Rhinosinusitis is inflammation of the nasal sinuses that can be caused by infection, allergy, or autoimmune problems. It is commonly seen in women aged 31-45 and the most common symptom is nasal congestion. Chronic rhinosinusitis is classified based on duration and frequency of symptoms. Treatment focuses on rest, hydration, nasal decongestants, and antibiotics if symptoms persist for over 10 days. Surgery is only considered if medication does not provide relief of symptoms.
Rhinosinusitis is inflammation of the nasal sinuses that can be caused by infection, allergy, or autoimmune problems. It is commonly seen in women aged 31-45 and the most common symptom is nasal congestion. Chronic rhinosinusitis is classified based on duration and frequency of symptoms. Treatment focuses on rest, hydration, nasal decongestants, and antibiotics if symptoms persist for over 10 days. Surgery is only considered if medication does not provide relief of symptoms.
Rhinosinusitis is inflammation of the nasal sinuses that can be caused by infection, allergy, or autoimmune problems. It is commonly seen in women aged 31-45 and the most common symptom is nasal congestion. Chronic rhinosinusitis is classified based on duration and frequency of symptoms. Treatment focuses on rest, hydration, nasal decongestants, and antibiotics if symptoms persist for over 10 days. Surgery is only considered if medication does not provide relief of symptoms.
Rhinosinusitis is inflammation of the nasal sinuses that can be caused by infection, allergy, or autoimmune problems. It is commonly seen in women aged 31-45 and the most common symptom is nasal congestion. Chronic rhinosinusitis is classified based on duration and frequency of symptoms. Treatment focuses on rest, hydration, nasal decongestants, and antibiotics if symptoms persist for over 10 days. Surgery is only considered if medication does not provide relief of symptoms.
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Oleh: Hana Ariyani PENGERTIAN Rinosinusitis adalah suatu penyakit dengan peradangan pada mukosa yang melapisi hidung serta sinus paranasal. Sinusitis, also known as rhinosinusitis, is inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. It can be due to infection, allergy, or autoimmune problems. Most cases are due to a viral infection and resolve over a course of 10 days. Dari 190 sampel rinosinusitis kronis, diperoleh insidensi penyakit ini paling sering pada rentang umur 31-45 tahun (31,6%), perempuan lebih rentan mendapat rinosinusitis kronis (54,2%) dan keluhan utama yang paling banyak didapati adalah hidung tersumbat (56,8%). sinus maksilaris (54,6%) merupakan sinus yang paling sering mengalami kelainan dalam penyakit rinosinusitis kronis. Kejadian sinusitis secara unilateral adalah yang paling sering terjadi (48,4%) KLASIFIKASI a) acute rhinosinusitis-a new infection that may last up to four weeks and can be divided symptomatically into severe and non-severe; b) recurrent acute rhinosinusitis four or more separate episodes of acute sinusitis that occur within one year; c)sub-acute rhinosinusitis-an infection that lasts between four and 12 weeks, and represents a transition between acute and chronic infection d)chronic rhinosinusitis-when the signs and symptoms last more than 12 weeks; e)acute exacerbation of chronic rhinosinusitis exacerbate, but return to base line treatment. Acute sinusitis is very common ETIOLOGI bacterial pathogens isolated in order of frequency include Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemiphilus influenza,Anaerobes, Streptococcal spp, Moraxilla catarrhalis, Staphylococcus aureus MANIFESTASI KLINIS The clinical presentation of acute community- acquired bacterial sinusitis The first is that of persistent symptoms, characterized by nasal discharge or cough or both that last longer than 10days without improvement Accompnying symptoms may include periorbital edema, malodorous (Halitosis-bad breath) breath or low grade fever. The nasal discharge may vary in character from thin and mucoid to thick and purulent The second presentation is characterized by the onset of severe symptoms. Fever accompanies purulent nasal discharge that is present over 3-to 4 –day period. These patients often appear ill the third presentation.These patients have an initial regression of symptoms of cough, nasal discharge, and congestion but then worsen again within 10 days of illness. Worsening may be signaled by new onset of fever, increasing nasal discharge, congestion or daytime cough Facial tenderness over the maxillary or frontal area may be present ,but this is an unreliable finding. Periorbital edema and mild discoloration of the skin below the eyelids is occasionally observed. PATOFISIOLOGI Pathogenesis of rhinosinusit is involves three key elements: narrow sinus ostia, dysfunction of the ciliary apparatus, and viscous sinus secretions NARROW SINUS OSTIA The narrow caliber of the sinus ostia sets the stage for obstruction to occur. Factors that predispose the ostia to obstruction include those that result in mucosal swelling and those that cause direct mechanical obstruction.0f these multiple causes viral upper respiratory infection (URI) and allergic inflammation are the most frequent and most important. During episodes of acute rhinitis, a completely patent ostia is present only 20% of time [12].When obstruction of sinus ostium occurs, there is transient increase in pressure within the sinus cavity. As oxygen is depleted in this close space, the pressure in the sinus becomes negative relative to atmospheric pressure. This negative pressure may allow the introduction of nasal bacteria into sinuses during sniffing or nose blowing [13].When obstruction of the sinus ostium occurs, secretion of mucous by mucosa continues, resulting in accumulation of fluid in the sinus DYSFUNCTION OF THE CILIARY APPARATUS During viral colds, both the structure and the function of the mucociliary apparatus are impaired Presumably these same changes in structure and function of the nasal mucosa during viral URI occur also in the sinus mucosa. This attributes to the reduced clearance of material and increases the likelihood of sinus cavity The quality and characters of sinus secretions also play a role in the pathogenesis of sinusitis. Cilia can beat only in fluid media. The mucous blanket in the respiratory tract consists of two layers. The sol phase is thin, low-viscosity layer that envelops the shaft of the cilia and allows the cilia to beat freely. A more viscous layer, the gel phase, rides on sol phase. Alterations in the mucous layer, which occur in the presence of inflammatory debris, as in infected sinus, may further impair ciliary movement PEMERIKSAAN DIAGNOSTIK Diagnosis of acute bacterial of viral sinusitis by imaging, Xrays,computed tomography(CT) or magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) is generally not recommended unless complications develop, for chronic sinusitis nasal endoscopy, and clinical symptoms are also used to make positive diagnosis[6,7],A tissue sample for histology and cultures also be collected[8].Cultures obtained via endoscopy or by sinus aspiration, PENATALAKSANAAN Recommended treatments for most cases of sinusitis include rest and drinking enough water to thin mucus, antibiotics are not recommended for most cases Decongestant nasal sprays containing oxymetazoline may provide relief. However ,if symptoms do not resolve within 10 days, amoxicillin is to use first for treatment with amoxicillin/clavulanate being indicated when symptoms do not improve There is limited evidence to support short treatment with oral cortico- steroids for chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps Surgery should only be considered for those people who do not benefit with medication Murtaza Mustafa, P.Patawari,HM,Iftikhar,SC.Shimm4, SS.Hussain,MM.Sien. Acute and Chronic Rhinosinusitis, Pathophysiology and Treatment. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science Invention ISSN (Online): 2319 – 6718, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 670X www.ijpsi.org || Volume 4 Issue 2 || February 2015 || PP.30-36 Privina Arivalagan, Andrina Rambe, Gambaran Rinosinusitis Kronis Di RSUP Haji Adam Malik pada Tahun 2011. E – Jurnal FK-USU Volume 1 No. 1 Tahun 2013 PENGKAJIAN DIAGNOSA PERENCANAAN EVALUASI