Diploma Board Examination - June 2021
Diploma Board Examination - June 2021
Diploma Board Examination - June 2021
1. Define viscosity.
16. Write down the dimensions and units for velocity, force and density.
17. (a) The vacuum pressure at a point ‘A’ in a pipe line carrying water
was measured by a ‘U’ tube manometer. The deflection of
mercury between the limbs was 0.05m. The free surface of
mercury in the open limb was 0.10m below the point ‘A’ in the
pipe line. Find the pressure at ‘A’ in absolute units in terms of
metre of water.
(b) A triangular plate of 1m base and 1.2m height is immersed in
water vertically with its apex above the base. The base is
parallel to and at a depth of 1.4m below the water surface.
Determine the total water pressure and depth of centre of
19. (a) Water flows over a rectangular notch 1.25m wide with a head
of 0.10m. The same discharge passes through a 60° V-notch.
Assuming Cd are same for both notches, determine the head
over V-notch.
(b) A rectangular weir 6m long is divided into 3 equal bays by two
vertical posts, each 0.30m thick. Find the discharge when the
head is 0.45m by using Bazin’s formula.
20. (a) A rectangular channel is 8m wide and 3m deep. The bed fall is
1 in 1000. Find the discharge in cumecs when it is running full.
Take Chezy’s constant as 55.
(b) Explain briefly about the various methods of measurement of
velocity in channels.
21. (a) Explain briefly about the various types of well construction.
(b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of centrifugal
pump over reciprocating pump?