Classification of Crops-1

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Crop, in agriculture, is a plant or a plant product that can be grown and harvested
extensively for profit or subsistence. Crops are classified for order and organization.
Agricultural crops are diverse in nature hence classification of a crop is very helpful. Crops
are classified for logical naming. A crop can be identified by its common name which
varies from one locality to another or by its scientific name which is constant worldwide.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this module, the students shall be able to learn the following:
1. Distinguish the different classifications of crops according to their uses and purpose.
A. Systems of Classification
a. Artificial system – based only one or two morphological characters for the
identification of plants. It is also the ordering of organisms into groups on the basis of
non-evolutionary features. e.g., groupings together of plants according to the number
and situation of their stamens, style and stigma rather than their evolutionary
b. Natural system – uses the most prominent and most peculiar morphological structure
of the plant with the intention of grouping together those crops which are most
familiar in a number of structures.
c. Phylogenic system – plants are classified according to the evolutionary status.

B. General Classification of Crops

1. According to Growth Habit
a. Herbs – succulent plants with self-supporting stems, with soft stems
b. Vines – succulents or woody plants without self-supporting stems
c. Shrubs – may have several main branches with no trunk and rarely grows higher
than 5 meters.
d. Trees – with single central system to which branches are attached, usually taller
than shrub.
2. According to Life Cycle
a. Annuals – complete their life cycle in 1 year or less. Ex. Corn, Rice, watermelon,
b. Biennials – plants ordinarily require 2 years or at least part of 2 growing season
with a dominant period between growth stages to complete their life cycle. Ex.
Carrots, cabbage, celery, onions

c. Perennials – plants that do not die after flowering but live from year to year. Ex.
Asparagus, tomatoes, ginger, banana, mango, coconut
3. According to Mode of Reproduction
a. Sexual – plants that develop after undergoing processes of meiosis and
fertilization in the flower to produce a viable embryo in the seed.
b. Asexual – plants that are produced by vegetative means not involving meiosis and
the union of gametes.
4. Special Types
a. Parasites – parasitic, sucking of roots
b. Epiphytes – grow upon other plants (orchids) but not parasitic
c. Saprophytes – grow in places rich in decaying organic substances

C. Classification of Crops Based on Purpose

1. Cereal/grain crops – grown for their grains. Ex. Rice, corn, wheat, sorghum
2. Legumes – for pods and seeds. Ex. Cowpea, mungbean, sitao, peanut
3. Root crops – for enlarged roots/tuberous roots. Ex. Cassava, ube, sweet potato
4. Fiber crops – grown for their fibers used in textile, cordage, twines, sacks, bags, etc.
ex. Cotton, ramie, kenaf, jute
5. Oil crops – grown for their oil content. Ex. Soybean, peanut, sunflower, castor,
6. Sugar crops – grown for their sugar content. Ex. Sugarcane, sugar beet
7. Pasture/forage crops – used for roughage source of animals. Ex. Para grass, napier
grass, ipil-ipil
8. Beverages crops – used for brewing non-alcoholic drinks. Ex. Coffee, cacao, tea
9. Spices, condiments, essence – used to provide a special flavor, scent and color to
food, perfumes, soaps and body dressing. Ex. Black pepper, vanilla, citronella, ilang-
10. Latex and resins – used for extracting sap from the trunk/stem. Ex. Rubber, chico, pili,
11. Medicinal and poison crops – with curative, laxative and pesticidal properties. Ex.
Lagundi, sambong, tobacco
12. Vegetables – usually eaten with staple crops, further classified according to
similarities in the method of culture
a. Root – radish, carrot
b. Leafy – spinach, lettuce, pechay
c. Stem – celery, asparagus
d. Flowers – squash, katuray
e. Fruit – okra, tomato, eggplant
13. Fruits – edible botanical fruits usually used for dessert which may be eaten raw,
cooked or in processed form. Ex. Pineapple, cashew, mango

14. Ornamentals – plants cultivated mainly for their aesthetic value, further classified
according to their special uses.
a. Cut-flowers – grown for its flowers. Ex. Roses, orchids
b. Cut-foliage – foliage provides background in floral arrangements. Ex. Ferns,
fortune plant, palmera
c. Flowering pot plants – plants grown in containers for their flowers usually for
display. Ex. Poinsettia
d. Landscape plants – for landscaping purposes. Ex. Blue palm, white grass
e. Foliage plants – for attractive foliage, maybe grown indoor or outdoor for
decoration. Ex. Begonia, philodendron
f. Turf – used in lawns or greens. Ex. Bermuda grass, carabao grass, blue grass

D. Special Groups
1. Green manure - a crop that is plowed under while still green and growing to improve
the soil. Ex. Sesbania
2. Cover Crop – any crop grown to provide soil cover, prevent soil erosion by wind, or
water, improve soil and control weeds. Ex. Centrosema
3. Companion crop – crop sown with another crop and harvested separately. The
combination benefits either or both of the crops. Ex. Ipil-ipil planted with black pepper
4. Trap crop – a crop which is planted to protect the main crop from pests by attracting
the pest to the crop itself and later destroying it. Ex. Main crop is rice and sweet potato
is planted to trap some rats
5. Catch crop – a short seasoned crop grown immediately after the failure of the main
crop to utilize residual resources. Ex. Rice is the main crop but may have been
destroyed by typhoon therefore pechay or mustard is planted immediately.
6. Soilage – grasses that are grown, cut and directly fed to animals
7. Silage – grasses grown, cut, fermented and preserved before being fed to animals.

1. Give an example of crops according to their general classifications. Attach a photo in each
type of crop.

According to According to Life According to Mode Special Types

Growth Habit Cycle of Reproduction

2. Enumerate some examples on the special types of classification of crops.

3. Why is it important to classify crops according to their uses or purpose?

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