Toshani - Jan Feb 1992 Vol11
Toshani - Jan Feb 1992 Vol11
Toshani - Jan Feb 1992 Vol11
S ri V a ish n a va Tosani
A N ew sletter M eant For The Satisfaction o f The Devotees
V o l 1 #1 Jan-Feb 1992
ह र े क ृष ्ण ह र े क ृष ्ण क ृष ्ण क ृष ्ण ह र े ह र े ह र े र ा म ह र े र ा म र ा म र ा म ह र े ह र े
Sri Vaishnava Tosani is published by the O ur purpose in publishing Sri Vaishnava Tosani is to fu lfill the
Editors under the direction of, and for the order o f o u r Gurudevas, and since we have been brought to the
pleasure of our Divine Masters, shore of the ocean of nectar by Their mercy, to try to distribute
Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada a d ro p o f that nectar. It is n ot o u r attem pt or desire to in flic t
Srila Bhakti Raksaka Sridhara Dev Goswami our speculative opinions on o ur readers, rather we are endeav
Maharaja, oring fo r self-purification by the glo rifica tion o f the Lord and
Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Maharaja, and His devotees. Such subject matters are beyond the approach of
all of Their Followers. our mundane senses, so this attem pt w ill be to u tilize the words
Please address inquires & subscription
o f the great souls themselves, lest we fall victim to o ur own prej
requests to
udiced, fa u lty reasoning. A t the same time, we do not wish to
Sri Vaishnava Tosani
repeat these words in a d ry way, as a tape recorder or parrot,
503 Water Street
we w ill try to see these w ords through the lig h t o f those who
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
have heard them and have dedicated their lives to fo llo w in g
Editors: Srutasrava dasa them. We do not claim to have a m onopoly on the tru th, nor
Hasyapriya dasa are we the sole agents for It's dispensation, we are only trying to
p u rify ourselves by some absorption in higher subjects, and thus
Design: Sarva Bhavana dasa we endeavor in this way. We invite o ur readers to chastise us for
Sulocan dasa the mistakes in this endeavor, and we pray fo r your good w ish
Production: Sriman Rsabhadev dasa es, so we may stay on the path of this truth. Following in the foot
Photography: Vidagdha Madhava dasa steps o f our predecessors, we m ust at this tim e invoke the bless
ings o f Srimad Bhagavatam 1:5:11
Contributors: B.P. Janardana Swami
B.A. Sagar Maharaja tad-vag-visargo janatagha-viplavo
Yudhamanyu Seva Vikram yasmin prati-slokam abaddhavaty api
Ramai dasa A rcan Niketan namany anantasya yaso 'n kita n i yat
Vidagdha Madhava dasa srnvanti gayanti grnanti sadhavah
Nabadwip dasa
Ekala Isvara dasa "T h a t lite ra ture w h ich is fu ll o f descriptions o f the transcen
Mathuranath dasa
dental glories of the name, fame, form s, pastimes, etc., o f the
Madhavananda dasa
u n lim ite d Supreme Lord is a different creation, fu ll o f transcen
Suresvari dasi
dental w ords directed tow ard b rin g in g about a re vo lu tio n in
the im pious lives of this w o rld 's misdirected civilization. Such
Proofreading: Jivana dasi
transcendental literatures, even though im perfectly composed,
Kunkum dasi
are heard, sung, and accepted by p u rifie d men w ho are th o r
Typography: Sanatani dasi o ughly honest." It is therefore o ur prayer that we can keep this
journal fu ll of transcendental subject matter, and thus, all of you
saintly readers w ill be satisfied w ith this attempt.
The Editors
have probably given m any peo bearance like a tree and humbleness Krishna. W hen we are able to tran
v e ry th in g can be offered to that depends on the circumstances, hunger. W here is food? W here is
n Sri G uru and H is Grace, Srila inspired by Srila Sridhar Maharaja, as "n ity a -lila p ra vistha om Sri
permeating and all-guiding potency, some agent, and they are satisfied w ith
reward o f all rewards!. We are all in in the deepest consciousness, by analysis that; from outside they want to relish
H im , but what is our position? W hat , analytical enquiry into who is M y existence, M y presence. It is not that
can we do? Shall we think that 'we controlling everything from w ith in , they w ant either to experience the per
have seen?"Krishna says to Narada and how to trace Him. This is the way sonal conception of the all-controlling
M u n i, "naham o f e nq u iry of the aspect o f reality, or lik e the yogis, to
tistham i va ikunthe yogis, b u t Krsna enter into the deepest extent into the sci
yoginam hrdayesu " They can feel pleasure says: 'yoginam
ence o f this experience. But o n ly far
va yatra gayanti mad in th a t they have g ot hrdayesu 'va', "I away, whatever little trace the devotees
bhakta tatra tisthami
some clue from some am n ot there" may have got about Myself, w ith that
narada- That is, in Then He says, capital they engage in dancing and
the spiritual endeav agent, and they are sat "ya tra gayanti singing, A nd Myself, I am there. They
o u r o f the d iffe re n t isfied w ith th a t " mad bhakta tatra get selfless satisfaction in singing M y
classes o f transcen tistham i narada" glory; and this is a far higher degree of
dentalists, "I am not But, Narada, I am selflessness, of a type which is found
present M yse lf there". In the to be traced where my devotees are only there, in the singing o f the devo
Vaikuntha conception, the e nquiry singing in praise about me". This is tees, and not in the enquiry mixed w ith
after the Infin ite where one gets the a peculiar process. curiosity about the most fundamental
personal conception o f a Master, that The Lord gives some hope that, entity w hich is controlling everything
the Infinite is controlled by a Master, "W ith o u t trying to capture Me, they from w ithin, nor in the realisation of the
and o f the w onder in that personal are taking pleasure fro m far away, personal creator, who creates and con
conception of the prim e cause, Krsna engaging themselves in singing about trols everything. That is the principle in
says "I am not there" And the attempt M y greatness. They can feel pleasure kirtan. Gaura H ari Bol! Gaura Hari Bol!
of the yogis is to enquire into the all- in that they have got some clue from
A p p ro v a l Comes From Above
T h e d is c o v e ry o f S ri G irir a ja in G o v a rd h a n & the V rn d a v a G o ld e n J u b ile e F e s tiv a l.
b y Y u d h a m a n y u dasa Seva V ik r a m
n 1941, H is D iv in e Grace Bhakti Tw o days a fte r tha t auspicious C haitanya M a h ap ra b hu and Srila
or the past ten years, we have tasteful, but since we are talking of realize the Absolute Truth sim ply by
We w o u ld like to firs t offer o ur dandavats to all our readers. It is o ur plan to make Sri Vaishnava Toshani a b i
m onthly journal, w ith o ur next issue due out March First. If you w o u ld like to see something in particular in
our next or any issue, or if you w ould like to take issue w ith any of the statements published herein, w e are anx
ious fo r the discussion. Because this is o ur Premiere issue, we apologize fo r our shortcomings, and we hope to
do a better job w ith each subsequent issue, and w ith the mercy o f the Vaishnavas publish for years to come.
Sripad B.A. Sagar Maharaj continues to churn the ocean of nectar.
Coming Soon to a Math Near You! Sri Brahma Samhita
w ith Sanskrit Verses, Roman transliteration, and the Bengali Translation &
Commentary of Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur,
rendered into English
by Sripad Sagar Maharaj
Other books available by His D ivine Grace Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev Goswam i:
Search for Sri Krishna: Reality the Beautiful
Sri Guru & His Grace
The Golden Volcano of D ivine Love
Subjective Evolution of Consciousness
Bhagavad Gita: The Hidden Treasure of the Sweet Absolute
Prapana Jivanamrta: Nectar in the Lives of Surrendered Souls
Sermons of The Guardian of Devotion Vols 1 & 2
Guardian of Devotion
Sri Caitanya Saraswati
The D ivine Servitor (Talks of Srila Govinda M aharaj)