BAI 2 DUB LAN: DU 20 0 Urban Masterplan Ai 2020 Urban Masterp
BAI 2 DUB LAN: DU 20 0 Urban Masterplan Ai 2020 Urban Masterp
BAI 2 DUB LAN: DU 20 0 Urban Masterplan Ai 2020 Urban Masterp
Forward The Plan identi fi es the desired urbanization Promote sustainable and well integrated land
parameters, urban fab ric and fo rm, use planning and mobility networks.
The Plan follows the vision of His Highness development staging, and scale as the city
Urban ization Facilitate the development of activities hubs
Shaikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Makcoum sought co refocus its targets fo r economic
Parameters and centers, and competitive world class
The Ruler of Dubai. growth and sustainabil ity. investment oriented developments (housing,
Area-1 resorts, ports, hospitality, tourism, etc).
Offshore Islands
Underpinning the Plan was the vision of Key to the Plan was definin g a pre ferred
Sensitive environmental man -made Dubai as a modern Arab city and vibrant spatial direction and form ch at responds Balance between urban development and
islands for urban/ resorts development
and tourism
regional gateway ro the world. co t he Em irate needs and growth to 2020, conservation of the natural and man-made
whi le enabl ing immediate possibilities for heritage environments.
Area-2 Since 7950, Dubai population grew about
Metropolitan Area
publ ic and private investment co achieve
700 times from a small town of 20 thousands Provide adequate & appropriate community
sustainable growth to beyond 2020 where
Area 1 and 2 cover: inhabitants to 1.9 mi llion inhabitants (as facilities and housing for all (including
- Existing urban fabric
required. affordable rental housing).
- on-going mega projects
estimated in 2010). While its urban fabric
- on-hold or deferred mega projects extended rapidly 400 times approximately. The Plan considered the impact of the global Promote the integrated provision of
(recommended to be developed beyond
2020 where required). economic downtu rn in 2008; and It aims at environmental infrastructure: water, sanitation,
The population forecast for 2020 is 2.8 million promoti ng Aexible and responsive landuse, drainage and solid-waste management
Area-3 inhabitants as adopted per a medium growth and quality built environment.
Non-Urban Area
scenario. However, the Plan is made Aexible Promote efficient, secure, and environmentally
desert land including landuses for:
- equestrian and camel traditional sport and allow for a higher growth where requ ired. The objectives of th e Plan are to friendly energy supply.
activities and related uses
- resorts Mitigate any environmental degradation.
- conservation areas , Ir is known char during business hours, Dubai identify the urbanization parameters,
- utilities, may receive approximately 1.0 million visitors
- non-urban settlements. Promote safe and healthy urban
(generated from tourism and business trips facil itate a competitive and sustainable spatial
- special uses. environments.
from ocher em irates and abroad). planning, and
Non-Urban Area
Promote implementation tools including
continue promoting responsive planning
Desert land including landuses for: The Plan covers the Dubai Emirate territories governance framework.
- conservation areas system and governance framework
includ ing the sea territory with in the72
- resorts , to streamline and guide future spacial
- gas extraction area , nautical miles, the existing urban fabric urbanization
ftOSq.lCII - aquifer zone and comm itted urban land, and the desert Scope of Work:
Or - farming settlements,
- utilities territo ry and non-urban land excluding Hatta The Plan considered the following issues and
AJ'ea ec..i.. ,•• - special uses. Province. aspects: The Planning approach is sim ply summarized
10,K. !Okm as follows:
The Dubai 2020 Urban Masrerplan adopts Forecasc the hybrid populacion, growth
Identify the elements and components of
Aexi bl e, sustainable, and competi tive and consider che trends of Socio-political
Dubai urbanization;
approach co achieve a city of excellence. le transformation. lliis is the key to managing
Urbanization Parameters the existing urba n ~ ric and projects under The sea territory wirhin 12 nautical miles fu ture urbanizatio
seeks to optimize on existing infrastructure Analysis and synthesis of the elements and
construction (genera: ly located west of covers 1450 approximately. By 2008,
Dubai Emirate extends on land and sea. investmen ts; rationalize an integrated components;
th e outer by-pass road). The undeveloped approximately 23% of chis territory was Consider spatial d elopment constraint and
landuse and transpo rt; protect key econom ic possibilities, and c.Jilallenges.
The Emirate mai n land ( excluding Hatta land (which was commit ted before 2008 for subject co dredging and reclamation as Establish strategies and policies for future
assets; and be Aexible and responsive co the
Province - 127 Sq.Km) covers 3978 Sq.Km urbanization) covers also 20% approximately offshore man-made islands. These islands as urbanization with considerations to the
environmental challenges, and co the socio Define urbanization parameters, and the
, of which 20% approxima ly, covered by of th e Emirate main land area. at 201 Oare partiall y developed and urban ized. legal aspects of all land committed for
econo mic transformacions1 expansion of futul'!1 mecropoli tan and regional
development before 2008;
settlements; and consider infill redevelopment
reating an ex ct of success and comfort of Sustainable living.
Prepare comprehensive strategic spatial Current Status of the Dubai 2020 The Steering Committee was established
structure plan; and in 2010 by the lnfrascruccure and
Master Plan: Metropolitan Are3
(nonh of the Outer Ring Road)
EnvironmentCo m m iccee, The Executive
Promote implementation cools including legal
The Dubai Executive Council (TEC) has Council, Dubai Government. lOOSq. K,,,. Re sidential
framework. "'
issued the following decisions: _..,_
10,000Ho. Na tionals housing -
MhlO!liol. Metropolitan Centre -
The task was carried out w ith consultations The Dubai Urban Planning Steering Multi-District Centre -
with the relevant parties and stakeholders; Decision No 22/2011 : TEC adopts the U rban Committee included members from District Centre
District Centers (to be determined at detail planning ) •
Dubai Munici pality (DM), Roads and
and in four phases as fo llows: Spacial Structure Plan (Ph ase-3) including the
Traffic Aut hority (RTA), Dubai Electricity
,/ lnstltutlonal
Phase-3: Spacial Structure Plan (Em irate wide Decision No 24/2011: TEC adopts the The Dubai Master Developers (national Non--Urban Area 1
Spatial Strategic Planning).
proposal of making avai lable a coral of 24,000 property development companies- Emaar, Desert L~~!-u;:~i6:er;;!~:~~:i~1::tt;:~ ~=::-
Non-urban uses, stables
residential plots of land for Nationals housing. Nakheel, etc); and other departments and
Phase-4: Legislative Implementation Tools agencies of Dubai government. Non-Urban Are.a 2
(Legal Implementation Tools to streamline
The Plan m ay be reviewed periodically or/ ~~~~s~~::sp;:i ~~~ t ~~da~=~:~~~:;~:~::;:~~;; -
planning process, and development Dubai Municipality Departments (Planning, special uses
and amended anytime where required as
assessment and approvals). Environment, Horticulture & Parks, Sewerage Post 2020 Land Use
directed by Dubai Government. & Irrigation and Solid Waste Management); Po5sible Future Metropolrtan Centre ===
Given che time constraints of preparing the Land for future deve~:::;:,::e:!: n ~w
::i~~~= ✓
The Dubai Government Statistics Team as Future Metro R ail -
Dubai 2020 Plan, The Steering Comm ittee Union Rail -
co be ca rried out (co complement che The Planning Research Section Team, Dubai
The fou r phases of the Dubai 2020 Plan
implementation of Dubai 2020 Mascerplan). Municipal ity who was responsible on
was prepared by the Dubai Urban Planning
includ ing: the daily coordination, management and Noce:
Steering Comm ittee in conjunction with the
administration of the Project under the
services of the cons cane AECOM M iddle The Plan may be reviewed period ica lly or/
A Planning and Environment Law to directions of the Steering Committee Head.
Ease LTD during t he eriod July 2010- July and amended anytime w here requ ired as
comp lement Phase-4 (to guide the urban
2012. directed by Dubai Government.
planning and development process); and