Consumer Behaviour
Consumer Behaviour
Consumer Behaviour
3.1 Introduction
Consumers do not buy products and services; they buy dreams and
experiences (Brady, 2011). Every marketing activity starts with the consumer and
ends with the consumer (Agarwal & Kumar, 2011). It is very much necessary to
know who consumes products or services or play a role in buying decision and why
they do so. A human being by nature is very complex. It is very difficult to
understand the human behavior. It is the human brain which controls all the
activities of an individual. A person acts according to his needs. (Sridaran, 1998).
But, when it comes to choosing a particular product, the real problem is to identify
what he takes into consideration. Such a study is concerned with consumer
behaviour. The field of consumer‟s behaviour really began to develop in the early
1960s, when the Ford foundation commissioned a two year study of the state of
knowledge of marketing in American Business School (John A Howard, 1989).
Many theories about consumer behaviour have been evolved later and marketers use
those theories to develop new strategies and achieve the goals by satisfying the
needs and wants of the consumers.
products, services, experiences or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these
processes have on the consumer and the society”-Hawkins, Best & Coney
3.2.3 Consumer
Any person who purchases goods and services from the market for his/her
ultimate use is called a consumer. (William & David, 1996). In simpler words a
consumer is one who consumes goods and services available in the market.
The buyer decision process includes Five Stages-: Need recognition,
information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision, and post purchase
behaviour. (Schifman, Kanuk & Kumar 2010). It is clear that the decision to buy
starts long before the actual purchase and continues long after. Marketers have to
focus on the complete buying process rather than on just the purchase decision.
The first stage of the buyer decision process is that the consumer recognizes a
problem or a need. Need is the most important factor which leads to buying of products
and services. The recognition of a need caters to the decision making of an individual.
Once the consumer has identified a problem, they search for ways and means
to rectify the problem. The sources of information include experience and personal
sources and public and commercial sources. The tendency of consumers to collect
information on products, make it possible for researchers to predict the behavioural
pattern of consumers using brief descriptions of interested product. .
(Philip kotler, Kevin Lane Keller, Abraham Koshy, Mithileshwar Jha, 2009).
During this stage, the products and brand that are in the evoked set of the
consumers are checked by them. The evoked set refers to the number of alternatives
that are considered by consumers during the decision making process. Consumers
evaluate alternatives in terms of the functional and psychological benefits that they
offer. (Jobber, 2001). The marketing organization needs to realize what benefits
consumers prefer and therefore which attributes are in demand as a decisive factor in
terms of making a decision.
Once the alternatives have been evaluated, the consumer is ready to make a
decision to purchase. But it may not necessarily result in an actual purchase. Here
the role of the marketing organization is to facilitate the consumer to put this
decision into action through a variety of techniques. The provision of credit or
payment terms may encourage purchase, or a sales promotion enticing the buyer
with a premium or enter a competition may provide an encouragement to buy
immediately. The important internal psychological process that is associated with
purchase decision is integration. Once it is achieved, it is easier for the organization
to influence the purchase decision.
After making the purchase, the consumer may experience dissatisfaction that
comes from certain disquieting features or hearing favorable things about other
brands and will be alert to information that supports his or her decision. ( Jonathan
Groucutt, Peter Leadley, Patrick Forsyth Kogan,2004). Marketing communications
should supply beliefs and evaluations that reinforce the preference of consumers and
help him feel good about the brand.
Culture factors exert the broadest and deepest influence on the consumer
behavior the marketer needs to understand the role played by the buyer‟s culture,
subculture, and social class. (Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, 1997) Culture
It is the most basic cause of a person‟s wants and behavior. The human
behavior is largely learned. Culture is the set of basic values, perception, wants and
behavior learned by the member of the society from family and other important
institutions. Subculture
Each culture contains smaller sub cultures, or groups of people with shared
values systems based on common life experiences and situations. (George & Roy).
Subcultures include religions, nationalities, racial groups, and geographic regions.
Majority of any society has some form of social class structure. Such are
more or less permanent and ordered divisions in a society whose members are like-
minded sharing similar values, interests, and behaviors. (Philip Kotler & Kevin,
2006). Group
which are more formal and have less regular interaction. These include organizations
like religious groups, professional associations, and trade unions. Family
The family members (husband, wife, and children) can strongly influence
buyer behavior. Studies have revealed that the family is the most important
consumer buying organization in Society. (Sherlekar, 2006).
A person belongs to many groups such as family, club and organizations. The
person‟s position in each group can be defined in terms of both role and status. Role
consists of the activities people are expected to perform according to the group they
belong to. Status reflects the general esteem given to it by the society. People choose
the products that show their status in the society.
People‟s preference for the goods and services they buy over their lifetime
undergo change with their age. The various stages of family life cycle- through which
families might pass as they mature over the years are shown in Table 3.1. Occupation
A person‟s occupation also affects the goods and services they bought. Blue
collar workers are practical and tend to buy more work clothes, whereas white-collar
workers buy suits and ties more suited for their job. Marketers try to identify the
occupational groups that have an above average interest in their products and services. Motivation Perception Learning
If the income expectation is weak, consumers spend less and save more.
Consumers who don‟t have lump sum money with them would like to buy
durable goods on installment basis.
The major theories of consumer behaviour can be grouped with (a) Economic
theories, (b) Psychological theories (c) Psycho-analytical theories and (d) Socio
cultural theories. All the consumer behavioural theories are based on the basic law of
consumption i.e. when aggregate income increases, consumption also increases by
some smaller amount and is based on the assumptions like spending habits remain the
same, political conditions, remaining normal and economy is free and perfect.
income and that income earners always have a tendency to spend less on
consumption than the increment in income. However there are critics against this
theory stating that there are many other non income factors which influence
consumption spending especially in the short run.
The first statement of this theory is perhaps made by Keynes in the General
Theory. (R.D. Gupta,1994). Its subsequent development is primarily associated with
James Tobin and Arther Smithies. This theory states that the short run relationship
between consumption and income is non-proportional but the time-series data show
the long run relationship to be proportional. This theory was criticized on the ground
of its inability to reconcile data on saving with observed long term trends and as an
answer to this inconsistency the relative income hypothesis was developed.
The essence of psychological theories (learning theories) lies in the fact that
people learn from experience and the results of experience will modify their actions on
future occasions. (Dr. N. Rajan Nair and Sanjith R. Nair, 1998)The importance of
brand loyalty and repeat purchase makes learning theory more relevant in the field of
marketing. Among the learning theories stimulus response theories and cognitive
theories are important. Contributors of stimulus response theories include Purlon,
Skinner Thorindike and Kotlew. According to them learning occurs as a person
responds to some stimulus and is rewarded with need satisfaction for a correct
response. They proved that most frequent and recent stimuli are remembered and
responded. This approach is the basis of reported advertisements. The cognitive theory
was propounded by Festinger mainly to explain certain post buying behavior.
According to it stimulation and want are conditioned by a consumer‟s knowledge, his
perception, beliefs and attitudes. The theory further states that even after a well
thought out purchase the consumers undergo some sort of discomfort, fear or
dissonance. This post decision anxiety is caused by „nice‟ (cognitive dissonance)
arising from doubts on the decisions taken. Though the theory was developed to
explain a „post decision‟ phenomenon, it is suitable for explaining pre-decisions
anxiety also. The advertisements and personal selling aimed to reduce cognitive
dissonance on the part of the buyer. Gestalt theory, coined by German Psychologist
Christian Von Ehrenfels viewed personality as the result of the interaction between the
person and the total environment and the two must be considered together as a
patterned event. (J.C. Gandhi, 1991). Consumers, in making market decisions, strive
to reduce tension and conflict between themselves and their environmental
act, the super ego presents the moral issues involved and the ego acts as the
arbitration in determining whether to proceed or not. This has led to motivational
research and has proved useful in analyzing buyer‟s behaviour. This in turn has
contributed some useful insights in the advertising and packaging field.
The credit of formulation of this theory goes to Thorstein veblem (1899) and
is known as Veblenian model. He asserted that a man is primarily a social animal
and his wants and behaviour are largely influenced by the group of which he is a
member. (Dr. N.Rajan Nair and Sanjith R. Nair, (1998). He argued that people
have a tendency to fit in a society in spite of their personal likes and dislikes.
Culture, sub culture, social classes reference groups, family are the different factor
groups that influence buyer behaviour. All the above theories give guidelines to the
marketing managers how a consumer behave in a particular situation and what are
the factors which influence their decision making process.
Francesco Nicosia was the first to develop consumer behaviour model in the
early 1960s This model shows the inter-relationship between the firm‟s marketing
communications, attributes of the consumer, the consumer‟s decision process and
the feedback of the consumer‟s response to the firm. (S.A.Sherlekar, 2003). Nicosia
presented his model in flow chart format, resembling the steps in a computer
programme. Also, all variables are viewed as interactive, with none being inherently
independent or dependent. Thus, the model describes a circular flow of influences
where each component provides input to the next. The model is viewed as
representing a situation where a firm is designing communications (products, ads
etc.) to be delivered to consumers and in turn consumers‟ responses influence
subsequent actions of the firm.
The model contains four major fields or components: (FIELD-I) the firm‟s
attributes and and consumer‟s psychological attributes, (FEELD-II) the consumer‟s
search for and evaluation and of the firm‟s outputs and other available alternatives,
(FIELD-III) the consumer‟s motivated act of purchase, and (FIELD-IV) the
consumer‟s storage or use of the product (Nicosia, 1966).
Limitations of Model:
The Nicosia model offers no detail explanation of the internal factors, which
may affect the personality of the consumer, and how the consumer develops his
attitude toward the product. Nicosia Model is shown in Figure 3.1.
1. Inputs
3. Outputs
4. External Variables
Learning constructs
The model shows a series of outputs that are similar in name to some of the
perceptual and learning construct variables that include attention, brand
comprehension, attitudes, intentions, and finally the act of purchase.
External Variables
These variables are not directly involved in the decision-making process. The
relevant external variables include importance of the purchase, consumer‟s
personality traits, time pressure, and availability of funds. The Howard-Sheth
Model is shown in Figure 3.2.
The five steps (activities) involved in the decision process stage are briefly
explained below:
account of external stimuli. It may be noted that the consumer must perceive
a sufficiently large discrepancy between actual and ideal states in order to be
activated, recognize a problem and find a way to solve it.
Choice: The consumer‟s choice will depend on his or her intention and
attitude. The choice will also depend upon normative compliance and
anticipated circumstances. ( S.A.SHERLEKAR,2003). Normative
compliance relates to the extent to which the consumer is influenced by other
people like friends, family members etc. Thus normative compliance and
anticipated circumstances will attempt to influence the individual. The
person‟s choice of the product can also be dependent on the sensitivity of the
individual to handle unanticipated circumstances like losing the job, funds
diverted for another urgent cause etc.
Outcome: The outcome may be either positive or negative. If the end result
is positive, the outcome will also be positive. Conversely, if there is
dissonance, that is, a feeling of doubt experienced by the consumer, about
the choice made by him or her outcome will not be positive. Now the
consumer will search for more information to support his or her choice. The
above mentioned Engel-Kollat-Blackwell model has taken into consideration
a large number of variables which influences the consumer. The Engel –
Kollat – Blackwell Model is shown in Figure 3.3.
Bettman, in the 1970s introduced a consumer behavior model that bases itself
on the information processing that takes place within a consumer. (John Wilmshurst,
1995) According to him, the consumer is central to a host of information processing
activities. He receives a large amount of information externally from the marketer,
competitors and the environment. He also has a large store of information within him
as a database that he builds over time from his learning, experiences, social influences
etc. With a huge amount of information that he is exposed to, the processing becomes
difficult and unmanageable. According to him, consumers‟ possess a limited capacity
for processing information. Thus Bettman concluded that consumers use certain
simplifying strategies to process information. The consumer information process is
depicted through several flowcharts, which depict the various components of the
model and the interrelationships between them. The main components of the model
are processing capacity, motivation, attention, information acquisition and evaluation,
decision process, consumption and learning processes.
Processing capacity:
Bettman assumes that while the information processing capacity varies across
people, it is limited for each one of us. Every person has a limited capacity to
process information. Thus, consumers are not interested in extensive
information processing, and select strategies that make product selection an easy
process. They try to bypass their limits by being selective towards information
receptivity, ignoring certain information that they consider irrelevant or
incomprehensible, prioritizing information that is required and is in use etc.
the consumption and learning processes, but also controls indirectly the
various sub-processes in the model via the main process components.
Decision Process:
After information search and evaluation, the consumer takes a decision; the
final decision of the brand is based not only on the acquired and evaluated
information, but also his personal characteristics, demographics,
psychographics (motivation, learning and experiences, attitude, personality,
perception, etc), social influences and situational factors. This stage is also
affected by the scanner and interrupts mechanisms. If the purchase is a routine
purchase, the decision making is faster and often repeat; in other cases, it may
take time. Bettman's Information Processing Model is depicted in Figure 3.4.
Complex buying occurs when there is high involvement from the consumer
to a product and significant differences between the brands. This means that before a
consumer purchase a high quality brand, he searches for a lot of information about
that brand.
Habitual buying bahaviour occurs when there is low involvement from the
consumer and few significant perceived brand differences.
Web can perform various tasks like servicing existing consumers via customer
service and support functions, developing new markets and new distribution channels
for existing products, developing new information based products. It also includes brand
name management, exhibiting product catalogues and sales information and new
The marketing concept holds that marketing programs will be more effective
if tailored to the unique needs of each targeted customer group (Philip Kotler, Gary
Armstrong, 1997). If this concept applies within a country, it should apply even
more in international markets where demographic, economic, political and cultural
conditions vary widely. Consumers in different countries differ widely in their
needs, demands, spending power, product preferences, and shopping patterns.
Because most marketers believe that these differences are hard to change, they adapt
their products, prices, distribution channels, and promotion approaches to fit
consumer desires in each country.
However, some marketers don‟t like this adaptation; rather they like to
supply standardized products all over the world. This is because, they believe that
global standardization will lead to lower costs and prices, causing more goods to be
snapped up by price-sensitive consumers. The question of global standardization or
adaptation is best is still debatable. Companies are justified in looking for more
standardization to help keep down costs and prices and build greater global brand
power. But they must remember that although standardization saves money,
competitors are always ready to offer more of what consumers want in each country.
Some international marketers suggest that companies should “think globally but act
locally”. In short, the companies make sure that their market plans and programmes
should able to meet the unique cultures and needs of consumers in various markets.
Durable goods or hard goods are goods that does not wear out quickly and
yield utility over a period of time. (Goderage, 1975) .With the continuous inflow of
disposable income and the advancement of technology, the need for the varied
consumer durable goods are increasing. This in turn is leading to a strong competition
among the different consumer durable brands available in the nation as well as the
price gap between the same consumer goods of different companies are narrowing
down. Day by day these goods are becoming cheaper. The rural and urban market of
consumer durables has been growing at a rate of around 15 % on an average.
The consumer durables industry can be divided into two. They are: Consumer
Electronics and Consumer Appliances or White Goods. The key products under each
segment are shown table 3.3.
One of the key reasons for the growth of durable industry has been the
increasing penetration of organized retail. Advanced technology and increasing
competition is narrowing the price gap between products in this sector, which has
driven demand and enabled high growth. Apart from steady growth in income of
consumers, consumer financing has become a major driver in the consumer durables
The key trends that impact the Indian Consumer Durables Industry today are
reflected in the diagram 3.5
3.3.2 Conclusion
In India, the consumer durables industry is put for continuous growth over a
period of long time, stimulated by encouraging consumer demographics, growth in
services and industrial sectors and infrastructure development in urban, sub urban
and rural areas. Many Indian and Multi National players are looking forward to
reinforce their presence in India to exploit this opportunity. Success in the long-term
will require firms to develop wide channels of distribution, product differentiation in
areas of importance to the consumer and innovative ideas in the areas of promotion,
product financing, etc. The product and approach to market need to be customized to
match the unique needs of the Indian market.
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