Scenario OC3
Scenario OC3
Scenario OC3
Victory Conditions
The winner is determined by victory points. See special rules for a
complete breakdown of victory point awards.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Allied player deploys first
Elements of the 219th Rifle Division deploy on any hill hex on maps Able - 1 or Charlie - 2.
Mosin Mosin Mosin Mosin Mosin Mosin Commissar Commissar PTRD-41 PTRD-41
Nagant Nagant Nagant Nagant Nagant Nagant AT Rifle AT Rifle
Elements of the 6th and 10th Tank Corps deploy on any north or east map edge, all at once or in any com-
bination, beginning with turn 2.
Elements of the Gross Deutschland Division deploy within 3 hexes of the south map edge of Dog - 2 or
Baker - 1.
Panzer IV Panzer III Panzer III SS-Panther Wehrmacht MG-42 Mauser Mauser
Ausf G Ausf F Ausf F Ausf G Oberleutnant Kar 98k Kar 98k
Elements of the 102nd SS Panzer Battalion are deployed during the movement phase of Turn 4 accord-
ing to special rule #4
pecial Rules & Options (cont.)
4. Players are awarded victory points (VP) at the end of the - The Axis player is awarded a number of VP, equal to half
last turn as follows: of the unit’s cost, rounded down, for each unit exited off of
- VP equal to the cost of any destroyed units. the north map edges of either Able - 1 or Charlie - 2. It
- 1/3rd VP for any damaged units. Drop any fractions, but costs 1 MP for a unit to exit from the map. Exited units
never less than 1 point. may not be returned to play after they have left the map.
- 2 VP for control of each town hex on maps Able - 1 and Damaged units may not exit the map.
Charlie - 2 (Allied player only).
5. See the separate Kursk Campaign sheet for additional rules
regarding reserves and campaign victory conditions.
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