CO2 Q3 TLE-9 Hairdressing Module-1

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Technology and
Livelihood Education
Quarter 2 – Module 1:
Scalp and Hair Treatment

CO_Q2_TLE_Hairdressing_Module 1
Technology and Livelihood Education: Hairdressing – Grade 9
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 – Module 1: Scalp and Hair Treatment.
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writers: Darven G. Cinchez
Editors: Nilda Y. Galaura, Ed.D., Norviña A. Tubongbanua, Ed.D.
Reviewers: Evelyn C. Labad, Alma M. Beton, Ed.D.
Illustrator: Darven G. Cinchez
Layout Artist: Mark Angelo D. Castanares, Daniel C. Tabinga, Jr.
Management Team: Dr. Isabelita M. Borres, CESO III
Eugenio B. Penales, Ed. D
Sonia D. Gonzales
Maria Liza R. Tabilon, Ed. D, CESO V
Lilia E. Abello, Ed. D
Evelyn C. Labad

Printed in the Philippines by

Department of Education – Region IX Davao Region

Learning Resource Management Section (LRMS)
Office Address: Regional Center, Balintawak, Pagadian City
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Technology and
Livelihood Education
Quarter 2 – Module 1:
Scalp and Hair Treatment
Introductory Message

This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear

learners, can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities,
questions, directions, exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you
to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you
step-by-step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in

each SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module
or if you need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better
understanding of the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer
the post-test to self-check your learning. Answer keys are provided for each
activity and test. We trust that you will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, notes to the Teacher are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how
they can best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any
part of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and
tests. And read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in

answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher
or facilitator.

Thank you.
What I Need to Know

The hair is considered as the “crowning glory” of a woman. It can dramatically

change a person’s look from homely to majestic. A properly groomed hair enhances
your perception of beauty about yourself and relatively boosts your self-esteem and
confidence. In history, royal priests and queens have lots of servants just to wash,
comb, and fix their hair.

There are diverse techniques that we find just to groom our hair according to
our personal desires. For those who can afford to have it done in a salon, they spend
much of their money just to have their hair be styled accordingly. Some who can’t
afford to avail salon services find time and efforts to groom their own hair by imitating
popular hairstyles and hair colors.

Everyone desires for a perfect look, and searches for the best and fashionable
hairstyle and haircut. With the advent of today’s technology, having the best hairstyle
for you is no longer a problem. Technological advancement answers the need for our
every inch demand for hairdressing.

This module covers the knowledge, skills, and attitude in preparing and
performing scalp and hair treatment to client. After completing the lesson, as a
student you are expected to learn on how to:

L.O 1 Prepare client.

1.1 Determine client’s health and restrictions through consultation;
1.2 Analyse client’s scalp and hair condition following salon safety policies
and procedures; and
1.3 Prepare and use protective clothing according to OHS.

CO_Q2_TLE_Hairdressing_Module 1
What I Know

Directions: Please read and understand what is/are being asked in the
question. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your
answer on the separate sheet of paper.

1. What is a basic scalp manipulation by which the hairdresser cup the

client’s chin with left hand?
a. scalp massage c. forehead movement
b. sliding movement d. scalp movement

2. What is a basic scalp manipulation by which a hairdresser will place

his/her left hand on the client’s forehead, massaging from the right ear
to the left ear along the base of the skull with the heel of your hand, using
rotary movement?
a. scalp massage c. forehead movement
b. ear-ear movement d. scalp movement

3. What is part and parcel of good program of an enterprise like a beauty

a. haircutting c. good housekeeping
b. rebonding d. eating

4. Which among the choices is not one of the housekeeping benefits?

a. Less accidents will happen.
b. There is effective utilization of space.
c. There is less wastage of time, effort, and money spent for repair
and maintenance.
d. It decreases the morals of employees.

5. A first aid kit should have the following EXCEPT:

a. first aid booklet c. triangular bandages
b. sphygmomanometer d. antiseptic solution

CO_Q2_TLE_Hairdressing_Module 1

1 Hairdressing: Prepare Client

A healthy scalp should be clean and well stimulated. To attain this, give a
scalp massage. A scalp massage is most effective when given continuously or
regularly once a week for a normal scalp and more frequently for those with scalp
disorders. This is given side by side with treatment by a dermatologist. If abrasions
are present in the scalp, stop the massage.

This module covers the knowledge, skills, and attitude in preparing and
performing scalp and hair treatment to clients.

What’s In

You will be challenged to dig deeper into your prior knowledge and previous
salon experiences about preparing and performing scalp and hair treatment to
clients. This phase will guide you in assessing yourself to further explore the core of
Hairdressing NC II.

Directions: Listed below are some of the most important skills that you must gain
in order to render quality service in Hairdressing NC II. Read the skills
carefully. Then write “Not much” if you are not really familiar, “A little”
and “A lot” if you are familiar with the skill. Write your answers in your

Skills in shampooing and/or conditioning clients. Not A A lot

much little
1. Preparing clients prior to any salon services.
2. Donning of PPE according to salon safety and polices
3. Knowledge in analysing hair and scalp conditions.
4. Garbage segregation.

CO_Q2_TLE_Hairdressing_Module 1
What’s New

Directions: Shown are common hair and scalp conditions experienced by

individuals. Please check against your own personal experience if you
encountered the same condition in yourself, or observed it with other
people around you. Identify each by connecting with a straight line
and briefly give an explanation based on your personal actual
observation of the following common diseases/disorders.

Common Disease/Disorder of Hair and Scalp

Brief Observation
Column A Column B
A. _____________________________
A. RINGWORM __________________

B. _____________________________
B. SPLIT __________________
ENDS __________________________________

3. C. _______________________________
C. BAMBOO __________________
HAIR __________________________________
Photo credited to writer.

D. _____________________________
D. DANDRUFF __________________

E. _____________________________
E. HEAD LICE __________________
Photo credited to writer.

CO_Q2_TLE_Hairdressing_Module 1
What is It

It is very important for a hairstylist, before giving any services to the client, to
examine and to consult first the condition of the hair and the scalp of the client. For
this reason, it will give hairdresser a hint if the client will be likeable to continue or
to restrict with a certain procedure requested or wanted. Additionally, it is also an
essential opportunity so that the hairdresser can recommend right service/s suited
for the condition of the client.

During consultation, as a hairdresser, you should assess:

 Hair and scalp condition
 Hair type
 Hair Texture
 Previous chemical treatments (for contraindications, purpose of
treatment, and subsequent treatments.

Hair and Scalp Conditions

The table below shows Common Diseases and Disorder of Scalp and Hair.
Table 1. Common Diseases and Disorder of Scalp and Hair.

Name Description Recognized Caused by

1.Dandruff Oily flakes of dead skin Poor diet, impairment of
that lie on the scalp. Its general health, stress,
symptoms are: scales from hormonal imbalance,
the scalp fall like overuse of hair products,
snowflakes on the frequent exposure to
shoulders, clothes, and extreme temperatures,
sometimes on the and infection.
eyebrows, and itching of
the scalp.

2. Head lice (pediculus Intense itching and the A parasitic infection.

humanus capitis) presence of nits (small
eggs that are attached to
the hair shaft close to the
scalp). On close
examination, there may be
lice present.


CO_Q2_TLE_Hairdressing_Module 1
3. Flaky or itchy scalp Scalp produces tiny flakes Lack of sebum, vitamin
that most likely fall onto deficiency, stress,
the shoulders. Scalp has hereditary traits, and
dull appearance. pollution.


4. Ringworm First appears as small, A fungal scalp or skin

round, red spots. As the infection.
spots enlarge, the center
begins to clear forming a
ring with a raised border
that is red and scaly. Hair
may become brittle and
fall out leaving bald

5. Alopecia areata A small round bald patch The cause is not fully
on the scalp, with understood, as there seem
surrounding hairs being to be a number of possible
short and appearing reasons for it. In some
“frayed”. The skin in the cases it is thought to be
patch is usually pale and genetic however, stress
glossy. The patch may and shock are also
appear overnight with hair thought to be contributory
fall being evident on the factors.
pillow the following
6. Split Ends Damaged cuticles and Exposure to sunlight,
separated strands of the excessive heat styling,
Photo credit to the writer.
cortex. Hair ends look over perming or coloring,
dull, dry, and brittle. It is wrong type of comb or
susceptible to tangling brush, excessive washing.
and easily split anywhere
along the shaft.

Photo credit to the writer.

7. Bamboo hair Hair breaks easily; knotty Weakness on the part of

appearance of the hair the center of the hair and
strands; eyelash or strand called cortex.
eyebrow loss; sparse hair
growth or hair loss
pattern; dry hair;
lustreless hair; spiky hair;
short hair due to
consistent breakage; hair
Photo credit to the writer.

in eyebrows may resemble

Photo credited to writer.

CO_Q2_TLE_Hairdressing_Module 1
Hair Types
Analyzing hair types of the client is also very essential to consider
during assessment. Treatment or services such as hair coloring, perming,
rebonding, and heat styling will have a significant result depending on hair
types. Thorough analysis of client’s hair is the basis for what appropriate
treatment should be done to restore and repair client’s hair.



Hair that has fully covered Looks flat because of its small It has a curly to wavy
with color. size and volume, prone to appearance. Sometimes
damage because of its lack of appear dry and tangles
elasticity, appears limp, and easily. Difficult to comb or
tends to be sensitive. This is brush particularly when dry.
difficult to style because it
does not hold the hairstyle in


Extremely delicate hair Shinny, not greasy nor dry, has Looks dull and greasy and
not been permed or colored,
condition. Prone to drying easy to manage and looks good needs frequent washing.
and bamboo hair condition. most of the time. It is ideally
It needs regular suited to the daily use of two-in-
one conditioning shampoos.
conditioning. Normal hair responds well to
regular brushing, smoothing, Photos by: Darven G. Cinchez
and polishing.

CO_Q2_TLE_Hairdressing_Module 1
Tangles easily and difficult to comb or brush Extremely greasy at the roots but dry and
particularly when wet. sometimes split at the ends.
Photos by: Darven G. Cinchez

Hair Texture
Hair texture has something to do with the diameter of the hair if it is
coarse, medium, or fine and the feel of the hair is either wiry, soft or silky.
The correct determination of the specific hair texture, by simply touching
client’s hair or asking information from the client, will aid in deciding
appropriate way to treat the hair.



Fine hair feels thick and Medium hair feels thicker in Coarse hair feels rough in
lacks natural body and texture, both in the individual texture. It is extremely curly
bounce. There may be strands and in the overall and has the greatest
areas where you can see volume of the hair on the diameter. It is difficult to
the scalp through hair. Fine scalp. Medium texture hair press. Coarse hair can be
hair can be either straight can be straight or wavy. straightened by applying
or wavy. more heat and pressure.
Photos by: Darven G. Cinchez

CO_Q2_TLE_Hairdressing_Module 1
Shampooing and Conditioning the Hair
Shampooing and Conditioning the hair is also one of the essential part
of most of salon treatments and other services. By doing so, you can be able
to assess simultaneously the hair and scalp condition of your client. This
process will make the hair more manageable for blow-drying, setting, curling,
perming, relaxing, rebonding, and coloring processes. The hair must be
thoroughly cleansed of all dirt, natural grease, and products such as
hairspray, mousse, and wax because these products will cause barrier
between the hair and the chemical, and the styling will be unsuccessful. It is
important to be able to analyse your client’s hair and scalp type correctly in
order to choose the appropriate products to suit the client’s need.
The following are tools, equipment, and materials in shampooing and
conditioning client’s hair:



Hair dryer Hair brush Wide toothed comb

Mixing Bowls Sink

Hair Clips Hair Clamps Towels

Photos credit to Darven G. Cinchez

CO_Q2_TLE_Hairdressing_Module 1

Tissue paper Shampoo Conditioner

Photos credit to Darven G. Cinchez

The following are steps on how to perform basic shampooing and conditioning:

1. Be sure the plastic

sheet should be
drawn at the back of
the chair, for the
client’s head with
one hand to position
his/her head on the

2. Wet hair and prepare

to apply shampoo or
conditioner. Lather
using your palms
and apply it to
client’s hair.

3. Follow massage
techniques in
shampooing or

A. Effleurage

CO_Q2_TLE_Hairdressing_Module 1
3. Follow massage
techniques in
shampooing or

B. Rotary

C. Friction

4. Rinse, pat dry and

ally the client to go
back to the

5. Your client is now

ready for any salon
services or procedure

Photos credit to Darven G. Cinchez

CO_Q2_TLE_Hairdressing_Module 1
Basic Scalp Manipulations
A clean and a well-stimulated scalp is a reflection of a healthy scalp. Attaining
and maintaining a healthy scalp is not an easy routine for an individual. The most
and only effective way in maintaining your scalp healthy is by having or giving
yourself a regular scalp massage. It is highly recommended to have it done once a
week for a healthy scalp and more frequently for those with scalp disorders. Scalp
massage is given side by side with treatment. If in case there are presence of
abrasions or any breakage in the skin integrity, stop the massage immediately. It is
also very essential for a hairdresser to perform scalp massage to his/her client,
because it is also the perfect opportunity to determine client’s scalp and hair
The following are steps on how to perform basic scalp massage/

CO_Q2_TLE_Hairdressing_Module 1
CO_Q2_TLE_Hairdressing_Module 1
CO_Q2_TLE_Hairdressing_Module 1
CO_Q2_TLE_Hairdressing_Module 1
CO_Q2_TLE_Hairdressing_Module 1
What’s More

Activity. Practice Basic Shampooing and Conditioning and Basic Scalp

Manipulations having any of the family members as a dummy. Take photos or record
videos while performing. Utilize social media platforms in sharing or exchanging
your expertise with your classmates.


Competency Title Date/Time:
Name: Section Strand:
School: No. of Demonstration attempt: ⃝ 1st ⃝ 2nd ⃝ 3rd

Needs Satisfactory Very Satisfactory Outstanding

Procedures are Procedures are Procedures are
Procedures are followed and followed skillfully followed skillfully
Learning Outcomes/ not followed and accurately done. and accurately and accurately
Procedure inaccurately done. done with
done. confidence.

1pt. 2pts. 3 pts. 4pts.

Gathering implements & materials:
1. Prepares materials properly and in
orderly manner.
Positioning the Client:
2. Gown is not tied too tightly. Drape the
client with shampoo cape, turn the
client’s collar inwardly, and place the
towel lengthwise across the client’s
shoulders and crosses the ends of the
towel under the chin.
3. Secure towel with clip.
Preparation of the Client:
4. Positions the client properly and
comfortably in a client’s chair.
5. Asks the client hair services he/she
would like to avail.
6. Clean and dry hands.
7. Prepares the hair by removing pins and
other hair paraphernalia. Ask the client
to remove jewelry, earrings, and
eyeglasses. Keep them in safe.
8. Brush the hair to keep it smooth and
Procedure in Hair Shampooing / Conditioning:
9. Seat the client in the shampoo sink.
10. Draw the back of the cape over the
outside of the shampoo chair.
11. Turn on nozzle spray and direct the
nozzle in the client’s hair. Adjust
water temperature as desired by
12. Wet hair thoroughly by lifting
portions of the hair with one hand to
saturate the scalp with water.
13. Spread out small amount of shampoo
around the hair and lather using
cushions of fingers.

CO_Q2_TLE_Hairdressing_Module 1
Manipulate the scalp:
14. Starting at the front hairline, do a
back-and-forth movement until you
reach the top of the head with slow,
smoothing, stroking movement
15. Lift the client’s head with one hand.
Manipulate the scalp above the ear
up to the back of the head in a round,
circular movement using the pads of
finger (rotary).
16. Manipulate with a lighter, quicker
movements than rotary in all are as
of the head (friction).
17. Repeat steps 14 to 16 until the scalp
has been thoroughly massaged.
Squeeze the hair to remove excess
lather and shampoo.
18. Rinse with lukewarm water.
19. Apply conditioner. Distribute by
combining it through the hair. Leave
for 10 to 20 mins. Or as per
recommendation by the
20. Towel dry while at the shampoo
21. Comb and blow dry.
After care, clean up & sanitation:
22. Discard used materials. Place unused
supplies in their proper places.
23. Dispose soiled towels in hamper.
24. Remove hair from combs and
brushes, disinfect them for the
required time.
25. Clean the shampoo bowl after each
26. Sanitize shampoo bowl after each
27. Wash own hands with soap and
warm water.

What I Have Learned

Shampooing and Conditioning the hair are essential part of most hairdressing
treatments. This is to thoroughly cleanse the hair from dirt, natural grease, and
other products that would cause barrier to the chemical during procedure.

Hair and scalp condition, type, texture and information about previous
chemical treatments are the things to be assessed during shampooing and

Effleurage, Rotary, and Friction are the three basic massage techniques for

Scalp Manipulation or scalp massage is important to be done regularly in order

to achieve a healthy scalp.

CO_Q2_TLE_Hairdressing_Module 1
What I Can Do

Directions: Do an actual demonstration on Basic Shampooing and Conditioning and

Basic Scalp Manipulations. Choose your client and allow your client to
rate your performance based on the rubrics below. Record your
performance rating and share it with your other classmates.

Rubric in Shampooing and Conditioning the hair.

Competency Title Date/Time:
Name: Section Strand:
School: No. of Demonstration attempt: ⃝ 1st ⃝ 2nd ⃝ 3rd

Needs Satisfactory Very Satisfactory Outstanding

Procedures are Procedures are Procedures are
Procedures are followed and followed skillfully followed skillfully
Learning Outcomes/
not followed and accurately done. and accurately and accurately
Procedure inaccurately done. done with
done. confidence.

1pt. 2pts. 3 pts. 4pts.

Gathering implements & materials:
1. Prepares materials properly and in
orderly manner.
Positioning the Client:
2. Gown is not tied too tightly. Drape the
client with shampoo cape, turn the
client’s collar inwardly, and place the
towel lengthwise across the client’s
shoulders and crosses the ends of the
towel under the chin.
3. Secure towel with clip.
Preparation of the Client:
4. Positions the client properly and
comfortably in a client’s chair.
5. Asks the client hair services he/she
would like to avail.
6. Clean and dry hands.
7. Prepares the hair by removing pins and
other hair paraphernalia. Ask the client
to remove jewelry, earrings, and
eyeglasses. Keep them in safe.
8. Brush the hair to keep it smooth and
Procedure in Hair Shampooing / Conditioning:
9. Seat the client in the shampoo sink.
10. Draw the back of the cape over the
outside of the shampoo chair.
11. Turn on nozzle spray and direct the
nozzle in the client’s hair. Adjust
water temperature as desired by
12. Wet hair thoroughly by lifting
portions of the hair with one hand to
saturate the scalp with water.
13. Spread out small amount of shampoo
around the hair and lather using
cushions of fingers.

CO_Q2_TLE_Hairdressing_Module 1
Manipulate the scalp:
14. Starting at the front hairline, do a
back-and-forth movement until you
reach the top of the head with slow,
smoothing, stroking movement
15. Lift the client’s head with one hand.
Manipulate the scalp above the ear
up to the back of the head in a round,
circular movement using the pads of
finger (rotary).
16. Manipulate with a lighter, quicker
movements than rotary in all are as
of the head (friction).
17. Repeat steps 14 to 16 until the scalp
has been thoroughly massaged.
Squeeze the hair to remove excess
lather and shampoo.
18. Rinse with lukewarm water.
19. Apply conditioner. Distribute by
combining it through the hair. Leave
for 10 to 20 mins. Or as per
recommendation by the
20. Towel dry while at the shampoo
21. Comb and blow dry.
After care, clean up & sanitation:
22. Discard used materials. Place unused
supplies in their proper places.
23. Dispose soiled towels in hamper.
24. Remove hair from combs and
brushes, disinfect them for the
required time.
25. Clean the shampoo bowl after each
26. Sanitize shampoo bowl after each
27. Wash own hands with soap and
warm water.


Multiple Choice: Read the questions below and encircle the letter of the
correct answer.

1. How is a healthy scalp described?

a. clean c. dry
b. well-stimulated d. a and b

2. Which is most effective when given continuously or regularly once a

a. Treatment shampoo c. scalp massage
b. Hair conditioning d. hair trim

CO_Q2_TLE_Hairdressing_Module 1
3. Which of the following is scalp manipulation where a hairdresser cups
the client’s chin with left hand, then places his/her right hand at the
base of the skull and rotates the head gently?
a. Scalp massage c. forehead movement
b. Sliding movement d. hairline movement

4. When doing the sliding movement as one of the basic scalp

manipulations, what you will do?
a. Place your finger tips on each side of the client’s head and slide
your hands firmly.
b. Cup the client’s chin with left hand, then place right hand at the
base of the skull, and rotate and head gently.
c. Place the palms of your hands firmly against the client’s forehead.
d. Place fingers of both hands at the client’s forehead.

5. As a hairdresser, what are you doing to do when abrasions are

a. Reschedule the massage session.
b. Start the massage
c. Stop, do not continue with the massage
d. Do the massage but skipping those areas with abrasions.

Additional Activities

Watch different videos on about preparation of client for

scalp and hair treatment services.

Other related videos to choose from:


CO_Q2_TLE_Hairdressing_Module 1
CO_Q2_TLE_Hairdressing_Module 1
Assessment New Pretest
1. D 1. A
1. E
2. C 2. B
2. D
3. A 3. C
3. B
4. A 4. D
4. A
5. C 5. B
5. C
Answer Key
 Basbas, David and Elizabeth Tejan. 2008. A Head Start to
 Hairdressing. Pearson Education: Australia.
 Church, Charlotte at al. 2002. Hairdressing: Level 2. The
 Textbook. Routedge, New York
 Department of Health. 1976 Code of Sanitation of the Philippines,
P.D. 856, Sec. 6.
 Patino-Del Rosario, Mary Jane. 2016. Hairdressing, Vol. I. Rex
Book Store Inc.: Manila
 TESDA. 2016. Training Regulations Hairdressing NC II.
cant- get-to-the-hairdresser-22881471
 7.
you- worried-about-oily-yellow-dandruff

CO_Q2_TLE_Hairdressing_Module 1
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