Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu Issue 523 Nrisimha
Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu Issue 523 Nrisimha
Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu Issue 523 Nrisimha
तवकथामृतं तप्तजीवनम्
tava kathāmṛtaṁ tapta-jīvanam
Highlights Bindu
Fortnightly email mini-magazine from Gopal Jiu Publications
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Issue Five Hundred Twenty-three, Page — 2 श्रीकृष्णकथामृत बिन् दु
Unknown artist. South India, late Chola period c. 1250
Yoga Nrisimha
Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu Issue Five Hundred Twenty-three, Page — 3
Unknown artist. Rajasthani painting. C 1700s
Lord Nrisimhadev kills Hiranyakasipu, while Prahlad and Lakshmi Devi offer prayers
There are twelve deities assigned to the twelve Krishna naturally represents madhura-rasa. Balaram
rasas as follows: Kapila (śānta), Madhava (prīti is fond of joking and therefore suitable to represent
or dāsya), Upendra (preyān or sakhya), Nrisimha hāsya-rasa. Kurma represents adbhuta-rasa because of his
(vātsalya), Krishna (madhura), Balaram (hāsya), Kurma huge and unusual but suitable form for the task at hand.
(adbhuta), Kalki (vīra), Rama (karuṇa), Parashuram Kalki is famous for having the sword in his hand, and
(raudra), Varaha (bhayānaka) and Mina (bībhatsa). thus represents vīra-rasa. Rama represents karuṇa-rasa
Notes by Bhanu Svami: Kapila can represent śānta- because of his lamentation at losing Sita. Parashuram
rasa because of his stance in meditation. Perhaps destroyed the kṣatriyas out of anger, and thus is suitable
Madhava represents dāsya-rasa because of the derivation to represent raudra-rasa. Varaha represents fear
of Madhava as mā (Lakshmi) and dhava (husband), (bhayānaka) perhaps because he created fear in the
meaning Narayan. Upendra or Vamana can represent ocean when he dove in, and had a fearful appearance
sakhya-rasa, since he has a friendly relationship with covered with blood after killing Hiranyaksha.
Indra, and acts as the doorkeeper in Sutala for Bali. — Rupa Goswami. Śrī Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu. With commentaries of
Jiva Goswami, and Vishwanath Chakravarti Thakur, and notes by
Nrisimha can represent vātsalya-rasa because of his Bhanu Svami. English translation by Bhanu Svami. Sri Vaikuntha
regarding Prahlad as his son, placing him on his lap. Enterprises. Chennai. 2006.
Issue Five Hundred Twenty-three, Page — 4 श्रीकृष्णकथामृत बिन् दु
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Lord Nrisimha with four arms