1048296-Norts Universal Martial Maneuvers v1.1 Basics

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The document outlines a tiered system of martial maneuvers that gives fighters and other martial characters meaningful narrative choices and options similar to spellcasters. It is designed so that maneuvers can be universally implemented across classes and campaigns.

The system aims to make maneuvers accessible to all characters and classes in a balanced way. It also allows players and DMs to incorporate maneuvers from real martial arts, movies, games or other homebrew material.

Tricks involve setting up attacks to gain advantages, like toppling an enemy off a ledge. Stunts like called shots add conditions but come with penalties to reflect increased difficulty.

Nort’s Universal Martial Maneuvers

Drills, Ploys, Stunts, Tricks and Shenanigans to up your game


DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other
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The point of this rule expansion is not just a list of maneuvers, as good as they are, the actual maneuvers herein could be replaced with
a host of others. This rule expansion is a coherent way of implementing martial maneuvers universally into 5th edition D&D. What the
actual maneuvers are is not as important as the method of their implementation and subsequently the options available to the martial
characters in general and fighters in particular. This framework of tiered maneuvers gives every DM and player the opportunity to go
re-watch favourite movies or videogames and pick out new maneuvers that could work for their character. Maybe you practice a real
martial art, this framework provides a way to incorporate those real moves into your game. Maybe you’d like some skillset from
another class but don’t want to multiclass your character? You can use a version of the desired maneuver without giving up a level of
your main class. Or maybe you’ve seen some other homebrew feats or abilities but they’re OP or just don’t quite fit at your table, in a
tiered system you can add any ability at the appropriate level for your campaign. The system is designed to fit alongside not only the
core rules but other homebrew as well. For example at my game we also use Beyond Damage Dice by Kobold Press, so all martial
characters can consider which maneuvers work best with which weapons for their characters and thus come up with a signature combat
style. They can then change style as a new favourite weapon appears and they can swap in a new maneuver to suit.

The fundamental design principle that drove the creation of this system is that fighters should have meaningful narrative choices
throughout the game just like spell-casters. Another important idea is that all characters should benefit from what martial maneuvers
can offer, just as many classes have some limited spell-casting abilities, so any character could benefit from training repeatable
physical maneuvers. It became clear that the system should reflect a spectrum of opportunity between physical powers on the one hand
and magical powers on the other. Muscle memory vs brain memory. Characters that spend too long preparing spells or praying for
divine magic simply don’t have time to also physically train martial maneuvers and vice versa.

Another major principle is that maneuvers are just too good to restrict to the Battlemaster archetype of the Fighter class. Just as the
custom abilities offered by feats are too hard to access when you have to choose between ASI’s or feats. Universal maneuvers offer a
quick fix for all players wanting to try out abilities or add some mechanical customization or more interesting combat options. So the
simplest option is to add the Battlemaster maneuvers not just to every Fighter but every martial character.

Two other design principles are worth mentioning. One is mechanical equality and the other is don’t step on toes. Mechanical equality
means each tier should offer maneuvers of equivalent mechanical effect, particularly damage caused. No maneuver should be a no-
brainer compared to others, nor should a maneuver be a trap. If you consider a maneuver to be breaking this rule then either drop it,
modify it or change it’s tier. We also don’t want a maneuver that is too similar to a core classes ability, that would be stepping on toes.
So the Rogues Apprentice or Bell Ringer maneuvers are either much more limited in scope or they are only accessible many levels
higher than they would be for the core class that remains the specialist in those maneuvers.

I owe a debt of gratitude in a general sense to certain goons whose consistent, thoughtful criticisms prompted me to firstly appreciate
issues many players experienced with their favourite characters and then to nut out what might specifically address those issues. I don t
know if I ve achieved that but it’s definitely made the game I run better.

I owe a very specific debt of gratitude to some people who generated the majority of the maneuvers listed herein, particularly SA
forum user Magil Zeal whose work I have adapted and incorporated into this system. The works of Magil Zeal I drew from are on the
DMs Guild and linked below. More maneuvers were drawn from 5e s playtesting iterations, the 8th playtest packet in particular. Then
of course some of the maneuvers listed here are from the PHB. Here are links to Magil Zeal’s work:

Warriors of Myth & Legend

Combat Expertise: 25 New Maneuvers

All artwork sourced for this document is public domain:

cover art: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3ASamurai_with_sword.jpg
Pg.3 art: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3AByzantine_-_Casket_with_Warriors_in_Combat_-_Walters_71115_-_Side_C.jpg,
Pg.4 art: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3ATalhoffer_1467_p170.jpg
Pg.12 art: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3ACombat_d'Alexandre_et_de_P%C3%B4ros.jpg

Suggestions, feedback & contributions

…are welcome! Please send an email to nortbymouth@gmail.com . Updates are planned with new maneuvers, gimmicks, shenanigans
and curveballs.

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Battlemaster should have been the core of the fighter class and the subclasses should become built around superiority
dice as a resource for doing cool stuff in different flavors.
— Mango Sentinel

Martial damage dice were a thing for multiple classes and seemed relatively promising as a concept
— Magil Zeal

Just stay away from books and you’ll be fine.
— Goweh, dwarf, fighter

You do you, my friend. You do you.
— Nort, human, monk

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TMS table definitions
This rules expansion modifies 5e rules mainly benefitting Characters may choose a number of martial maneuvers
fighters and other martial classes. It makes the martial according to their class type (see definitions below) on the
maneuvers of the Battlemaster available to all classes. TMS table, which they know and practice.

Martial maneuvers are physical techniques which can be Characters gain a number of Superiority dice of particular
trained repeatedly and generally make use of muscle value according to their class type on the TMS table, which
memory. While a spellcaster may prepare themselves by they expend to use their maneuvers.
memorizing spells or praying for divine magic, the martial
character prepares with physical training of specific Characters access higher maneuver Tiers according to their
techniques. class type on the TMS table. Half Casters gain Tiers as
Martials, though their maneuvers known and Superiority
All classes gain access to martial maneuvers at inverse Dice differ as per the TMS table.
proportions to their spellcasting ability. Spellcasters spend
too much time with books and mystical mumbo jumbo to Fighters regain all of their expended superiority dice when
benefit from hard physical training. they finish a short or long rest. Non-fighters regain one
superiority dice when they finish a short rest and regain all
The Battlemaster archetype is folded into the fighter class expended superiority dice when they finish a long rest.
with martial maneuvers available to all fighters from 1
level as per the Tiers / Maneuevers / Superiority Dice (TMS) Characters may swap one maneuver at every odd level.
table (see below). Multiclass characters progress on the TMS table according
to their highest martial level or most advantageous
As spellcasters, Eldritch Knights have the same superiority combination of maneuvers and number / type of
dice as other fighters but as a consequence of their superiority dice available from their classes.
substantial book time, only know a limited amount of
maneuvers. Class type definitions
Fighter: except Eldritch Knight* (Eld.Kn.)
‘Maneuvers’ is a generic term for a formal martial Martial: Barbarian, Rogue (except Arcane
technique. You could substitute ‘gimmick’, ‘ploy’, ‘jig’ or Trickster)
other contrivance if it helps you understand the Half-Caster: Paladin, Ranger, Monk
universality of physical gambits available to all characters
Arcane Trickster (Arc.Tr.)
that put in the necessary practice.
Caster: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Mystic, Sorcerer,

Warlock, Wizard

Tier advancement by class type
Fighter - Martial / Half-Caster - Caster
Tier 1 Level 1-4 Level 1-4 Level 7-12
Tier 2 Level 5-8 Level 5-8 Level 13-18
Tier 3 Level 9-12 Level 9-14 Level 19-20
Tier 4 Level 13-16 Level 15-18
Tier 5 Level 17-20 Level 19-20

Saving Throw DCs

DC = 8 + proficiency bonus + Strength or Dexterity
modifier (player chooses)

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Tiers/Maneuvers/Superiority Dice table
Fighter Martial à Half Caster Caster
Level 1 Tier 1 Tier 1 Ranger / Paladin / Monk: 0 Maneuvers
2 Maneuvers 1 Maneuver 1 Maneuver
2d8 Sup. Dice 1d6 Sup. Dice 1d6 Sup. Dice

Level 3 3 Maneuvers 2 Maneuvers Ranger / Paladin / *

4d8 Sup. Dice Arc.Tr.:
1 Maneuver
Eld.Kn. / Monk:
2 Maneuvers

Level 5 Tier 2 Tier 2 Ranger / Paladin: *

4 Maneuvers 3 Maneuvers 1 Maneuver
4d8 Sup. Dice 2d6 Sup. Dice Arc.Tr / Eld.Kn. / Monk:
2 Maneuvers
1d6 Sup. Dice

Level 7 5 Maneuvers * Ranger / Paladin: Tier 1

5d8 Sup. Dice 2 Maneuvers 1 Maneuver
Arc.Tr / Eld.Kn. / Monk: 1d4 Sup. Dice
3 Maneuvers

Level 9 Tier 3 Tier 3 Ranger / Paladin: *

6 Maneuvers 4 Maneuvers 2 Maneuvers
5d8 Sup. Dice 3d6 Sup. Dice Arc.Tr / Eld.Kn.:
3 Maneuvers
Monk: 4 Maneuvers
2d6 Sup. Dice

Level 11 7 Maneuvers * Ranger / Paladin: *

5d10 Sup. Dice 2 Maneuvers
Arc.Tr / Eld.Kn.:
3 Maneuvers
Monk: 4 Maneuvers

Level 13 Tier 4 5 Maneuvers Ranger / Paladin: Tier 2

8 Maneuvers 2 Maneuvers 2 Maneuvers
5d10 Sup. Dice Arc.Tr / Eld.Kn.: 2d4 Sup. Dice
3 Maneuvers
Monk: 4 Maneuvers

Level 15 9 Maneuvers Tier 4 Ranger / Paladin: *

6d10 Sup. Dice 5 Maneuvers 2 Maneuvers
4d6 Sup. Dice Arc.Tr / Eld.Kn.:
3 Maneuvers
Monk: 4 Maneuvers
3d6 Sup. Dice

Level 17 Tier 5 6 Maneuvers Ranger / Paladin: *

10 Maneuvers 3 Maneuvers
6d10 Sup. Dice Arc.Tr / Eld.Kn.:
4 Maneuvers
5 Maneuvers

Level 19 10 Maneuvers Tier 5 Ranger / Paladin: Tier 3

6d12 Sup. Dice 6 Maneuvers 3 Maneuvers 2 Maneuvers
5d6 Sup. Dice Arc.Tr / Eld.Kn.: 3d4 Sup. Dice
4 Maneuvers
Monk: 5 Maneuvers
3d6 Sup. Dice

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Maneuver Definitions Defensive Attack
Powerful maneuvers are unlocked at higher tiers.
Maneuver effect is shaped by the following factors: Prerequisite: Dexterity 16+ or Defense fighting style
Proficiency: Acrobatics

When you hit a creature with a weapon attack you can
expend a superiority die and take the Dodge action as a
Certain maneuvers have an ability minimum, a feat or a bonus action. Add the superiority die to the attacks damage
class as a prerequisite. roll.
Certain skill proficiencies add a bonus to the maneuvers Disarming Attack
superiority dice roll. If the character possesses the
Weapon Adv.: Heavy / Two handed (incl.Versatile)
proficiency, they may add their proficiency bonus to the
When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can
superiority roll and related maneuver effect. Only one
expend one superiority die to attempt to disarm the target,
relevant skill bonus may apply and the skill bonus is applied forcing it to drop one item of your choice that it's holding,
once only, regardless of the number of superiority dice You add the superiority die to the attack's damage roll, and
rolled. the target must make a Strength saving throw, On a failed
Proficiency Advantages: save, it drops the object you choose, The object lands at its
Certain skill proficiencies confer disadvantage to a targets feet.
saving throw.
Weapon Advantages: Distracting Strike
Certain weapons confer advantage to their effect. This only Proficiency: Insight, Performance
applies where the target has a saving throw and this effect When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can
confers disadvantage to the saving throw. expend one superiority die to distract the creature, giving
your allies an opening. You add the superiority die to the
In certain cases, a factor may be an exception, these are attack's damage roll. The next attack roll against the target
marked with *asterisks*. by an attacker other than you has advantage if the attack is
made before the start of your next turn.

Tier 1 Maneuvers Durable

Bull Charge Prerequisite: Constitution 11+
Proficiency: *add Constitution bonus*
Prerequisite: Strength 12+
Whenever you roll a die to regain hit points by spending a
Proficiency: Athletics
Hit Die, you roll a superiority die and add the result to the
Choose an enemy at least 10 feet away from you that you
benefit. You may not exceed your hit point maximum.
can see. You can expend one superiority die and use an
action on your turn to move up to your speed towards the Evasive Footwork
chosen enemy and must end this move closer to the enemy
than you started. You can then make a melee weapon attack Proficiency: Acrobatics / Insight / Deception
against the enemy. If it hits, add the superiority die to the When you move, you can expend one superiority die,
damage roll, and you can attempt to shove the creature you rolling the die and adding the number rolled to your AC
hit as a bonus action before the end of this turn. until the end of your turn.
Commanders Strike Execution
Proficiency: Performance Prerequisite: Strength: 12+ & Great Weapon Fighting style
When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can Proficiency: Athletics
forgo one of your attacks and use a bonus action to direct Weapon adv.: Heavy
one of your companions to strike, When you do so, choose a When you hit a creature with a weapon attack you make
friendly creature who can see or hear you and expend one with a melee weapon you are wielding with two hands, you
superiority die, That creature can immediately use its can expend a superiority die to try and finish the target off.
reaction to make one weapon attack, adding the superiority Add your superiority die to the attack s damage roll, and
die to the attack's damage roll. use the maximum value for all of the attacks weapons dice
instead of rolling them.
After taking this damage, if the creature you hit has less
hit points than your proficiency bonus plus twice your
martial level, it must make a Constitution saving throw. If it
fails, it immediately drops to 0 hit points.

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Flanking Maneuvering Attack
Target one hostile creature within your melee range that When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can
is also within melee range of another creature hostile to the expend one superiority die to maneuver one of your
target. You can expend one superiority die and gain comrades into a more advantageous position, You add the
advantage on your next attack roll against that target. superiority die to the attack's damage roll, and you choose a
At Higher Tiers: So long as you maintain flanking friendly creature who can see or hear you,
conditions, you gain advantage for a number of turns equal That creature can use its reaction to move up to half its
to your superiority die roll. speed without provoking opportunity attacks from the target
of your attack.
Goading Attack
Proficiency adv.: Performance / Intimidation
Menacing Attack
When you hit a creature that can hear you with a weapon Proficiency adv.: Intimidation
attack, you can expend one superiority die to attempt to When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can
goad the target into attacking you. expend one superiority die to attempt to frighten the target.
You add the superiority die to the attack's damage roll, You add the superiority die to the attack's damage roll, the
and the target must make a Wisdom saving throw, On a target then must make a Wisdom saving throw.
failed save, the target has disadvantage on all attack rolls On a failed save, it is frightened of you until the end of
against targets other than you until the end of your next turn. your next turn.

Grappling Attack Off-Hand Strike

Proficiency: Acrobatics Prerequisite: Two-Weapon Fighting style
When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack and When you take the Attack action and hit a creature with a
you have a free hand, you can expend one superiority die melee weapon attack with a weapon you are holding in one
and use a bonus action to attempt to grapple the creature hand you can expend one superiority die. You add the
you hit. The creature must be within your reach and no superiority die to the attacks damage roll, and can make an
more than one size category larger than you. Add the additional attack as part of this Attack action.
superiority die to the Strength (Athletics) check made to You must make this additional weapon attack with a
grapple the creature you hit. different melee weapon that you’re holding with the other
hand. Both weapons must be light weapons unless you have
Healing Initiate the Dual Wielder feat.
Prerequisite: Wisdom 14+ or Healer feat
Proficiency: Medicine
As a bonus action, you may spend one superiority dice and Proficiency: Athletics
spend one use of a healer’s kit to tend to a creature and When another creature damages you with a melee attack,
restore 1d6 + the result of your superiority dice roll. you can use your reaction and expend one superiority die to
reduce the damage by the number you roll on your
Interposing Shield superiority die + your Dexterity modifier.
While you are wielding a shield, you can use your reaction
to impose disadvantage on the attack roll of a creature
Precision Attack
within 5 feet of you, provided the creature is attacking a Proficiency: Investigation / Insight
target other than you. When you make a weapon attack roll against a creature,
you can expend one superiority die to add it to the roll. You
Lunging Attack can use this maneuver before or after making the attack roll,
When you make a melee weapon attack on your turn, you but before any effects of the attack are applied.
can expend one superiority die to increase your reach for
that attack by 5 feet. ]f you hit, you add the superiority die
Pushing Attack
to the attack's damage roll. Proficiency adv.: Athletics
When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can
expend one superiority die to attempt to drive the target
back. You add the superiority die to the attack's damage roll,
and if the target is Large or smaller, it must make a Strength
saving throw, On a failed save, you push the target up to 15
feet away from you.

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Rally Trip Attack
Proficiency: Performance Weapon adv.: Reach & quarterstaff
On your turn, you can use a bonus action and expend one When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can
superiority die to bolster the resolve of one of your expend one superiority die to attempt to knock the target
companions. When you do so, choose a friendly creature down, You add the superiority die to the attack's damage
who can see or hear you, That creature gains temporary hit roll, and if the target is Large or smaller, it must make a
points equal to the superiority die roll + your Charisma Strength saving throw, On a failed save, you knock the
modifier. target prone.

Riposte Warning Shot

Proficiency: Athletics Prerequisite: Dexterity 12+
When a creature misses you with a melee attack, you can Proficiency: Insight, Perception
use your reaction and expend one superiority die to make a When an enemy you can see hits a creature friendly to
melee weapon attack against the creature, If you hit, add the you with an attack you can expend one superiority die and
superiority die to the attack's damage roll. use a reaction to make a ranged weapon attack against the
enemy. Resolve this attack before the triggering attack. If
Rogues Apprentice the weapon attack hits add the superiority die to the friendly
creature’s AC against the triggering attack, which may
Prerequisite: Dexterity 16+ & Non Rogue class
make the attack miss.
Proficiency: Stealth
If you are wearing light or no armor, you may perform a
lesser form of Sneak Attack. Once per turn, if you have
advantage on an attack roll, you can expend a superiority
Tier 2
dice and add that damage to one creature. Acrobatic Surge
As a bonus action you may add one superiority dice to a
At Higher Tiers: you may expend an additional superiority
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. You must commit the
die per tier to add damage, to a maximum of 5.
superiority dice before rolling.
Stand the Ground At Higher Tiers: you may roll one superiority die per tier
above 2 to power this maneuver.
Prerequisite: Strength 12+
Proficiency: Athletics Athletic Surge
As a reaction you brace yourself against an incoming
As a bonus action you may add one superiority dice to a
shove. Until the start of your next turn you ignore attempts
Strength (Athletics) check. You must commit the
to push you away and you can’t be knocked prone. This
superiority dice before rolling.
includes the triggering effect.
At Higher Tiers: you may roll one superiority die per tier
Sweeping Attack above 2 to power this maneuver.

Prerequisite: Non Caster Bedeviling Assault

Proficiency: Athletics
Prerequisite: Fighter
When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you
After striking a creature once, you focus on capitalizing
can expend one superiority die to attempt to damage another
on distractions caused by your ally’s attacks. As a bonus
creature with the same attack, Choose another creature
action, expend a superiority dice and choose one creature
within 5 feet of the original target and within your reach, If
within range you have hit with a melee weapon attack this
the original attack roll would hit the second creature, it takes
turn. Whenever the chosen creature is hit by another
damage equal to the number you roll on your superiority die,
creatures attack, you can use a reaction to make a melee
The damage is of the same type dealt by the original attack.
weapon attack against the target. This effect ends when you
Tumbling Movement have not hit the target with a weapon attack by the end of
your turn.
Prerequisite: Barbarian, Rogue or Monk; Dexterity 14+
Proficiency: Acrobatics
If you are targeted by an opportunity attack, as a reaction
you may roll a superiority die and add it to your AC for the
triggering attack.

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Combat Reflexes Glowering Threat
Prerequisite: Dexterity 14+ Prerequisite: Charisma 14+
Proficiency: Insight, Perception Proficiency adv.: Performance, Intimidation
Your instincts take over when danger presents itself and As a bonus action you let out a cry of challenge, hostile
you can strike whenever you spot an opening. creatures within 30 feet that can hear you must make a
When you roll a superiority dice – for that number of Wisdom saving throw or have disadvantage on attack rolls
turns you can take that number of extra reactions, but no against creatures other than you until the end of your next
more than once per turn. The reactions can be used only to turn.
make opportunity attacks.
Great Cleave
Come and Get It Prerequisite: Fighter, Barbarian
Prerequisite: Charisma 12+ Proficiency: Athletics
Proficiency adv.: Performance, Intimidation When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with a melee
You can expend one superiority die and use an action on weapon attack on your turn, you can expend one superiority
your turn to cry out in challenge to nearby enemies. die to allow you to move 10 additional feet if your speed is
Enemies that can see or hear you within 30 feet must make not 0. You gain an extra action that you can use before the
a Charisma saving throw. A creature that is immune to end of this turn, which you can use only to take the Attack
being frightened automatically succeeds on this saving action (one weapon attack only). If you use this action to
throw. Each creature that fails this saving throw must make a weapon attack and hit, add the superiority die to the
immediately use its reaction to move as far as its speed attacks damage roll.
allows towards you.
Roll the superiority die and deal that much damage to Hold the Line
each of these creatures that ends the move within 5 feet of Prerequisite: Strength 12+, Shield proficiency
you. The damage is of the same type as dealt by the weapon You can use your shield to stop enemies in their tracks.
you are wielding. When a creature of your size or smaller moves within your
reach while you are wielding a shield, you can spend a
Crushing Surge superiority die and a reaction to reduce the enemies
When you hit a target with a melee attack you deal one movement to 0 until the end of its turn.
superiority die of additional damage to the attack and you
gain temporary hit points equal to the superiority roll + your Ignore Weakness
Constitution modifier plus your martial level. You may only Prerequisite: Constitution 15+
have one crushing surge active at a time. The temporary hit As a reaction, you power through a debilitation using raw
points expire at the end of a short or long rest. strength and determination. Provided you can maintain
At Higher Tiers: you may roll one superiority die per tier
concentration as though for a spell, you can ignore the
to power this maneuver.
following triggering effects for up to 1 minute, after which
you suffer the effects as normal:
Feinting Attack blinded; deafened; frightened; madness; paralyzed;
You can expend one superiority die and use a bonus poisoned; restrained; stunned.
action on your turn to feint, choosing one creature within 5 You can be cured of the affliction before the duration ends,
feet of you as your target. in which case you suffer no adverse effects.
You have advantage on your next attack roll against that At Higher Tiers: At 3rd tier the duration is up to an hour.
creature, If that attack hits, add the superiority die to the At 4th tier the duration is 8 hours. At 5th tier if you can
attack's damage roll. concentrate for the full 8 hours you can completely negate
the triggering effects.
First Strike
Prerequisite: Dexterity 15+
Your quick reflexes allow you to get the jump on your
foes. On your first turn of combat, you may expend a
superiority die and gain advantage on attack rolls against
any creature that has not yet taken a turn this encounter.

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Imposing Presence Pinning Attack
Prerequisite: Strength 16+ Prerequisite: Fighter
Proficiency adv.: Intimidation When a creature within 5 feet of you moves at least 1 foot,
As a bonus action you present an intimidating posture, you can expend one superiority die and use your reaction to
you may add one superiority dice to a Charisma attempt to entrap the enemy with your weapon strikes.
(Intimidation) check against one target, contested by either Make a melee weapon attack against the triggering creature,
their Charisma (Deception) check or their Charisma and add the superiority die to the attack roll.
(Intimidation) check. You must commit the superiority dice If the weapon attack hits and the creature you hit is no
before rolling. more than one size category larger than you, that creature’s
At Higher Tiers: At 3rd tier your intimidation posture speed becomes 0 for the rest of the turn.
may affect any creatures of your choosing within 30’. At 4th
tier you may roll an additional superiority dice per tier Powerful Strikes
above 3 to your check.
Prerequisite: Strength 14+
At 5th tier you may choose to affect any creature that can see
When you take the Attack action on your turn you can
expend one superiority die to add extra power to your
weapon strikes. The first time you hit with a weapon attack
Improvised Shield this turn add the superiority die to the attack’s damage roll.
Prerequisite: Dexterity 14+ & Strength 14+ Each time you hit with a weapon attack this turn, add your
Proficiency: Insight proficiency bonus to the attack’s damage roll.
As you face an incoming ranged or melee attack, or you
fail a Dexterity saving throw and take damage from the Relentless
resulting effect, you grab the nearest convenient foe to use
Prerequisite: Non Caster & Strength 15+
as a shield. If you do not have a target grappled you attempt Proficiency: Athletics
to grapple a target within range, following the normal rules When you miss a creature with a melee attack, you may
for grappling, except you roll a superiority dice and add the roll a superiority dice and add it to your next melee attack
result to your grapple check and you make the attempt as a roll against that creature before the end of your next turn.
reaction. Then if you have a target grappled, you only take
half damage from the triggering attack or effect and the Shield Bash
grappled target takes the other half.
Prerequisite: Protection fighting style
Lead the Attack When you are wielding a shield and hit with a weapon
attack on your turn, you can expel one superiority die and
Prerequisite: Fighter use a bonus action on your turn to bash an enemy with your
When you hit an enemy with a weapon attack on your shield. Add your superiority die to the attack’s damage roll
turn, you can expend one superiority die to expose its weak
as bludgeoning damage. The creature you hit must make a
points to your allies. Add the superiority die to the attacks
Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of
damage roll. The first time each turn before the start of your
your next turn.
next turn one of your allies hits the same creature with an
attack, add your proficiency bonus to the attacks damage Skill Focus
Choose one of your skills when you gain this maneuver.
Parry and Riposte Before you make an ability check using that skill, roll a
superiority die and add the result to the check.
Prerequisite: Dexterity 14+
You can select this maneuver multiple times but must
Proficiency: Sleight of Hand
choose a different skill each time.
When a creature you can see hits you with a melee attack,
At Higher Tiers: At 4th tier you also gain advantage on
you can expend one superiority die and use a reaction to the skill check.
attempt to parry the incoming attack and counterattack. Add
the superiority die to your AC against the triggering attack,
which may make the attack miss.
After the attack is resolved, you can make a melee
weapon attack with a one-handed weapon against the
creature that made the triggering attack.

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Spring Attack Tier 3
Prerequisite: Dexterity 16+
Proficiency: Acrobatics
Attacks on the Run
When a hostile creature you can see moves closer to you Prerequisite: Dexterity 14+
and ends the movement within 5 feet of you, you can Proficiency: Acrobatics, Athletics
expend a superiority die and use your reaction to When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can
immediately move up to half your speed and make a expend one superiority die and take the Dash action as a
weapon attack against that creature. If that weapon attack bonus action. The first time you hit with a weapon attack
hits add the superiority die to the attacks damage roll. this turn, add the superiority die to the attacks damage roll.
You can make the weapon attack before or after you Opportunity attacks against you are made at disadvantage
move, and this movement doesn’t provoke opportunity this turn.
attacks from the triggering creature.
Bell Ringer
Spitting Cobra Shot
Prerequisite: Strength 15+
Prerequisite: Dexterity 14+ Proficiency: Athletics
Proficiency: Perception, Medicine A ringing blow to the enemy’s skull renders them
A quick shot from your weapon stops an approaching foe, temporarily senseless. Provided this weapon attack was
within 30 feet and moving towards you, in its tracks. As a made with a weapon that deals bludgeoning damage you
reaction, using a weapon you are already holding, you may may expend a superiority die and add the damage. Then,
make a ranged weapon attack against the triggering creature provided the creature is hit to the skull, it must make a
and roll a superiority dice. On a hit the attack deals that Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of
superiority die as additional damage and the creatures speed your next turn.
drops to 0 for the rest of its turn.
Body over Mind
Taunt Prerequisite: Constitution 15+
Prerequisite: Charisma 11+ When you make a Wisdom, Intelligence or Charisma
Proficiency: Performance saving throw, you can expend one superiority die (no action
As an action, choose a creature within 30 feet that can see or required). Make a Constitution saving throw in place of the
hear you and contest your Charisma against it’s Wisdom, triggering saving throw, and add the superiority dice to the
adding your superiority roll to the Charisma roll. The Constitution saving throw.
creature automatically wins if it is immune to being
charmed. Called Shot Sniper
If the creature loses, it must use its movement on its next
Prerequisite: Sharpshooter feat
turn to move closer to you before using its action. The
You shoot or hurl a missile at a precise spot on an
creature uses as much of its speed as it can to reach you and
enemy’s body with greater precision. Expend a superiority
avoids dangerous terrain.
die and gain advantage on your called shot roll. See
Trap Sense appendix for Called Shot details.

As a reaction, you may add the result of a superiority die Covert Strike
roll to a Dexterity saving throw against a trap you can see. If
Prerequisite: Stealth proficiency
the trap has an attack roll you may instead add the
When you dispatch a foe, you know how to make a hasty
superiority die roll to your AC for that attack.
exit and vanish from sight.
Vault Once on your turn, when you reduce a creature to 0 hp
with an attack, you can also attempt to hide as part of the
Prerequisite: Strength 12+ same action. If you have any movement left for this turn,
You may add the result of one superiority die to a high jump, you can use it to move before attempting to hide, you may
or double the result to a long jump. add your superiority die roll to the attempt and you must
adhere to the normal restrictions for being able to hide.

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Disrupting Attack Unyielding Avalanche
Prerequisite: Wisdom 14+ Prerequisite: Strength 15+, Constitution 14+
Proficiency adv.: Arcana Proficiency: Athletics
When a creature you can see and hear begins casting a You strike out with a heavy blow, which serves to
spell, you can use your reaction to make a weapon attack reinvigorate you throughout the battle to come. The
against that creature. On a hit add the superiority die to the triggering attack deals two extra weapon dice of its damage
attacks damage roll. The creature must immediately make a and you regain hit points equal to the superiority dice you
Constitution saving throw, with disadvantage if you make a expend.
melee attack and hit. On a failure, the creature’s spell fails For up to a minute, should you maintain concentration,
and has no effect. you have advantage on Constitution saving throws and
regain 4 hit points at the start of each of your turns.
Evasive Movement
Prerequisite: Dexterity 15+
Volley Fire
Proficiency: Acrobatics
You move so evasively that your enemies can’t stop you Prerequisite: Dexterity 15+, Archery fighting style
even when you brush right by. Expend a superiority die, Proficiency: Perception
multiply by 5’, you may move that distance, up to the limit As an action on your turn you can expend one superiority
of your base movement rate, through other creatures spaces die and choose a point within range of a ranged weapon you
until the end of your turn. wield. You unleash a rain of projectiles upon the area. Make
a ranged weapon attack against a number of creatures equal
Improved Initiative to the superiority die result, that you can see, within 10 feet
of the chosen point,
Prerequisite: Dexterity 15+
Proficiency: Perception Make separate attack rolls for each target and a single
You make the most of the chaos that erupts at the start of a damage roll to apply to each creature you hit, adding the
battle. Before rolling initiative, roll one superiority die and superiority die to the damage (apply critical hit damage to
add the result to your initiative roll. individual creatures as appropriate).

Restore Life Warlord’s Recovery

Prerequisite: Wisdom 14+ Prerequisite: Charisma 12+, Fighter or Barbarian
Proficiency: Medicine Proficiency: Performance
You can spend 1 turn tending to a creature that died within When a creature friendly to you that you can see takes
the last minute. The body must be intact and the creature damage or fails a saving throw, if that creature can see and
has to have died as a result of taking damage. At the end of hear you, you can expend one superiority die and use a
reaction to bolster that ally. You grant the creature one of
this time roll a superiority die and the creature returns to life,
the following benefits based on the trigger:
regaining hit points from the superiority die. You must
1. If the creature failed a saving throw, it can reroll the
expend two uses from a healers kit to perform this
saving throw and use either result, adding the superiority die
to the chosen roll.
Unbroken 2. If the creature took damage, roll the superiority de and
add half your fighter level. Reduce the triggering instance of
Prerequisite: Constitution 15+ damage by the resulting amount.
Proficiency: Survival
When you take damage you can expend one superiority
die and use your reaction to steel yourself against the blow. Tier 4 Maneuvers
You halve the triggering instance of damage. After you take
the damage roll the superiority die and add your fighter All-Out Attack
level. You gain that many temporary hit points, which last When you hit a creature with a weapon attack on your
until you finish a short or long rest. turn, you can expend any number of superiority dice and use
a bonus action to tell your allies that now is the time to
strike. Add all superiority dice you spend to the attacks
damage roll.
For each die you spend, choose a creature friendly to you
that can see and hear you. On that creature’s next turn, it
gains an additional action, which it can use only to take the
Attack, Dash, Disengage, Hide or Use an Object action.
You can only grant a given creature one additional action
when you use this maneuver.
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Arrow of Slaying Unstoppable
Prerequisite: Dexterity 14+, Archery fighting style Prerequisite: Fighter or Barbarian
Proficiency: Perception, Medicine When you take the Attack action on your turn you can
A shot through the heart, or another weak point, may expend one superiority die to become a rampaging engine of
bring a quick end to any battle. Expend up to three carnage. You give up all additional attacks you would
superiority die, the first ranged weapon attack you make normally make this turn that are provided by the Extra
that hits this turn can score a critical hit on a roll of 18-20. Attack feature and gain the following benefits for the rest of
The attack deals the extra superiority die of damage you this turn:
rolled. If the creature you hit is at 30 or fewer hit points 1. Each time you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack
after taking this damage, it must make a Constitution saving add the superiority die to the attacks damage.
throw or instantly be reduced to 0 hit points. 2. Each time you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with a
At Higher Tiers: The extra damage increases by one melee weapon attack you gain an additional weapon attack
superiority die and the hit point threshold for the latter that can be made a part of the triggering Attack action.
effect by 10 for each tier slot above 3rd. At Tier 5:
3. Each time you hit a creature with challenge rating 3 or
Martial Resurgence less with a melee weapon attack it instantly drops to 0 hit
Prerequisite: Constitution 15+ points. You don’t need to roll damage for these attacks.
Proficiency: Athletics
You can expend any number of superiority dice and use a
bonus action to take a quick breath and ready yourself for an
Tier 5 Maneuvers
especially tough battle. For each die you spend you can Bone-Crushing Blow
spend a Hit Die and regain hit points as if you were taking a
Prerequisite: Strength 18+
short rest, and add the superiority die to the hit points
As a bonus action you can expend a superiority die and
lash out with an exceptionally savage strike that creates a
Mighty Strikes powerful opening for your allies. The triggering attack deals
an extra three weapon dice of its damage and until the start
Prerequisite: Fighter of your next turn, whenever the target is hit by a weapon
When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can attack, it takes an extra 3d8 damage (of the same type as the
expend one superiority die to strike with deadly precision. triggering attack The creature can only take this damage
You gain the following benefits for the rest of this turn. once per turn.
1. Add the superiority die to each weapon attack roll you
make this turn. Hail of Arrows
2. Weapon attacks you make this turn can score a critical hit
Prerequisite: Dexterity 18+, Archery fighting style
on a roll of 18-20.
As an action on your turn, you can expend a superiority
3. Each time you hit with a weapon attack this turn add your
die and make a ranged weapon attack against any number of
proficiency bonus to the attacks damage roll.
creatures that you can see. Make separate attack rolls for
Superior Reflexes each target, and a single damage roll to apply to each
creature you hit, adding the superiority die to the damage
Prerequisite: Dexterity 16+ (apply critical hit damage to individual creatures as
As an action you expend a superiority die and begin to appropriate).
dodge and weave, foiling most attempts to directly attack
you. For a minute of concentration, attacks against you have
disadvantage and you have advantage on Dexterity saving
throws. Additionally, when you are included in an effect
you can see such as a fireball spell that covers an area, you
can use your reaction to move a distance up to your speed,
possibly allowing you to move out of the area of effect and
avoid it. You can’t benefit from this maneuver if your speed
is reduced to 0, such as when you are restrained or grappled.

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Mighty Slayers Strike
Prerequisite: Strength 18+, Fighter
You strike the ground with your weapon, creating a shock
wave that instantly lays low lesser creatures. Each creature
you choose within 30 feet of you must make a Constitution
Saving throw take damage equal to the result of the
superiority die you expend in bludgeoning damage and be
knocked prone. A creature that succeeds on its saving throw
takes half as much damage and isn’t knocked prone.
Creatures of challenge rating 1 or less have disadvantage
on this saving throw and are instantly reduced to 0 hit points
on a failed saving throw (still taking half damage on a
success). If you reduce at least one creature to 0 hit points in
this way, you gain an extra action that you can use this turn
only to repeat this exploits effect and you only affect
creatures of CR 1 or lower. You can continue to do so until
you use this action and don’t reduce a creature to 0 hit

Rain of Steel
As a bonus action you can expend a superiority die to
gain the following concentration effect lasting for a minute:
you swing and strike at nearby foes near continuously. Any
foe near you, even one that you don’t directly target, is in
danger of being hit by a back swing or a stray strike. For the
duration, whenever a hostile creature begins its turn within
reach of your weapon, it must make a Dexterity saving
throw or take two of your weapons dice of damage. It takes
half as much damage on a successful saving throw.

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2. Stunts: aka AC+DC attacks
Anyone using this material is encouraged to bring new How to get a two for one special. A single physical
maneuvers into their tiered system. Consideration of attack which inflicts a condition or other outcome.
the principles on pg.2 should give good results. DMs Determine a DC for the outcome and add to the target AC.
should consider and adjust for their campaigns. New Generally, a ranged or melee weapon stunt will incur the
creative maneuvers could be developed using the Tricks -5 penalty as per the Sharpshooter / Great Weapon
and Stunts section below. Master feats, in addition to sacrificing movement for
their turn, unless they possess the appropriate feat.
We’ve found this system of maneuvers works well If the attack hits the AC but misses the DC damage is still
alongside weapon specific martial systems such as inflicted as normal (including +10 if you have the feat).
Beyond Damage Dice by Kobold Press. We use these rule
expansions side by side at our game with a few tweaks STUNT EXAMPLE:
and adjustments. CALLED SHOT:
The basis for this Called Shot mechanic is the “-5/+10”
TRICKS & STUNTS shot from the Sharpshooter feat. We then determine a
DC for the called target and consider the following
Methods for creative combat resolution bonuses / requirement:
The two following methods offer ways to resolve
creative combat ideas. We want to give players a Medicine Skill Add bonus
predictable system with a minimum of rolls to achieve Knowledge of anatomy assists a typical called shot.
creative ideas.
Sacrifice movement attempt shot / +5
Note that tricks and stunts differ in outcome. Tricks A PC lacking the Sharpshooter feat cannot attempt a
create opportunities and Stunts inflict conditions. called shot unless they sacrifice their movement for the
turn. A PC with Sharpshooter feat who sacrifices
1. Tricks: Setup and payoff attacks movement gains +5 to their roll, negating the basic “-5”
Three steps to a One Two. A physical attack which penalty to the
briefly sets up a subsequent attack that capitalizes on
the first attack to achieve a nominated outcome. Sacrifice bonus action+reaction +2
1. Nominate the desired outcome, nominate the setup Representing complete focus on the called shot
2. Roll attack at disadvantage. On hit do damage as Typical Called Shot DCs:
normal and the damage is considered targeted according condition: dmg type AC+DC+penalty
as per player objective. Maim leg piercing AC+15+5
3. Make follow up attack. If this second attack is in the Maim leg bludgeoning AC+20+5
same round the attack should be at advantage. It may Maim arm piercing AC+15+5
not be if the follow up attack is in the second round, Maim arm bludgeoning AC+20+5
depending on circumstance. On hit damage is applied as Blind an eye piercing AC+25+5
normal and the desired outcome affects the target. Blind an eye bludgeoning AC+25+5
Paralyzed piercing AC+25+5
TRICK EXAMPLE: Paralyzed bludgeoning AC+30+5
Goweh the dwarven fighter battles a raging Quaggoth on Stunned bludgeoning AC+25+5
a high ledge. Goweh badly wants to send the Quaggoth Unconscious bludgeoning AC+30+5
over the ledge but the difference in size and bulk between
dwarf and Quaggoth seems insurmountable. Goweh As you can see, effective and reliable called shots
decides to target the leg of the Quaggoth nearest the shouldn’t occur until mid levels, at which point the flat
precipice and so rolls at disadvantage to hit with success. “+10” bonus for Sharpshooter has less impact as
The Quaggoth howls and clutches it’s injured leg. Not enemies have much higher hit points.
wasting a moment Goweh uses his action surge and shoves
the Quaggoth at advantage and the monster topples over
the edge, ending the combat.

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