Lair Assault, Season 2 - Talon of Umberlee

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A Cl'd!\ll'EN~ E FO R;~ ARACTERS 0 F 8TH lEVEl

· logan°"Bonner and Christopher .Per.kins .'

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300-891 06-001-EN
It's "kill or be killed" as brave heroes test their mettle a9ainst drunken Tidescour9e pirates
and the wicked servants of the sea 9oddess Umberlee. ARRR!

Welcome to the DuNGEONS & DRAGONS LAIR AssAULT program! You hold in your
hands a booklet that contains an ultra-challenging encounter designed to be
played in a single game session. Odds are the player characters will be annihi-
lated, but that's part of the fun!
In this adventure, the heroes assault a pirate base north ofNeverwinter, do
battle with the servants of an angry sea goddess, and come face to face with their
own mortality. Only the most clever and canny adventuring party has any hope
of survival. '
As the DM, not only is it your job to challenge the player characters but also to
kill them outright-all in good fun, of course. (Make sure your players know that!)
Don't play favorites or fudge die rolls. The encounter is difficult enough that you
can let the dice fall where they may.

Character Creation
Players should create characters of 8th level, using any official 4th edition
DuNGEONS & DRAGONS sources (print products available in stores or anything
currently available in the D&D Character Builder, including material such as
themes and backgrounds). Players can also use D&D Fortune Cards™ during the

Each character has the following treasure:

+ One magic item of 7th level or lower, one magic item of 8th level or lower, and
one magic item of 9th level or lower. Only one of these items can be rare.
+ 2,600 gp to spend on other items, only two of which can be consumables. The
consumables must be of the character's level or lower.

Going into this challenge, players should understand that the encounters are
intentionally difficult, and characters and parties optimized for success are the
most likely to succeed. Some players might know details about the challenge
from previous sessions, which they are free to share with other players.
About a month ago, Dagult Neverember, the Lord ofNeverwinter, learned of
an artifact called the Talon oJUmberlee, which has the power to protect his city
against threats from the sea. Lord Neverember hired a reliable privateer, Captain
Szart Tilhavar, and his ship, the Floatin9 Cask, to travel along the Sword Coast to
Waterdeep with a sizable purse and acquire the artifact, which had found its way
onto the black market.
After paying an outrageous sum for the artifact and plotting a return trip
to Neverwinter, Szart and his crew were set upon by Tidescourge pirates. The
Floatin9 Cask went down with all hands, but not before Captain Tilhavar used a
sendin9 stone to inform Lord Neverember of the attack and his misfortune.
Lord Neverember knows that the merciless Tidescourge pirates use Port
Llast (a ruined settlement north ofNeverwinter) as a base, but he doesn't have
the ships to mount a serious offensive. Instead he plans to send one ship, the
Neverwinter's Pride, with a strike team ofadventurers as its crew. The strike
team's goal is simple: snatch the Talon ofUmberlee from its captors and return
it and the Neverwinter's Pride safely to Neverwinter. In exchange, they'll earn
Neverember's gratitude plus a generous payoff.

This challenge includes two separate encounters that can be played in a single
session lasting 3-4 hours, depending on the experience of the players.

Encounter 1: Bloodbath's Booty

In this encounter, the adventurers' objective is to find and retrieve the Talon of
Umberlee, which is hidden inside one of four treasure chests located inside the
pirate haven ofMurdershoal,just off the coast ofPort Llast.

For this encounter, you need the following tokens and tiles:
+ Captain Bloodbath, disguised bog hag
+ Darla Deadeye, doppelganger first mate
+ 4 Tidescourge pirates
+ 8 Tidescourge knaves
+ 4 treasure chests
+ 2 rowboats
Encounter 2: Umberlee's Grasp
In this encounter, having successfully returned to their ship, the adventurers
must defeat the servants of the evil sea goddess Umberlee and deliver the Talon of
Umberlee safely to Neverwinter.

For this encounter, you need the following tokens:

+ Sahuagin baron
+ 2 sahuagin bodyguards
+ 4 kraken tentacles
+ Talon ofUmberlee treasure chest

Nightmare Mode
If all players agree, you can run one or both encounters on nightmare mode by
adding a +4 bonus to all monster damage rolls.

Port Llast lies north ofNeverwinter, up the coast. The old town has become a
haven for Tidescourge pirates-murderous cutthroats led by several loosely allied
ship captains. Fortunately for the adventurers, the object of their quest isn't kept
in the town.
Fresh off her victory against the Floatina Cask, Captain Bloodbath (as she is
known to her crew, her fellow captains, and her enemies) is holed up in Murder-
shoal, a besieged pirate base off the coast of Port Llast, while her ship (the Tide's
Fury) undergoes repairs. Tidescourge captains use this base, which is made from
the battered hulls of six destroyed pirate vessels, as a meeting place. Murdershoal
is where they like to conduct business with outsiders who, out of fear for their
lives, would not be inclined to visit Port Llast proper.
Captain Bloodbath seized several large treasure chests from the wreck of the
Floatina Cask, including one trunk containing the Talon ofUmberlee. Eventually
she plans to sell the artifact. As for Lord Neverember, he's unwilling to negotiate
for the artifact, having already paid a generous sum for it.

Several days ago, Lord Neverember's agents captured and interrogated a Tide-
scourge pirate who was hiding in Neverwinter. From him, they learned that
the Tidescourge pirates who sank the Floatina Cask are holed up in the offshore
pirate haven of Murdershoal while their ship undergoes repairs at Port Llast.
The captive pirate also provided a detailed and accurate description of the base's
layout (see the map).
The prisoner offered one other crucial bit ofintelligence: It's common practice
for Tidescourge pirate captains to carry horns while on Murdershoal. If trouble
arises, all a captain needs to do is blow the horn, and reinforcements from Port
Llast will arrive in short order.

When you're ready to start, read:

You have been hired by Soman Galt, the dwarven mayor ofNeverwinter, to recover an
artifact that riahtfully belonas to Daault Neverember, the city's esteemed lord. The Talon
ofUmberlee, a larae a olden statue shaped like a hooked claw, was bein9 transported by
ship when the vessel was attacked and sunk by Tidescourae pirates.
Divinations reveal that the Talon lies off the coast of Port Llast, north ofNeverwinter.
Lord Neverember has loaned you one of his prized ships, the Neverwinter's Pride, and
uraed you to retrieve the artifact. Accordina to Galt, the Talon has the power to protect the
city aaainst threats from the sea.
Galt reports that his men captured a Tidescourae spy in the city not too lona aao, and
the knave provided some valuable intelliaence on a pirate base off the coast of Port Llast.
Evidently, the pirates have taken to callina it Murdershoal, and that's where they like to
conduct business with outsiders. In all likelihood, the Talon is bein9 held there. However,
Galt hastily points out that Lord Neverember is not interested in parleyina with the
pirates; he wants what's riahtfully his.
You are cautioned to avoid Port Llast at all costs. The Tidescourae pirates are ruthless
and danaerous in larae numbers. Best to slip into Murdershoal,find the Talon, and leave
as quickly as possible. if an alarm sounds, you won't have lona before reinforcements
arrive. Also, best to keep the Neverwiner's Pride hidden in a nearby cove and out of siaht.
Lord Neverember won't be pleased if this venture costs him another ship!

The adventurers are given clear instructions to leave the Neverwinter's Pride
tucked away in a cove. (It's their ticket back to Neverwinter.) They must approach
Murdershoal in one or two rowboats, preferably under the cover of darkness
(although ultimately that's for the players to decide).
Characters' Start Area: Have the players decide how many rowboats they
plan to use (one or two) and place one or both rowboat tiles near a corner of the
map. Whichever corner is opposite from the start area is the corner closest to the
shore (and the pirate-infested settlement of Port Llast).
Pirates: Do not place Captain Bloodbath and her pirates on the map until the
characters are close enough to see them.
Treasure Chests: Shuffle the four treasure chest tokens and place them face -
down on the battle map in the locations shown on page 7. At your discretion, you
may leave the treasure chests off the battle map until the characters find them,
but playtesting has shown that it creates a better tactical experience if the players
have some idea where the chests are kept (even if they don't know which one con-
tains the artifact they seek).
Explain the following circumstances of the challenge to the players:
+ There are no short rests or extended rests during the challenge.
+ Before the challenge begins, the heroes have time to perform rituals of 8th
level or lower at no cost (Lord Neverember pays for all components), provided
the information needed to adjudicate these rituals is readily available at the
game table. Likely rituals include Water Breathing and Water Walk.
+ Tidescourge pirate captains carry horns at Murdershoal. If trouble arises, they
blow these horns to summon aid from Port Llast. Once a horn is blown, the
heroes have 5 rounds to flee before waves of reinforcements arrive by boat.
Any character still on the map when the reinforcements arrive is assumed to
be captured or killed; either way, the character is removed from play.
+ Describe the general awards and challenge awards for Encounter 1, but not the
challenge awards for Encounter 2 or the secret awards (see ''Awards" on the
inside back cover). Reveal the fulfilled secret awards only after the encounter.

The pirate base ofMurdershoallies about 200 yards off the coast, within swim-
ming distance of Port Llast. The ramshackle base was assembled from the
battered hulls of six pirate vessels and sits atop a rocky outcropping.

Read the following to the players as the characters approach the base:
As you auide your rowboat closer to Murdershoal, you beain to hear sounds of a drunken
reverie: stompina, clappina, men's voices sinaina and yellina, and the cacklina lauah of a
loud woman. The outer hulls ofMurdershoal are dark, but lantern liaht illuminates the
tanale of sails that form a roof over the core of the pirate base. On one side of the base is a
crude wooden dock, but there are plenty of holes in the bulkheads that provide means of
entry, as well as rotted-out sections offloor a few feet above the waterline.

Captain Bloodbath and several members of her crew (the first mate and four
pirates) are drinking and cavorting in the central chamber, still high off their
victory over the Floatina Cask. Eight other drunk crew members (Tidescourge
knaves) are passed out in hammocks in the outer rooms.
Using Stealth: Characters can guide their rowboat toward the base with no
trouble, but doing so without waking the nearest sleeping knave requires a DC
12 group Stealth check (see Rules Compendium, page 128, for group check rules).
The eight Tidescourge knaves in the outer rooms are drunk and asleep.
However, they awaken to the sound of creaking floorboards and other noises
nearby. A character in a room with one or more sleeping knaves can move quietly
across the floor or tamper with a nearby chest without waking the knaves by suc-
ceeding at a DC 12 Stealth check. If the check fails, the closest knave wakes up
and shouts "Avast! Intruder!" This awakens any other knave in the room as well
as alerts the pirates in the central chamber.

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Attacking Sleeping Pirates: A sleeping knave reduced to 0 hit points does
not awaken before dying or falling unconscious.

Features of Murdershoal
Barrels: Scattered throughout the base are barrels of rum and oil. A barrel
that takes fire damage or is caught in the area of an effect that deals fire damage
explodes in a close burst 1, dealing 1d6 fire damage and ongoing 5 fire damage
(save ends) to all creatures in the burst. Damage from multiple exploding barrels
is cumulative, although the ongoing damage is not.
Ceilings: The ceilings are 10 feet high except in the central chamber, which
has a pitched canopy of torn sails that is 30 feet high at its apex. Characters
creeping across the top of a ship's hull must succeed on a DC 24 Stealth check or
be heard by the pirates below them and in the central chamber.
Doors: The doors are made of rotting wooden planks and break easily (DC 8
Strength check). There are also gaps between the planks through which charac-
ters can see what lies beyond.
Walls: Climbing a wall requires a DC 16 Athletics check. Each 5-foot section
of wall requires a DC 16 Strength check to smash through and has the following
statistics: hp 30, vulnerable 5 fire,AC 10, Fortitude 5, Reflex 5.
Treasure Chests: Each treasure chest is sealed shut by a rusty lock shaped
like a taciturn dwarven face. A lock requires a DC 16 Thievery check to pick. A
lock can also be opened by dealing damage to it, but damaging a lock automati-
cally wakes any sleeping Tidescourge knaves in the room and also alerts the
pirates in the central chamber. A rusty lock has the following statistics: hp 10,
resist 5 to all damage, AC 10, Fortitude 10, Reflex 5.
There is a 1·in-4 chance that a lock has a magical ward placed upon it. Such
a ward can be detected with a DC 16 Arcana check (a standard action) and dis-
abled with a DC 24 Arcana check or Thievery check. If the check to disable the
ward fails by 5 or more, the dwarven face on the lock shouts: "Arrr! Curse ye who
dares steal my plunder!" This shout wakes any knaves in the room and also alerts
the pirates in the central chamber.
When a chest is opened, flip over the treasure chest token to see what's inside
it. A character can remove the contents of a chest as a standard action, although
the Talon ofUmberlee requires a DC 16 Strength check to lift and carry.
The chests are big and awkward, but can be dragged with a DC 12 Strength
check or lifted with a DC 24 Strength check. Dragging a chest wakes any knaves
sleeping in the room.
Talon ofUmberlee: Characters who inspect the artifact can, with a DC 24
Arcana check, verify that it's genuine. A successful check also confirms that the
artifact has a power that might be useful in this challenge: A creature touching
the artifact can, with a DC 24 Arcana or Religion check and a standard action,
make a close burst 5 attack. No attack roll is required. Any creature in the burst
that has the aquatic keyword takes 4d6 + 10 damage. This attack can be used
once per encounter.

Captain Evelda Bloodbath

This pretty little half-elfwould be charmin& were it not for the cold hate in her ween eyes,
the witch's cackle in her lau9h, and the unwholesome air about her.

When an enemy within the aura spends a healing surge to regain hit points, that enemy regains
only half the normal hit points.
Bloodbath can breathe underwater. In aquatic combat, she gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls
against nonaquatic creatures.
Evasive Charge
Bloodbath can take a si

Cutlass (weapon) + At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature);+15 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 9 damage, or 4d8 + 9 if Bloodbath has combat advantage against the target.
Effect: Bloodbath can shift up to 2 squares.
Skin Shift (polymorph) + At-Will
Effect: Bloodbath alters her physical form to appear as a young female elf, half-elf, eladrin, or
human until she uses skin shift again or until she drops to 0 hit points. To assume a specific
individual's form, Bloodbath must have seen that individual. Other creatures can make a DC
31 Insight check to discern that the form is a disguise.
Str 18 (+9) Dex 20 (+10) Wis 14 (+7)
Con 16 (+8) lnt 13 (+6) Cha 19 (+9)
Alignment evil languages Common, Elven
Equipment cutlass, blowing horn

Captain Evelda Bloodbath hides her true nature from all but her most trusted
crew members, and they guard her secret on pain of death.
Tactics: The captain tries to flank enemies to gain combat advantage while
keeping as many of them as possible in her aura. When first bloodied, she blows
her horn as a standard action (see "Thar She Blows!", page 11).

First Mate Darla Deadeye

This doppel9an9er infiltrated Bloodbath's crew by killin9 the real Darla Deadeye and
assumin9 her form-that of a sultry elf woman with an eyepatch.

Dagger (weapon) + At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +16 vs. AC
Hit: 2d4 + 14 damage.
® Hand Crossbow (weapon) + At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature);+ 18 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 12 damage.
>f Deadeye Shot (weapon) + Recharge [8] [!]
Attack: Ranged 1 0 (one creature); +18 vs. AC
Hit: 4d6 + 15 and th~e~~~~

Change Shape (polymorph) + At-Will

Effect: The doppe lganger alters its physical form to appear as a Medium humanoid until it uses
change shape again or until it drops to 0 hit points. To assume a specific individual's form , the
doppelganger must have seen that individual. Other creatures can make a DC 32 Insight check
to discern that the form is a disguise.
Skills Bluff+14, Insight+11, Stealth+ 16
Str 12 (+6) Dex 22 (+11) Wis 13 (+6)
Con 18 (+9) lnt 10 (+5) Cha 19 (+9)
Alignment evil languages Common, Elven
Equipment dagger, hand crossbow, 20 bolts
Captain Bloodbath doesn't know that a doppelganger has infiltrated her crew
and that it has designs on supplanting her as master of the Tide's Fury.
Tactics: Darla keeps her distance and fires crossbow bolts at enemies, using
deadeye shot as often as possible. If Bloodbath is slain, the doppelganger assumes
her form, assures the crew that she's the real Bloodbath, and claims the captain's
horn. Given the crew's profound lack of insight, they accept the doppelganger's
words at face value, for truly it is a deception worthy of their captain.

Tidescourge Pirates
They fiBht well, and they drink well. In a short time, these brutal cutthroats have become
the scour9e of the Sword Coast.

Cutlass (we'!pon) + At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 11 damage.
@ Crossbow (weapon) + At-Will
Attack: Ranged 15 (one creature); +13 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 7

Trigger: An enemy within 2 squares of the pirate drops one of the pirate's allies below 1 hit
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The pirate moves up to 1 square and uses cutlass against the trigger-
Str 17 (+7) Dex 15 (+6) Wis9 (+3)
Con 16 (+7) lnt 10 (+4) Cha 12 (+5)
Alignment evil languages Common
Equipment cutlass, crossbow, 15 bolts

The Tidescourge pirates know how to hold their ale and bite their tongues. They
say nothing to anger their captain, for they know she is the cruelest harridan on
the high seas.
Tactics: The pirates wade into battle with their cutlasses while degrading
their enemies' mothers. They use cutthroat strike whenever opportunity allows.
Tidescourge Knaves
These curs are drunk on victory and not expectin9 another fiaht so soon. Their sleepiness
and inebriation make them sluaaish in battle, but they still pose a wave threat.

Cutlass (weapon) + At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature);+12 vs. AC
Hit: 7 damage.

Scurrying Rats + Encounter

Triaaer: The knave is targeted by a close or an area attack.
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The knave drops to 0 hit points, and every other creature targeted
by the attack can shift up to 2 squares.
Str 13 (+4) Dex 17 (+6) Wis 8 (+2)
Con 12 (+4) lnt 9 (+2) Cha 12 (+4)
Alignment evil Languages Common
Equipment cutlass

The Tidescourge knaves count themselves lucky to be in Captain Bloodbath's

good graces, and they enjoy it while it lasts. They begin the encounter asleep in
their hammocks.
Tactics: The knaves mark their enemies and use scurryin9 rats to protect more
important crew members.

Thar She Blows!

When Captain Bloodbath blows her horn, the adventurers have 5 rounds to
flee Murdershoal before reinforcements from Port Llast arrive in rowboats. The
reinforcements appear at the end of Bloodbath's turn on the fifth round, and any
adventurers still on the map at that time are assumed to be captured or killed.
Either way, they are removed from play and are not counted as having survived
for purposes of determining challenge awards.

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- - . . .. 11
Thi~ encounter begins shortly after the heroes flee Murdershoal and return to
their ship, the Neverwinter's Pride, which is anchored in a cove and hidden from
the Tidescourge pirates of Port Llast.
The short rowboat trip back to the Neverwinter's Pride is physically taxing, and
the heroes won't have time to take a short rest before they're attacked. Once they
board the ship, the adventurers have time to figure out where to store the Talon
ofUmberlee and prepare the vessel for departure before they're attacked by an
undersea threat.
Umberlee, the evil sea goddess, has taken umbrage with the heroes' audacity
and sent loyal servants to humble them. Before the adventurers can guide the
Neverwinter's Pride out of the cove, it's attacked and held in place by a kraken. A
sahuagin baron in service to Umberlee demands that the adventurers surrender
the artifact or be destroyed.

The challenge begins as the adventurers board the Neverwinter's Pride and stow
the Talon ofUmberlee aboard. The players can decide where to place the artifact
on the map; use the Talon ofUmberlee treasure chest token to mark its location.

When you're ready to start, read:

HavinB stowed the Talon ofUmberlee, you make preparations to raise the anchor and sail
back to Neverwinter. Suddenly, the ship rocks and creaks as thouBh in pain. Four massive
tentacles explode out of the water. Three of them Bently deposit scaly-ween humanoids on
the deck, while the fourth flails about threateninBly. One of the scaly humanoids is much
larBer than the other two. He hasfour arms, brandishes a wicked trident, and hisses at
you scornfully. "You would ride the queen's oceans while you steal from her? Her wrath
will sink your vessel unless you Bive us the artifact!"

The kraken attacks with four tentacles while using its remaining tentacles to hold
the ship in place. The sahuagin baron demands the Talon ofUmberlee, and if the
adventurers fail to surrender it, he and the other sahuagin attack. The sahuagin
baron only negotiates once he's bloodied (see "Baron Saarkrith," page 14).
Characters' Start Area: The players can place their characters anywhere on
the top deck of the Neverwinter's Pride.
Rowboats: If the characters left one or more rowboats tied off in the water,
place the appropriate rowboat tiles in the water next to the ship, one per side.
Enemies: Place the sahuagin and kraken tentacles as shown on the map. If a
sahuagin's space is taken up by one or more characters, place the sahuagin in the
nearest unoccupied space.
Optional Crew: This challenge assumes that the adventurers are crewing the
Neverwinter's Pride themselves. If you don't mind the added complexity, you can
give the ship eight NPC sailors who follow the adventurers' orders. These crew
members have the same statistics as the Tidescourge knave (page 11) but are
sober, and you will need miniatures or tokens to represent them.

Explain the following circumstances of the challenge to the players:

+ Any rituals cast in the first encounter are still in effect.
+ Any character who falls into the water once the encounter begins is instantly
devoured (and thus killed) by the kraken.
+ The kraken tentacles cannot make opportunity attacks.
+ Describe the challenge awards specific to Encounter 2. Reveal the fulfilled
secret awards only after the encounter.

Neverwinter's Pride
The N everwinter's Pride is a caravel. The minimum number of crew members
needed to sail the vessel is two, provided the ship is hugging the coastline. The
vessel has been loaned to the heroes by Lord Dagult Neverember, and he expects
it to be returned to Neverwinter in one piece.
Ballist a s: The wooden ballistas mounted to the aftcastle can fire in any direc-
tion. Loading a ballista is a move action, and firing the weapon is a standard
action. A ballista has these statistics: hp 30, AC 15, Fortitude 15, Reflex 5.

Ballista +At-Will
Attack: Ranged 30 (one creature or unattended object);+11 vs. AC
Hit: 3d1 0 + 5 damage.

Crow's Nests and Rope Ladders: Characters can climb 4-square-high rope
ladders (at half speed, no skill check required) to reach the top of each mast,
which sports a small crow's nest. However, these perches are not out of reach of
the kraken's tentacles. A character in a crow's nest or hanging onto a mast falls if
he or she takes damage and fails a DC 8 Athletics check.
Lower Deck: The lower deck has a ceiling 10 feet high. Squares occupied by
furniture , overturned lifeboats, food supply crates, and water barrels count as dif-
ficult terrain.
Swinging on Ropes: Any creature that climbs a mast can, as a minor action,
swing on a rope and land in any square within 3 squares of the mast.
Talon ofUmberlee: See page 8 for details on the artifact.
Baron Saarkrith
This massive four-armed sahuaain serves the aoddess Umberlee but fears death more
than her wrath. Once bloodied, he can be convinced to flee.

Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +16 vs. AC

Hit: 1d6 + 6 damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends).
CD Trident (weapon)+ At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +16 vs. AC
Hit: 3d8 + 10 damage.
+ Baron's Fury+ At-Will
Effect: Saarkrith uses claw twice and trident once.
+Sweep and Skewer (weapon) + Recharge [DJ
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +14 vs. Reflex
Hit: The target falls prone, and Saarkrith uses trident against the target. If the baron hits with the
trident, the target takes 30 extra damage.
Skills Insight+12, Intimidate +14
Str 22 (+9) Dex 18 (+10) Wis 12 (+7)
Con 18 (+8) lnt 12 (+6) Cha 16 (+9t "
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common
Equipment trident

Tactics: Saarkrith uses sweep and skewer as often as he can. Otherwise, he uses
baron's Jury. Thanks to his blood hunaer trait, he deals extra damage to bloodied
When the baron is bloodied, have all adventurers who can see him make a
group DC 12 Insight check (see Rules Compendium, page 128, for group check
rules). A successful check reveals that the baron's resolve is broken. All it takes
is one successful DC 24 Diplomacy or Intimidate check (standard action) to
convince Saarkrith to parley with his enemies. If the check succeeds, he says,
"Enouah! I tire of this battle. You can keep your prize ... for now." Assuming the adven-
turers allow Saarkrith to leave the ship, the other sahuagin and the kraken follow
him, and the encounter ends in victory for the heroes.

14 ~'-'!" ..
Sahuagin Bodyguards
These sea devils relish every opportunity to indulBe their blood frenzy.

The sahuagin can breathe underwater. In aquatic combat, it gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls
against nonaquatic creatures.
Blood Frenzy
The sahuagin gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls and a +2 bonus to damage rolls against bloodied

Effect: The sahuagin can shift 1 square before making the attack.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature);+15 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 9 damage, or 3d8 + 9_if the sahuagin has combat ~9vantage against the target.
Str18(+9) Dex17(+10) Wis14(+7)
Con 14 (+8) lnt 10 (+6) ~ha 10 (+9)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common
Equipment trident
The bodyguards don't say much, content to follow their baron's orders.
Tactics: The bodyguards try to flank enemies with the baron to gain combat
advantage before striking with their tridents. If the baron is killed, any surviving
bodyguards try to jump overboard and flee.

Kraken Tentacles
These appenda9es are part of a lar9er creature that the adventurers don't need to fight.

The tentacle can breathe underwater. In aquatic combat, it gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls
against nonaquatic creatures.
A tentacle cannot leave the water, voluntarilty or involuntarily. A tentacle can move underneath
a ship but cannot make attacks or be attacked while under a ship.

<:~ lash + At-Will

Attack: Close blast 3 (enemies in the blast); +13 vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d6 + 7 d

Tri99er: The tentacle is first bloodied.
Effect: Each creature on the ship slides 2 squares toward the side of the ship nearest the tentacle
(port or starboard).
Str 20 (+10) Dex 15 (+7)
Con 17 (+8) lnt4 (+2)

The kraken devours any character who falls in the water. If it loses all four ten-
tacles, it retreats to the deep sea rather than press its luck
Tactics: The tentacles use lash to batter enemies and rock the boat when first
bloodied. They cannot make opportunity attacks.


The challenge ends in victory if the adventurers defeat or drive off the servants of
Umberlee and have enough crew to make it back to Neverwinter with the Talon
In this D&D LAIR AssAULT challenge, characters can gain up to twenty awards.
These awards earn the players glory. A player can earn a total of200 glory for
collecting all the awards. Have players record their awards and glory and report
them on the player tracking form. A player can earn a specific award only once,
regardless of the number of times he or she plays the challenge.

General Awards
Epic Win (20 glory): Defeat both encounters on nightmare mode (see page 4).
Scurvy Dogs (20 glory): Complete both encounters without using magic items,
consumables, or rituals.
Tough as Nails (20 glory): Complete both encounters without spending a
healing surge.
Delicate Flow er (10 glory): Take no damage in one or both encounters.
That'll Leave a Mark (10 glory): Score a critical hit.
Sea Legs (10 glory): Get a 20 or higher on a death saving throw.
Player Bait (5 glory): Do something that makes the DM consult the Rules Com-
pendium or the Player's Handbook.
TPK (5 glory): Every character in the party dies.

Encounter 1 Challenge Awards

Eye on the Prize (10 glory): Retrieve the Talon ofUmberlee.
Big Booty (10 glory): Retrieve 4,000 gp in treasure.
Savvy Scalawag (10 glory): Kill a sleeping pirate.
You're Off the Map, Jack! (5 glory): Escape before pirate reinforcements arrive
after Captain Bloodbath's horn is blown.

Encounter 2 Challenge Awards

Shiver Me Timbers! (10 glory): Deliver the Talon ofUmberlee to Neverwinter.
Take a Dive (10 glory): Die from falling or jumping in the water.
Kraken Smackin' (10 glory): Kill all four kraken tentacles.
Baron Sparin' (5 glory): Bloody the baron and let him go.

Secret Awards
This challenge has secret awards that players can satisfy. At the end of the chal-
lenge, reveal only the awards that were fulfilled.

Oh Yeah! (10 glory): Smash through a door or wall in Encounter 1.

Yo Ho Ho ... (5 glory): Drink from a barrel of rum in Encounter 1.
Rope-a-Dope (10 glory): Swing on a rope in Encounter 2.
Poop Deck (5 glory): Crack a poop deck joke in Encounter 2.
The players think their characters are
invincible. It's Wile for you to show them
otherwise. Gather your players-the
tacticians, the rules experts, and the power
garners-and let them test theiF mettle
against a gang of ruthless pirates and the
eviJ servants of the sea goddess Umberlee!

Talon ofVmberleeT" is a D UNGEONS

·&DRAGONS® Roleplayin8 Game challenge
designed for the 2011 winte~ installment
o£the D&D LAIR AsSAULT official play
progra;n. It irtcludes one fu)l-color battle
map, one sheet of tokens, a lamiqated
play aid, and information on the D&D
LAIR AssAULT program.

> .

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