How To Catch A Star
How To Catch A Star
How To Catch A Star
Step 1: Learning Context Description of the learning environment(s) where the learning experience will take
Identify place
Learners My classroom is set up where students are in groups of either four or
(Classroom five. My teacher likes students to work in groups so this is the best setup
Context) for her and them. There is a promethean board at the front of the
classroom which student desks are pointed towards. My teacher has
flexible seating for her students to utilize during center time. She also has
a book corner with stadium seating for students to use. Unfortunately,
because of COVID we are not allowed to have any fabric located in the
classroom which means no big rugs. My class does not have a lot of
technology. We have 5 desktop computers and a laptop cart. The laptop
cart is the oldest in the building and normally takes too long to turn on so
we cannot use them in an activity.
Prior Academic What prior academic knowledge and/or prerequisite skills will this lesson
Knowledge and activate?
Prerequisite Skills What prior academic knowledge and/or prerequisite skills will students need for
this lesson?
They will need to use their diagram from the previous day to help them create this
assignment. They will be able to look at the facts that they chose to help their
writing as well.
Overarching Goal, What are the important understandings and/or core concepts that you want
Big Idea, or Essential students to develop?
Question(s) Students will develop an understanding on “how to” writing and write their own
story. Students will also be thinking about how to be descriptive and how to
elevate the mentor text that is used. Students will create a plan on how to catch
their own star by using the real characteristics of scientific stars.
Learning This (or these) should support the overarching goal, big idea, or essential
Objective(s) or question(s); should be measurable; should indicate what students will be able to
Learning Target(s) do at the end of the lesson (These can be written as “I can” statements)
I can describe stars and their different characteristics.
I can use details.
I can write a “how to” piece of writing.
Formative Students will Students will be able to have their own copy of I will be looking
assessment(s) create their the book and use that to help model their own for students to
own story to story. model the
write a star. structure of our
Students will use their own star diagram to help mentor text.
recall characteristics of scientific stars.
To give evidence
Students will have access to a video reading of for their plan to
the text if they need catch a star based on the
v=rpyR6hJPxiw characteristics
that we put on
our diagram.
I will be looking
for students to
be descriptive in
their writing and
to include
adjectives and
adverbs in their
Pre-Assessment Data Summary
My pre-assessment will be the activity that the students participated in the day before to determine how in
depth I need to go into reviewing the characteristics of real stars and how they compare to fictional stars.
I will support my students who struggle with science by allowing them to utilize their
diagram to help them use characteristics of a real star.
I will support my gifted students by requiring them to write a longer story with a
more in depth description.
Culturally Responsive This lesson allows students to creatively interpret the characteristics of stars and how
Teaching they would deal with these characteristics to be able to hold/handle a real star.
Research and Theory, I will use a scaffolding technique to drive my instruction. Students will use the
or Principles of Child knowledge and tools that they already have regarding stars that they learned from
Development the lesson the previous day. I will then read them a book to expose them to a type of
text they have not been exposed to before. I will then have them model this text and
add to it because it will be in their zone of proximal development.
Higher Order Thinking Predict what you think will happen when the character tries to lasso the star? (DOK
Questions (HOTQs) 3)
Students will give a variety of answers including it burns off or they can
not reach that high.
Create your own plan to catch a star. (DOK 4)
student answers will vary
Compare your plan to the story and what is different. (DOK 3)
Student answers will vary
Organize your ideas before you begin writing (Blooms level 3)
Adapt your star story to include real facts about stars.
Instructional I would start this lesson by asking students “Have you ever thought about what it
Strategies and would be like to catch a star?” I would allow for student answers, then I would ask
Learning Tasks (Will “Does anyone have any ideas on how you might do that?”. I would then allow for a
VARY by content area) few students to share some of their ideas and leave them on the board for later use. I
would then segway into the book How to Catch a Star. I would pause at various times
to ask students their opinions on some of the things the main character tries in their
journey to catch a star and ask questions such as Predict what you think will happen
when the character tries to lasso the star?
After reading the book, I would have students recall the events that
happened in the story and ask what methods the character used to catch a star and if
they worked on the smart board! I will also create an anchor chart where I would
point out the elements of How to Writing that the students needed to include in their
writing. Then I would direct them to recall the properties of stars that we discuss in
science class. I will write these down on the board as students present them to me.
Students will offer up properties such as size, shape, brightness, heat. I will tell them
that these are all properties they should consider when writing their plan on catching
their own star. I will also tell them that they will be able to utilize their star diagrams
that they created yesterday to help them write.
I will then have students complete their own story. They will first create a
graphic organizer where they can get all of their ideas out on paper. I will encourage
students to use their star diagram so they can refer back to this in their writing process.
Then students will write their own story using their graphic organizers. Students will
also have access to the physical copy of the book or will be able to watch a youtube
video, , of the book being read to
them if they need more assistance. Students will also be able to look to the board for
some ideas and descriptions they can use.
Lesson Closure Students will be asked if they would like to share their versions of the story. I would
also collect their stories and read them to look for students including adjectives,
modeling the how to components from the anchor chart, and including real
characteristics of stars.
Re-teaching, Re- To reteach students on “How To Writing” I would let them choose the topic they
Engagement, Practice wrote about in a direction format such as “How to make a sandwich”
Extensions Have students write a story with multiple ways to catch a star and to describe if each
step in the process of catching one was successful.