Introduction To The Philosophy of The Human Perso1
Introduction To The Philosophy of The Human Perso1
Introduction To The Philosophy of The Human Perso1
The word Philosophy comes from two Greek words: philos (love) and Sophia (wisdom). The
ancient Greek used this term to refer to a “love for wisdom” and was soon applied to a science
or discipline which used human reason to investigate the ultimate causes, reasons and
principles which govern all things. Since ancient times, people have been reflecting on and
discussing various issues related to philosophy.
Think: What ideas come to your mind when you hear the word Philosophy? Write them in the
graphic organizer.
The science and discipline of Philosophy, as we know at the present, is primarily a product of
developments and changes in the Western world.
Ca. 610 BCE ISLAM (West Asia) Belief in One God (Allah); Muhammad
commitment to faith is
shown through the
practice of the Five Pillars,
testament of faith
(shahada), daily prayers
(salat), alms-giving (zakat),
fasting during the month
of Ramadan (sawm), and
the pilgrimage to the holy
city of Mecca (hajj).
Think: Compare and Contrast aspects of Western and Eastern Philosophy using the Venn
diagram. Discuss your work in class.