Seed Saving- Train the Trainer workshop
Seed Saving- Train the Trainer workshop
Seed Saving- Train the Trainer workshop
Gardeners and Farmers have been saving seeds and other reproductive material
for the last 12 000 years
It is only since the 20th century that there has been a major shift to purchasing
seed annually from commercial seed growers
Today, we see an increase in seed patents and barriers to seed saving. This has
led to the commercialization, consolidation and ultimately control of seed
The top 10 seed and chemical companies control around 67% of the global seed
Loss of Crop Diversity
We have seen a major decline in the two main areas
There is a global shift to high caloric, energy dense foods (Cereals and oil crops)
A shift away from cultivated fruits and vegetables, spices, and wild plants
Many cases cultivars, rely on human domestication and continued seed selection
to exist
A guide to plant labels
Plant names are often classified by genus,
variety, then cultivar.
Ex. Brassica oleracea cv. Dazzling Blue
Or Brassica oleracea ‘Dazzling Blue’
Interspecific hybrids (plant produced by crossing
two species) have ‘x’ in their name
Ex. Fragaria x Ananassa
Traditionally, Farmers saved a portion of last years crop for future growing seasons
Pollination mechanisms
Self Pollinated
Cross Pollinated
Insect Pollinated
Wind Pollinated
Desired characteristic
Isolation Distances
The isolation distance varies from crop
to crop.
Crop varieties may look alike but there are genetic differences we can’t see
- The difference is that community may be ‘good enough’ but for commercial
purposes it’s best to ensure even very rare traits are preserved
Seed Saving and Breeding
Where to Start
Seed Saving vs Breeding
Passive Seed Saving Seed Breeding
- Passive process - Active process
- Plant seeds - Decide what your goal is
- Select parent stock(s)
- Wait until plant fully matures
- Plant to maximize desired
- Collect seed crossing
- Observe, observe, observe
- Cull unwanted plants
- Save from desired plants
- Repeat year after year until you
have what you want
You are a plant breeder and you didn’t even know it!
Think about this: If you plant seeds in your garden, then replant the seeds that
you grow. You are unconsciously selecting for plants that survive in your garden.
Poorer plants may have never germinated, or you may have thinned them out
early on.
Resources to share - there are lots out there! Here are a few…
Seed Savers Exchange - Seed Saving Guide, chart format - includes isolation
distances, populations sizes for various crops
2. Conditioned Storage
- Possibly includes dehumidifiers and refrigeration
- Often expensive and only done for valuable seeds or in extreme climates
Harringtons rules of thumb for seed storage
1. For every 1% decrease in seed
moisture content, between 5-14%,
the life of the seed doubles
2. For every 5°C decrease in storage
temperature, between 0-50°C, the
life of the seed doubles
Cold seed storage
When seed are stored at low temperature and high relative humidity (often the
case in BC), they quickly lose viability when moved to high temperatures
- Great idea to have a cooler at your farm if it’s hot out and seeds will be on site
- Subfreezing temperatures (~ -18°C) works well for seeds with low moisture
content like conifers
- Cryopreservation in liquid nitrogen used for long term storage of germplasm
Types of conservation: In situ
In situ : Plants growing in a natural