"Strengthening The Spiritual Growth Within The Family To Prevent Broken Family
"Strengthening The Spiritual Growth Within The Family To Prevent Broken Family
"Strengthening The Spiritual Growth Within The Family To Prevent Broken Family
living. It is highly important that this foundation remains complete and should not be broken
because this will affect how an individual grows and perceives how he or she deals with the
different challenges he/she will be facing. Families require togetherness and must strengthen
Each family is built differently with different structures and ways of living. Each has
varying disciplines, moral values, and spiritual principles making each family unique and distinct
from one another. Yet, there is one thing that should be present in a family, it is love. Love,
which comes in many forms and is expressed in many ways, one of which is spiritual growth and
Spiritual growth and strengthening are both important factors that keep a family together
and strong. These factors help each family to grow in a path that leads to righteousness and
growing individual who is still exploring and learning the different aspects of life. The purpose
of spiritual development is the pursuit of true worship within imperfection and offering God all
of ourselves through work, play, and by being imitators of Christ to others. (Matthew, 2017)
Moreover, it is vital to know, understand, and apply the ways on how to strengthen the spiritual
each other, praying together, and learning and applying the teachings and moral values that God
has embodied. Other ways could include meditating together, releasing pent-up emotions, and
doing deep breathing exercises. These ways can help improve togetherness, openness, unity, and
understanding in a family. By the said ways, the following can avoid a family from separating
and will enhance the ability to deal with life's ups and downs and bounce back from those
difficult experiences as a family and as growing individuals. It is easy to look at others with
judgment and criticism, but when we start to grow spiritually, we realize how much healthier it is
In a nutshell, there are different ways in strengthening one’s family’s spiritual growth
which can help a family to avoid unwanted happenings such as separating and being broken,
Supporting the Parents of Young Children; Board on Children, Youth, and Families;
Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2019, August 2). Read “Parenting Matters:
4. Wilner, J. (2014, November 9). Five Reasons to Develop and Grow Your Spirituality.