EMBA 2023 PSDM-Jamshed Hasan Khan-V2
EMBA 2023 PSDM-Jamshed Hasan Khan-V2
EMBA 2023 PSDM-Jamshed Hasan Khan-V2
Session 1 Case: Home Education 1 A,S&W, Ch. 8, “Interval Estimation” Interval Estimation
Please go thru the following playlist;
2 The Cartoon Guide to Statistics, Ch. 7 “Confidence Interval”
Session 2 Case: Rajanpur 1 A,S&W, Ch. 9, “Hypothesis Testing” Section 9.1 – 9.5 Hypothesis Testing
Computer College
Please go thru the following playlist;
The Cartoon Guide to Statistics, Ch. 8 “Hypothesis Testing”
Session 3 Case: Dhaka Business 1 AS & W Ch.14 Simple Linear Simple Linear Regression.
School (DBS):Admission Regression
Please go thru the following playlists;
Session 7 Case: Community Bank. 1 Logistic Regression, Ch 15 Multiple Regression (Pages 683- Logistic Regression
Case: Chocolates. 692)
Case: Simmons stores 2 Logistic Regression, UVA-M-0859
Session 10 Case: Brand X 1 Developing forecasts with the aid of time series decomposition Time Series Forecasting: Classical
IV Decision Analysis
Session 11 Case: The Professor’s 1 Even Swaps: A Rational Method for Making Trade-offs, Tradeoff and Conflict in Objectives
Car Choice (A)
Office Hours: Secretary/TA: Arfa Hamad
This course covers both quantitative and qualitative decision making. The first half of the course
primarily covers quantitative decision making covering several statistical tools including testing
of hypothesis, multiple regression, logistic regression time series forecasting.
Second half of the course covers primarily qualitative decision making which includes decision
analysis, problem solving methodology and team decision making insights.
This Course is primarily taught by case method, which allows to students not only apply a tool
but also understand its management application in the context of the case. The key takes away
from the course should be: -
Objective Written: Students will be able to communicate in writing; effectively, clearly and
persuasively, in ways appropriate for a variety of objectives and audience.
Objective Oral: Students will be able to verbally communicate clearly and persuasively, in
ways appropriate for a variety of objectives and audience.
Objective: Students will be able to identify key problems, collect and use information
critically, and generate viable alternatives and solutions.
Objective: Students will be able to assume leadership roles, perform leadership tasks
responsibly, and work effectively in teams.
Objective: Students will demonstrate that they are able to identify and address ethical issues
in an organizational context
Program Learning Goals and Course Learning Objectives Course Assessment Item
Minor Objective:
Operationalized through few
cases focused on socio-
Goal 6 – Functional (subject economic challenges
Not assessed
area knowledge), integrative
and strategic abilities
Major objective:
Operationalized through the
use cases.
CP, Quizzes, Project,
Midterm & Final
Please also refer to EMBA handbook for attendance, timelines and norms of professional
Classes will be run according to the traditional norms of the SDSB case classes. Students are
expected to follow class norms mentioned in handbook and disseminated during the SOP.
Description of the grading scheme and elaboration of how the grading and other measurement
processes will document achievement of the course objectives and assure learning. Please
elaborate on how course learning objectives will be assessed through different grading
* I may change the distribution of grades up to, plus or minus 5% of any instrument based on
the no of quizzes that are given during the course.
Besides the cases and the reading materials given along with the cases, the following books
might be useful.
[1] James T. McClave and P. George Benson, “Statistics for Business and Economics,”
13th edition, MacMillan International Edition, 2018.
[2] David Freedman, Robert Pisani, Roger Purves and Ani Adhikari, “Statistics,” 4th
Edition, Norton International Student Edition, 2007/2009.
[3] Larry Gonick and Woollcott Smith, “The Cartoon Guide to Statistics,”
HarperPerennial, A Division of HarperCollinsPublishers, 1993
Some copies of these books have been put on reserve in the library, which can be checked out
for 24 hours at a time.