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ZADRA Elution Circuit Optimisation and Operational Experience at the CIL

Plant of Gold Fields Ghana Limited‖, 4 th UMaT Biennial International Mining
and Mineral Conference

Conference Paper · August 2016


2 10,776

2 authors:

Martin Beyuo George Blankson Abaka-Wood

University of Mines and Technology University of South Australia


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ZADRA Elution Circuit Optimisation and Operational
Experience at the CIL Plant of Gold Fields Ghana Limited
M. Beyuo and G. B. Abaka-Wood

Beyuo, M. and Abaka-Wood, G.B. (2016). ―ZADRA Elution Circuit Optimisation and Operational Experience
at the CIL Plant of Gold Fields Ghana Limited‖, 4th UMaT Biennial International Mining and Mineral
Conference, pp. MR 161-167.

The ZADRA system is another elution process where gold that is adsorbed on to activated carbon is desorbed from the
carbon by a reversal of the adsorption kinetics. The ZADRA elution circuit at Gold Fields Ghana Limited was designed as a
pressure system with an operational pressure set point of 350 kPa. It consists of circulating 3% sodium hydroxide water
based solution up flow through a stationary bed of loaded activated carbon at a flow rate of 64m3/h at a temperature of 125
°C. The process was designed to take about 16 hours to complete 30 elutions per month. The ZADRA process is
characterised by simplicity of system design and operation, with low desorption rates. Manual control is the standard devoid
of the necessity for automated controls and expected low chemical consumption. However, fluctuations in flow and
temperatures recorded during commissioning and operational stages, reduced stripping efficiencies with its concomitant
effect as an extension of the required stripping cycle time. Consequent on the extension of the required stripping cycle time
and high chemical consumption, the ZADRA elution process hardly completed one batch of elution per day. A review on the
basis of the process design as to whether it is a pressure or atmospheric ZADRA was carried out necessitating in the
reduction of the pressure set point to 120 kPa culminating in a complete turnaround in the system‘s performance. Other
changes followed resulting in a reduction of the stripping cycle time to 13 hours completing two batches of elution per day.

Keywords: Elution, ZADRA elution, activated carbon, eluate, electrowinning, heat exchangers
of high temperature and pressure, treatment of gold
1 Introduction loaded AC with concentrated cyanide or caustic
solution followed by elution with potable water,
The CIL Plant of Gold Fields Ghana Limited (GGL) aurocyanide complex is desorbed from the gold
Tarkwa Mine, currently exploits the tabular loaded activated carbon. Temperature is a key
auriferous conglomerates from seven active open variable in the elution process and temperatures of
pits Pepe, Awonaben, Teberebie, Akontansi Central, 100-120°C are necessary to achieve optimum
Akontansi Ridge, Underlap and Kottraverchy. The elution performance (Anon, 2016). A successful
CIL plant capacity was increased from 12.3 Mtpa to desorption process requires proper selection of
13.5 Mtpa in 2014. Further expansions being eluants, which strongly depends on the mechanism
considered have the potential to increase the of desorption. Selected eluant should be: cost-
capacity to 15.5Mtpa (Mineral resources report, effective, eco-friendly and efficient.
2014). The leaching circuit of the plant is made up
of 17 tanks in which sodium cyanide is used as the The most common commercial techniques for
lixiviant whiles activated carbon is introduced to elution of gold cyanide from activated carbon are
adsorb the leached gold. The plant employs both the the ZADRA and AARL procedure. In the ZADRA
Anglo American Research Laboratory (AARL) and elution process, hot solutions of 1% weight/volume
ZADRA methods to strip loaded carbon (1000 -1500 (w/v) sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and 0.2% w/v
g/t Au). The scope of this paper is aimed at sodium cyanide (NaCN) are recycled through a gold
reviewing the performance of the ZADRA elution cyanide-loaded AC bed for up to 72 h at 95–100 oC
circuit from its commissioning year to the end of and atmospheric pressure to desorb Au(CN)2. More
2015. recently a modified Zadra procedure operating at
140 oC in a pressurized system has reduced elution
time to 10–12 h (Robles, 2001).
1.1 Review on Gold Elution
Soleimani & Kaghazchi (2008) sought to investigate
A variety of techniques are found in literature on the for a rapid, safe, ambient temperature method for
recovery of gold from various solution. (Aylmore gold stripping from loaded activated carbon. Gold
and Muir, 2001; Grosse et al., 2003; Syed, 2012; loaded AC was contacted with a strong base
Van Deventer and Van der Merwe, 1995; Wan et al., followed by elution with an aqueous solution
1993; Yalcin and Arol, 2002). The adsorption of containing an organic solvent to investigate an
gold complexes onto activated carbon (AC) is the improved process for recovering gold from activated
basis of modern techniques for gold recovery and it carbon other than ZADRA or AARL methods. Gold
is proceded by the desorption of adsorbed gold from desorption from loaded activated carbon was carried
activated carbon with an efficient eluant. By means
out using acetonitrile, acetone, methanol, carbon at a flow rate of about 64m3/h at about
isopropanol and ethanol. Gold recovery for these 125°C. Pregnant eluate from the elution column is
solvents was in the order: acetone > acetonitrile > cooled to below boiling point and passed through
methanol > ethanol > isopropanol. It was concluded the electro winning cells where gold is deposited on
that organic solvents could be used to strip gold the cathodes. On leaving the electrowinning cell, the
from activated carbon which compared well with now gold depleted eluate is re-heated before it is
both ZADRA and AARL methods (Soleimani and circulated back into the elution column. Achieving
Kaghazchi, 2008). the design electro winning single pass extraction in a
ZADRA elution circuit is critical. Unlike the AARL
van Deventer and van der Merwe (1994) studied the elution system, poor single pass extraction in a
functional relationship between the effect of pH, ZADRA process has a direct impact on the overall
temperature, concentrations of cyanide and cations elution efficiency. The process was designed to last
on the gold cyanide equilibrium during elution from for about 14 to 16 hours. An elution column
activated carbon in columns and in batch reactors. temperature of 125 °C is maintained until the
They identified that the resistance to the mass process is over. Elution and electrowinning as
transfer were less intense under robust elution indicated occurs simultaneously, and solution
conditions. It was identified that the elution of circulation and transfer from one stage to the other is
aurocyanide was inhibited by the action of cations made possible by automated valves. Electrowinning
through the formation of Mn+(Au(CN)2−) on cells are operated within 750-800 A and 3.8-4.0 V.
activated carbon. Gold desorption conditions namely The first ZADRA elution process started at the CIL
high temperatures and intense cyanide pre- plant on 21st January 2009 and has since been
treatment, decreased the sensitivity of gold elution running to date.
to flow rate and the radial distribution of the gold
through the carbon particles. (van Deventer and van 3 ZADRA Elution Circuit Performance
der Merwe, 1994). Review
Boshoff (1994) suggested that the elution efficiency The scope of the performance review of the ZADRA
is independent of the amount of gold present on the elution circuit, covers from the commissioning year
activated carbon. It was proved that cyanide-free (2009) to the end of 2015. Selected operational
elutions of carbons containing < 1 200 g/t copper, parameters and experiences in the running of the
are indeed possible and that under these conditions circuit are presented in this section. Two sections of
acid wash conditions typically acid concentration performance review are presented; elution start-up
could be reduced without a detrimental effect on (February, 2009 to December 2012) and
gold elution efficiency (Boshoff, 1994). interventions (January, 2013 to December, 2015).
The start-up period mainly discusses the
ZADRA and AARL processes are known to be performance of the circuit from its commissioning to
effective in stripping of gold from activated carbon, the end of 2012. The intervention section, on the
but both processes suffer from high-energy other discusses the circuit performance whiles
consumption, high capital costs for pressurized various changes in operational parameters as a result
operations, long elution times and the use of of challenges encountered during the start-up period.
concentrations of environmentally obnoxious For the periods under review, ZADRA elution
sodium cyanide (Liebenberg and Deventer, 1997; circuit performance data have been analyzed and
Soleimani and Kaghazchi, 2008; van Deventer and presented. Operational parameters considered
van der Merwe, 1994). include gold loaded activated carbon concentration,
eluate flow, caustic concentration, elution duration,
2 Overview of CIL Plant (GGL) and stripping and electrowinning efficiencies.
ZADRA design parameters
3.1 Elution Start-up Performance
The ZADRA elution circuit at the CIL Plant
constitute various stages including carbon recovery, In the commissioning year, 2009, a total of 270
acid washing, carbon transfer, column fill, eluant elutions were performed, over 11 months,
recirculation, elution and electrowinning, carbon representing approximately 24.5 elutions/month as
cooling and discharge with no cyanide addition. The against the design of 30 elutions/month. The number
eluant is continuously circulated through the elution of elutions increased steadily from the month of
column and the electrowinning cell in series. commissioning to the end of the year. The least
number of elutions, 19 was performed in February
The process begins with recovery of loaded carbon and the highest, 32 was in December. On the other
into the acid wash vessel, where inorganic foulants hand, the strip cycle duration was observed to
are removed using hydrochloric acid. The process decrease towards the end of the year. In December,
consists of circulating about 3% NaOH solution up where the highest number of elutions was
flow through a stationary bed of loaded activated
performed, an average of about 16 hours of strip Table 1 Month Average AC Grade, Stripping
cycle was recorded. The longer the strip cycle the and Electrowinning Efficiency Data
less the number of elutions performed. The NaOH (2009).
concentration for the year was generally good,
recording an average of 3.01% with the least MONTH LC grade EC grade SE EE
monthly average concentration of 2.78% obtained in Feb-09 1331.32 164.45 76.96 64.54
February (see Table 2). A general improvement in Mar-09 1363.78 94.36 86.81 72.53
the stripping and electrowinning efficiency as the
Apr-09 1366.82 98.70 86.44 72.87
year progressed was achieved. It is a common
practice to experience fairly low stripping and May-09 1199.39 71.17 91.54 76.77
electrowinning efficiency during start-up of circuits, Jun-09 1181.10 46.83 90.03 78.44
as it takes some time to obtain optimum operating
Jul-09 1392.51 79.13 95.70 83.53
levels. Much stable efficiencies were observed
towards the end of the year. Gold loaded AC Aug-09 1502.75 70.04 89.56 83.25
stripped over the period (2009) averaged about 1372 Sep-09 1482.44 74.62 89.64 83.08
ppm. Month average gold loaded AC grade of 1168 Oct-09 1480.19 98.94 92.55 88.07
ppm was obtained in December, hence the increased
number of elutions (32), and the shorter strip cycle Nov-09 1420.71 78.60 95.03 91.05
period (16.63 hrs.) to compensate
2D Graph 1 for the relatively Dec-09 1168.36 79.80 93.26 84.97
poor gold loading on the AC. Average 1353.58 86.97 89.78 79.92

34 *LC – gold on loaded AC, EC – gold on eluted AC,

SE – stripping efficiency and EE – Electrowinning
Elution duration
Elution duration/Number of elution

Number of Elutions
28 After commissioning, the ZADRA circuit faced
26 some challenges, which included excessive metal
build-up in eluate, rampant scaling in heat
exchangers, blockage of bottom strainers in elution
22 column, excessive pressure build-up, high
20 electrowinning cell feed temperature and poor
deposited gold texture and high burn-off.
Table 2 Month Average Elution Circuit
14 Parameters (2009).
12 Month NaOH Flowrate, Duration, N
Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec conc., ppm m3/h h
Month, (in 2009)
Feb-09 2.78 28.82 18.21 19
Mar-09 3.07 35.66 16.78 23
Apr-09 3.08 37.37 18.36 22
Figure 1 Elution Duration and Number of May-09 2.89 38.35 20.80 26
Elutions Data in 2009 Jun-09 2.87 36.22 21.00 24
The circuit‘s performance has been summarized in Jul-09 3.21 33.05 22.43 23
Table 1. It is shown that both stripping and Aug-09 3.14 33.72 24.18 25
electrowinning efficiencies generally improved Sep-09 3.27 33.37 17.64 22
across the year (2009). The stripping efficiency
Oct-09 3.11 40.65 20.20 27
showed a much linear trend than electrowinning
efficiency, having an R2 value of 0.8631, as against Nov-09 3.28 37.12 19.33 27
0.5554 for electrowinning efficiency. The data Dec-09 2.83 25.62 16.63 32
indicates that stripping efficiency increased steadily Average 3.05 34.54 19.60 25
between February to July, plateaued between July *N – Number of elutions
and September, and increased in November, and
thereafter decreased marginally. The excessive metal build-up in the eluate may be
responsible for the poor electrowinning efficiencies
encountered over the period under review. These
metals, predominantly copper (Cu) and nickel (Ni)
are competitively deposited on the cathodes of the
electrowinning cells, affecting the electrowinning
efficiency. The year average of electrowinning
efficiency increased from 79.41% to 89.02%

between 2009 and 2010, and reduced by 2.03% reported in June. The low concentrations
approximately 9 % in 2011 (Fig. 3). The effect of were mainly as a results of reduction in purity of
metal deposition on the cathode of the NaOH supplied. Low caustic (NaOH)
electrowinning cell was pronounced in 2011. concentrations may also haveCustic
negative impact on the
Electrowinning samples were analysed and the stripping efficiency.
results showed significant amount of Cu and Ni
were present in the samples (Table 3). The high
concentration of these metal species were attributed 2010
to co-leaching due to high NaCN concentration used 4.0 2011
in the CIL circuit. Design

Caustic concentration, %
Table 3 Metal Distribution in Electrowinning 3.5

Samples at 250 ppm NaCN Set-point

(2011). 3.0
Metal concentration
Cu, ppm Ni, ppm
PE Start 22.00 3.20
PE Mid 6.88 2.65
PE End 2.9 1.8
LE 3.22 0.5
BE 4.78 0.5 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
EW Feed 1.00 1.45 Month
EW Tail 0.2 0.5
*PE – Pregnant Eluate, LE – Lean eluate, BE –
Barren eluate and EW – Electrowinning Figure 2 Caustic Concentration Data from 2009
to 2011.
Excessive scaling in heat exchangers was one major
challenge the circuit encountered. The scale build up 3.2 Interventions
in the heat exchangers impacted on the elution
temperature control system hence the extended It was realized that the circuit performance was
elution duration. The temperature control system is dependent on the optimization of operating
automated, hence eluant had to be recirculated for a parameters. Certain parameters had to be
longer period to attain the desired temperature. This compensated for others, whiles efforts were made to
also explains why longer elution durations were maintain some parameters within plant design
observed for less number of elutions relative to the levels, especially temperature. Along with parameter
design. A year average of 19.89 h was taken to changes, improved cleaning and maintenance
complete approximately 25 elutions/month in 2009. regimes were instituted to control/minimize some of
the identified problems.
Excessive production of fine gold loaded AC at the
bottom of the elution column was also a huge In order to address the challenges posed by the fine
challenge the circuit faced. The high attrition rate of carbon due to attrition, regular strainer clean-up was
the loaded AC led to the problem of ‗blinding‘ instituted followed, by changing the mesh size of
especially the bottom strainers of the ZADRA bottom strainers from 600 µm to 700 µm and as well
elution column. These near mesh (fine) carbon end as changing the carbon recovery screen mesh size to
up restricting the flow of eluant through the circuit. 1000 µm from 700 µm. Investigations into
Very poor eluant flow rates were observed from identifying and selecting AC brand with lower
2009 to 2010. The month average flow rates were attrition rate and high adsorptive capacity were
generally < 40 m3/h in 2009 (35.54 m3/h), relative to conducted on seven different AC brands by Abaka-
64 m3/h per design, whilst in 2010 the average flow Wood et al. (2014). This was aimed at revising the
rate was 37.54 m3/h. AC brand being used. PICA AC was thus introduced
as it showed optimum attrition rate and adsorption
Frequent boiling eluate was a norm in the capacity compared to the other brands investigated
electrowinning cells in the gold room giving rise to a (Abaka-Wood et al., 2014). PICA AC has been
very light and fluffy deposited gold texture and high blended with CHEMQUEST AC since the latter part
burn-off after smelting. It is also shown that the of 2012 to date. These implementations significantly
average concentration of NaOH used in 2011 was aided in reducing the rate of ‗blinding‘ of the bottom
generally lower than in the previous year (Figure 2). strainers hence improved eluant flow rate. A gradual
Half of the months in the year recorded increase in flow rate can be seen from Fig. 3. The
concentrations < 3.0%, with the least average of year average solution flow rate increased

significantly from 2012 to 2014 and decreased generally above 60 (up to 64) m3/h in accordance
marginally in 2015. The year average flow rates with design. The year average flow rate in 2014 was
recorded were 39.54, 53.52, 61.18 and 54.92 m3/h approximately 61 m3/h. The least month average in
for 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015, respectively. The 2014 was approximately 58 m3/h in August. It is
increase in the flow rates also resulted in increase in important to note that the shorter elution duration,
the number of elution cycles conducted, as the resulted in generally lower gold loading on activated
increased flow rate reduced the elution duration. carbon, as the residence time of carbon in the CIL
With the exception of 2013, between 2012 and circuit was shortened to keep elution cycle running.
2015, the number of elutions conducted were more The trends in Fig. 4 indicate that the gold loadings
than 30 per month. An average of 40 elutions/month on activated carbon decreased significantly after the
were conducted in 2014, whiles 43 elutions/month period when the changes were implemented (that is
was achieved in 2015. The least year average within 2012). The average year gold loading on the AC for
this period was 28 elution/month in 2013 (due stripping was 1558.68 g/t in 2012, which reduced to
industrial action for 2D2 Graphmonths),
1 whilst 30 1327.67 g/t in 2013, 1159.32 g/t in 2014 and
elution/month was conducted in 2012. 1145.64 g/t in 2015. Stripping efficiency was
70 22 affected especially in 2015, where it reduced by
Number of elutions per month / Elution flow rate

about 2.5 %, relative to 90.1% in 2014. Furthermore,

an effective eluate cooling system and a strict eluate
60 temperature controls were put in place. Temperature
at which eluate reports to electrowinning cells which
Elution flow rate
18 Elution duration, h was initially set at 100 °C, was changed to 110 °C to
50 Elutions/month rid the eluate of all volatiles especially oxygen
Elution duration
which is particularly obnoxious to gold deposition at
the cathodes. This action not only improved gold
40 deposition but also contributed to the reduction in
14 the overall eluate circulation time. Electrowinning
efficiency was fairly constant between 2012 and
12 2014 (about 81%), after2Dwhich
Graph it2 increased to about
86% in 2015.
94 1600
20 10 Stripping Efficiency
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Electrowinning Efficiency
Stripping/Electrowinning Efficiencies, %

92 LC Grade

Gold Loaded Carbon Grade, ppm

Figure 3 Elution Flow Rate, Number of 90
Elutions/month and Elution Duration Data
from 2009 to 2015. Vertical line shows year of 88
implementation of interventions.

Furthermore, a bi-weekly eluate ‗bleed-off‘ and 1300

monthly complete eluate change-out regimes were
instituted which improved stripping efficiency and 82
consequently reduced gold grade on eluted carbon 1200
drastically. This also improved the rate of 80
temperature rise to its set point in the elution
column. A bi-weekly sulphamic acid treatment of 78 1100
heat exchangers was also instituted which also 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

reduced the regular heat exchanger bundle change- Year

out time of 3 to 8 months at the oil side and 4 to 12
months at the solution side of the heat exchanger. It
was observed that the elution column pressure and Figure 4 Electrowinning Efficiency, Stripping
the flow had an inverse relationship. This is Efficiency and Gold Loaded Carbon Grade Data
maintained by a process control valve. With a high from 2009 to 2015. Vertical line shows year of
set point (intending to be a pressure ZADRA) of 350 implementation of interventions.
kPa, the flow could not exceed 40 m3/hr. The
excessive pressure also forced so many near-mesh In effort to reduce the levels of metal impurities
size carbon particles into the elution column bottom that affect electrowinning efficiency and gold
strainers thereby restricting the flow of eluate deposition, the NaCN concentration set-point
through the column from the heat exchangers. The for leaching at the CIL circuit was reduced to
pressure set point was thus reduced to 120 kPa. This 200 ppm, with gold recovery unaffected.
also contributed massively to optimizing the elution However, the concentration of Cu and Ni in
flow rate. In 2014, the month average flow rate was

electrowinning samples analysed were lower assurance on reagents used must also be ensured.
compared to that presented in Table 3. Adherence to the cleaning regimes as instituted
should be ensured to minimize the production of
scales, especially in heat exchangers.

Table 4 Metal distribution in electrowinning

samples at 200 ppm NaCN set-point References
Metal concentration Abaka-Wood, G.B., Asamoah, R.K. and Abbey,
Cu, ppm Ni, ppm C.E., (2014), "Comparison of Selected
PE Start 9.5 1.06 Activated Carbon Brands‘ Characteristic
Properties for Gold Adsorption – A Case Study
PE Mid 4.81 0.89 at Goldfields Ghana Limited (GGL), Tarkwa
PE End 2.35 0.58 Mine", 3rd UMaT Biennial International
LE 0.26 0.07 Mining and Mineral Conference, Tarkwa,
BE 0.09 0.05 Ghana pp. 187-191.
EW Feed 0.69 0.11 Anon, (2016), "Elution and Carbon Reactivation",
Metalliferous Mining - Processing, 19 pp.
EW Tail 0.14 0.09
Aylmore, M.G. and Muir, D.M. (2001), "Thiosulfate
leaching of gold—a review", Minerals
Engineering, 14(2): 135-174.
4 Key findings and Conclusions Boshoff, P.T.E., (1994), "Cyanide-free AARL
elutions are feasible", Minerals Engineering,
The ZADRA elution circuit was characterized by 7(2): 251-264.
fluctuations in eluate flow, production of fine AC Grosse, A.C., Dicinoski, G.W., Shaw, M.J. and
from gold loaded AC, low desorption rate and Haddad, P.R., (2003), "Leaching and recovery
excess column pressure. Stripping and of gold using ammoniacal thiosulfate leach
electrowinning efficiencies were generally poor, liquors (a review)", Hydrometallurgy, 69(1): 1-
hence their concomitant effect of prolonged 21.
stripping cycle. The system produced poor textured Liebenberg, S. and Deventer, J.V., (1997),
deposited gold and high-burn off, due to the "Evaluating a dynamic model for the
presence of other metals and volatile matter. competitive elution of gold and base metals
from activated carbon", Separation science and
Optimization of NaCN concentration used in the technology, 32(11): 1787-1804.
CIL circuit was necessary in reducing the levels of Robles, A.T., (2001), "Process for eluting precious
Cu and Ni that pose threat to gold deposition on the metals from activated carbon", Google Patents.
cathodes of the electrowinning cells. Regular Soleimani, M. and Kaghazchi, T. (2008), "Gold
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700 µm, was necessary to control and/eliminate the Syed, S., (2012), "Recovery of gold from secondary
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exchangers was controlled with the introduction of 51.
the bi-weekly sulphamic acid treatment (de-scaling). Van Deventer, J. and Van der Merwe, P. (1995),
The elution column pressure and flow rate have "Kinetic model for the decomposition of
inverse relationship. With a high pressure set point, cyanide during the elution of gold from
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hence reduction in the pressure set point saw the technology, 30(6): 883-898.
flow increasing up to 64 m3/h in accordance with van Deventer, J.S.J. and van der Merwe, P.F.,
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"Research and development activities for the
5 Recommendations recovery of gold from non-cyanide solutions",
SME Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, pp.
An effective eluate cooling system and a strict eluate 415-436.
temperature controls must be adhered to, to ensure Yalcin, M. and Arol, A.I. (2002), "Gold cyanide
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Martin Beyuo, CIL and Extraction Superintendent at Gold

Fields Ghana Limited, Tarkwa. He obtained both MPhil (2013)
and BSc (2005) degrees in Minerals Engineering from the
University of Mines and Technology (UMaT), Tarkwa. He has
worked as an Assay Technician at Precious Minerals Marketing
Company Limited (PMMC), Ghana (1996-2005). His research
interests are in CIL operations and gold desorption from activated

George Blankson Abaka-Wood, PhD

candidate at the Future Industries Institute of
the University of South Australia, Australia.
He holds a BSc degree in Minerals
Engineering from the University of Mines
and Technology, Tarkwa (2011). He was a
research assistant at Process Innovation,
Ghana (2011). George, worked as a Metallurgist at the CIL Plant
of Gold Fields Ghana Limited, Tarkwa Mine (2012 – 2014). His
research interests are in Rare earth elements minerals
beneficiation, Comminution and CIL plant optimization issues.

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