Playbook - The Ranger
Playbook - The Ranger
Playbook - The Ranger
Moves You start with Home on the Range, any moves from Background, plus 1 of your choice. PREDATOR BEAST OF LEGEND
When you Discern Realities, add the following to (Requires level 6+ and Magnificent Specimen)
A SAFE PLACE EXPERT TRACKER the list of questions you can ask: Each time you take this move, pick 1:
When you select and prepare the party’s camp site, When you Discern Realities by searching for tracks Who or what here is the easiest prey? They are exceptional (and roll +2 instead of +1)
hold 1 Precaution, or 2 Precaution if you are well- or studying the signs left by passing creatures, you How is ________ weak or vulnerable? They get +4 HP and +1 armor
versed with this area and its dangers. can ask “What happened here recently?” for free,
even on a 6-. When acting on the answer to either question, deal CONSTANT VIGILANCE
If trouble finds your camp site, you can spend 1 an extra 1d4 damage.
Precaution to reveal a simple defense, warning, or When you follow a creature’s trail, roll +WIS: on a (Requires level 6+)
trick that you prepared in advance. If you do, tell us 7+ you follow the trail to a significant change in di- When a foe would get the drop on you, they don’t—
how you knew to make that specific preparation. rection, terrain, or mode of transport; on a 10+, you you get to act first instead. (If the GM describes an
When you Discern Realities, you can always ask
can also ask the GM a reasonable question about enemy taking you by surprise, even on a 6-, remind
“What here is a perversion of the natural order?” for
ANIMAL COMPANION your quarry and get an honest, useful answer. them of this move and say what you do.)
free, even on a 6-.
You are accompanied by a beast of uncommon
loyalty and cleverness. See the Animal Companion 4 HOME ON THE RANGE GIANT SLAYER
insert for details. When a journey requires you to Defy Danger or (Requires level 6+; replaces Big Game Hunter)
When you carry a normal or light load and move
Struggle as One, treat a 6- as a 7-9. When you strike at a weak spot of a large or huge
with care, you make no noise and leave no sign of
MAGNIFICANT SPECIMEN creature, you deal +4 damage.
your passing. When you hide yourself in a natural
(Requires Animal Companion) IMPROVED STAT environment, you remain unseen until you draw
Each time you take this move, your companion Each time you take this move, increase one of your MASTER TRACKER
attention to yourself, move positions, or attack. (Requires level 6+ and Expert Tracker)
gains 2 additional options of your choice. stats by 1 (to a max of +2).
When you even briefly scan for tracks or other
BIG GAME HUNTER MENTAL MAP signs left by passing creatures, you can ask the GM
The grunts, barks, chirps, and calls of natural crea-
When you strike at a weak spot of a large or huge You can always retrace your steps and can accurately “What happened here recently?” and get an honest
tures are as a language to you. You can understand
creature, you deal +2 damage. gauge distances and directions. You might not know answer—no need to Discern Realities.
the intentions of and communicate basic ideas with
the way forward but can always find your way back. any beast.
When you Volley with a bow, you can deplete your When you think back on a place you’ve been to or (Requires level 6+)
observed, you can retroactively Discern Realities ALPHA
ammunition (mark the next ammo status after your Increase one of your stats by +1 (to a max of +3).
about it as if you were still there. (Requires Wild Speech or Spirit Tongue)
weapon) before you roll. If you do, choose 1: When you assert your dominance over a beast TRAILBLAZER
Gain advantage on your damage roll NATURALIST or spirit of the wild, roll +WIS: on a 7+, it must (Requires level 6+ and Home on the Range)
Add the area tag to your attack; roll damage When you Spout Lore about beasts, natural choose 1 from the list below; on a 10+, you also When a journey causes you to Defy Danger or
seperately for each target environs, or spirits of the wild, you have advantage. gain advantage on your next roll against it. Struggle as One, don’t roll; you always get a 10+.
Fight you for dominance
Slink away or flee, then avoid you
When you take your time and calmly line up the When you travel through the wilderness, you can (Requires level 6+)
Accept your authority, at least for now
perfect shot, either deal your damage or roll +DEX: procure 1d6 uses of 4 provisions each day (roll When you would mark a debility, you can mark this
on a 10+, deal your damage and pick 2; on a 7-9, with disadvantage in winter or barren terrain). Each WORLDLY move instead to no ill effect. Clear it as you would
deal your damage and pick 1. use of provisions can substitute for 1 supplies when (Requires level 2+ and the Ranger) a debility.
you Make Camp. Take a move from the Blessed, Fox, Heavy, or Seek-
Ignore armor or deal +1d4 damage (your call)
er playbooks, for which you otherwise qualify. You WARDEN OF THE WILD
Stun, hobble, or hinder them PACK HORSE
can pick from a different playbook each time. You (Requires level 6+ and Sense the Unnatural)
Make them trip or drop what they’re holding You can carry up to 4 4 with a light load, 7 4
can’t pick Improved Stat or Superior Stat. When you deal damage to something you know to be
Do no harm; don’t deal your damage after all with a normal load, and 10 4 with a heavy load. a perversion of the natural order, deal +1d4 damage.
INVENTORY for ANIMAL COMPANION Ranger, you are accompanied by a beast, with
When you Outfit, mark a number of below, on specific items or Undefined. whom you have bonded deeply and communicate without words. Treat it as a follower.
For a light load (quick & quiet), mark up to 3 Loyalty HP Armor Damage Name
For a normal load, mark 4-6
For a heavy load (noisy, loud, slow, quick to tire), mark 7-9
Starts at +2 Max [ ] See Type See Type
Undefined Small items
When you Have What You Need, move from here to below. Fit in a pocket, pouch, or boot.
Type Pick 1. Instinct Pick 1.
When you Outfit, mark below
Supplies (4+Prosperity uses ) equal to 4+Prosperity.
More supplies (4+Prosperity uses ) Bird (falcon, eagle, owl, buzzard, magpie, ) To challenge rivals To panic
Even more supplies (4+Prosperity uses ) By default: damage d4; HP 4; armor 0. To fill its belly To run rampant
Use supplies to Recover, Make Camp, or have extra small items. Pick 4: Improved damage die (d6) +4 HP To get distracted To savage prey
When you Have What You Need, +1 armor (agility) attack-bird cautious To give chase To wander off
Mess kit (requires fire & water; makes Supplies last longer) move from here to items below, clever fast mimic sharp-eyed To make mischief
Bedroll (recover 1d6 extra HP when you Make Camp) or expend supplies to mark an stealthy thieving tiny (and +1 armor)
additional .
Blanket (warm) Change of clothes Cost Pick 1.
Rope, ~25 ft Shovel Knife, iron (hand)
Sledge, roll-out Snow-shoes Critter (cat, fox, possum, racoon, weasel, ) Attention: play, grooming, training, affection
Sling (near, reload, awkward,
By default: damage d4; HP 4; armor 1 (size). Freedom: time off on its own, free to roam
low ammo, all out)
Torch (lasts ~1 hour; reach, area, dangerous) Rushlight (lasts ~15-30 Pick 5 more: +4 HP +1 armor (agility) Comfort: cozy quarters, warmth, ample food
Oil lamp ( hours, reach, area, crude) minutes, close, crude) agile adorable annoying burrowing
Extra oil ( hours, for lamp/lantern, useless as a weapon) Tinderbox (slow) cautious clever climber nimble-fingered
Firewood (enough to last 1 full night) Needle & thread sharp-eared sharp-nosed stealthy
Handful of coppers stinky thieving 4 tiny DO THEIR THING
Dagger, iron (hand, precise) Whisky, skin ( uses) When you have them make a move and at
Hatchet, iron (hand, thrown, x piercing) least one tag applies, roll +1 instead of +STAT
Mallet, iron and/or wood (hand) Awl Bowstring
Brute (bear, boar, wolverine, aurochs, drake, ) (or +2 if they are exceptional). Otherwise,
Chalk Charcoal
Mattock, iron (close, x piercing, messy, awkward) By default: damage d6; HP 8; armor 0. roll +0.
Clay jar Cloth/rag
Maul, iron (close, forceful, awkward) Comb Cup Pick 4: +4 HP +1 armor (hide)
Staff (close) Extra socks Gloves Damage is +2 damage, forceful ORDER FOLLOWERS
Spear, iron (close, thrown, x piercing) Little box Sack, empty Damage is 1 piercing, messy agile fierce When you want them to act against their in-
Long spear, iron (reach, x piercing) Sawdust Tallow gluttonous hardy large (and +4 HP) stinct, tags, or self-interest, roll +Loyalty: on a
Twine/cord Waterskin powerful protective sharp-nosed 10+, they do it; on a 7-9, they do it but pick 1:
Javelins, iron ( uses, thrown, x piercing, +1 damage) Whetstone Whistle tenacious terrifying They have disadvantage on any roll to do it
Bow & iron arrows (near, x piercing, low ammo, all out)
They gripe about it; reduce Loyalty by 1
Extra arrows (x piercing, plenty left, low ammo, all out)
They hesitate/drag their feet/take their time
Shield (+1 armor, +1 Readiness on a 7+ to Defend) Predator (hound, wolf, cougar, drake, )
Thick hides (1 armor, warm) By default: damage d6; HP 8; armor 0.
Cloak (warm) Pick 4: +4 HP +1 armor (hide) When you pay their cost, increase Loyalty by
Improved damage die (d8) 1 (max +2). You can’t use this move again un-
Possessions, items, loot
Damage is 1 piercing, messy agile climber til after Making Camp or weeks of downtime.
cunning fast fierce pack-hunter
patient powerful sharp-eared
sharp-nosed stealthy terrifying tireless
When your companion is at 0 HP, roll +Loy-
alty: on a 10+, it’ll bounce back as soon as it
regains HP; on a 7-9, it’s hurt bad (disadvan-
Steed (horse, mule, ) tage on all rolls until treated); on a 6-, it will
Other things (animals, kits, stashed items, etc.) By default: damage d6; HP 10; armor 0.
Prosperity die soon unless someone saves it (and then,
-1 dirt (gear is crude) Pick 3 more: +4 HP +1 armor (hide) threat it as a 7-9 result).
+0 poor Damage is +2 damage, forceful agile
+1 moderate (x=1 piercing) beautiful calm clever 4 large powerful
+2 wealthy (x=2 piercing) sharp-nosed swift tireless warbeast