General Objective: Objectives
General Objective: Objectives
General Objective: Objectives
Explain the importance of occupational safety and health among workers in the
construction industry
identify the hazards and evaluate the risks in the construction projects that may affect the
workers and general public
Identify the occupational safety and health (OSH) statutory requirements and guidelines
needed in all types of construction projects
Explain the roles of safety officers in the implementation of construction safety and health
program, inspection, accident investigation, HIRAC, audits and inspections, work stoppage
order, etc.
Identify the suitable, adequate, systematic, and appropriate approach for the prevention
and control of hazards highlighting COVID-19 in the construction workplaces.
2 OSH Situationer
2.1 Objectives
Identify the leading causes of accidents in the constructionsites
Assess the importance of safety and health in the constructionindustry
Explain the importance of occupational safety and health training
Explain the importance of recognizing the presentsafety and health situations in the
construction industry
Explain how the implementation of occupational safety and health (OSH) programs
can protect workers and the general public in the construction projects from the
pandemic caused by COVID-19 virus.
A national occupational safety and health culture is one in which the right to a safe and healthy
working environment is respected at all levels, where governments, employers and workers
actively participate in securing a safe and healthy working environment through a system of
defined rights, responsibilities and duties, and where the highest priority is accorded to the
principle of prevention.
3.1 Objectives
Explain the importance of Work system in organization
Identify the different types of accident
Differentiate unsafe Act from Unsafe Condition
Explain the contributing Factors to Unsafe act
Compare Indirect from Direct Causes of Accident
A work system is a system in which human participants and/or machines perform work (processes
and activities) using information, technology, and other resources to produce products/services for
internal or external customers
are very important when it comes to Health and Safety. They are an important part of Risk
Assessments, and help to achieve a controlled completion of work with minimum risk.
A Safe System of Work is a formal procedure which results from systematic examination of a task in
order to identify all the hazards.It defines safe methods to ensure all hazards are eliminated or risks
Equipment – anything kept, furnished, or provided for a specific purpose. the act of equipping a
person or thing
Though there are countless different ways a construction worker may get hurt on the job, there are a
number of regularly cited types of accidents. The top ten construction accidents are as follows:
Falls. Construction workers often perform their jobs from high places such as scaffolding, rooftops, or
ladders. Falling from high places is the number one most common construction accident, causing
almost 35% of construction injuries.
Falling Debris. Tools, building materials, pieces of scaffolding, or other supplies can do serious damage
if they fall from significant heights and land on a worker.
Electrocutions. Until construction is complete, there are often exposed wires, unfinished electrical
systems, and downed power lines.
Explosions or burns. Even if exposed wires do not electrocute anyone, they still may spark explosions or
fires. Gas leaks can pose a similar threat, as well.
Slip and falls. Construction sites often have extra materials, tools, and debris lying around over which
workers could trip. Moreover, there are often slippery surfaces that can cause slip and falls.
Machinery accidents. Construction workers regularly operate large and/or dangerous machinery, such
as jackhammers, cranes, bulldozers, or even smaller power tools like nail guns and drills, all of which
may cause serious injury.
Getting trapped in between materials. Even if materials do not fall and directly strike a worker, they
can trap a worker between a wall and the material, causing broken ribs or cutting off a worker’s oxygen
Trench or ground collapses. Trenches and other excavations are often necessary for building sites.
However, this causes the ground and surrounding areas to be unstable and can collapse on workers who
may be in or around the trench.
Getting hit by a vehicle. This is a common accident on highway construction sites, when speeding or
distracted drivers hit workers with their vehicles.
Overexertion. Construction crews often work long hours in the elements, including extreme heat and
humidity. This can cause injury from dehydration, fainting, or even strokes.
Understand the basic work accident causationtheories;
Define accidents, unsafe acts and unsafeconditions;
Categorize and specify different situations and practices that comprise
unsafe/unhealthy acts andconditions.
Unsafe/Unhealthy Act – a violation of safeprocedure
• Act ofomission
• Act ofcommission
Unsafe/Unhealthy Condition – seen as a physical or chemical property in the
material Unsafe/UnhealthyAct-
Anyactthatdeviatesfromagenerallyrecognizedsafewayorspecified method of doing a job
and which increases the probabilities for anaccident.
Unsafe/Unhealthy Condition - The physical or chemical property of a material,
machine or the environment that may result in injury to a person, damage or
destruction to property and other losses;
Indirect Costs(Uninsured)
– Loss of productivity due to interruption on the day ofaccident
– Loss of productivity during medicalleave
– Loss of productivity due to follow upcare
Other employees
– Loss of productivity due to thefollowing:
Work stoppage due toaccident
Management has a moral responsibility concerning their employees, their families and the public at
large. The immediate causes of accidents as being, “unsafe Acts and unsafe Conditions” are the primary
causes of occupational accident and illness.
4.1 Objectives:
Discuss different Occupational Safety and Health Standard for Construction site premises
Explain different safety practices in Construction site premises
Discuss the workers welfare facilities under Occupational Safety and Health Standard and other
D.O Issuances.
4.2 Gates
(1) Where the premises are surrounded by fencing, separate entrance and exit gates shall
be provided for pedestrian, vehicular and railroad traffic.
(2) Gates for pedestrian traffic shall be located at a safe distance from those for vehicular
and railroad traffic, shall be of sufficient width to permit the free passage of employees
during rush hours, and, if possible, shall be so located not to cross vehicular or railroad
4.3 Roadways
(1) Roadways for automobiles, tractors, or other vehicles shall be soundly constructed
with good wearing surfaces.
(2) Roadways shall be of adequate width, and where used by, two-way traffic shall be at
least twice the width of the widest vehicle normally used plus 1.25 m. (4 ft.). Sufficient
clearance from overhead structures shall be provided.
(3) Where the installations of grade or level crossing cannot be avoided such crossing shall
be protected.
(4) Adequate railings or walls shall be provided along bridges, slopes and sharp curves
Regulations covering the use of driveways for entry and exit, speed limits, space
allotments and methods of parking shall be provided and strictly enforce where parking
space is provided for automobiles of the employee.
4.5 Walkways:
(1) Safe walkways shall be constructed along the shortest line between important points.
(2) Walkways shall not be located under the eaves of buildings where they may become
(3) Where it is necessary for pedestrians to cross railroad tracks or vehicular roadways,
bridges or
underpasses shall be provided, and the track or roadway should be fenced to prevent
direct crossing at
such points.
(4) Walking along railroad tracks by unauthorized persons shall not be allowed.
(5) Railings shall be installed along walkways, on bridges on steep slopes, at slippery
places and at
places where pedestrians are liable to injury by passing vehicles.
Workers’ Welfare Facilities The employer shall provide the following welfare facilities in order to
ensure humane working conditions:
16.1 Adequate supply of safe drinking water.
a) If the water is used in common drinking areas, it should be stored in closed containers
from which the water is dispensed through taps or cocks. Such containers should be cleaned and
disinfected at regular intervals not exceeding fifteen (15) days.
b) Notices shall be conspicuously posted in locations where there is water supply that is not
fit for drinking purposes.
16.2 Adequate sanitary and washing facilities
a) Adequate facilities for changing and for the storage and drying of work clothes
b) Adequate accommodation for taking meals and shelter. 16.3 Suitable living
accommodation for workers, and as may be applicable, for their families
16.4 Separate sanitary, washing and sleeping facilities for men and women workers.
Construction sites have a number of known dangers and are in a near constant state of change,
which can cause some construction site accident. Construction site accidents are associated in
different location it is very important to learn different occupational safety and health standard in
construction site premises.
Safety in construction Site premises is very important and be sure from entrance/gate we are
aware the safety practices and standard. Parking of vehicles, Roadways and even the worker
welfare facilities is important in occupational safety health to ensure the safety inside workplace.
4.1.1 Objectives:
Discuss the occupational safety and health Hazards
Identify the 2 major hazards in construction
Explain the way to identify hazards
Discuss the overview of Hazards Control
Hazard - The potential of an Act or Condition that can likely cause personal injury or
damage to property, or combination.
construction was found to be the main industry for fatal injuries to workers. Main source
of hazard are listed below
4.1.3 Health Hazards - Something that has a potential to cause illness Causes
Sources of Safety hazards in construction site
o Physical
o Biological
o Chemical
o Ergonomics
o Mental
Collect, organize, and review information with workers to determine what types of hazards may be
present and which workers may be exposed or potentially exposed. Information available in the
workplace may include:
The hierarchy starts with the controls perceived to be most effective and moves down to those
considered least effective:
The word hazard which is common to both is a potential source of harm or an adverse health effect
on the person involved. To understand the difference between the two types of hazards, we first
need to understand the difference between health and safety. Health is described as the level of
efficiency of the functioning of an individual’s body.Safety hazards increase the risk level to which a
person is exposed and can bring about immediate effects if not dealt with properly. An example can
be of a construction worker falling from the ladder and injuring his skull since he did not use the
advised safety helmet.
Overall, the goal of hazard identification is to find and record possible hazards that may be present
in your workplace. Identifying hazards will help us what kind of control will be going to use.
4.5.2 Location - Safety signs shall be placed such that they will:
Be readily visible to the intendedviewer
Alert the viewer to the potential hazard in time to take appropriateaction
4.5.3 Panel - Area of safety sign having distinctive background color different
from adjacent areas of the sign, which is clearly delineated by a line,
border or margin
Signal Word Panel - Area of safety sign that contains the signal word and
the safety alertsymbol
Message Panel - Area of the safety sign that contains the word messages
which identify the hazard, indicate how to avoid the hazard and advise of the
probable consequence of not avoiding thehazard
Symbol/Pictorial Panel - Area of the safety sign that contains thesymbol/pictorial
(1) Standard Color of Signs
A. Safety Red: Fire Protection andDanger
To call attention to fire protection equipment apparatus andfacilities
• Fire stations and equipment (fire extinguishers, pumps,
buckets, hose, hydrant)
• Fire extinguishing systems (valves, alarm, sprinklerpiping)
• Fire protection materials (doors,blankets)
To identify Dangers, Stop signals (red lights placed on barricades at
temporary obstructions or on temporary construction); stop button for
electrical switches used for emergency stopping ofmachinery
B. SafetyYellow:Caution-
Todesignatecautionandformarkingphysicalhazards,suchas striking against,
stumbling, falling, tripping and caught in between. Solid yellow, yellow and black
stripes, yellow and black checkers or yellow with suitable contrastingbackground
D. Safety White: Traffic - White, black, or a combination of these are the basic
colors forthe
ping or alternate stripes of black andwhite.
E. Safety Orange – To designate dangerous parts of machines and energized
equipment which may cut, crush, shock or otherwise injure, and to emphasize such
hazards when enclosure doors are open or when gear, belt, or other guards around
moving equipment are open or removed, exposing unguardedhazards
F. SafetyBlue:Precaution–
Todesignatecaution,limitedtowarningagainststartinguseof, or the movement of
equipment which is under repair or being workedupon
G. SafetyPurple:Radiation–
Todesignateradiationhazards.Yellowisusedincombination with purple for markers,
such as tags, labels, signs and floormarkers
Ampere = -
Electric Circuit - Any combination of a conductor and a source of electricity
connected together to permit electrons to travel in a continuous stream.
LOTO - is a safety practice that protects employees and visitors from uncontrolled hazardous energy
that may escape from machines or equipment during isolation or servicing. When potentially hazardous
equipment is identified for maintenance, it will be placed on LOTO which includes adding a visual lock
and tag to the energy isolation points. The lock and tag not only create a barrier to prohibit usage, but
also create awareness to employees so they know not to use or go near the machinery or equipment on
LOTO is a very serious safety practice that helps to provide protection to employees. Equipment and
machinery identified for LOTO are capable of unexpected start-ups which may result in the harmful
release of hazardous energy
Step 2 - Set aside items with Disposal Notice decide if they are necessary or not
To prevent accident, injury and property damage it is very important to identify safety hazards. Some
Safety hazards are associated in different situation and activity included the poor housekeeping, Fire,
electrical activity, poor construction signage.