Topic 1. Nature of Research I. Learning Outcome
Topic 1. Nature of Research I. Learning Outcome
Topic 1. Nature of Research I. Learning Outcome
Nature of Research
I. Learning Outcome:
A. Explain the nature of research.
B. Discuss the values, characteristics, and procedure in conducting research.
Most often, good researches combine prognostic, directive and illuminative processes to
come up with useful quality researches. This makes research works novel and relevant.
VIII. According to Area of Expertise- researches in this domain include but not limited to the
following: sociological, psychological, physical, chemical, nursing, business, industrial,
economic, curricular, educational, health, nursing, hotel and restaurant, criminology
E. Research Procedure
By and large, a research process starts with a research problem which the researcher has
identified as researchable and has implications to government thrusts. Based on the identified
major problem, he formulates the specific problem/ objectives of the study. He constructs a
theoretical or conceptual framework as basis for describing properly the relationship of variables
to be used in the study. He then states the assumptions clearly provide the foundation of the
study. Using the specific problems/objectives as basis, he tests the hypotheses, either null or
alternative to have a scientific conclusion of the study. The next step is to review literature and
studies related to the present study to determine the similarities and differences of the findings of
the past studies and to gain insights into the aspects of the problem that are critical and
controversial. From his research design, he can decide the definite research instrument for
collecting data and these data are processed either manually or by machine, whichever is more
economical and accurate using the correct statistical tools in order that a reasonable precise
analysis and interpretation of results can be attained. After the analysis and interpretation of
results, he finally summarizes the whole study, draws conclusions based on the findings and
hypotheses tested and makes recommendations for further research. Such recommendations
should dovetail with the conclusion.
The essay must be at least 500 words long and is organized as follows:
Have you substantially explained the phenomenon you chose to explain? 30 points
Did you provide convincing and adequate support for your
Have you arranged the main points of your essay clearly and logically? 10 points
Are there order and logic in the ideas you presented in each paragraph
and in the entire essay?
Language and Mechanics
Did you observe proper use of language forms (grammar) and 10 points
mechanics (punctuation, capitalization, etc.)