Seed Saving- Train the Trainer workshop

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Seed Saving - Training the trainers

FarmFolk CityFolk - BC Seed Security Program

Know your audience
What skill level?
Specific topics of interest?
Where do they garden? Teach what you know
It’s better to not know something then
to make it up.

Leave time for questions

Seed saving topics are vast! You won’t
cover it all so make sure to leave time
for audience questions.
Topics to cover
Background: History of seed saving, why seed save, political landscape, loss
of diversity
Plant Knowledge: What is a species, what is a cultivar, basic flower
structure, annuals/biennials/perennials
Genetics and Plant Breeding: Can get very complicated! OP vs. Hybrids.
Outcrossers vs. self pollinators, mechanisms of pollen transfer, isolation
distances, population sizes
Where to Start: Empower people to start saving seeds. All the information
can be overwhelming, but make sure to also convey that it is simple and fine
to make mistakes
Seed Cleaning and storage: Dry seed cleaning, wet seed cleaning, keep
cool and dry, seed preservation
Importance of Seed Saving
Seed History

Gardeners and Farmers have been saving seeds and other reproductive material
for the last 12 000 years

It is only since the 20th century that there has been a major shift to purchasing
seed annually from commercial seed growers

Today, we see an increase in seed patents and barriers to seed saving. This has
led to the commercialization, consolidation and ultimately control of seed

The top 10 seed and chemical companies control around 67% of the global seed
Loss of Crop Diversity
We have seen a major decline in the two main areas

1. The number of crop species commonly grown

2. The genetic diversity within a crop

There is a global shift to high caloric, energy dense foods (Cereals and oil crops)

A shift away from cultivated fruits and vegetables, spices, and wild plants

All of this leads to a decrease in food security

Importance of Crop Diversity

Protects from Crop disease

- The Great Famine of Ireland
- ‘Gros Michel’ banana wipeout in 1940’s
Reduce the need for pesticides and herbicides
- Selection for pest resistance and canopy
Protection against crop failure
Pests and diseases more prominent in
monocultures - Crop rotation
Benefits of Seed Saving

Self Sufficiency: You don’t need to buy seeds. No reliance on Seed


About 75% loss of diversity of agricultural crops in the

Seed Security:
last 100 years

Personal Preferences: Why plant what suits someone else palate?

Local Adaptation: Optimize seeds to your environment

Saving seeds increases diversity!

Plant Knowledge
Plant structures, functions, and vocabulary
What is a species?

Species: A group of plants with specific


Species are capable of interbreeding

Within a species there can be

genotypic/phenotypic differences

Subgroups of species can be known as

variety, subspecies, cultivars, etc.
What is a cultivar?
Cultivar = cultivated variety

- A group of genetically similar plants that has unique characteristics

- Must be able to be identified and must be able to reproduce

Many cases cultivars, rely on human domestication and continued seed selection
to exist
A guide to plant labels
Plant names are often classified by genus,
variety, then cultivar.
Ex. Brassica oleracea cv. Dazzling Blue
Or Brassica oleracea ‘Dazzling Blue’
Interspecific hybrids (plant produced by crossing
two species) have ‘x’ in their name
Ex. Fragaria x Ananassa

Kale ‘Dazzling Blue’

Landrace is a local cultivar that is adapted to the area

- A cultivated plant population which is genetically diverse and genetically flexible

- A landrace can respond to selection pressures during cultivation.

Traditionally, Farmers saved a portion of last years crop for future growing seasons

This is why it is important for BC to have a thriving seed sector!

Flower Parts
Plant Life cycle mechanisms
1. Annuals
- Flowering and seed production occur in one season then the plant dies
2. Biennials
- Plants have a two year life cycle, first year is primarily vegetative growth,
reproductive growth occurs in the second year. Most biennials require a cool
period in between the two growing seasons (winter = vernalization)
3. Perennials
- Plants live for more than two years with annual or biennial cycles of
vegetative and reproductive growth
- Herbaceous perennials die back at the end of the year, woody perennials
increase in size each year
Genetics and Plant Breeding
A Basic Guide
- Pollen lands on stigma
- Pollen germinates and grows down
the ovary
- Carpels mature into fruits
- Ovules mature into seeds

Fertilization: Fusion of male and female

Reproduction of plants
Monoecious: Male and female plant organs on the same plant
- Perfect flowers: contain both male and female organs in the same flower
- Imperfect flowers: contain male and female organs in different flowers
Ex. Corn is a monoecious plants with imperfect flowers
Ex. Tomatoes, have perfect flowers and are largely self pollinating
Dioecious: Male and Female organs are on separate plants
- Must have imperfect flowers on separate plants
Pollination mechanisms
Self Pollinated

Ex. chickpea, barley, rice, tomato, pepper

Cross Pollinated

Ex. cabbage, corn, onion, squash, beet

Insect Pollinated

Ex. carrots, tomatoes, onions, squash

Wind Pollinated

Ex. corn, spinach, beets

Self Pollinated Plants

Pollen comes from the same flower or

different flowers on the same plant

Naturally self pollinated plants have high

tolerance to inbreeding do not lose vigour
through selfing

Populations are largely homozygous

(seedlings look like parents)
Characteristics of self pollinated plants
1. Flower may never fully open aka. cleistogamy. (Ex. peas and pansies)

2. Pollen grains shed before the flower is open aka. chasmogamous

- Flowers open but pollination has already occurred (Ex. lettuces, wheat)

3. Stigma and stamen may be hidden or blocked by other plant parts

Cross Pollinated Plants
Pollen comes from different plants - more common
Some plants can either cross or self pollinate

Characteristics of cross pollinated plants:

- Mechanical obstructions to prevent self
- Different periods of maturity in the pollen and
- Self incompatibility
- Has imperfect and/or is dioecious
Learn about the seed crop
Find out it’s scientific name - ex. Brassica oleracea
- If you have two crops with the same scientific name they have the potential to
cross pollinate. You must select one to save seeds from or separate them

Determine if your crop is monoecious or dioecious.

- If your crop is dioecious you must have both male and female plants to obtain
Make sure your starting seed is open pollinated, not a hybrid
Hybrid Vigour explained
Open Pollinated Seed Breeding

The bell shaped curve of population breeding

Desired characteristic
Isolation Distances
The isolation distance varies from crop
to crop.

Isolation distance is dependent on

factors such as cross vs self pollinated,
and pollination mechanism

Be mindful, some crops look different

but are the same variety and can cross
pollinate (ex. Kale and brussel sprouts)
Population size
Why? To preserve the genetic diversity of a variety

Crop varieties may look alike but there are genetic differences we can’t see

Ex. Disease resistance, good seed storage genetics, etc

Population size recommendations can vary for commercial seed growers to

community gardens

- The difference is that community may be ‘good enough’ but for commercial
purposes it’s best to ensure even very rare traits are preserved
Seed Saving and Breeding
Where to Start
Seed Saving vs Breeding
Passive Seed Saving Seed Breeding
- Passive process - Active process
- Plant seeds - Decide what your goal is
- Select parent stock(s)
- Wait until plant fully matures
- Plant to maximize desired
- Collect seed crossing
- Observe, observe, observe
- Cull unwanted plants
- Save from desired plants
- Repeat year after year until you
have what you want
You are a plant breeder and you didn’t even know it!

Plant breeding started as early as plants chosen for cultivation.

Domesticating wild plants started it all

Think about this: If you plant seeds in your garden, then replant the seeds that
you grow. You are unconsciously selecting for plants that survive in your garden.
Poorer plants may have never germinated, or you may have thinned them out
early on.
Resources to share - there are lots out there! Here are a few…

Seed Savers Exchange - Seed Saving Guide, chart format - includes isolation
distances, populations sizes for various crops

Organic Seed Alliance - Seed Saving Guide - 30 page booklet format

Seed Storage Guide from Johnny’s

Seed Ambassador’s Project Seed Saving Zine

Seed Cleaning
A basic guide to harvest, cleaning, and storage
Seed Harvesting

Time of Harvest will depend on the seed

- Ripe for eating does NOT mean ripe
for seed
- Too dry; seed may be lost, too wet;
seed may not be ready for harvest

Seeds must be physiologically matured

when removed from mother plant
Seed cleaning vocabulary
Threshed: Separate grain/seed from a

Winnowed: Blow a current of air through

seeds/grain in order to remove chaff.
Separates seeds/debris based on weight

Screening: Separates seeds/debris

based on size
Seed Collection - regular observation is important
1. Seeds that are indehiscent (seeds do not fall off when ripe)
- Usually combined harvest, cut and threshed in one operation
2. Plants that lodge (fall over) often cut, left to dry, cured, then threshed
3. Plants with dry seeds that tend to dehisce (fall off) or shatter are often
harvested early and left to dry
4. Plants with fleshy fruits: Often the fruits are macerated then separated by
screening and the dried
- Often seeds are fermented to boost germination rates and to stop transfer of
Seed Drying
It is usually necessary to dry your seed post harvest
Seeds with high moisture content (>20%) will tend to heat up when drying close together
- Lay out on a sheet, avoid seed overlapping
Slow drying is best for seeds that are very wet (<30°C)
- Avoids cracking, shrinkage, and hardening of seed coats
Sun drying or artificial drying is okay for most seeds (~45°C)
Seed moisture is usually reduced to around 8-15%
Seed Storage
Viability at harvest will affect viability when planting
Temperature and humidity are most important factors

Seed longevity really depends on the type of seed

- Seeds with hard seed coats are able to store for long periods of time and remain
viable (even 10+ years)
Recalcitrant seeds are only viable for a very short period of time as they require high
moisture content (ex. mangos)
Orthodox seeds are medium lived seeds, usually viable for a few years
Types of Seed Storage
1. Unregulated
- No temperature or moisture control
- Common for storing orthodox seeds from one season to the next
- Acceptable for long lived seeds with impermeable seed coat

2. Conditioned Storage
- Possibly includes dehumidifiers and refrigeration
- Often expensive and only done for valuable seeds or in extreme climates
Harringtons rules of thumb for seed storage
1. For every 1% decrease in seed
moisture content, between 5-14%,
the life of the seed doubles
2. For every 5°C decrease in storage
temperature, between 0-50°C, the
life of the seed doubles
Cold seed storage
When seed are stored at low temperature and high relative humidity (often the
case in BC), they quickly lose viability when moved to high temperatures

- Great idea to have a cooler at your farm if it’s hot out and seeds will be on site

Freezing temperatures are used for seed storage as well

- Subfreezing temperatures (~ -18°C) works well for seeds with low moisture
content like conifers
- Cryopreservation in liquid nitrogen used for long term storage of germplasm
Types of conservation: In situ
In situ : Plants growing in a natural

- Forests, prairies, etc.

- Appropriate for all non
cultivated plants
Types of conservation: Ex situ

Ex situ: Plants or plant part stored or

grown outside their natural habitat

- Seed banks, libraries, etc. :)

- In vitro storage of plant parts using
tissue culture
- Botanical gardens
- Svalbard global seed vault
FarmFolk CityFolk & BC Seed Security
How we can help

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