Temas Cursos
Temas Cursos
Temas Cursos
Sun – mercury – Venus – earth – mars – Jupiter – Saturn – Uranus – Neptune – pluto
Milky way
Name Quantifier Countable Uncountable Affirmative Interrogative Negative
Much Mucho X X X
Many Mucho X X X
A lot of Mucho X X X X
Lots of Mucho X X X X
A little Unos pocos X X
A few Unos pocos X X
Little Pocos X X
Few Pocos X X
Some Algunos o X X X X
Any Algunos o X X X X
No Nada X X X
None Nada X X X
Some / Any
We use some and any when we want to express an indeterminate quantity when referring to a noun, but we do not
mean exactly what that quantity is. By using some and any we are expressing the idea of “some but not many”.
Both some and any used accompanying countable plural nouns and uncountable nouns.
Some: it is used in affirmative and interrogative sentences. Although in the case of interrogative it is used
mainly to ask or offer something.
o Some people prefer Marvel, Some other DC comics.
o Would you like some milk?
Any: Although its sense is the same as some, any is used mainly in interrogative and negative sentences
although there are some cases in which it is possible to use any affirmative sentences.
o I haven’t received any present for my birthday
o Do you have any question?
Much / Many
We use a much and many when we want to express the idea of a large quantity. The difference between using one
or the other resides in whether the noun they accompany is countable or uncountable. In principle, much and many
should be use un negative and interrogative sentences, although in formal context it is also use in affirmative
Many: used with countable plural nouns
o I haven’t received many calls this morning
o Hunger and malnutrition are still common in many countries
Much: used with uncountable name
o How much time do you have for lunch?
o I don’t have much time left
A lot of / lots of
As a rule, we can say that a lot of and lots of are used to speak a large quantity in affirmative sentences and
accompanying countable and uncountable nouns, although there are some exceptions in the use of these
quantifiers. The difference between using lots of and a lot of, depends on the context in which they are used.
A lot of: it is use in formal situations.
o I have a lot of work to do
o I have made a lot of mistakes in my life
Lots of: it is use in more informal contexts
o Lots of old movies and songs are in the public domain
o Lots of people came to the house to see the new baby.
No / none
No and none are used to indicate the absence of something; can be used with countable and uncountable names.
No: we put it directly before the noun
o I have got no time for you. ------ I HAVEN’T got time for you
o She has no friends ----- She HASN’T friends
o None of my children have been sick
o The judge believed none of what she said.
Natural disasters
There are some natural disasters that are caused by the earth or the weather.
There are some other disasters caused by the humans and its bad use of the resources or the excess of some
Vocabulary Meaning
Liquid Liquid is a substance that flows freely
Soil Soil is the soft material on the ground such as dirt
Satellites A Satellite is a vehicle that usually orbits something like
a planet and sends back date
Spacecraft A spacecraft is a space vehicle like a rocket or satellite
Rover A rover is a small vehicle used to travel over rough
Willing When you are willing to do something, you are eager to
do it. You want to do it on your own
1. Jhon thinks we should b. Martians
a. Go to mars c. Shuttles
b. Wait a few years d. All of the above
c. Not waste money 3. He says that maybe
d. None of the above a. People will be afraid
2. He talks about b. People will not come back
a. Rovers c. People will fight to go
d. None of the above 5. He says the trip will be
4. He compares space travel to a. One-way
a. Aliens b. Round-trip
b. Heroes c. Impossible
c. Explorers d. None of the above
d. All of the above
1. Bicicleta: Bicycle 9. Metro: Subway
2. Carro: Car 10. Triciclo: Tricycle
3. Autobus: Bus 11. Camioneta: Truck
4. Tren: train 12. Tractor: Tractor
5. Camión: Truck 13. Camión de basura: Garbage truck
6. Furgoneta: Van 14. Ambulancia: Ambulance
7. Taxi: Taxi 15. Patineta: Scooter
8. Motocicleta: Motorcycle 16. Limusina: Limousine
1. Helicoptero: Helicopter 4. Dirigible: Blimp
2. Globo aerostático: Hot air balloon 5. Cohete: Rocket
3. Avión: Airplane 6. Nave espacial: Spaceship
1. Velero: Sailboat 4. Barco pirata: Pirate ship
2. Crucero: Cruise ship 5. Moto de agua: jet ski
3. Buque de carga: Cargo ship
Review of directions
- Straight = derecho
- Turn left = Gira a la izquierda
- Turn right = gira a la derecha
Feelings and emotions
1. Happy = Feliz 7. Sleepy = Soñoliento
2. Angry = Bravo 8. Bored = Aburrido
3. Sad = Triste 9. Excited = Emocionado
4. Hungry = Hambriento 10. Upset = Molesto
5. Tirsty = Sediento 11. Emberrased = Avergonzado
6. Tired = Cansado 12. Grateful = Agradecido
13. Amused = Asombrado 15. Annoyed = irritado
14. Outraged = Indignado
Apprearences and personality
1. Thoughtful = Considerado, atento 11. Polite = Educado
2. Arrogant = Creído 12. Rud = Grosero
3. Ambitious = Ambicioso 13. Helpful = servicial
4. Artistic = Artístico 14. Kind = Amable
5. Grumpy = Gruñón 15. Generous = Generoso
6. Bossy = Mandón 16. Clumsy = Torpe
7. Charismatic = Carismatico 17. Moody = de carácter cambiante
8. Sociable = Sociable 18. Argumentative = Discutidor
9. Trustworthy = fiable 19. Cheerful = Alegre
10. Honest = Sincero 20. Naughty = Travieso
How to use them in use phrase?
Although each connector has its own rules, general recommendations can be highlighted for all connectors in
English, such as:
Rule 1: Position
o The grammatical connectors can be at the beginning of the sentence, at the end or between the two
ideas that join. The decision on where the connector occupies in the sentence is entirely up to the
writer. Although there are some that, due to their characteristics, it is recommended that they
always go in one place, for example, when we list (first, second, etc.), it is best to put the connector
at the beginning of each sentence.
1. Rule 3: Consistency
o It is vitally important to use appropriate connectors for the type of text we are writing. If we send a
message by WhatsApp to a friend, we can use informal connectors, while if we write a research text,
we must use formal connectors.
In addition: Además
As: Como As if / As though: Como si
Mostly: Generalmente / Usualmente
Fortunately: Afortunadamente Sadly: Desgraciadamente /
Unfortunately: Desafortunadamente
/ Desgraciadamente
1. He studied
a. Science c. Bad hair cut
b. History d. All of the above
c. Education 4. He did not stay with his girlfriend because
d. All of the above a. Of various reasons
2. He played football b. She moved away
a. In high school c. She broke his heart
b. In college d. All of the above
c. On a local club 5. College love is
d. None of the above a. Serious
3. He talks about getting a b. Silly
a. Tattoo c. Crazy
b. Piercing d. None of the above
1. Realizar una descripcion corta en ingles de su major amigo (personalidad y fisca) y enviar al chat
School Newspaper
The front page of the newspaper (or front page)
We begin by analyzing the different parts of a newspaper talking about the cover, that is, the front page that we see
of this publication. The cover has different elements that are important to know and that we are going to analyze in
more detail below.
2. Headlines
There is little text on the cover, as the goal is to get the reader's attention. To achieve this, short, concise and
striking phrases are used that attract interest. The headlines can be accompanied by a subtitle or a brief explanation
that will be expanded on the relevant page.
3. Photographs
The front page of the newspaper is very visual and, therefore, photographs abound here that provide visual content
and lighter and more pleasant information. The headlines are usually accompanied by photos and, later, by a short
text that slightly expands the information.
- News related to the institution - Civic activities
- Sports - Spare time / free time
- Cultural activities and arts
Pages 20-21 14 abr 3pm
Vocabulary Meaning
Foot the bill You pay for something that benefits other people
Two left feet If you have two left feet, that means you cannot dance
very well
Cost an arm and a leg When something costs an arm and a leg, it is very
Cold shoulder You ignore them because you are mad at them
Passive aggressive Is a behavior that one does that shows they are upset
about something, but the actions are little things, not
Feel guilty You feel bad about something you did
1. Should a man foot the bill? b. Taxis
a. They say yes c. Rent
b. They say no d. All of the above
c. They disagree 3. What does he say costs an arm and a leg?
d. None of the above a. College
2. What does she say costs an arm and leg? b. Airfare
a. Fruit c. Healthcare
4. Who sometimes gives a cold shoulder? 5. Who should never give a cold shoulder?
a. Just him a. Parents
b. Just her b. Teachers
c. Both of them c. Students
d. None of them d. Everybody
How to use them in use phrase?
Although each connector has its own rules, general recommendations can be highlighted for all connectors in
English, such as:
Rule 1: Position
o The grammatical connectors can be at the beginning of the sentence, at the end or between the two
ideas that join. The decision on where the connector occupies in the sentence is entirely up to the
writer. Although there are some that, due to their characteristics, it is recommended that they
always go in one place, for example, when we list (first, second, etc.), it is best to put the connector
at the beginning of each sentence.
2. Rule 3: Consistency
o It is vitally important to use appropriate connectors for the type of text we are writing. If we send a
message by WhatsApp to a friend, we can use informal connectors, while if we write a research text,
we must use formal connectors.
As: Como As if / As though: Como si
Mostly: Generalmente / Usualmente
Fortunately: Afortunadamente
Unfortunately: Desafortunadamente / Desgraciadamente
1. Presumably
2. Friendless
Vocabulary Meaning
at the end of the day At the end of day means ultimately and refers to a
household word A household word is a popular word that is used by
has a say aving a say in something means to have a power over
big hurdle A big hurdle means an obstacle.
User-friendly When something is user-friendly, it is easy to use
Obsessing over it When you obsess over something you spend too much
time and effort on it.
1. Why did Anthony stop investing in bitcoin?
a. He was excited
b. He was anxious
c. He was exhausted
d. None of the above
2. What does he think is an archetype of future payment systems?
a. Cryptocurrency
b. Cryptotechnology
c. Bitcoin
d. None of the above
3. What is the biggest hurdle in cryptocurrency adoption?
a. The knowledge required
b. The security measures
c. The costumer service
d. None of the above
4. Why does Todd think older people will use cryptocurrency?
a. They are very teach savvy
b. They like new technologies
c. The have more money to invest
d. All of the above
5. When dealing with bitcoin, who is in charge of securing your funds
a. The government
b. You are
c. Costumer service
d. All of the above
1. Dignity: Dignidad: Dignity is the right of people to be valued and respected for their own interests and to be
treated ethically. As an extension of the concept of inalienable rights inherent in the Age of Enlightenment, it is of
great significance in morality, ethics, law and politics. The term can also be used to describe personal behavior, such
as "behave well."
2. Empathy: Empatía: Empathy refers to the ability to understand and feel that another person is experiencing
within a frame of reference, that is, the ability to place oneself in another person’s position. The definition of empathy
covers a wide range of emotional states. The types of empathy include cognitive empathy, affective or emotional
empathy, and physical empathy.
3. Effort: Esfuerzo: Physical or mental activity needed to achieve something. The effort can be the result of an
attempt to produce something, especially when its quality is low or uncertain.
4. Faithfulness: Fidelidad : is a concept of being consistently loyal to someone or something, and it should be loyal
to a consistent practice no matter how the environment deteriorates. Something that can be displayed by the
husband/boyfriend or wife/girlfriend. This also means keeping promises regardless of the current situation. Literally,
this a state of confidence in a firm dedication to a person, thing or concession.
5. Generosity: Generosidad: is the virtue of being liberal in giving, often as gifts. Generosity is regarded as a virtue
by various world religions, and is often celebrated in cultural and religious ceremonies. Scientific investigations into
generosity has exanimated the effect of a number of situations and games on individuals’ generosity, and potential
links with neurochemicals such as oxytocin, and relationships with similar feelings, such as that of empathy.
6. Love: Amor: A feeling of a warm personal attachment of a deep affection.
7. Compassion: Compasión: A feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune,
accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering
8. Joy: Alegría The emotion of great delight of happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying;
keen pleasure. Something or someone greatly valued of appreciated
9. Friendship: Amistad: is a relationship of a mutual affection between people. It is a stronger form of interpersonal
bond than an association, and has been studied in academic fields such as communication, sociology, social
psychology, anthropology, and philosophy. Although there are many forms of friendship, some of which may vary
from place to place, certain characteristics are present in many types of such bonds. Friendship is an essential aspect
of relationship building skills
10. Goodness: Bondad: the state or quality of being good. It is a moral excellence consider as a virtue. It can be also
compare to a kindly feeling, kindness and generosity.
11. Gratitude: Gratitud: thankfulness, or gratefulness, from the Latin word gratus “pleasing, thankful”, is a feeling
of appreciation felt by and/or similar positive response shown by the recipient of kindness, gifts, help, favors, of other
types of generosity, towards the giver of such gifts.
12. Honesty: Honestidad: is an aspect of moral character, which represents the attributes of integrity and kindness,
such as integrity, truthfulness, and no lying, cheating, etc. Honesty also involves trustworthiness, loyalty, fairness and
13. Loyalty: Compartir
14. Solidarity: Solidaridad
15. Mercy: Misericordia
16. Justicie: Justicia
17. Patience: Paciencia
18. Respect: Respeto
19. Tolerance: Tolerancia
20. Truth: Verdad