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THC 2: Module 1

Name: Laarni Joi E. Tanaman Course and year: BSHM2

1. Explain what values you picked up from the poem “Life is what we make it”
- Honesty, integrity, love and being positive, because being honest you accept your
weaknesses and flaws, you may know what you are capable of and what you aren't
capable of. With enough self-knowledge, people's judgments about you can become
less important. And being honored, love and being optimistic it’s such big
achievement in our lives because we made our life better, we make our life what we

2. Based on the theory of divine origin, why is man presumed to be good?

- Because man being good means taking good care of himself. A good man means that
they can be passionate, they can choose what they are passionate about; it means that
they don’t let their emotions, desires, wants, and needs “get the better of you” and
“make” they do things that may later regret. It gives you true grit.

3. Is it possible to unite people having contradicting values?

- Yes, but for it to happen you’ll have to reconsider to their base intuition. Finding
something that threatens their survival on such a scale, that they would unite against a
common enemy, would be nearly impossible.

4. Why is Ethics part of daily living?

- Because there is a framework of ethics underlying our lives on a daily basis, helping
us make decisions that create positive impacts and steering us away from unjust

5. What is the focus of ethics?

- They affect how people make decisions and lead their lives. Ethics is concerned with
what is good for individuals and society and is also described as moral philosophy.

6. What is the main purpose of work?

- The purpose of work to income, regulating of life activity, identification, association
and meaningful life experience. Its role as a socializing mechanism, as a source of
social exchanges, and individual identities.

7. Why is it important to have an encouraging working atmosphere in the workplace?

- Because the most important thing that influences employee motivation and
happiness, and how productive and efficient they can be, all goes down to their
working environment.

THC 2:
Module 2
Name: Kim Bryle L. Ayubong Course and year: BSHM2

1. Give your own definition of MAN.

- Man is this sense of caring and responsibility towards your own people.
Towards your loved ones.

2. How is man distinct from animals?

-  Man are often called as 'Homo Sapiens.' This is the species that we belong
to. On the other hand, animals have a number of species.

3. What is meant by man as a person?

- Man was born as an individual, or person. Man is a rational being. He is open
to himself and to others.

4. In your own insights, why is experience considered the best teacher?

- To gain a better understanding of ourselves. It creates opportunities to
evaluate, analyze, and provide opinion.

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