Week 1 Grade 10 Tle Hair Dressing
Week 1 Grade 10 Tle Hair Dressing
Week 1 Grade 10 Tle Hair Dressing
3. Head Lice. Lice are an unpleasant but all-too-common part of childhood. Lice are wingless insects
about the size of a sesame seed. They feed on blood, and the females lay their eggs on the hair close to
the scalp.
4. Ringworm. It's an infection that leaves round, scaly, red rashes and patches of hair loss on the
scalp. Ringworm is most common in children between the ages of 3 and 7, but it can affect adults,
too. It’s spread through close contact or by sharing hats, clothing, towels, and combs. In rare
cases, it's possible to catch ringworm from a dog or cat.
5. Folliculitis. Folliculitis is an inflammation or infection of the hair follicle, the sac that contains the
root of the hair. It's usually caused by bacteria (usually staphylo- coccus) that find their way into the hair
follicles from a nearby infection. The follicles also can be irritated from shaving, makeup, or
clothing. Some people get folliculitis after taking a dip in a hot tub.
6. Psoriasis. This skin condition can show up anywhere, but often happens on the scalp. It causes the
body to make too many new skin cells. This buildup can form thick, crusted scales that can feel itchy or
7. Lichen Planus. Lichen planus affects the skin or mouth. Doctors believe lichen planus is an
autoimmune disease, which means your immune system attacks your own body by mistake. People who
have lichen planus develop flat-topped, purple, or reddish bumps on their skin. And they usually itch.
Other symptoms include red- ness, irritation, and (sometimes permanent) hair loss.
Safety Precautions and Sanitation
Health and safety must be a priority in your beauty salon. It’s vital to pro- tect
your staff and clients, operate within the law and be insured against poten- tially expensive
legal action should something go wrong.
A. Carry out a risk assessment. Make a list of anything that could cause injury or harm
in your work place, and set out the steps you have taken.
• Contact with water, detergents or massage oil that irritate the skin.
• An allergic response to chemicals; this can take a while to develop.
B. Musculoskeletal problems. Staff may experience strains, sprains and general pain due to
doing physically repetitive work that involves a lot of standing and bending.
C. Create a health and safety policy. Health safety protocols should always be imposed.
An allergy alert testing must be carried out allergy alert tests at least 48 hours before applying
hair colour or eyebrow/eyelash tints.
D. Treatments and health safety. Always follow manufacturers’ instructions and
make sure the client is old enough to have the treatment or therapy and does not have any
medical condition which would put them at risk.
Learning Task 1: Place the descriptions inside the box in the column that best match the types
of scalp. Do this in your notebook.
Learning Task 2: Study the given factors and indicate the needed details to ana- lyze the hair,
and continue the statement. Write your answers in your notebook.
1. scalp status :
2. hair density :
3. hair thickness :
4. porosity :
5. elasticity :
Learning Task 3: Match the skin problems in column A with it’s descriptions in
column B.
Column A Column A
1. Ring Worm a. It develops flat topped, purple or
2. Psoriasis reddish bumps on the skin.
3. Cradle Cap b. It can form thick, crusted scales that
4. Lichen Planus can feel itchy or sore.
c. It is an inflammation or infection of the
5. Folliculitis hair follicle.
d. It is an infection that leaves round, scaly,
red rashes and patches of hair loss on the
e. It cause greasy, yellowish scales or crusts
on the scalp.
f. It is a wingless insects about the size of a
sesame seed.
Learning Task 4: Explain in a short sentence on what can you do if you
experience the following situations. Do this in your notebook.
1. You notice a large amount of hair in the drain after taking a bath.
2. You are experiencing an itchy and flaky patch on the scalp.
3. Your parents want to regrow hair in his scalp.
Learning Task 6: Read and complete the following clauses into meaningful state- ments.
Write your answers in your notebook.
It is important to observe safety rules in the salon because
A safe work environment with adequate safeguards promotes an
In this lesson, I learn that
I understand and realize that