night. portable applications. The Metso NW80™, NW96™,
NW106™, NW116™, NW120™, NW130™ and NW150™
are recommended for operations that require
Nordwheeler efficient primary crushing for aggregate production,
recycling or mining. Besides reliable crushers, NW
Series jaw plants feature strong, specially designed
chassis reducing unit length and weight. Feeders,
conveyors and electric parts are all manufactured
from first-class Metso components.
Stone Quarry 14 / 15
Hydraulic Crawler Drill
Chapter III FRD Furukawa Crawler Drill machine
used at lime mines, quarries, for civil
engineering work and construction sites
for making holes in rocks for setting
explosives. Our crawler drills are highly
valued for their accurate and speedy
drilling technology and are used around
the world.
Cement Quarry
Pneumatic Crawler Drill
The powerful PCR200 crawler drill features a high-
performance PD200 drifter. It’s capable of high
maneuverability and exceptional operation ease on
any site to assure you a total drilling capability
that ranks as the best in this class. Shoe plate width
is 300mm which is wider than that of any other
competitive model. Low ground-
contact pressure as well as a low
center of gravity further ensure
dependable traction on soft
ground and maximum stability
during the drilling operation.
16 17
Apron feeders are used to extract or feed
large, lumpy, abrasive and heavy ores under
severe impact conditions - including wet, Rotary Screw Air
sticky or frozen operations. A robust, heavy
duty design provides minimal downtime and
many years of service life.
Ingersoll Rand rotary screw compressors both for oil free and contact
cooled are proven, ruggedly reliable units that perform to the highest
Cooler / Dryer Metso has installations all over the world standards regardless of industry, application, or environment. Easy to
that serve almost any industry’s cooling install and continuous duty rated for long-term performance. Capacity
and drying needs. What sets Metso apart range started from 5.5 kW into 350 kW, with the pressure until 14 barg.
from the competitors is the specially
designed lifters that allow the material to be
showered into the hot or cold gas stream.
A low velocity is required, which means a Centrifugal Air Compressor
low particulate carryover occurs, which
improves the product yield. Engineered excellently. Ingersoll Rand oil free
centrifugal air compressors are not only the first
and only to be certified ISO 8573-1:12001 Class
0, they offer efficient, economical, and reliable
solutions for delivering compressed air. This
high performing, versatile compressed deliver
the advantage of a compact
design to a border range of
customer and applications.
From Plant Air, Engineered Air
The use of control systems employing or N2, Process Gas, API with
expert system designs increases the the flow until 15,000 cfm.
opportunity to optimize plant performance
on a continual basis. By being able to
Rotary Kiln & Services correlate changes continually, the plant can
anticipate operational changes and make Reciprocating Air Compressor
corrections. Metso’s implementation of
this type of control technology for Grate- Ingersoll Rand type 30 air compressors are
KilnTM pellet plant will make it possible simplistic in design, providing superior reliability
for operators to increase capacity, reduce and enhanced serviceability. These are air-
fuel and power consumption, and reduce cooled, single/multi stages,
maintenance costs. splash lubricated air
compressor from 2.2 kW into
22 kW and are designed for
applications requiring low or
high pressure air into
6000 psig.
Cement Quarry 18 / 19
Refrigerant Air Dryer Desiccant Air Dryer
Ingersoll Rand desiccant air dryer purify
compressed air by adsorbing water
Air Filter vapor, are engineered for easy access, Receiver Tank
maximum efficiency, long life and will
Ingersoll Rand offers a comprehensive deliver lower dew point at all load levels Absolutely essential to any compressed
range of compressed air filtration than refrigerant dryer. Available options air system, air receiver tanks not only
products for use in almost every for heatless or heated type with the serve as temporary storage, but they
industrial environment. Within our line capacity up to 15,000 m3/hr. also allow your system to perform more
of filter assembly range of threaded or efficiently. Air receiver tanks must be built
flanged filters we offer many models with to be exceptionally durable and from
connections from 3/8” to 12” and flow reputable fabricator compromising ASME
capacities up to 20,000 CFM. Code Section VIII, suitable for industrial
or oil & gas requirements. Available from
500 L, vertical or horizontal type.
Refrigerant air dryer has been designed
to separate water moisture from
compressed air using refrigeration
technologies. Refrigerated dryer from
Ingersoll Rand offer multiple design
features to ensure constant dew point
at all load levels and will deliver a
continuous dry air performance that
satisfies ISO 7183 industry standards,
started from 0.2 m3/min to 224 m3/min
and dew point up to -20o C.
Yale best in class and most competitive wire rope hoist in the market
today. With the industry leading safety features, flexible configurations
and a variety of options, including longer lifts, special control options
and features for hazardous environments, these hoists are designed
for ease of use and long life in even the most heavy duty applications.
Cement Quarry 20 / 21
Laboratory Freezer & Refrigerator
Chapter IV Arctiko offering outstanding cooling performance.
Biomedical glass door freezers and refrigerator from
Arctiko allow the best overview of the inside of the
units. The advanced Arctiko controller ensures reliable
temperatures and comes equipped with many alarms
as safety standards. The interior fan, which creates air
force cooling, together with Arctiko controller ensures
reliable and stable temperatures. Freezer available on
cryogenic (-150OC), ultra low temperature (-86 and
Basic Laboratory
-90OC), chest low temperature (-45 and -60OC), upright
low time (-40) and biomedical freezer (-30/-10OC).
Refrigerator range from (+1/+10OC). Special blood bank
refrigerator certified 93/42/eec with 4OC temperature.
Introducing HETTLITE as one of the
new product lines, HETTLITE presents
an indispensable range of quality
pipettes for discerning and sophisticated
laboratory users. HETTLITE comes with
affordable prices to provide value and
efficiency to the laboratory and research
market. All HETTLITE pipettes are fully
autoclavable, lightweight, durable and
PT Fajar Mas Murni provides support on fully basic reliable, ergonomically designed, suitable
laboratory setup through many worldwide brand for both left and right-handed users, UV volume or fix volume type. For single channel
instruments that offers a comprehensive range of resistant, CE certified, and self-standing. pipettes, the volume range from 0.1-5000µL.
solutions. From microscopes for training and routine HETLLITE offers both single and multi Multiple channel micropipettes (8 or 12
tasks to high-end system solutions in the basic channel pipettes provide on various channel) come with volume range 0,5-300µL.
observation up to the life sciences, there is a suitable
system for every need. The product portfolio is
supplemented by innovative laboratory equipment
for cell research applications and the latest Fume Hood &
technologies, which make it easier for users to work Biosafety Cabinet
at all levels.
Safety cabinets with automatic regulation and microprocessor
based monitoring systems. The cabinet is suitable for handling
microorganism, and pathogen. It is capable of providing
uncontaminated, particle free, and sterile conditions for
materials in the work-space. Our fume hood available on
three types: recirculatory filtration, total exhaust and hybrid
fume hood. Our safety cabinet compromise of Class 1, Class 2
A1/A2, Class 2 B2, and Class 3. Microbiological and Cytotoxic
safety cabinet. Laminar air flow available on vertical and
horizontal air flow.
22 23
Biological Microscope
High Speed & Ultracentrifuge Olympus microscopes are created to meet the
ever-changing needs of clinical and research
application. Olympus has combined the optical
leadership experience obtained through many
High-speed centrifuges and ultracentrifuges decades of microscope development with and an
are powerful tool to separate and/or purify sub- innovative digital imaging engine to create a virtual
micron-sized particles and nanosized particles, microscopy system second to none. Olympus
because of their greater g force, max. 1,050,000xg. biological microscopes range
Ultracentrifuge available on table top and micro from stereo microscope,
ultracentrifuge ranging from 80,000rpm-150,000rpm. upright microscope, polarizing
Our high speed centrifuge available on high capacity microscope, research inverted
and refrigerated with speed ranging from 7000- microscope, and fluorescence
22,000rpm. It can be used both for life science and microscope.
material science.
Basic Laboratory 24 / 25
Grossing Station
Chapter V
Sakura provides the Tissue-Tek® Accu-Edge® Grossing
Stations—a full line of superior stations designed to meet
your lab’s every need. Tissue-Tek® Accu-Edge® Grossing
Stations are constructed from high-quality stainless steel and
are equipped with a vacuum breaker-protected water supply.
Each grossing station model is available with two duct options:
ducting either to an outside ventilation source or by using
the self-contained ventilation system with replaceable filters.
Other standard features include a large sink with mixing faucet,
spray hose assembly, ½ horsepower disposal, small specimen
& Cytology
fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) electrical
receptacles, magnetic instrument holder,
and a polyethylene dissecting board.
Embedding Console
The Tissue-Tek TEC Tissue Embedding Console System has
always maintained an outstanding record of quality and
reliability. With the Tissue-Tek TEC 5, Sakura has designed
an instrument that optimises operator control and efficiency
during the tissue embedding process. Tissue Embedding
Console System consists of two modules, together create
an ergonomic workstation for the production of paraffin
blocks. The user can put the individual modules position
from either left to right or right to left, depending on
personal preference. The capacity of the workspace is 10
cassettes at each side of the dispensing control unit.
26 27
Cryotome Filling Cabinet
Tissue-Tek Polar is a successor of Cryo3 which has
a new powerful system for sectioning of adipose
Tissue-Tek Filing Cabinet is able to accommodate
tissue. It’s efficient for cooling off the blade holder
your paraffin blocks up to 1000 rings or 1500
and microtome chuck. Excellence microtome
cassettes. Coupling grooves provides on each
rigidity allows a variety of tissues, from lymph node
case allow you to easily and securely increase
through mammary gland, to be sectioned in an ideal
total capacity of the filing
temperature range. The Polar provides a unique draft
cabinet. It includes six,
generator to minimize release of contaminated air
impact-resistant drawers,
to the outside of the chamber, in
each with an identification
addition to the ozone disinfection
cycle and vacuum debris
removal system. OCT Compound,
cryomold plastic base mold, and
specimen holder are available as
Tissue-Tek has created the ideal sectioning system to Vision Tek Automated Slide Scanner
assist histotechnologists in the precise art of tissue
samples’ cutting quality. Section after section. Time The VisionTek® is a live digital microscope including scanner
after time. Sakura Finetek has designed the Accu-Cut capabilities for scanning whole and partial slides. The pathologist
SRM200 (manual rotary microtome) and Autosection now has completely control of the entire recording process.
(automated microtome) to produce sectioning Including Windows PC and 24” monitor, The Vision Tek has full
precision and high quality consistency. The Accu- motorized brightfield optical system with high-resolution fast
Cut SRM 200 Rotary Microtome is a reliable rotary cameras and rapid autofocus. It offers live viewing and remote
microtome developed for all applications of paraffin controlling for digital image capture of anatomic pathology and
and hard specimens in clinical, research and industrial cytology slides.
laboratories. AutoAlign technology in Autosection will
precisely orient blocks and dramatically reduce the risk
of losing tissue.
Slider Warmer
without air cooled (EMP-20W).
32 33
Laboratory Furnace
THERMCONCEPT Drying Cabinet comes
with natural air convection as well as Ion Sputter
forced air convection with Tmax 250oC with
volume range 23-715 l. THERMCONCEPT also Specimen damage has been minimized
provide Vacuum Drying Cabinet with Tmax through adoption of the magnetron
200oC with volume range 26-106 l . For heat- type electrode using Hitachi Ion Sputter
treatment application, THERMCONCEPT instrument. There are optional targets
provide High Temperature Oven with Tmax using Platinum (Pt), Gold (Au) and
450, 650, 850oC with size range 15-540 l . Ion Milling combination with Paladium (Pd) that
THERMCONCEPT is your partner for high- can be chosen for optimize specimen
performance and challenging applications The Ion-Milling Systems are Ion-Milling observation. It can load sample with max
in production and research covering metal, hybrid instruments supporting Cross- size 60mm diameter and 20mm height.
plastics, foundries, ceramics, glasses, and Section Milling and Flatmilling®. A wide
dental material. variety of system configurations are
offered: standard, cooling, air protection,
cooling & air protection. High-quality
and damage-less cross-section or
milled surfaces help to improve surface
observation quality for microscopy
imaging and analysis. The max.
milling rate is 2micrometer/hour until
300micrometer/hour with max. swing
range until 90O and
tilting angle range
Spark Plasma Sintering ( SPS ) is a newly developed 0-90O. The max.
synthesis process employing ON-OFF pulse DC specimen size is 20
voltage/current which has received considerable (w)x12 (d)x 7(h) mm
Spark Plasma Sintering attention in the field of advanced new material and diameter 50mm.
development. It is very effective for the research
development of new materials which have previously
been difficult to fabricate. DR SInter Lab Jr. Series
available with various max. pressure (20 kN, 30kN,
60kN) with min. pressure 0.5kN and max. sintering
temperature 2500OC. This unit completed with
special sealed water cooled system SPS electrode. Zone Cleaner
& IVF Laboratory 14A) or without air cooled (EMP-14W); and LN2
capacity production up to 20L/day without air
cooled (EMP-20W).
42 43
Micropipette Automated Cell Counter
Introducing HETTLITE as one of the new product lines, The Cell Counter is designed to reduce workloads and to
HETTLITE presents an indispensable range of quality pipettes standardize the cell counting process. R1 enable automated
for discerning and sophisticated laboratory users. HETTLITE anytype of cell counting with or without triphane blue.
comes with affordable prices to provide value and efficiency to Automatic delusion calculator of R1 gives cell suspension
the laboratory and research market. volume to avoid human error in calculation. This portable
instrument is equipped with user-friendly touchscreen
All HETTLITE pipettes are fully autoclavable, lightweight, provides reliable result throughout the cell culture workflow
durable and reliable, ergonomically designed, suitable for both and accelerates the cell culture process. Cell concentration
left and right-handed users, UV resistant, CE certified, and range: 5x104-1x107 cell/mL with cell diameter range
self-standing. 3-60micrometer with output information of viability, average
cell size, total/live/dead cell number and concentration with
HETLLITE offers both single and multi channel pipettes. For adjustable setting of size, roundness dilution factor, noise
single channel pipettes, the volume range from 0,1-5.000µL. reduction, and declustering.
Multiple channel micropipettes (8 or 12 channel) come with
volume range 0,5-300µL.
The new HettCube range of incubators brings
Biosafety Cabinet cost savings and benefits the environment:
HettCube incubators provide optimum
conditions for the growth of cultures with an
exceptionally low power
Safety cabinets with automatic regulation and consumption. The HettCube
microprocessor based monitoring systems. The is completed with or without
cabinet is suitable for handling microorganism, and cooling capability and the
pathogen. It is capable of providing uncontaminated, range capacity start from
particle free, and sterile conditions for materials 150, 310, and 520 litres.
in the work-space. Our safety
cabinet compromise of Class 1,
Class 2 A1/A2, Class 2 B2, and
Class 3. Microbiological and
Cytotoxic Safety cabinet. Stereomicroscope, Thermoplate, &
CO2 Incubator
48 49
Winch Hand Tools
Built of rugged cast iron and steel construction Stahlwille’s quality provides you with the certainty
Ingersoll Rand winches are extremely durable and that you are in possession of a perfect tool
reliable. They are ideal for work in harsh environments designed specifically for practical application. A tool
and are trusted worldwide by offshore workers, which is stronger, more durable, and as a result
miners and heavy construction crews. Our winches more economical. Lifetime warranty.
are designed to meet strict local safe lifting standards
around the globe, and include features to help ensure
the safety of workers. And with
air, electric and hydraulic drives as
well as models to lift both material
and personnel, we have the winch
you need for any offshore or
onshore application.
The Airman generators powered by Kubota,
Isuzu, Hino engines, renowned for their superior
reliability, quiet and efficient operation, and long
service life even for the most extreme applications.
Suited to mining, construction, rental and heavy
industrial use.
Portable Air Compressor
Airman portable air compressor available in a wide
range of models to meet your need. Featuring
sound proof structure and low noise, easy
operation, and completely monitoring system,
high performance compressor with proven
reliability and high efficiency. Provided in box series
designed for mounting on pick up trucks or stowing
operation in confined spaces.
52 53
Jumbo Drill Light Tower
With features, long and efficient runtimes, lower
risk deployment, and maximized freight costs,
Allmand light towers are built with the durability
and performance you demand. This dependable
light tower will maximize your jobsite and keep it
A tunnel drill jumbo is a machine used to drill holes in rocks for setting running all through the night.
blasting powder at tunnel construction sites. Our highly-evaluated
tunnel drill jumbos have been used at a number of dam, underground
power station, and underground oil storage station construction sites
as well as road, and rail tunnel construction sites in the mountains. Also,
we are developing various types of tunnel construction machinery in
order to accommodate many different construction methods applied at
Hydraulic Breaker
Spike Drivers, Tie Tampers,
FRD Furukawa has the right hydraulic breakers for & Air Pavement Breaker
all your needs that combines quality, performance
and extended durability. FRD Furukawa Ingersoll rand spike drivers performs as fast
supply a wide range of high-quality, highly- as the much heavier competitive tools, giving
reliable hydraulic breakers from small to super large you the productivity of large tool with less
for rock demolition all over the world. weight. Ingersoll rand features a full line of
pavement breakers that offer more power and
fewer parts than many of its competitors.
Constructions 54 / 55
Rivet Buster
Chipping Hammers
Ingersoll Rand rivet busters, also known
as air busters, are versatile tools for Ingersoll Rand chipping hammers are the top
applications ranging from rivet removal, choice for light demolition work - including
tank cutting, and general brick or concrete and masonry removal - where you
concrete demolition. Ingersoll Rand need a hard-hitting, well balanced tool. A variety
offers several models and accessories of sizes, capacities, and precision matched
to ensure that you will have the perfect accessories allow you to match the best tools
tool for your job. to the job, whether it’s for industrial duty,
construction duty or heavy duty work.
Hand Tool
Ingersoll Rand diggers are used for medium to
heavy density earth or rock-laden earth. They are Stahlwille’s quality provides you with
also great for light to heavy demolition. These the certainty that you are in possession
tools feature time tested valve durability in dusty of a perfect tool designed specifically
conditions, making them one of the most reliable for practical application. A tool which is
and requested tools in their class. Available in stronger, more durable, and as a result
multiple retainer configurations, these tools include more economical. Lifetime warranty.
extra-long nozzles giving increased longevity.
Yale Hoist
Jack Hammer/Rock Drills
Yale best in class and most competitive wire
Simon Ingersoll invented the world’s first rock rope hoist in the market today. With the industry
drill in 1912. Today, Ingersoll Rand continues the leading safety features, flexible configurations
tradition with three families of rock drills. These and a variety of options, including longer
tools can be used for either wet or dry drilling lifts, special control options and features for
and are built according to the high standards for hazardous environments, these hoists are
which Ingersoll Rand is well known. designed for ease of use and long life in even the
most heavy duty applications.
Constructions 56 / 57
Chapter X
Separator Column
GT-OPTIM TM state-of-the-art
& Chemical
high performance trays have trays can be constructed of standard or exotic materials
been commercially proven with various down comer designs such as straight, sloped,
in refinery, petrochemical stepped, swept and truncated. In addition, our trays deliver
and chemical applications performance improvement through higher turndown, less
to achieve efficiency and weepage and lower entrainment.
Aro Pump
ARO is one of Ingersoll Rand’s strategic
brands and owns 85 years of experience
in pump and fluid handling technology.
The main products like pneumatic
diaphragm pumps and piston pumps have
been well received by all walks of life for
their high quality, reliability and durability
since their launching into the global
All our solutions in petrochemical and chemical
market. ARO can provide customers
industry make optimal performance
with professional and multifaceted fluid
possible, due to a deep dedication to fulfill
handling solutions.
customer needs.
Generator Set
The Airman generators powered
by Kubota, Isuzu, Hino engines,
renowned for their superior
reliability, quiet and efficient
operation and long service life even
for the most extreme applications.
Suited for mining, construction,
rental and heavy industrial use.
58 59
Centrifugal Air Compressor
Portable Air Compressor
Engineered excellently. Ingersoll Rand oil free
Airman portable air compressor centrifugal air compressors are not only the
available in a wide range of models first and only to be certified ISO 8573-1:12001
to meet your need. Featuring sound Class 0, they offer efficient, economical and
proof structure and low noise, easy reliable solutions for delivering compressed
operation, and completely monitoring air. This high performing, versatile compressed
system, high performance deliver the advantage of a compact design to a
compressor with proven reliability border range of customer
and high efficiency. Provided in box and applications. From
series designed for mounting on Plant Air, Engineered Air
pick up trucks or stowing operation in or N2 , Process Gas, API
confined spaces. with the flow until
15,000 cfm.
Receiver Tank
Power Plant
Conveyor Belt
The conveyor belt is the key to the
profitability of your operation and
definitely not the place to compromise.
Metso delivers a comprehensive range of
conveyor belts. Metso conveyor belts for
any application are engineered from the
best quality materials available and backed
by more than 100 years of experience in the
field. Metso conveyor belts are available
for almost any conceivable application or
We are delivering advanced technology product
from the earliest stage of your projects to Flue Gas Desulfurization
provide a highly efficient operations.
Metso designs and manufactures both ball mills
Our solution is custom-designed according to and Vertimill® for limestone grinding and lime
your specifications to improve the operating slaking to produce reagents for FGD reagent
efficiency in geothermal power plant. preparation systems. Metso combines the
experience and expertise of Kennedy Van Saun
(KVS) and MPSI to become the world’s leading
supplier of grinding systems for FGD reagent
preparation systems and applications.
64 65
Slurry Pump
The Metso line of horizontal slurry pumps
offers a huge range of sizes and capability Features:
for every slurry pump application. We - Optimizing pump selection and
understand that there is no such thing as performance to lower your operating
Railcar Damper a one-size-fits-all solution in increasingly costs.
complex mining operations. That’s why - Robust construction and design to
Automate, accelerate and simplify your unloading process. we work with customers to understand maximize wear life.
Features: their challenges, process conditions and - Modular pump design for full life cycle
- Metso custom configured dumpers are built for optimum fatigue life. variables to select the equipment and efficiency.
- Rotary (standard) dumpers. service regimen to maximize efficiency and - Innovative design reduces cost and
- Multiple barrel configurations. minimize the total cost of ownership. simplifies pump maintenance and service.
- Dumpers with bottom dump capability.
- Capable of handling a diverse range of dry bulk materials, Metso
dumpers unload random cars, as well as unit trains of any length,
style and car size.
- Used for handling coal, coke, metallic ores, limestone, bauxite,
phosphate, sulfur, wood chips, and many other bulk materials.
Vacuum Pump
Power Plant 66 / 67
Rotary Screw Air Compressor Air Filter
Ingersoll Rand rotary screw compressors both Ingersoll Rand offers a comprehensive range
for oil free and contact cooled are proven, of compressed air filtration products for
ruggedly reliable units that perform to the use in almost every industrial environment.
highest standards regardless of industry, Within our line of filter assembly range of
application, or environment. Easy to install and threaded or flanged filters we offer many
continuous duty rated for models with connections from 3/8” to 12”
long-term performance. and flow capacities up to 20,000 CFM.
Capacity range started
from 5.5 kW into 350 kW,
with the pressure until
14 barg. Receiver Tank
Absolutely essential to any compressed air
system, air receiver tanks not only serve as
temporary storage, but they also allow your
Centrifugal Air Compressor system to perform more efficiently. Air receiver
tanks must be built to be exceptionally durable
Engineered excellently. Ingersoll Rand oil free and from reputable fabricator compromising
centrifugal air compressors are not only the ASME Code Section VIII, suitable for industrial
first and only to be certified ISO 8573-1:12001 or oil & gas requirements. Available from 500 L,
Class 0, they offer efficient, economical and vertical or horizontal type.
reliable solutions for delivering compressed
air. This high performing, versatile compressed
deliver the advantage of a compact design to a
border range of customer
and applications. From
Desiccant Air Dryer
Plant Air, Engineered Air
or N2, Process Gas , API Ingersoll Rand desiccant air dryer purify
with the flow until compressed air by adsorbing water vapor,
15,000 cfm. are engineered for easy access, maximum
efficiency, long life and will deliver lower dew
point at all load levels than refrigerant dryer.
Available options for heatless or heated type
with the capacity up to 15,000 m3/hr.
Power Plant 68 / 69
DATUM® Centrifugal Gas Compressors
Chapter XII The DATUM® line of centrifugal Typical applications include :
compressors was designed -
Urea—CO2 compression.
Gas storage (injection The lower cost and rapid delivery of packaged HOS
and withdrawal), fuel gas compressors can be applied to hydrogen, nitrogen and
boosting, landfill gas recovery other process requirements. Rated to 7200 hp (5370 kW)
and many other applications. and 1500 rpm with design pressures up to and exceeding
They are suited not only for 6600 psig (455.05 bar), HOS compressors provide long life
sweet natural gas services, due to their heavy duty construction. They are available
but can be built to handle in two-, four-, or six-throw configurations and in cylinder
sour natural gas, propane, sizes ranging from 3.75” (95.3 mm) to 26.5” (673.1 mm). The
carbon dioxide, air, nitrogen, rigid, cast iron compressor frame is heavily ribbed and
We offer you high performance and reliable
and most other gases. reinforced, with integrally cast crosshead extensions to
equipment with more than 30 years of
handle almost any gas field requirement.
experience in providing services in Oil and
Gas Productions.
Using API as the design basis, The CENTAC Process Package can
meets the specific plant and process air requirements of the oil and
gas industries. The benefits for the end user are on-line reliability and
serviceability in severe duty applications. No other product on the market
can offer the CENTAC package design flexibility to meet the API Codes
and the project specifications.
Impact Tools
Ingersoll Rand cordless and their durability and compact profile, delivering rugged
pneumatic impact wrenches are reliability and the best power-to-weight ratios on the
highly regarded by professionals market. Our industrial production class impact tools have
Aro Pump everywhere, whether for an innovative ergonomic design and are manufactured
automotive services or industrial using a proprietary hardening and treatment process. All
ARO is one of Ingersoll Rand’s strategic production. Ingersoll Rand adding up to the longest lasting, hardest hitting impact
brands and owns 85 years of experience impact tools are well known for tools in the business.
in pump and fluid handling technology. The
main products like pneumatic diaphragm
pumps and piston pumps have been well
received by all walks of life for their high
Industry Pump
quality, reliability and durability since their
launching into the global market. ARO can Reliability, productivity and performance. These are precisely
provide customers with professional and the areas addressed by our range of products, systems and
multifaceted fluid handling solutions. services. Value-added liquid transport solutions for local and global
companies are our scope of supply.
Soap & Detergents
Cleaning surfaces, removing gaskets and
Oil Blending
general surface prep is no problem for our full
Paint & Ink
line of straight and right
78 / 79
Chapter XIII
80 / 81
X-Ray Fluorescence
Address Jln. Perintis Kemerdekaan No. 56B Address Jln. Sukarno Hatta No. 647, Bandung
Banyumanik, Semarang 50269, 40285, West Java, Indonesia
Central Java, Indonesia Phone (+62-22) 730-5552
Phone (+62-24) 747-4936 Fax (+62-22) 730-3472
Fax (+62-24) 746-1557 Email
Getting Closer 83 / 84
Batam (representative)
Pekanbaru Medan Palembang
Address Kawasan Bintang Industrial Park I, Address Jln. Bindanak / Pontianak Ujung No. 5A Address Jln. Medan-Tanjung Morawa Km. 9 No. 200, Address Jln. Jend. Basuki Rachmat No. 81,
Blok B No. 19 Batu Ampar, Tangkerang Utara, Pekanbaru 28282, Medan 20148, North Sumatera, Indonesia Palembang 30001, South Sumatera,
Batam 29457, Indonesia Riau, Indonesia Mail P.O. Box 1081 Medan 20010 Indonesia
Phone (+62-778) 411-570 Phone (+62-761) 45228, 45229 North Sumatera, Indonesia Mail P.O. Box 310 Palembang 30001
Fax (+62-778) 411-571 (+62-761) 855-972, 855-973, 855-974 Phone (+62-61) 786-7485 (Hunting) South Sumatera, Indonesia
Email Fax (+62-761) 848-408 Fax (+62-61) 786-5777 Phone (+62-711) 410-190, 411-986
Email Email Fax (+62-711) 410-190
Getting Closer 85 / 86
Now that
you’ve reach
the end,
we hope
you’ve find
the bullet.
Disclaimer: All images contained in this catalogue are used for illustration purposes only. Please check
the availability, condition, type, and color of the wanted products directly at PT Fajar Mas Murni’s
nearest warehouse. Readers are expected to be wise before doing any transactions and also contact
the nearest PT Fajar Mas Murni branch office or representative office to make sure that any doubts or
questions related to all products in this catalogue, including how to use them properly, are answered.
PT Fajar Mas Murni is not responsible for any loss caused by misuse of its products.