Development of Cod (Chemical Oxygen Demand) Analysis Method in Waste Water Using Uv-Vis Spectrophotometer
Development of Cod (Chemical Oxygen Demand) Analysis Method in Waste Water Using Uv-Vis Spectrophotometer
Development of Cod (Chemical Oxygen Demand) Analysis Method in Waste Water Using Uv-Vis Spectrophotometer
Universitas Pakuan, Bogor, Indonesia
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Article history: received 08 August 2020; revised 17 August 2020; accepted 29 August 2020
Abstract. The COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) analysis method based on the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) is a
revision of SNI 06-6989.2-2004, Water and wastewater - Part 2: Method of testing for chemical oxygen demand (COD)
with closed reflux spectrophotometrically. This SNI uses references from international standard methods, namely
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 21st Edition, editor of LS Clesceri, AE Greenberg, AD
Eaton, APHA, AWWA and WEF, Washington DC, 2005, Methods 5220 D (Closed Reflux, Colorimetric Methods). The
purpose of this study was to validate the total method for testing chemical oxygen demand (COD) in water and
wastewater with the reduction of Cr2O7 2- spectrophotometrically in the range of COD values of 100 mg / L to 900 mg /
L measurements were made at a wavelength of 600 nm. and COD values less than or equal to 90 mg / L measurements
were made at a wavelength of 420 nm. The results showed that the method SNI 06-6898.2- 2009 has good validation
results including the r results obtained from the calibration curve equation of 0.998, a precision of 1.82%, an accuracy of
98.25% and LOD and LOQ of 12.27 mg / L and 25, 61 mg / L.
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JOURNAL OF SCIENCE INNOVARE Volume 03, Number 02, September 2020, Page 35-38 p-ISSN: 2615-3769 ; e-ISSN: 2615-3750
for new methods or just repetition based on literature. sulfuric acid reagent solution into the tube or ampoule, as
Method validation has the main objective of demonstrating stated in the following table:
the reliability of a particular method (European Medicines
Table 1. Sample test and reagent solutions for various
Agency, 2011). This COD validation method is used for
digestion vessels
testing chemical oxygen demand (COD) in water and
wastewater with spectrophotometric reduction of Cr 2O7 2- in
the COD value range of 100. mg / L up to 900 mg / L
measurements were made at a wavelength of 600 nm and
COD values less than or equal to 90 mg / L measurements
were made at a wavelength of 420 nm [6].
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JOURNAL OF SCIENCE INNOVARE Volume 03, Number 02, September 2020, Page 35-38 p-ISSN: 2615-3769 ; e-ISSN: 2615-3750
Validation Results of Cod Analysis Method in the linear regression equation for the calibration curve are y
Wastewater Using a Uv-Vis Spectrophotometer = 0.0004x + 0.0051 with a value of r = 0.999. Following the
recovery results are presented in table IV.
A. Linearity
The result of the determination of the KHP Table 4. COD accuracy test results
(Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate) calibration curve is a linear
line equation that can be used to calculate COD levels in Sample % Recovery
wastewater samples. The linear regression line equation 1 96.39
illustrates the relationship between the KHP concentration 2 98.06
and the uptake of the KHP reaction compound with its 3 99.66
reagents. The determination of the calibration curve in this 4 98.03
study used 5 series of concentrations, namely 100 mg / L, 5 96.33
200 mg / L, 300 mg / L, 400 mg / L, 500 mg / L with 2 6 99.65
repetitions each. The wavelength used for absorption is 7 99.66
600nm. The results of the KHP standard curve determination Average 98.25
are presented in table II.
Accuracy is expressed as a percentage of recovery (%
Table 2. Result of Determination of KHP Calibration
recovery). The test results showed that the average%
Curve to Determine recovery in COD levels gave good results and met the
concentration Repetition 1 Repetition 2 accuracy test requirements of 98.25%. The% recovery result
(mg / L) is said to meet the requirements if it shows a percentage
100 0.045 0.041 value between 85% -115%.
200 0.096 0.085
300 0.128 0.123
400 0.171 0.174
D. Detection Limit and Quantitation Limit Test (LOD
500 0.213 0.205 and LOQ)
r 0.998 0.998 The determination of LOD and LOQ in this study
Linear Regression y = 0.0004x +0.0073 y = 0.0004 + 0.0005 was carried out by making a blank for 11 replications and a
Line Equations R2 = 0.9964 R2 = 0.996
sample of 5 replications. Based on the results of LOD and
LOQ measurements obtained, respectively, are 12.27 mg / L
The calibration curve has a good correlation
and 25.61 mg / L. The results of LOD and LOQ show that
coefficient (r) with a value of 0.998 each. This shows that
the sensitivity of the method is quite good.
the calibration curve is linear because r> 0.995 is in
accordance with SNI 06-6898.2-2009. The value of r that
approaches 1 indicates a relationship between concentration
(x) and response (y) which is interpreted as linearity.
Based on the research results, it can be concluded that
B. Accuracy / Precision
the method SNI 06-6898.2-2009 has good validation results
Determination of the precision value is done in 7
including the r results obtained from the calibration curve
repetitions. precision is determined based on the standard
equation of 0.998, a precision of 1.82%, an accuracy of
deviation (SD). Based on the test results, it can be seen that
98.25% and LOD and LOQ of 12.27 mg / L and 25, 61 mg/L.
the UV-VIS spectrophotometric method used for
determining COD levels has a precision of 1.82% <2%.
Presented in table III.
We want to thank Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu
Table 3. COD Level Precision Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Pakuan for funding this
No. COD levels % research and to Threcia Valentina for helping research in the
Average SD
Sample (mg / L) RSD laboratory.
1 146.75
2 151.75
4 149.25 147.11 2.67 1.82
5 144.25 [1] Asmadi, Khayan, Kasjono H.S. 2011. Teknologi
6 144.25
7 146.75
Pengolahan Air Minum. Yogyakarta: Gosyen
Publishin g
[2] Asmadi dan Suharno. 2012. Dasar–Dasar Teknologi
C. Accuracy (Accuracy Test) Pengolahan Air Limbah. Gosyen Publishing :
Accuracy is used to show the closeness of the Yogyakarta.
analysis results to the actual analyte content. Accuracy in [3] Sastrawijaya, 2000, Pencemaran Lingkungan, Rineka
this validation is done by using recovery technique, namely Cipta, Jakarta.
the use of spiking against standard standards. The results of
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JOURNAL OF SCIENCE INNOVARE Volume 03, Number 02, September 2020, Page 35-38 p-ISSN: 2615-3769 ; e-ISSN: 2615-3750
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