!playbook - The Seeker (3-Up)

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The Seeker Stats Assign these scores: +2, +1, +1, +0, +0, -1.

Stats Assign these scores: +2, +1, +1, +0, +0, -1. When a debility is marked, you roll with disadvantage.
Strength Dexterity Intelligence Wisdom Constitution Charisma
Special possessions You start with a scribe’s kit, plus 2 more of your choice.

Look at us. Huddling behind our walls, hearing evil in every passing noise. Cowards, all.  Scribe’s tools: parchment, ink, pigments, vials,  Laboratory: chemics, reagents, vials, measures,
All, but you. You fear not the unknown. You plunge into it, searching. Grasping at what has quills, a notebook, etc. scales, decanters, etc. Every season,
been lost. What will you find, o Seeker? Signs of a bright new age? Or signs of our doom?  Books & scrolls (    uses): expend a use produce d4-1 uses of naphtha (thrown, area,
(STR) (DEX) (INT) (WIS) (CON) (CHA) to consult your collection and turn a Spout dangerous, ignores armor).
Background Drive Lore roll you just made into a 10+.  Paraphenalia: crystals, incense, talismans,
Choose 1. Choose 1. At the end of a session, if you’ve met weakened dazed miserable  Distillery: skins of fine whisky ( uses,
 blood, bone, horn, eye of newt, braziers,
your drive’s requirement, mark XP. grants advantage to Parley), copper tubes, malt, a cauldron, etc.
firkins, stills, barrels, etc.  Trading contacts: small amounts of salt, glass,
These people are family. Chaos grows all around,  CUNNING d6  Engineer’s tools: rulers, tapes, rods, plumb-bobs, silk, spice, medicinal herbs, pigments, ivory, etc.
tripods, block & tackles, wheelbarrow, etc.  ____________________ (discuss with GM)
but you’ll be damned if you’ll let your family come Set up a ploy and then take advantage of it.
Damage HP (max 16) Armor XP Level
to harm. Damned indeed.
You have sought out and embraced dark power to  CURIOSITY
Cause trouble by touching, opening, or tinkering Moves You start with Well Versed, Work With What You’ve Got, plus 1 from your Background.  QUICK STUDY  ARCANE ADEPT
protect that which you hold dear. Or perhaps that
with something. When you study something magical that should take (Requires level 6+)
power fell upon you, and you took it up for the
 ATTUNED  LOGBOOK months to understand, it instead takes mere weeks. When you wish to invent a spell or magical effect,
greater good. Either way, you seek more. 

 RESPECT When you Discern Realities, you can always ask, “What You have a logbook (2 uses, slow) that doesn’t take If it should take weeks, it takes days. If it should detail its workings with the GM (using existing
You start with the Let’s Make a Deal move and are Impress another with your superior knowledge. here is infused with magic?” for free, even on a 6-. up space in your inventory. When you (and only take days, it takes only a few hours. spells for guidance). Then, Make a Plan to invent it.
Well Versed in the Things Below (go mark them you) consult your logbook and expend a use, you can If you like, pick one of the GM’s statements and
now). You’ve also acquired 1 major arcanum:  CONDUIT OF POWER  SAFETY FIRST ask them to provide an alternative (for example

ignore a Spout Lore roll you just made and treat
When you would mark a Consequence from a major When you spend an hour or so preparing your “first you must _____” could become “first you must
 The Hec’tumel Codex Deflect or evade an inquiry into your doings. the result as a 10+. When the Seasons Change, reset
arcanum, you can mark 1 box here instead, with no mystical defenses, hold 2 Protection. When you are _____, or it will take months”).
 The Red Scepter your logbook to 2 uses.
negative effect. (These marks never clear.) affected by harmful magic, spend 1 Protection to
 The Staff of the Lidless Orb  VICTORY
 MAGPIE halve the damage or effect.  DEEP INSIGHT
Endanger others in order to defeat the supernatural.  COUNTERMEASURES When you Have What You Need, you can produce (Requires level 6+ and Attuned)
 ANTIQUARIAN When you witness a magical effect, you may ask the  SAGE ADVICE When you Discern Realities about a magical
something strange, specific, maybe even valuable or
The past has buried many secrets, and you are de-  GM, “how can this be countered or interrupted?” When you someone asks you for guidance, they get object, effect, or creature, you may ask one additional
a little bit magical, but if you do, tell us where you
termined to dig them up. Years of study across the and get an honest answer. You or an ally gain advantage on their next roll to follow your advice. question, not limited to the list. Even on a 6-, you
got and 2 of the following:
land have led you here, and you are convinced that advantage on your next roll to act on the answer. get to ask this question.
this town holds the key to your greatest discoveries. Appearance How it’s not quite right, but maybe it’ll do?   WELL VERSED

What is it you hope to find? What is it that keeps Choose 1 on each line, or make something up:  EVERYTHING BLEEDS The trouble you caused back home by getting it Mark 1 topic, in addition to the one noted in your  IMPROVISE
you here? When you exploit an unnatural foe’s specific weak- Why using it will draw unwanted attention Background. Each additional time you take this (Requires level 6+ and Quick Study)
curiously young world-weary bent with years move, mark 2 more topics.
ness or vulnerability, deal +1d6 damage. That it’s the only thing like this that you’ve got, When you attempt to use or trigger one of an
In any case, your travels and studies mean that you haunted voice rich voice whispery
and why it’ll only work the one time  The Black Gates and what lies beyond arcanum’s mysteries without having unlocked it, roll
start with the Polyglot move and that you are Well ink-stained fingers sinewy hands soft hands  EVERYTHING BURNS
Versed in the Makers and their arts (go mark them bony limbed lean & lanky short thick-set  The civilizations of humanity +INT: on a 7+, you pull it off, at least this once; on
When you inspect a work of artifice or magic for a  NEVER AT A LOSS a 10+, you also unlock that mystery in the process.
now). You’ve also acquired 1 major arcanum: When you Spout Lore and roll a 6-, you may choose  The fae and their strange ways
fatal flaw, roll +INT: on a 7+, the GM will reveal
 The Makers and their arts
 Noruba’s Ice-Sphere Place of origin and name the best way to destroy/sabotage it; on a 10+, you or to not mark XP. If you don’t mark XP, the worst
 The primordial powers
 The Azure Hand Stonetop is your home, or close enough, but where an ally also gain advantage to act on the info. that happens is that the GM tells you nothing (Requires level 6+)
 The Things Below
 The Mindgem are you (or your family) from originally? Pick 1 and interesting or useful about the subject, but instead Increase one of your stats by +1 (to a max of +3).
IMPROVED STAT  The wild world and its spirits
a name to match (or make up something similar).   tells you how you could learn more.
 WITCH HUNTER Each time you take this move, increase one of your When you Spout Lore about one of your topics,  MIND OVER MAGIC
 Stonetop: Alis, Dylan, Eilwen, Gerlt, Gwenda, stats by 1 (to a max of +2).  POLYGLOT you can ask the GM a follow-up question of your (Requires level 6+)
You’ve dedicated your life to rooting out and
Macsen, Mirgan, Owena, Taliesyn, or Twymor When you first encounter a living language in play, choice (even on a 6-). When you roll to study or use an arcanum, you
destroying horrors and their servants. What set you INITIATE OF THE SECRET ARTS
 The Steplands (Hillfolk): Anook, Anxo, Dors,
  describe your proficiency with it (if any) and how can roll +INT instead of whatever stat you would
down this path? What did you sacrifice to walk it? (Requires level 2+ and the Seeker) you came to acquire it.  WORK WITH WHAT YOU’VE GOT normally roll.
What led you to call Stonetop home? Jory, Mari, Padg, Pons, or Silf
You have a “Sacred Pouch” (3 Stock, magical), as When you wield your environment against your
 Gordin’s Delve: Pick a name from any list When you Spout Lore about any script, text, runes or
Regardless, you start with the Everything Bleeds per the Blessed, but with no extraordinary qualities. foe(s), choose 1 from the list below and roll +INT:  OVERCHANNEL
Each time you take this move, choose a Blessed symbols that you encounter, you have advantage.
move and are Well Versed in (pick 1) the fae, the on a 7+, it works! On a 10+, pick 1 more—you get (Requires level 6+ and Conduit of Power)
 Marshedge: Aiden, Barrfind, Caolan, Ciara,
Things Below, or the Black Gates and what lies move for which you otherwise qualify. (You can’t  CRYPTOLOGIST that, too. When you would mark a Consequence from a major
Deirbhile, Moirin, Tiern, or Reamann
beyond (go mark them now). You’ve also acquired 1 take Improved Stat or Superior Stat.) (Requires Polyglot) arcanum, you may mark a debility instead.
 Lygos or another southern town: Dana, Eliana, Impede or interrupt their actions
major arcanum: When you study encoded, forgotten, or arcane
Erez, Fikri, Isra, Persefoni, Spiro, or Vahid  LET’S MAKE A DEAL Create an advantage that grants you or an ally  PROOF AGAINST DETECTION
 The Demonhide Cloak When you Discern Realities, add “What do they marks or writing, roll +INT: on a 10+, you can advantage on the next roll to exploit it (Requires level 6+ and Safety First)
 The Redwood Effigy really want or need?” to the list of questions. When fully decipher them in just a few minutes; on a Deal damage appropriate to the source (d4 for
I am called... When you hold Protection, you can’t be scried upon
 The Twisted Spear you Parley by offering them something that you 7-9, you get the gist in a few minutes, but fully bruises/scrapes, d6 for bloodshed, d8 if it’d or sensed by magical means, and have advantage to
know they want or need, treat a 7-9 as a 10+. deciphering them will take you an hour or so. break bones, d10 if it’d kill a common person) Defy Danger by being stealthy.
Collection Introductions INVENTORY for ______________________ FOLLOWER Name _________________ PLAYER’S GUIDE
In your travels and investigations you have acquired Wait here for everyone else. When everyone’s ready, When you Outfit, mark a number of below, on specific items or Undefined.
Tags _____________________________________ AGENDA
arcana—artifacts of power and mystery. take turns introducing your characters. When Light load (quick & quiet): up to 3 s Normal load: 4-6 s
someone reveals something and you want to know Heavy load (noisy, loud, slow, quick to tire): 7-9 s __________________________ exceptional
Portray a compelling character
MAJOR ARCANA more, ask them about it. When someone asks you a Cost ______________ Instinct ________________ Engage with the fictional world
Your Background grants you 1 major arcanum. question, answer it truthfully. Undefined Play to find out what happens
Answer at least 2 questions about it: When you Have What You Need, move s from here to specific items or slots below. Loyalty Damage HP Armor
13 On your first turn, introduce yourself by name, PRINCIPLES
 Where did you acquire it?
pronouns, background, origin, and appearance. Supplies (4+Prosperity uses )     Prosperity
Begin and end with the fiction
More supplies (4+Prosperity uses )
23 On your second turn, describe your special  -1 Dirt (gear is crude)
Moves Show us what’s important to you
 From whose grasp did you wrest it? Even more supplies (4+Prosperity uses )     
Make connections to other characters
possessions and how you contribute to the village Use supplies to Recover, Make Camp, or have extra small items.  +0 Poor _______________________________________
(beyond working the fields). Have goals and pursue them
 +1 Moderate (x = 1 piercing) _______________________________________ Be bold, take risks
 Who else wants it? 33 On your third turn, describe your major Mess kit (requires fire & water; makes Supplies last longer)
 +2 Wealthy (x = 2 piercing) _______________________________________ Embrace difficulty, setback, and failure
Bedroll (recover 1d6 extra HP when you Make Camp) Help author the steading and the world
arcana. Tell us your answers to the questions you
Blanket (warm) Change of clothes Gear Build on what others have said
chose. Then, tell us about your minor arcana, too.
 What did it cost you? Rope, ~25 ft Shovel Small items Give others a chance to shine
__________________ __________________
43 On your next turn, answer one of the following, Sledge, roll-out Snow-shoes Fit in a pocket, pouch, or boot Contribute to the conversation: pay
naming one or more NPCs who live in Stonetop. __________________ __________________ attention, ask questions, offer suggestions
You’ve begun to unlock the mysteries of your major Torch (lasts ~1 hour; reach, area, dangerous) Outift: mark 4+Prosperity .
 Who is your closest kin? _________________ _________________
arcanum; mark 1 of the or on the front of WHEN IN DOUBT
Oil lamp ( hours, reach, area, crude)
its insert. Undefined       Notes
Extra oil (  hours, for lamp/lantern, useless as a weapon)
  Visualize the situation
When and how did that happen? Firewood (enough to last 1 full night) Knife, iron (hand) Ask the GM for clarification
 Who is your spouse/lover/betrothed?
Sling (near, reload, awkward What do you want? What’s your goal?
Dagger, iron (hand, precise) low ammo, all out) Consider your strengths and weaknesses
Hatchet, iron (hand, thrown, x piercing) Look to others for ideas
 Whom do you trust, even more than yourself?  Rushlight (lasts ~15-30
Mallet, iron and/or wood (hand) Go with the obvious choice, the interesting
minutes, close, crude)
choice, the meaningful choice... not always
Mattock, iron (close, x piercing, messy, awkward)  Tinderbox (slow)
MINOR ARCANA  Whom do you secretly watch over, and why? Maul, iron (close, forceful, awkward) FOLLOWER Name _________________ the “right” choice (remember, you get XP
Ask the GM for the minor arcana cards. Draw 3 at Awl Bowstring on a miss!)
Staff (close)  Chalk  Charcoal Tags _____________________________________
random and review both sides.
Spear, iron (close, thrown, x piercing)  Clay jar  Cloth/rag __________________________ exceptional TRIGGERING MOVES
Choose one whose secrets you have unlocked. If 53 Go around again. Answer another question Long spear, iron (reach, x piercing)  Comb  Cup If you want to do it, then do it in the fiction.
it’s portable, you either keep it on your person or  Extra socks  Gloves
Cost ______________ Instinct ________________ Tell us how you do it, what it looks like. Be
from 4, or pass. When everyone has passed, go on.
hidden away somewhere safe. Where is it now? Javelins, iron ( hours, thrown, x piercing, +1 damage)
 Little box  Pouch Loyalty Damage HP Armor
How did you come to master it? 63 On your next turn, ask your fellow PCs one of Bow & iron arrows (near, x piercing, low ammo, all out)
 Sawdust  Tallow
Extra arrows (x piercing, plenty left, low ammo, all out) But remember: if you do it in the fiction, then
these. When others ask you, answer as you like.  Twine/cord  Waterskin you have to do it. “I rush past the hagr to grab the
 Whetstone  Whistle glowing sword” and the GM’s says that’s Defy
 Which one of you led me to an key discovery? Shield (+1 armor, +1 Readiness on a 7+ to Defend) Moves
 Needle & thread Danger with DEX. It’s okay to say “Oh, really?
Thick hides (1 armor, warm)  Handful of coppers
Cloak (warm) _______________________________________ I guess I don’t do that.” But if you want to rush
Choose another, which you have not yet mastered. It  Whisky, skin (  uses)
is either in your possession or in a secret place known  Which one of you has been at my side the _______________________________________ past the hagr, make with the dice.
entire way?  _____________________
only to you. Where is it? How did you find it? Possessions, items, loot
 _____________________ _______________________________________ HOLD & SPEND
________________________ _______________________ When a move says "hold X Currency (until/
 _____________________ Gear
 Which one of you most fears the path I tred? ________________________ _______________________ while/so long as __)," then note the Currency
 _____________________ __________________ __________________ you hold and spend it as described by the move.
 _____________________ Spending held Currency usually means you just
The third you have not yet found, but you have a ____________________________________________________ __________________ __________________
 Which one of you is keeping secrets from me?  _____________________ do it, no roll required.
lead on it. Give the card back to the GM, but make ____________________________________________________ _________________ _________________
note of it below. During play, ask the GM what you  _____________________ Sometimes, though, spending held Currency
know about it. Other things (animals, kits, stashed items, etc.)  _____________________ Notes will allow you to trigger a move (and thus roll)
73 Go around again. Ask another question from when otherwise you just couldn't have done it.
Have What You Need: move
6, or pass. When everyone has passed, go on. from Undefined to specific
83 Add your home to the steading playbook. items, or expend supplies to
mark an extra .
When everyone is done, let spring break forth!

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