Compensation Bridge Circuit With Temperature-Dependent Voltage Divider
Compensation Bridge Circuit With Temperature-Dependent Voltage Divider
Compensation Bridge Circuit With Temperature-Dependent Voltage Divider
Streszczenie. W artykule opisano mostkowy układ kompensacji wolnych końców termopary zawierający zależny od temperatury dzielnik napięcia.
Opracowany układ pozwala zmniejszyć wpływ zmian temperatury wolnych końców na wynik pomiaru poniżej 0,1С dla termopar typu K (chromel-
alumel) i typu L (chromel-kopel). (Mostkowy układ kompensacji wolnych końców termopary zawierający zależny od temperatury dzielnik
The temperature is widely measured in modern industry,
scientific experiments, materials testing etc. – practically all
fields of human activity are connected with temperature
measuring and control. Thus the temperature is the most
often measured physical quantity. The increase in accuracy
of the temperature measurement drives the production
quality improvement.
For low and medium range temperature measurements,
various types of temperature transducers such as
thermoresistorsor, thermocouples etc. are employed. If
thermocouples are employed, it is necessary to take into
account the influence of cold-junction temperature of the Fig.1. The compensation bridge circuit with temperature-dependent
output voltage divider
thermocouple on the measurement accuracy [1]. For
compensation of the influence of cold-junction temperature, If a voltage source is applied, the output voltage of the
the thermostatting devices or compensation circuits are resistor-based compensating bridge circuit with additive
used [2, 3]. Analogue compensation circuits produce the voltage divider is calculated as:
voltage which is equal to the thermo-emf of thermoelectric
transducers at the temperature of cold-junction but of Rt1 R3 Rt 2
(1) U outU U f ,
opposite sign [4]. The advantage of the analogue R1 Rt1 R2 R3 Rout U R4 Rt 2
compensation circuits is the possibility of the usage of
different types of secondary measuring devices.
In order to obtain the compensation voltage, the R1 Rt1 R R
where Rout U 2 3 is the output resistance
temperature-dependent bridge circuits are applied. The R1 Rt1 R2 R3
temperature-dependent resistors are inserted either in one of the resistor-based bridge circuit fed from voltage source.
or in two arms of the bridge [5, 6]. In this case, mainly
platinum and copper thermoresistor transducers (RTD) are If a standard current source I0 is applied, the output
used. An increase of the accuracy of producing the voltage is described as:
compensation voltage implies a better overall accuracy of
Rt1 R3 Rt 2
temperature measurements. (2) U outI I 0 Rm ,
R1 Rt1 R2 R3 Rout I R4 Rt 2
The process of design of cold-junction compensation
The improvement in effectiveness of the resistor-based where Rm
R1 Rt1 R2 R3 is the input resistance of
compensating bridge circuits over wide cold-junction R1 R2 R3 Rt 1
temperature range is reached by means of including
additional temperature-dependent voltage dividers [7]. bridge circuit, and Rout I
R3 Rt1 R2 R1 is the
The schematic of the resistor-based compensation R1 R2 R3 Rt1
bridge circuit with additional, temperature-dependent output output resistance of bridge circuit fed from current source.
voltage divider on the resistors R4, Rt2 is presented in Fig.1.
It is necessary to maintain the same temperature of The analysis of the formulae (1) and (2) for the output
thermoresistors Rt1, Rt2 and the cold-junction of the voltage of the resistor-based bridge circuit has shown that
thermocouple. For this purpose, passive thermostats with the usage of the temperature-dependent output voltage
heat-conducting temperature equalizers can be applied. divider implies additional nonlinear terms in the output
The compensation circuit can be fed from voltage voltage formula, which increase the accuracy of the
source Uf or current stabilizer I0. dependence reproducibility of the thermo-emf on the cold-
junction temperature.
The application of temperature-dependent bridge
circuits supplied with additional voltage divider allows
extending the acceptable change of the cold-junction
temperature of thermoelectric transducers and increase in
accuracy of temperature measurement. In this case, copper
thermoresistor transducers are preferred for use.
b) Experimental investigations confirmed the results of
theoretical analysis of the designed compensation circuit.
Fig.4. The relationship between the absolute compensation error
and the cold-junction temperature of the bridge circuit fed from REFERENCES
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