C1C2 Wordlist

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Vocabulary Part of sp Pronunciation

complete fallacy phr kəmˈpliːt ˌfæləsi
element of truth phr ˌeləmənt əv ˈtruːθ
patently not true phr ˌpeɪtntli nɒt ˈtruː
ring true phr rɪŋ ˈtruː
spot on adj spɒt ˈɒn
strike a chord phr ˌstraɪk ə ˈkɔːd
sweeping statement n ˌswiːpɪŋ ˈsteɪtmənt
trot out a trite phrase phr trɒt ˌaʊt ə ˈtraɪt freɪz
vacuous adj ˈvækjuəs
way too oversimplistic phr ˈweɪ tuː əʊvəsɪmˌplɪst
cut out for something idiom kʌt ˈaʊt fə ˌsʌmθɪŋ
change tack idiom tʃeɪndʒ ˈtæk
fly in the face of idiom ˌflaɪ ɪn ðə ˈfeɪs əv
get hung up idiom ˌɡet hʌŋ ˈʌp
give something a go idiom ˌɡɪv sʌmθɪŋ ə ˈɡəʊ
go along with idiom ɡəʊ əˈlɒŋ wɪð
have your fair share of problems idiom həv jə feə ʃeə əv ˈpr
knock your confidence idiom nɒk jə ˈkɒnfɪdəns
make strides in something idiom meɪk ˈstraɪdz ɪn ˌsʌmθ
throw in the towel idiom ˌθrəʊ ɪn ðə ˈtaʊəl
deliver a quality curriculum collocationdɪlɪvə ə ˌkwɒləti kəˈrɪ
develop a nurturing environment collocationdɪveləp ə ˈnɜːtʃərɪŋ ɪ
establish mutual respect collocationɪstæblɪʃ ˈmjuːtʃuəl rɪˌs
find your own path collocationfaɪnd jər ˌəʊn ˈpɑːθ
focus on individuality collocation
foster good relationships collocationˌfɒstə ɡʊd rɪˈleɪʃənʃɪps
fulfil your potential collocationfʊlˌfɪl jə pəˈtenʃəl
maintain rigorous standards collocationmeɪnteɪn ˈrɪɡərəs ˌst
strive for excellence collocationˌstraɪv fər ˈeksələns
blended learning n ˌblendɪd ˈlɜːnɪŋ
continuous assessment n kənˌtɪnjuəs əˈsesmənt
critical thinking n ˈkrɪtɪkəl ˌθɪŋkɪŋ
external accreditation n ɪkˈstɜːnl əˌkredɪˈteɪʃən
peer assessment n pɪə əˈsesmənt
rote learning n rəʊt ˈlɜːnɪŋ
student loan n ˌstjuːdənt ˈləʊn
tuition fees n tjuˈɪʃən ˌfiːz
virtual learning environment n vɜːtʃuəl ˈlɜːnɪŋ ɪnˈva
vocational training n vəʊˌkeɪʃənəl ˈtreɪnɪŋ
creative genius collocationkriˌeɪtɪv ˈdʒiːniəs
creative thinking collocationkriˌeɪtɪv ˈθɪŋkɪŋ
fertile imagination collocationˈfɜːtaɪl ɪˌmædʒəˈneɪʃə
flash of inspiration collocationˌflæʃ əv ɪnspəˈreɪʃən
innate adj ˌɪˈneɪt
insight n ˈɪnsaɪt
instinct n ˈɪnstɪŋkt
novel idea collocationˌnɒvəl aɪˈdɪə
out of the blue phr ˌaʊt əv ðə ˈbluː
raw talent collocationˌrɔː ˈtælənt
spark ideas phr ˌspɑːk aɪˈdɪəz
think outside the box phr θɪŋk aʊtˈsaɪd ðə ˌbɒks
adjust your teaching phr əˌdʒʌst jə ˈtiːtʃɪŋ
classroom dynamic n ˌklɑːs-rʊm daɪˈnæmɪk
feed answers to phr ˌfiːd ˈɑːnsəz tə
inspire someone v ɪnˈspaɪə ˌsʌmwʌn
take into account phr v teɪk ˌɪntə əˈkaʊnt
talk you through something phr v ˌtɔːk jə ˈθruː sʌmθɪŋ
a false idea or belief, especially one that a lot of people believe is true
one part or feature of a whole system, plan, piece of work etc that is true
very clearly not true
if something rings true, you believe it, even though you are not sure why
exactly right
to say or do something that other people agree with or have sympathy with
a statement etc that is too general and that does not consider all the facts – u
to use a phrase that is boring or not new and one that you have used too many
showing no intelligence or having no useful purpose
treating difficult subjects in a way that is much too simple
naturally suited for an activity or task
to try a different way of dealing with a situation
to be the opposite of what most people think is reasonable, sensible, or normal
to be thinking or worrying too much about someone or something
to try doing something
to agree with or support someone or something
if you have had your share of problems, you have a lot of problems
to have a negative effect on your belief in yourself
to make progress towards achieving something
to give up, to admit defeat
to provide a courses of study of a high standard
to create an environment where people feel cared for
to establish that respect is felt and shown by two or more people for each other
to find your own way or route to something
to give attention to the qualities that make someone or something different fro
to help relationships develop over a period of time
to achieve the full development of your natural ability or qualities
to make sure that thorough and exact standards continue to be met
to make a great effort to achieve a very high standard
a type of education where students learn online as well as face-to-face with tea
a way of judging a student’s ability by looking at the work they have done durin
the ability to analyse information and make judgements
independent (coming from outside the institution) confirmation of an acceptabl
assessment by someone of the same age/level as you
a way of learning that is based on memorising and repetition
an amount of money that you borrow from the government or a bank to pay for yo
money paid by or for a student to a university or similar institution for its course
an enviroment that provides learning through computers and the internet, insid
training that provides to the skills you need to do a particular job
having a very high level of creativity
the ability to come up with original solutions and ideas
an imagination, mind etc that is able to produce a lot of interesting and unusual
if someone has a flash of inspiration, they suddenly have a clever idea
an innate quality or ability is something you are born with
a sudden clear understanding of something or part of something, especially a co
a natural tendency to behave in a particular way or a natural ability to know som
an idea not like anything known before, and unusual or interesting
if something happens out of the blue, it is very unexpected
someone with raw talent is naturally good at something, but has not developed th
to be the cause of new ideas
to think of new, different, or unusual ways of doing something, especially in bus
to change your teaching slightly to improve it or make it more suitable for a par
the way that students and teachers behave and interact in the classroom
to supply answers without giving time for thought
to encourage someone by making them feel confident and eager to do somethi
to think about something important when you are making a decision or judgme
to discuss something thoroughly with someone so that you are sure they underst
Example GSE Unit/Lesson
The idea that a good night's sleep will cure everything is a complete fa 78 1A
There is more than just an element of truth in this idea 64 1A
The statement is patently not true.. 82 1A
Does his explanation ring true to you? 78 1A
The descriptions of the characters spot-on. 76 1A
Their story is bound to strike a chord with all parents. / 1A
Of course, this is usually the case, but I am having doubts about such 79 1A
I know it might sound like a trite phrase, but mothers usually know be / 1A
He delivered a vacuous speech. / 1A
That's unfair and way too oversimplistic. / 1A
He realised he wasn't cut out for farming. / 1A VB
Don changed tack and his tone became friendlier. / 1A VB
Eysenck's claim flies in the face of all the evidence. / 1A VB
He gets hung up on trivial things. 78 1A VB
Can you give it a go? / 1A VB
I would be happy to go along with the idea. 63 1A VB
He’d had more than his fair share of adventure. 72 1A VB
Failing his exams really knocked his confidence. / 1A VB
She made great strides in her English. / 1A VB
I found the task too difficult, so I threw in the towel. / 1A VB
This institution delivers a quality curriculum to its students. / 1B
The school has developed a nurturing environment with an emphasis / 1B
We must establish a climate of mutual respect. 71 1B
Everyone has to find their own path in life. 62 1B
We have a close working relationship while focusing on our individuality 72 1B
The workshops can foster better relationships between husbands and w 76 1B
Are you fulfilling your potential? 76 1B
The intitution maintains rigorous academic standards. 76 1B
We strive for excellence by ensuring high quality work at all times. 76 1B
Many schools have started offering blended learning. / 1B VB
Student progress is monitored by means of continuous assessment on a r 65 1B VB
Students are encouraged to develop critical thinking instead of acceptin 67 1B VB
All the training courses have external accreditation. 72 1B VB
Groupwork may involve peer assessment. 73 1B VB
The curriculum focuses more on problem-solving than rote learning. 83 1B VB
It is £2,265 for the full grant and £420 for the student loan - in total a 45 1B VB
Universities plan to raise tuition fees for overseas students. 69 1B VB
New virtual learning environments have completely changed the way w / 1B VB
This country takes vocational training for its young people very seriousl 73 1B VB
Shakespeare is considered a creative genius. 59 1C
Creative thinking is essential for designing advertisements. 59 1C
He was extremely knowledgeable, with a fertile imagination and a whim / 1C
The idea came to her in a flash of inspiration. / 1C
Children have an innate ability to learn language. 79 1C
The article gives us a real insight into the causes of the present economic 68 1C
Animals have a natural instinct for survival. 69 1C
It was a novel idea and one we appreciated later when the weather im 76 1C
Out of the blue, he asked me to come with him to Europe. / 1C
He has the raw talent to become a star. 79 1C
The conversation sparked some interesting ideas. 77 1C
To succeed in this job, you need to think outside the box. / 1C
He needs to adjust his teaching to meet the needs of the younger stude 67 1D
It is important to establish a good classroom dynamic. / 1D
It is a mistake to feed answers to students. / 1D
We need someone who can inspire the team. 67 1D
We will take your recent illness into account when marking your exams / 1D
He talked me through the new safetly regulations. / 1D
Topic Page number
describing attitudes 8
describing attitudes 8
describing attitudes 8
describing attitudes 8
describing attitudes 8
describing attitudes 8
describing attitudes 8
describing attitudes 8
describing attitudes 8
describing attitudes 8
idioms 136
idioms 136
idioms 136
idioms 136
idioms 136
idioms 136
idioms 136
idioms 136
idioms 136
idioms 136
collocations: education 11
collocations: education 11
collocations: education 11
collocations: education 11
collocations: education 11
collocations: education 11
collocations: education 11
collocations: education 11
collocations: education 11
compound nouns 136
compound nouns 136
compound nouns 136
compound nouns 136
compound nouns 136
compound nouns 136
compound nouns 136
compound nouns 136
compound nouns 136
compound nouns 136
creativity 14
creativity 14
creativity 14
creativity 14
creativity 14
creativity 14
creativity 14
creativity 14
creativity 14
creativity 14
creativity 14
creativity 14
teaching and learning 16
teaching and learning 16
teaching and learning 16
teaching and learning 16
teaching and learning 16
teaching and learning 16
Vocabulary Part of sp Pronunciation
bring long-term benefits phr ˌbrɪŋ lɒŋ tɜːm ˈbenəfɪt
do more harm than good phr duː mɔː ˌhɑːm ðən ˈɡ
end up stuck with phr ˌend ʌp ˈstʌk wɪð
facilitate cultural development phr fəˈsɪlɪteɪt ˌkʌltʃərəl d
give the cultural life of that city a phr ɡɪv ðə ˈkʌltʃərəl laɪf əv
have a detrimental effect phr həv ə ˌdetrəmentl ɪˈfe
raise the cultural profile phr ˌreɪz ðə kʌltʃərəl ˈprəʊ
showcase the best phr ˌʃəʊkeɪs ðə ˈbest
tangible benefit n ˌtændʒəbəl ˈbenəfɪts
by and large phr ˌbaɪ ən ˈlɑːdʒ
cut and dried phr ˌkʌt ən ˈdraɪd
give or take phr ˌɡɪv ə ˈteɪk
hustle and bustle phr ˌhʌsəl ən ˈbʌsəl
live and learn phr ˌlɪv ən ˈlɜːn
make or break phr ˌmeɪk ɔː ˈbreɪk
out and about phr ˌaʊt ən əˈbaʊt
peace and quiet phr ˌpiːs ən ˈkwaɪət
pick and choose phr ˌpɪk ən ˈtʃuːz
short and sweet phr ˌʃɔːt ən ˈswiːt
slowly but surely phr ˌsləʊli bət ˈʃɔːli
sooner or later phr ˌsuːnərə ˈleɪtə
accept v əkˈsept
acknowledge v əkˈnɒlɪdʒ
call for phr v ˈkɔːl fə
cite v saɪt
echo v ˈekəʊ
illustrate v ˈɪləstreɪt
maintain v meɪnˈteɪn
ponder v ˈpɒndə
question v ˈkwestʃən
raise v reɪz
voice v vɔɪs
back someone up phr v ˌbæk sʌmwʌn ˈʌp
fill someone in phr v ˌfɪl sʌmwʌn ˈɪn
reel off phr v riːl ˈɒf
talk someone into phr v ˌtɔːk sʌmwʌn ˈɪntə
tip someone off phr v ˌtɪp sʌmwʌn ˈɒf
commonplace adj ˈkɒmənpleɪs
deeply rooted adj ˈdiːpli ˌruːtɪd
frown upon phr v ˈfraʊn əˌpɒn
irrespective of adv ˌɪrɪˈspektɪv əv
long-standing adj lɒŋ ˈstændɪŋ
be peculiar to phr bi pɪˈkjuːliə tə
stereotypical adj ˌsteriəˈtɪpɪkəl
assault on the senses phr əˌsɔːlt ən ðə ˈsensɪz
favourite topping n ˌfeɪvərət ˈtɒpɪŋ
fuse interesting flavours phr fjuːz ˌɪntrəstɪŋ ˈfleɪvəz
intriguing smells n ɪnˌtriːɡɪŋ ˈsmelz
traditional dish n trəˌdɪʃənəl ˈdɪʃ
unique cuisine n juːˌniːk kwɪˈziːn
bring benefits that will continue for a long period of time
to make something worse when you are trying to improve it
to find yourself in a situation that you hadn't planned/wanted
to make it easier for cultural development to take place
to increase or improve the cultural life of the city
to cause harm or damage
if an organisation raises its cultural profile, its cultural life gets more attention
to show the best qualities of a person, organisation, product etc
benefits that are clear enough or definite enough to be easily seen or noticed
used when making a general statement
a situation, decision, result etc that is cut and dried cannot now be changed
used to say that the amount or figure that you have just mentioned is nearly corr
busy and noisy activity
used to say that you have just learned something that you did not know before
to cause something or someone either to be very successful or to fail completel
to go to different places
free from stress and interruptions
to choose only the best people or things, or only the ones that you really like
brief but pleasant/interesting
used to emphasise that a change is happening, although it is happening slowly
used to say that something is certain to happen at some time in the future, tho
to decide that there is nothing you can do to change a difficult and unpleasant s
to admit or accept that something is true or that a situation exists
to ask publicly for something to happen
to mention something as an example, especially one that supports, proves, or exp
to repeat what someone else has just said
to make the meaning of something clearer by giving examples
to strongly express your belief that something is true
to spend time thinking carefully and seriously about a problem, a difficult ques
to have or express doubts about whether something is true, good, necessary etc
to begin to talk or write about a subject that you want to be considered or a qu
to tell people your opinions or feelings about a particular subject
to say or show that what someone is saying is true
to tell someone about recent events, especially because they have been away fr
to repeat a lot of information quickly and easily
to persuade someone to do something
to give someone such as the police a secret warning or piece of information, espec
happening or existing in many places, and therefore not special or unusual
a deeply rooted habit, idea, belief etc is so strong in a person or society that it is
to disapprove of someone or something, especially someone’s behaviour
used when saying that a particular fact has no effect on a situation and is not i
having continued or existed for a long time
if something is peculiar to a particular person, place, or situation, it is a feature
having a belief or idea of what a particular type of person or thing is like
if a feeling, sound, smell etc assaults you, it affects you in a way that makes yo
favourite thingyou put on top of food to make it look nicer or taste better
to combine interesting flavours
smells that are interesting because they are unexpected
a dish that is part of the traditions of a people or place
a unique/original style of cooking
Example GSE Unit/Lesson
Having a new power station built has brought many long-term benefit t 64 2A
Offering free parking has done more harm than good. 72 2A
He ended up stuck with 200 pairs of shoes he couldn't sell. / 2A
If we win this position, we will facilitate cultural development in the loc 72 2A
The new theatre and cinema will give the cultural life of that city a tr / 2A
Smoking has a detrimental effect on your health. / 2A
This is an opportunity to raise the cultural profile of our city. / 2A
At the sales conference, they showcased their best products. 81 2A
The scheme must have tangible benefits for the unemployed. 79 2A
By and large, the new arrangements have worked well. 67 2A VB
I don’t think the plan is as cut and dried as people think. / 2A VB
It’ll be a £1,000, give or take £50 or so. / 2A VB
I like the hustle and bustle of the market place. / 2A VB
I had no idea he used to live here. Oh well, you live and learn. / 2A VB
Critics can make or break a young performer. 66 2A VB
I don't like staying at home. I prefer to be out and about. / 2A VB
The baby is asleep and I can enjoy some peace and quiet. / 2A VB
Come on, you haven’t got time to pick and choose. 76 2A VB
His explanations were always short and sweet. / 2A VB
We are slowly but surely gaining the support of the public. / 2A VB
His wife’s bound to find out sooner or later. 62 2A VB
We have to accept that this is not an ideal world. 62 2B
The family acknowledge the need for change. 68 2B
He called for Europe to work towards economic integration. 64 2B
Several factors have been cited as the cause of the unrest. 71 2B
You bet, ’ she said, echoing his words. 77 2B
Let me give an example to illustrate the point. 63 2B
Critics maintain that these reforms will lead to a decline in educational 72 2B
He continued to ponder the problem as he walked home. 80 2B
No one dared to question his decisions. 65 2B
I’d like to raise the issue of publicity. 57 2B
She angrily voiced her objections. 71 2B
Jane would back me up if she were here. 69 2B VB
I think you’d better fill me in on what’s been happening. 66 2B VB
Jack reeled off a list of names. 81 2B VB
My husband talked me into going skiing. 54 2B VB
His contact had tipped him off that drugs were on the premises. 76 2B VB
Car thefts are commonplace in this part of town. 80 2C
Collins has had to deal with deeply rooted prejudice against him. 75 2C
Even though divorce is legal, it is still frowned upon. / 2C
The course is open to anyone, irrespective of age. / 2C
I have a long-standing arrangement with the bank. / 2C
The problem of racism is not peculiar to this country. / 2C
The stereotypical Californian is tall, fit, and tanned. 78 2C
The noises and smells of the market assaulted her senses. / 2D
I want vanilla ice cream with my favourite chocolate topping. 80 2D
In this dish, they have fused interesting flavours from several different c 78 2D
There were some intruguing smells coming from the kitchen. 75 2D
What is a traditional dish from your country? 48 2D
That region has a unique cuisine. / 2D
Topic Page number
describing the impact of an a 20
describing the impact of an a 20
describing the impact of an a 20
describing the impact of an a 20
describing the impact of an a 20
describing the impact of an a 20
describing the impact of an a 20
describing the impact of an a 20
describing the impact of an a 20
binomials 137
binomials 137
binomials 137
binomials 137
binomials 137
binomials 137
binomials 137
binomials 137
binomials 137
binomials 137
binomials 137
binomials 137
summarising verbs 23
summarising verbs 23
summarising verbs 23
summarising verbs 23
summarising verbs 23
summarising verbs 23
summarising verbs 23
summarising verbs 23
summarising verbs 23
summarising verbs 23
summarising verbs 23
multi-word verbs for reportin 137
multi-word verbs for reportin 137
multi-word verbs for reportin 137
multi-word verbs for reportin 137
multi-word verbs for reportin 137
conventions/cultural heritag 26
conventions/cultural heritag 26
conventions/cultural heritag 26
conventions/cultural heritag 26
conventions/cultural heritag 26
conventions/cultural heritag 26
conventions/cultural heritag 26
describing food 29
describing food 29
describing food 29
describing food 29
describing food 29
describing food 29
Vocabulary Part of sp Pronunciation
identify your strong selling points
phr aɪˈdentɪfaɪ jə strɒŋ ˌse
warrant a second look phr ˌwɒrənt ə ˈsekənd lʊk
play to your particular strengths phr ˌpleɪ ɒn jə pəˈtɪkjələ
leave a problematic digital footprin
phr liːv ə prɒbləˌmætɪk dɪd
jeopardise a person’s chance phr ˌdʒepədaɪz e pɜːsənz ˈ
spread the word phr ˌspred ðə ˈwɜːd
aggravate the problem collocationˈæɡrəveɪt ðə ˌprɒblə
alleviate boredom collocationəˌliːvieɪt ˈbɔːdəm
boost morale collocationˌbuːst məˈrɑːl
ease stress levels collocationiːz ˈstres
engender distrust collocationɪnˌdʒendə dɪsˈtrʌst
exacerbate divisions collocationɪɡˌzæsəbeɪt dəˈvɪʒənz
strengthen bonds collocationˌstreŋθən ˈbɒndz
be a wet blanket phr ˌbi e wet ˈblæŋkɪt
be flooded with spam phr bi ˌflʌdɪd wɪð ˈspæm
ideas flow phr aɪ ˌdɪəz ˈfləʊ
keep your head above water phr kiːp jə ˌhed əbʌv ˈwɔː
pour out your frustrations phr ˌpɔːr aʊt jə frʌˈstreɪʃə
take a long time to trickle down
phr teɪk ə ˈlɒŋ taɪm tə trɪ
water something down phr ˌwɔːtə sʌmθɪŋ ˈdaʊn
screen freezes phr ˌskriːn ˈfriːzɪz
allocate resources collocationˌæləkeɪt rɪˈzɔːsɪz
bridge the gender pay gap
collocationbrɪdʒ ðə ˌdʒendə ˈpeɪ
eliminate discrimination collocationɪˌlɪməneɪt dɪskrɪməˈne
encourage diversity collocationɪnˌkʌrɪdʒ daɪˈvɜːsəti
enforce regulations collocationɪnˌfɔːs reɡjəˈleɪʃənz
shape policy collocationˌʃeɪp ˈpɒləsi
stand up for phr v ˌstænd ˈʌp fə
tackle inequalities collocationˌtækəl ɪnɪˈkwɒləti:z
cast a vote phr ˌkɑːst ə ˈvəʊt
exit polls n ˈeɡzɪt ˌpəʊlz
far right/left adj fɑː ˈraɪt/ˈleft
head of state n ˌhed əv ˈsteɪt
hereditary monarch n həˌredətəri ˈmɒnək
liberal political views phr ˌlɪbərəl pəˈlɪtɪkəl vjuːz
manifesto n ˌmænəˈfestəʊ
on the left phr ˌɒn ðə ˈleft
right-wing adj raɪt ˈwɪŋ
secret ballot n ˌsiːkrɪt ˈbælət
spin v spɪn
written constitution n ˌrɪtn kɒnstɪˈtjuːʃən
field of work n ˌfiːld əv ˈwɜːk
prioritise v praɪˈɒrətaɪz
shared values n ʃeəd ˈvæljuːz
social aspect n ˈsəʊʃəl ˌæspekt
sound financial footing phr ˌsaʊnd fəˈnænʃəl fʊtɪ
toxic culture n ˌtɒksɪk ˈkʌltʃə

to recognise the particular qualities that make you attractive to employers, etc
to be worth examining, looking at again more closely
to use your particular strengths in order to get what you want

to leave information on the internet as a result of your activity online which co

to risk losing or spoiling an opportunity that a person has
to tell other people about something
to make the problem worse
to make boredom less difficult to deal with
to increase or improve levels of confidence postive feelings
if you ease stress, it gradually improves or becomes less
to be the cause of the feeling that someone cannot be trusted
to make the problem of disagreements within a group worse
to make the relationship/things that unite people stronger
to spoil other people’s fun, for example by refusing to join them in something e
to receive so many unwanted/unsolicited messages that you cannot deal with the
ideas come steadily and continuously, without anything stopping or interruptin
to manage to continue to live on your income or keep your business working when
if you pour out your frustrations, you tell someone all about your feelings of fr

to take a long time for the people in a lower group start to feel the effects of
to make a statement, report etc less forceful by changing it or removing parts
if a computer or a computer screen freezes, the image on the screen will not c
to give resources to a particular person, organisation etc

to reduce or get rid of the difference in the pay between women and men
to put an end to the practice of treating one person or group differently from an
to make the inclusion of many different types of people more likely
to make people regulations
to influence a way of doing something and make it develop in a particular way
to support or defend a person or idea when they are being attacked
to deal with problems of unfair situations, in which some groups in society hav
to vote in an election
the activity of asking people how they have voted in an election in order to discov
having extreme left-wing or right-wing political opinions
the main representative of a country, such as a queen, king, or president, who
king or queen who can pass on the title to a younger person in the same family
political opinions in favour of gradual political and social changes
a written statement by a political party, saying what they believe in and what th
favouring left-wing views
a right-wing person or group supports the ideas and beliefs of capitalism
a way of voting in which people write their choices on a piece of paper in secret,
to describe a situation or information in a way that is intended to influence the
a written set of basic laws and principles that a country or organisation is gover
an area of activity that people are involved in as part of their work
to put several things, problems etc in order of importance, so that you can deal
Shared values are values that people have in common
the social part of a situation, idea, plan etc that has many parts
financial conditions that are good, and likely to produce the right results
a culture that is disrespectful, abusive or unethical
Example GSE Unit/Lesson
When preparing your CV, it's important to identify your strong selling
points. / 3A
It is important to take a second look at what you have in front of you. / 3A
He plays on his particular strengths to get the most out of his team. / 3A
His online research had left a problematic digital footprint which led
to difficulties with his employers. / 3A
Arguments with the boss may jeopardise your chance of promotion. / 3A
He has been spreading the word about ways to beat heart disease. / 3A
Air pollution may aggravate the problem. 77 3B
During long shifts, they watched films to alleviate boredom. 78 3B
The wins have boosted team morale. 76 3B
These breathing exercises ease stress and calm the mind. 73 3B
His aggressive behaviour engendered fear and distrust. / 3B
The new policies only exacerbated divisions in the company. 75 3B
The experience strengthened his bonds with the local community. 71 3B
They thought he was a middle aged wet blanket. 85 3B VB
I was flooded with so much spam that I had to change my email address. 75 3B VB
The conversation was lively and ideas flowed. 74 3B VB
f I get this raise, we'll just about keep our heads above water until next 72 3B VB
She sat down and poured out all her frustrations to him. 70 3B VB
It took a long time for the benefits of the changes to trickle down to
the lower paid workers. / 3B VB
The report of the investigation had been watered down. 78 3B VB
My screen froze and I had to reboot the computer. 72 3B VB
I spoke to the official who was in charge of allocating the resources / 3C
They promise to bridge the gender pay gap, starting with women
working part-time. / 3C
We aim to eliminate discrimination in the workplace. 70 3C
The new policies encourage diversity in the institution. 68 3C
The regulations are strictly enforced. 68 3C
Experience of unemployment has shaped the party's policy. / 3C
It’s time we stood up for our rights. 65 3C
There is more than one way to tackle ineaqualities in this company. 71 3C
In 1996,8, 605 people cast votes for mayor, including 6,570 for Owens. 70 3C VB
Early exit polls suggested he was the clear winner. / 3C VB
He is on the far left of the party. / 3C VB
The party chairman is also head of state. / 3C VB
In this country, we have a hereditary monarch. 77 3C VB
He had liberal political views on issues of crime and punishment. / 3C VB
The Tories are due to publish their manifesto tomorrow. 73 3C VB
She has always been more on the left that he has. / 3C VB
The organisation is very right-wing. 57 3C VB
The chairman was elected by secret ballot. 79 3C VB
Supporters attempted to spin the bill’s defeat to their advantage. / 3C VB
A written constitution forms the fundamental law of the nation. 55 3C VB
She is interested in the latest developments in her field of work. 57 3D
You need to prioritise your tasks. 80 3D
I have many shared values with my friends. 74 3D
We are interested in the social rather than the financial aspect of the / 3D
Their business has a sound financial footing. / 3D
His bullying tactics created a toxic culture in the office. / 3D
Topic Page number

collocations: job searching 32

collocations: job searching 32
collocations: job searching 32

collocations: job searching 32

collocations: job searching 32
collocations: job searching 32
verb-noun collocatons 36
verb-noun collocatons 36
verb-noun collocatons 36
verb-noun collocatons 36
verb-noun collocatons 36
verb-noun collocatons 36
verb-noun collocatons 36
metaphors 138
metaphors 138
metaphors 138
metaphors 138
metaphors 138

metaphors 138
metaphors 138
metaphors 138
collocations: politics 38

collocations: politics 38
collocations: politics 38
collocations: politics 38
collocations: politics 38
collocations: politics 38
collocations: politics 38
collocations: politics 38
politics 138
politics 138
politics 138
politics 138
politics 138
politics 138
politics 138
politics 138
politics 138
politics 138
politics 138
politics 138
workplace and work culture 40
workplace and work culture 40
workplace and work culture 40
workplace and work culture 40
workplace and work culture 40
workplace and work culture 40
Vocabulary Part of sp Pronunciation
back a project collocationˌbæk ə ˈprɒdʒekt
fuel your motivation collocationˌfjuːəl jə məʊtəˈveɪʃə
pursue an ambition collocationpəˌsjuː ðən æmˈbɪʃən
push the limits collocationˌpʊʃ ðə ˈlɪmɪts
raise funding collocationreɪz ˈfʌndɪŋ
realise a dream collocationˌrɪəlaɪz ə ˈdriːm
satisfy your curiosity collocationˌsætəsfaɪ jə kjʊəriˈɒsət
serve science collocationˈsɜːv ˌsaɪəns
blindingly obvious collocationˌblaɪndɪŋli ˈɒbviəs
gravely mistaken collocationˌɡreɪvli məˈsteɪkən
immediately important collocationɪˈmiːdiətli ɪmˌpɔːtənt
infinitely preferable collocationˈɪnfənətli ˌprefərəbəl
ludicrously high collocationˌluːdəkrəsli ˈhaɪ
vehemently opposed collocationˌviːəməntli əˈpəʊzd
wildly inaccurate collocationˌwaɪldli ɪnˈækjərət
face the day phr ˌfeɪs ðə ˈdeɪ
go through a rough patch phr ɡəʊ ˌθruː ə ˈrʌf pætʃ
have a knock-on effect phr həv ə ˌnɒk ɒn ɪˈfekt
helping hand phr ˌhelpɪŋ ˈhænd
make ends meet phr meɪk ˌendz ˈmiːt
spread the word phr ˌspred ðə ˈwɜːd
aloof adj əˈluːf
appreciative adj əˈpriːʃətɪv
compassionate adj kəmˈpæʃənət
conscientious adj ˌkɒnʃiˈenʃəs
enterprising adj ˈentəpraɪzɪŋ
intuitive adj ɪnˈtjuːətɪv
resourceful adj rɪˈzɔːsfəl
selfless adj ˈselfləs
aligning incentives collocationəˌlaɪnɪŋ ɪnˈsentɪvz
business model collocationˈbɪznəs ˌmɒdl
collaborative consumption collocationkəˈlæbərətɪv kənˈsʌm
drive customer loyalty collocationdraɪv ˌkʌstəmə ˈlɔɪəlti
finite resources collocationˌfaɪnaɪt rɪˈzɔːs
investment opportunities collocationɪnˈvestmənt ɒpəˌtjuːnə
on-demand access collocationɒn dɪˌmɑːnd ˈækses
sharing economy collocationˈʃeərɪŋ ɪˌkɒnəmi
zero waste collocationˌzɪərəʊ ˈweɪst
at an unprecedented rate phr ət ən ʌnˈpresɪdentɪd ˌr
global assessment phr ˌɡləʊbəl əˈsesmənt
grave impacts phr ˌɡreɪv ˈɪmpækts
pool evidence together phr puːl ˌevɪdəns təˈɡeðə
seemingly infinite phr ˌsiːmɪŋli ˈɪnfənət
set to disappear phr ˌset tə dɪsəˈpɪə
take immediate action phr teɪk ɪˌmiːdiət ˈækʃən
the brink of extinction phr ðə ˌbrɪŋk əv ɪkˈstɪŋkʃə
to support someone or something, especially by giving them money or using you
to increase your motivation or make it stronger
to try to achieve your ambition over a long period of time
to try to go beyond what is allowed/possible
to collect money that you can use to do a particular job or help people
to achieve something that you were hoping to achieve
to find out something that you want to know
to be useful or helpful for science
very or extremely obvious
very much mistaken
important and needing attention now
very much better or more suitable
much higher than is reasonable/normal
to strongly disagree with a plan or idea
extremely inaccurate
to deal with what you have to do in the day
to experience a period of time when you are having a lot of difficulty
to start a process in which everything that happens causes something else to h
help and support
to have only just enough money to buy the things you need
to tell other people about something
unfriendly and deliberately not talking to other people
feeling or showing that you enjoy something or are pleased about it
feeling sympathy for people who are suffering
careful to do everything that it is your job or duty to do
having the ability to think of new activities or ideas and make them work
an intuitive idea is based on a feeling rather than on knowledge or facts
good at finding ways of dealing with practical problems
caring about other people more than about yourself – used to show approval
to arrange/organise incentives so that they work effectively
a plan for a successful business
the shared use of goods or services by a group
increase the loyalty of customers or encourage their loyalty
resources that have an end or a limit
opportunities to make financial investments
providing access whenever someone asks
an economy where people rent or borrow goods rather than buy or own them
a situation which produces no waste
at a speed that has never happened before
an assessment of the situation affecting the whole world
very bad/serious effects
to combine evidence
appearing to be without a limit
to start disappearing
to act immediately
when a particular type of animal or plant will soon cease to exsit
Example GSE Unit/Lesson
The project has been backed by several major companies in the region. 69 4A
Aspirations, a sense of how we can realise our potential, can fuel our m / 4A
David left the company to pursue his political ambitions. 72 4A
In our research, we are trying to push the limits of what is possible. / 4A
They are raising funding to help needy youngsters. 62 4A
She never realised her dream of winning an Olympic gold medal. / 4A
I decided to call him in order to satisfy my curiosity. 71 4A
Falsifying data doesn't serve science. 63 4A
It was blindingly obvious that Max wasn’t interested. / 4A VB
If you think that this the end of the crisis, you are gravely mistaken. 81 4A VB
We need to deal with more immediately important issues such as housi 35 4A VB
Working late today is infinitely preferable to working at the weekend. / 4A VB
By local standards the prices are ludicrously high. / 4A VB
For reasons I never understood, my sisters were vehemently opposed to 82 4A VB
Figures quoted in the article are wildly inaccurate. 78 4A VB
I need two cups of coffee before I can face the day. 59 4B
Gemma’s going through a rough patch right now. / 4B
These price rises will have a knock-on effect on the economy. 76 4B
She’s been giving me a helping hand with the children. / 4B
When Mike lost his job, we could barely make ends meet. 71 4B
You will spread the word about the meeting, won't you? 79 4B
They worked hard, but tended to stay aloof from the local inhabitants. 82 4B VB
They had an appreciative audience. 79 4B VB
We must try to create a more caring, more compassionate society. 75 4B VB
A conscientious teacher may feel inclined to take work home. 77 4B VB
Some enterprising students are designing software. 79 4B VB
He seemed to have an intuitive awareness of how I felt. 79 4B VB
We can influence our children's development by encouraging them to b 80 4B VB
The doctors showed selfless devotion to their work. 81 4B VB
Getting more out of your team is a question of aligning incentives. / 4C
This is a new type of business model and it requires online service. 69 4C
Ride sharing apps are an example of collaborative consumption. / 4C
We need to think of new strategies to drive customer loyalty to our bra / 4C
We need to protect the Earth’s finite resources. 77 4C
Econmonic growth will create more investment opportunities. 60 4C
They provide on-demand access to the support service. / 4C
The sharing economy functions without monetary exchange. / 4C
The way to achieve zero waste is to compost food waste. / 4C
Their industry is developing at an unprecedented rate. / 4D
This is the first time there has been a global assessment of the impact 60 4D
The consequences of global warming have grave impacts for us all. / 4D
The evidence has been pooled together to create this report. / 4D
I amazed at my children's seemingly infinite energy. / 4D
This species is set to disappear if it is not protected. / 4D
When he saw the leak he took immediate action and called a plumber. / 4D
The breed was on the brink of extinction. / 4D
Topic Page number
verb-noun collocations 44
verb-noun collocations 44
verb-noun collocations 44
verb-noun collocations 44
verb-noun collocations 44
verb-noun collocations 44
verb-noun collocations 44
verb-noun collocations 44
adverb-adjective collocations 138
adverb-adjective collocations 138
adverb-adjective collocations 138
adverb-adjective collocations 138
adverb-adjective collocations 138
adverb-adjective collocations 138
adverb-adjective collocations 138
collocations: needing and giv 48
collocations: needing and giv 48
collocations: needing and giv 48
collocations: needing and giv 48
collocations: needing and giv 48
collocations: needing and giv 48
adjectives to describe people 138
adjectives to describe people 138
adjectives to describe people 138
adjectives to describe people 138
adjectives to describe people 138
adjectives to describe people 138
adjectives to describe people 138
adjectives to describe people 138
money and economy 50
money and economy 50
money and economy 50
money and economy 50
money and economy 50
money and economy 50
money and economy 50
money and economy 50
money and economy 50
extinction 53
extinction 53
extinction 53
extinction 53
extinction 53
extinction 53
extinction 53
extinction 53
Vocabulary Part of sp Pronunciation
adopt mannerisms phr əˈdɒpt ˈmænərɪzəmz
establish an immediate rapport phr ɪˌstæblɪʃ ən ɪˈmiːdiət
have a bearing on phr ˌhəv ə ˈbeərɪŋ ən
have a lasting effect phr həv ə ˈlɑːstɪŋ ɪˈfekt
lead to problematic preconception phr ˌliːd tə prɒbləˈmætɪk
project a certain image phr prɒˌdʒekt ə sɜːtn ˈɪmɪ
size up phr v saɪz ˈʌp
taint our impression of phr ˌteɪnt aʊər ˈɪmɪdʒ əv
bereft adj bəˈreft
disconcerting adj ˌdɪskənˈsɜːtɪŋ
dishevelled adj dɪˈʃevld
distinctive adj dɪˈstɪŋktɪv
gullible adj ˈɡʌləbəl
implausible adj ɪmˈplɔːzəbəl
industrious adj ɪnˈdʌstriəs
pompous adj ˈpɒmpəs
reassuring adj ˌriːəˈʃʊərɪŋ
self-deprecating adj ˌself ˈdeprəkeɪtɪŋ
successive adj səkˈsesɪv
susceptible adj səˈseptəbəl
unapproachable adj ˌʌnəˈprəʊtʃəbəl
unfavourable adj ʌnˈfeɪvərəbəl
unintelligible adj ˌʌnɪnˈtelədʒəbəl
unperturbed adj ˌʌnpəˈtɜːbd
boost our own self-esteem phr ˌbuːst aʊə əʊn self ɪˈ
distort information phr dɪˈstɔːt ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃən
embellish the details phr ɪmˌbelɪʃ ðə ˈdiːteɪlz
go viral phr ɡəʊ ˈvaɪərəl
sway public opinion phr ˌsweɪ pʌblɪk əˈpɪnjən
the rumour has been quashed phr ðə ˌruːmə z biːn ˈkwɒʃ
the story escalates phr ðə ˌstɔːri ˈeskəleɪts
theories abound phr ˌθɪəri:z əˈbaʊnd
bolster their image phr ˌbəʊlstə ðə ˈɪmɪdʒ
bring someone round to your way ophr brɪŋ sʌmwʌn ˌraʊnd te
come across as phr kʌm əˈkrɒs əz
convince people of your credibility phr kənˌvɪns piːpəl əv jə k
gauge their reactions phr ˌɡeɪdʒ ðə riˈækʃənz
go to extraordinary lengths phr ɡəʊ tə ɪkˈstrɔːdənəri ˌ
own the room phr ˌəʊn ðə ˈruːm
assured adj əˈʃʊəd
captivating adj ˈkæptəveɪtɪŋ
cogent adj ˈkəʊdʒənt
expensive adj ɪkˈspensɪv
inappropriate adj ˌɪnəˈprəʊpri-ət
long-winded adj ˌlɒŋ ˈwɪndɪd
mediocre adj ˌmiːdiˈəʊkə
muddled adj ˈmʌdld
pertinent adj ˈpɜːtɪnənt
self-effacing adj self ɪˈfeɪsɪŋ
stiff adj stɪf
subtle adj ˈsʌtl
aspire to be v əˈspaɪ tə ˌbi
build them into your character phr ˌbɪld ðəm ɪntə jə ˈkæ
career-wise adj kəˈrɪə waɪz
handle yourself v ˈhændl jɔː ˌself
have an open house phr həv ən ˌəʊpən ˈhaʊs
present yourself v prɪˈzent jɔːˌself
work ethic you want to replicate phr ˌwɜːk eθɪk jə wɒnt tə ˈ
to use a particular style of speaking or moving, especially one that you do not us
to quickly create a friendly understanding with people
to have an effect or influence on something
to have an effect that will continue for a long time
to result in problematic opinions that are formed without knowing the facts
to try to make other people have a particular idea about you
to look at or consider a person or situation and make a judgment about them
if an image or idea is tainted by something, it damages them by making them s
feeling very sad and lonely
making you feel slightly confused, embarrassed, or worried
if someone’s appearance or their clothes, hair etc is dishevelled, they look very
having a special quality, character, or appearance that is different and easy to r
too ready to believe what other people tell you, so that you are easily tricked
difficult to believe and therefore unlikely to be true
someone who is industrious works hard
someone who is pompous thinks that they are important, and shows this by bein
making you feel less worried or frightened
trying to make your own abilities or achievements seem unimportant
coming or following one after the other
likely to suffer from a particular illness or be affected by a particular problem
seeming unfriendly and therefore difficult to talk to
if someone’s reaction or attitude to something is unfavourable, they do not like i
impossible to understand
not worried or annoyed by something that has happened
to increase or improve the feeling of being satisfied with your own abilities, and
to give information in a way that is not completely true or correct
to make a story or statement more interesting by adding details that are not tru
if a picture, video, joke etc goes viral, it spreads widely, especially on the Inter
to influence the public so that they change their opinion
an end has been put to the information being passed from one person to anoth
the story becomes better known/more important
ideas or explanations for something exist in large numbers
to improve their image
to persuade someone to have the same ideas/opinions as you
if someone comes across in a particular way, they seem to have particular qualit
to convince people that you deserve to be believed or trusted
to measure how people feel about something or the effect that something is lik
to try very hard or to do whatever is necessary to achieve something that is imp
getting the respect and attention of other people in a situation
confident about your own abilities
very attractive and interesting, in a way that holds your attention
if a statement is cogent, it seems reasonable and correct
costing a lot of money
not suitable or right for a particular purpose or in a particular situation
continuing to talk for too long or using too many words in a way that is boring
not very good
directly relating to something that is being considered
not wanting to attract attention to yourself or your achievements
formal or unfriendly
not easy to notice or understand unless you pay careful attention
to desire and work towards achieving something important
to work on certain qualities and make them part of your own character
relating to your career
to deal with the way you behave
if you have an open house, people are welcome to visit you at any time
to talk and behave in a particular way when you meet people
a belief in the moral value and importance of work that you want to copy
Example GSE Unit/Lesson
She has adopted her boss's mannerisms in meetings. / 5A
She is able to establish an immediate rapport with the patients. / 5A
Exercise has a direct bearing on how healthy you are. 74 5A
The government's decision could have a lasting effect on investments. 72 5A
The report led to problematic preconceptions about what life is really li / 5A
He wanted to project a certain image of himself as a great leader. / 5A
It only took a few seconds for her to size up the situation. 79 5A
The impression of a perfect family life was tainted by the scandal. / 5A
His death in 1990 left her completely bereft. 84 5A VB
Waters asked a few disconcerting questions. 77 5A VB
Pam arrived late, dishevelled and out of breath. 84 5A VB
Male birds have distinctive blue and yellow markings. 72 5A VB
Plastic replicas of the Greek pottery are sold to gullible tourists. 81 5A VB
Margaret found his excuse somewhat implausible. 80 5A VB
Most of the students I knew at college were serious and industrious. 81 5A VB
She found him pompous and annoying. 81 5A VB
It’s reassuring to know that problems are rare. 77 5A VB
Jones also has a very self-deprecating sense of humour. / 5A VB
Successive governments have tried to deal with this issue. 75 5A VB
Older people are more susceptible to infections. 73 5A VB
He kept his arms crossed in front of him and seemed somewhat unappr 84 5A VB
Careless spelling mistakes in a letter can create an unfavourable impres 78 5A VB
Eva muttered something unintelligible. 74 5A VB
Emily sat with her hands in her lap, quite unperturbed. / 5A VB
The courses are designed to boost your self-esteem / 5B
The information about the public response was distorted. 77 5B
He embellished the details of his conversation with the politician. 83 5B
His clip of the dog swimming in his pool went viral. 75 5B
Public opinion is unlikely to be swayed by those arguments. 73 5B
Rumours of another tax increase have been quashed by the minister. / 5B
Stories of his escape escalated. / 5B
Theories abound about how the earth began. 81 5B
He needs to do something to bolster his image. / 5C
After some discussion, I brought him round to my way of thinking, and / 5C
He comes across as a very intelligent sensitive man. / 5C
He convinced the local party of his credibility after many years of public / 5C
The company commissioned a report to gauge public reactions to the p 80 5C
Some people go to extraordinary lengths to make their homes attractiv / 5C
When you give a presentation, you need to own the room. / 5C
He has an assured manner. / 5C VB
She has a captivating smile. 81 5C VB
It is a cogent argument for banning the drug. / 5C VB
Petrol is becoming more and more expensive. 20 5C VB
His comments were wholly inappropriate on such a solemn occasion. 72 5C VB
His speeches tend to be rather long-winded. / 5C VB
I thought the book was pretty mediocre. 76 5C VB
The situation today is very muddled. 75 5C VB
He asked me a lot of very pertinent questions. 81 5C VB
He is a quiet self-effacing man. 84 5C VB
He has a very stiff manner. / 5C VB
The pictures are similar, but there are subtle differences between them 67 5C VB
Franz never aspired to be a movie star. 76 5D
I look at my mentor's strengths and I want to build them into my charac / 5D
What are you hoping to do career-wise? / 5D
You need to know how to handle yourself in this business. / 5D
He kept open house for a wide range of artists and writers. / 5D
He presents himself well / 5D
The people in that company have a work ethic that I would like to repli / 5D
Topic Page number
collocations: first impressions 56
collocations: first impressions 56
collocations: first impressions 56
collocations: first impressions 56
collocations: first impressions 56
collocations: first impressions 56
collocations: first impressions 56
collocations: first impressions 56
adjectives and adjectival end 139
adjectives and adjectival end 139
adjectives and adjectival end 139
adjectives and adjectival end 139
adjectives and adjectival end 139
adjectives and adjectival end 139
adjectives and adjectival end 139
adjectives and adjectival end 139
adjectives and adjectival end 139
adjectives and adjectival end 139
adjectives and adjectival end 139
adjectives and adjectival end 139
adjectives and adjectival end 139
adjectives and adjectival end 139
adjectives and adjectival end 139
adjectives and adjectival end 139
spreading misinformation 59
spreading misinformation 59
spreading misinformation 59
spreading misinformation 59
spreading misinformation 59
spreading misinformation 59
spreading misinformation 59
spreading misinformation 59
persuasion 62
persuasion 62
persuasion 62
persuasion 62
persuasion 62
persuasion 62

adjectives to describe presen 139

adjectives to describe presen 139
adjectives to describe presen 139
adjectives to describe presen 139
adjectives to describe presen 139
adjectives to describe presen 139
adjectives to describe presen 139
adjectives to describe presen 139
adjectives to describe presen 139
adjectives to describe presen 139
adjectives to describe presen 139
adjectives to describe presen 139
role models 64
role models 64
role models 64
role models 64
role models 64
role models 64
role models 64
Vocabulary Part of sp Pronunciation
address v əˈdres
break new ground phr ˌbreɪk njuː ˈɡraʊnd
devoted following collocationdɪˈvəʊtɪd ˌfɒləʊɪŋ
plunged into phr v ˈplʌndʒ ˌɪntə
resonate with v ˈrezəneɪt wɪð
revolved around phr v rɪˈvɒlv əˌraʊnd
seen through the eyes of phr ˌsiːn θruː ðə ˈaɪz əv
set against the backdrop of phr set ə ˌɡenst ðə ˈbækd
debut novel collocationˌdeɪbjuː ˈnɒvəl
fiendishly clever collocationˌfiːndɪʃliː ˈklevə
grip v ɡrɪp
in the style of phr ˌɪn ðə ˈstaɪl əv
ingeniously plotted collocationɪnˈdʒiːniəsliː ˌplɒtɪd
riveting page-turner collocationˌrɪvətɪŋ ˈpeɪdʒ tɜːnə
sheer delight collocationʃɪə dɪˈlaɪt
confrontational adj ˌkɒnfrənˈteɪʃənəl
emotionally charged collocationɪˈməʊʃənəliː ˌtʃɑːdʒd
melancholic adj ˌmelənˈkɒlɪk
melodic adj məˈlɒdɪk
poignant adj ˈpɔɪnjənt
punchy adj ˈpʌntʃi
rousing adj ˈraʊzɪŋ
simplistic adj sɪmˈplɪstɪk
authentic cuisine collocationɔːˌθentɪk kwɪˈziːn
indigenous culture collocationɪnˈdɪdʒənəs ˈkʌltʃə
legendary journey collocationˌledʒəndəri ˈdʒɜːni
opulent dining collocationˌɒpjələnt ˈdʌɪnɪŋ
panoramic views collocationpanəˈramɪk ˌvjuːz
preserved villages collocationprɪˈzɜːv d
primeval forests collocationpraɪˈmiːvəl ˌfɒrɪsts
quintessential small-town diners collocationˌkwɪntəˈsenʃəl smɔːl t
soaring mountains collocationˌsɔːrɪŋ ˈmaʊntɪnz
undulating hills collocationˌʌndjʊleɪtɪŋ ˈhɪlz
barren desert collocationˈbærən
dense forest collocationˌdens ˈfɒrɪst
pristine beach collocationˌprɪstiːn ˈbiːtʃ
rambling farmhouse collocationˌræmblɪŋ ˈfɑːmhaʊs
rugged coastline collocationˌrʌɡɪd ˈkəʊstlaɪn
well-appointed hotel room collocationwel əˈpɔɪntɪd
come about phr v kʌm əˈbaʊt
far removed from phr ˌfɑː rɪˈmuːvd frəm
launch a new era phr lɔːntʃ ə ˌnjuː ˈɪərə
on a massive scale phr ɒn ə ˈmæsɪv ˌskeɪl
set the ball rolling phr ˌset ðə bɔːl ˈrəʊlɪŋ
the best was yet to come phr ðə ˈbest wəz jet tə ˌk
cutting edge phr kʌtɪŋ ˈedʒ
if you address an issue, you start trying to solve it
to do something innovative that is seen as positive
people or a group who support and admire a person, group or belief
to suddenly experience a difficult or unpleasant situation, or to make someone
if something such as an event or a message resonates, it seems important or goo
to have something as a main subject or purpose
seen from the point of view of a particular person
the conditions or situation in which something happens
the first novel that is published by a writer
extremely clever
to have a strong effect on someone or something
in a similar way or style to something
with a plot that has been very cleverly written and works well
something that is so interesting that you cannot stop reading it and turning the
extreme pleasure or satisfaction
likely to cause arguments or make people angry
causing strong emotions which could be difficult to control
feeling very sad
something that sounds melodic sounds like music or has a pleasant tune
making you feel sad or full of pity
a punchy piece of writing or speech is short but very clear and effective
a rousing song, speech etc makes people feel excited and eager to do something
treating difficult subjects in a way that is too simple
a style of cooking that is done or made in the traditional or original way
the beliefs, way of life, art, and customs that are shared and accepted by peopl
a journey that is very famous and admired
eating an expensive meal
impressive views of a wide area of land
villages that have been protected from change or harm
forests belonging to the earliest time in the existence of the universe or the Eart
a perfect example small restaurants that you would find in a small town
mountains that rise high above
moving or being shaped like waves that are rising and falling
a desert that has no plants growing in it
large area of land that is thickly covered with trees
a beach that is not spoiled or damaged in any way
a rambling farmhouse has an irregular shape and covers a large area
a coastline that is rough and uneven
a well-appointed room, house, or hotel has attractive furniture and all the equ
to happen, especially in a way that is not planned
very different from something
to start a new period of time in history
in very large numbers or amounts
to start something happening
used to say that even better things were going to happen
if a company or its work is at the cutting edge of an activity, they are working
Example GSE Unit/Lesson
Our products address the needs of real users. 65 6A
This approach to patient care breaks new ground. / 6A
The artist has a small but devoted following. / 6A
The house was suddenly plunged into darkness. 72 6A
This is an idea that resonates with many voters. 81 6A
Jane’s life revolves around her children. 80 6A
The events are seen through the eyes of a young child. / 6A
It is a love story set against a backdrop of war and despair 6A
In her debut novel, she describes the lives of an immigrant family. 70 6A VB
She arrived at the answer using a fiendishly clever equation. 84 6A VB
Panic suddenly gripped me when it was my turn to speak. 73 6A VB
He decorated his house in the style of an ancient temple. 53 6A VB
The novel is ingeniously plotted with an ending that no reader will be ab / 6A VB
This novel is a riveting page-turner. I can't put it down. / 6A VB
The visit to the gallery has been a sheer delight. 78 6A VB
In an attempt to improve his image, Stevens has decided to be less conf 80 6B
In an emotionally charged speech, he said he was resigning. / 6B
He seemed burdened with melancholic thoughts and dark visions. / 6B
Their music is loud and not very melodic. 80 6B
In a poignant moment, Richter interrupted his speech to thank his moth 82 6B
Start with a punchy sentence, get them reading. / 6B
They sang a rousing chorus of ‘Happy Birthday’. 82 6B
This is a very simplistic approach to the problem. / 6B
This is the authentic cuisine of the Southwest. / 6C
It is important to protect the country's indigenous culture. 77 6C
In the documentary, he records his legendary journey across the Arctic. 78 6C
He enjoyed opulent dining with friends at the Ritz. 83 6C
From the top of the hill, you get panoramic views of the city. 79 6C
The villages are part of our national history and should be preserved. 66 6C
We are taking measures to protect the primeval forest. 82 6C
This place is a quintessential small-town diner, serving low cost meals i / 6C
The view of the soaring mountains rising above us was breathtaking. / 6C
I love the gently undulating hills of the Dales. 83 6C
Thousands of years ago this areas was a barren desert. 77 6C VB
The lost city was discovered in the middle of a dense forest. 72 6C VB
Along the coast, there a many pristine beaches to explore. 82 6C VB
He lived in a rambling old farmhouse. 82 6C VB
We sailed for days along the rugged coastline. 77 6C VB
It has all the facilities and ten well-appointed hotel rooms. / 6C VB
The opportunity to get into computing came about quite by accident. 65 6D
The events in the newspaper article were far removed from reality. / 6D
The accord launched a new era of world peace. 72 6D
This was fraud on a massive scale. 77 6D
To set the ball rolling, the government was asked to contribute £1 milli / 6D
I enjoyed the celebrations, but the best was next to come. The next day / 6D
The scientific and engineering skills which we have developed are at th 77 6D
Topic Page number
describing literature 68
describing literature 68
describing literature 68
describing literature 68
describing literature 68
describing literature 68
describing literature 68
describing literature 68
descriibing books and films 140
descriibing books and films 140
descriibing books and films 140
descriibing books and films 140
descriibing books and films 140
descriibing books and films 140
descriibing books and films 140
reacting to poetry and song 72
reacting to poetry and song 72
reacting to poetry and song 72
reacting to poetry and song 72
reacting to poetry and song 72
reacting to poetry and song 72
reacting to poetry and song 72
reacting to poetry and song 72
adjective-nound collocations: 74
adjective-nound collocations: 74
adjective-nound collocations: 74
adjective-nound collocations: 74
adjective-nound collocations: 74
adjective-nound collocations: 74
adjective-nound collocations: 74
adjective-nound collocations: 74
adjective-nound collocations: 74
adjective-nound collocations: 74
adjective-nound collocations: 140
adjective-nound collocations: 140
adjective-nound collocations: 140
adjective-nound collocations: 140
adjective-nound collocations: 140
adjective-nound collocations: 140
innovation 76
innovation 76
innovation 76
innovation 76
innovation 76
innovation 76
innovation 76
Vocabulary Part of sp Pronunciation
be spoilt for choice phr bi ˌspɔɪlt fə ˈtʃɔɪs
dig your heels in phr ˌdɪɡ jə ˈhiːlz ɪn
have second thoughts phr həv ˌsekənd ˈθɔːt s
in a quandary phr ɪn ə ˈkwɒndəri
sit on the fence phr ˌsɪt ɒn ðə ˈfens
sleep on it phr ˈsliːp ɒn ɪt
take the path of least resistance phr teɪk ðə ˌpɑːθ əv liːst r
um and ah v ˌʌm ənd ˈɑː
anti-clockwise (Br E)/counter-clock adj ˌæntɪˈklɒkwaɪz/ˌkaʊnt
be faced/confronted with phr bi feɪst/kənˈfrʌntɪd wɪ
concur with v kənˈkɜː wɪð
embark upon v ɪmˈbɑːk əˌpɒn
go ahead with phr v ɡəʊ əˈhed wɪð
have clout/influence phr həv ˈklaʊt/ˈɪnfluəns
isolated adj ˈaɪsəleɪtɪd
secluded adj sɪˈkluːdɪd
subscribe to phr v səbˈskraɪb tə
take-away(Br E)/take-out (Am E) n ˈteɪkəweɪ/ˈteɪk-aʊt
vexing adj ˈvɛksɪŋ
worrying adj ˈwʌrɪɪŋ
cast an eye over phr ˌkɑːst ən ˈaɪ əʊvə
dip into phr v dɪp ˈɪntə
flick through phr v flɪk ˈθruː
peruse v pəˈruːz
plough through phr v ˈplaʊ θruː
pore over phr v ˈpɔːr əʊvə
read up on phr v ˌriːd ˈʌp ən
scrutinise v ˈskruːtənaɪz
skim v skɪm
skip to v ˈskɪp tə
bookworm n ˈbʊkwɜːm
cover-to-cover adj ˌkʌvə tə ˈkʌvə
curl up with phr ˌkɜːl ˈʌp wɪð
die-hard adj ˈdaɪhɑːd
get lost in phr ɡet ˈlɒst ɪn
have your nose in a book phr həv jə ˌnəʊz ɪn ə ˈbʊk
heavy-going adj ˌhevi ˈɡəʊɪŋ
hit v hɪt
actively involved collocationˈæktɪvli ɪnˌvɒlvd
completely oblivious collocationkəmˌpliːtli əˈblɪviəs
deeply divided collocationˌdiːpli dəˈvaɪdɪd
hotly debated collocationˌhɒtli dɪˈbeɪtɪd
patently obvious collocationˌpeɪtntli ˈɒbviəs
strictly enforced collocationˌstrɪktli ɪnˈfɔːst
chop and change phr ˌtʃɒp ən ˈtʃeɪndʒ
indecisive adj ˌɪndɪˈsaɪsɪv
investigate v ɪnˈvestɪɡeɪt
limitations n pl ˌlɪmɪˈteɪʃənz
narrow something down phr v ˌnærəʊ sʌmθɪŋ ˈdaʊn
overwhelmed adj ˌəʊvəˈwelmd
restricted adj rɪˈstrɪktɪd
variable n ˈveəriəbəl
have a lot of things to choose from
to refuse to do something in spite of other people’s efforts to persuade you
to start having doubts about a decision you have made
in a difficult situation
to avoid saying which side of an argument you support
to not make a decision about something important until the next day
if you follow the path of least resistance, you avoid making difficult decisions
to think for some time before making a decision
moving in the opposite direction to the hands of a clock
to have to deal with a difficult situation
to agree with someone or have the same opinion as them
to begin something
to start to do something, especially after planning it or asking permission to do it
to have power or the authority to influence other people’s decisions
an isolated building, village etc is far away from any others
very private and quiet
if you subscribe to an idea, you agree with it or support it
a meal that you buy at a shop or restaurant to eat at home
something that is vexing makes you feel annoyed, worried or frustrated
something that is worrying makes you feel anxious or worried
to examine or read something quickly in order to judge whether it is correct, go
to read short parts of a book, magazine etc, but not the whole thing
to look at a book, magazine, set of photographs etc quickly
to read something, especially in a careful way
to read all of something, even though it is boring and takes a long time
to read or look at something very carefully for a long time
to read a lot about something because you will need to know about it
to examine someone or something very carefully
to read something quickly to find the main facts or ideas in it
to not read, mention, or deal with something that would normally come or happ
someone who likes reading very much
reading very thoroughly
to sit or lie comfortably to read
opposing or refusing to accept new ideas
to pay so much attention to something that you don't notice anything else
to be reading a book etc, especially with a lot of interest
if a book, play etc is heavy going, it is boring and difficult to understand
to begin a journey or go somewhere
in a way that involves doing a lot of practical things
without any awareness or understanding of something
having strong disagreement about something
argued about strongly
extremely obvious
definitely made to happen
to keep changing your mind
unable to make clear decisions or choices
to try to find out the truth about something such as a crime, accident, or scienti
qualities that stop someone or something from being as good or as effective as
to reduce the number of things included in a range
having a strong emotional effect
limited in your movements or in what you are able to do
something that may be different in different situations, so that you cannot be s
Example GSE Unit/Lesson
/ 7A
She dug her heels in and refused to make any further changes. 74 7A
You’re not having second thoughts, are you? 68 7A
Kate was in a quandary over whether to go or not. 83 7A
It's time to stop sitting on the fence and say which side you support. / 7A
We decided to sleep on it. 68 7A
Kirk always just takes the path of least resistance. / 7A
He ummed and ahed a bit but eventually agreed to help us. / 7A
Turn the lid anticlockwise. / 7A VB
At work he was confronted with many difficulties. 73 7A VB
The committee largely concurred with these views. 81 7A VB
Both countries have embarked upon serious reform. 79 7A VB
They’ve decided to go ahead with plans to build 50 new houses on the s 52 7A VB
He has a lot of influence in political circles. 79 7A VB
Not many people visit this isolated spot. 71 7A VB
We sunbathed on a small secluded beach. / 7A VB
I have never subscribed to the view that schooldays are the happiest day 77 7A VB
Let’s have a takeaway tonight. 62 7A VB
It's a vexing problem. / 7A VB
The situation is extremely worrying. 71 7A VB
Mellor cast an eye over the draft for inaccuracies. / 7B
It’s the kind of book you can dip into now and again. 79 7B
Will flicked through Carla’s photo album. / 7B
She leant forward to peruse the document more closely. / 7B
Most staff will never want to plough through the manuals that come wi 76 7B
She was poring over a book. 82 7B
You’ll enjoy traveling more if you read up on the history of the countries 64 7B
He scrutinised the document. 79 7B
Julie skimmed the sports page. 71 7B
Let’s skip to the last item on the agenda. / 7B
I was a real bookworm when I was a child. 84 7B VB
I read the book cover-to-cover. It was fascinating. / 7B VB
In the evenings, I like to curl up with a good book. / 7B VB
She still has a few diehard fans. / 7B VB
She got completely lost in the book. / 7B VB
She always had her nose in a book. / 7B VB
Although she usually got on well with children, she found Hilary heavy / 7B VB
Time to hit the road again. / 7B VB
Carol was actively involved in running the group. 73 7C
In the sitcom she plays a New York executive who's completely oblivious 79 7C
Public opinion, as measured in the polls, was deeply divided. 77 7C
The issue is still being hotly debated. 79 7C
The cause of her problems is patently obvious. 82 7C
The rules are strictly enforced 68 7C
You can’t keep chopping and changing like this! 76 7D
People were always telling me I was too indecisive. 81 7D
The state police are investigating the incident. 63 7D
Despite the limitations of the survey, it did suggest some general trends 72 7D
The police have narrowed down their list of suspects. 71 7D
I was overwhelmed by a sense of relief. 72 7D
In those days women led very restricted lives. 74 7D
There are too many variables to predict who will win the war. 71 7D
Topic Page number
idioms for choices 80
idioms for choices 80
idioms for choices 80
idioms for choices 80
idioms for choices 80
idioms for choices 80
idioms for choices 80
idioms for choices 80
connotation 141
connotation 141
connotation 141
connotation 141
connotation 141
connotation 141
connotation 141
connotation 141
connotation 141
connotation 141
connotation 141
connotation 141
ways of reading 83
ways of reading 83
ways of reading 83
ways of reading 83
ways of reading 83
ways of reading 83
ways of reading 83
ways of reading 83
ways of reading 83
ways of reading 83
idioms: books and reading 141
idioms: books and reading 141
idioms: books and reading 141
idioms: books and reading 141
idioms: books and reading 141
idioms: books and reading 141
idioms: books and reading 141
idioms: books and reading 141
collocations: discussing issue 86
collocations: discussing issue 86
collocations: discussing issue 86
collocations: discussing issue 86
collocations: discussing issue 86
collocations: discussing issue 86
making choices 88
making choices 88
making choices 88
making choices 88
making choices 88
making choices 88
making choices 88
making choices 88
Vocabulary Part of sp Pronunciation
be in good shape phr bi ɪn ˌɡʊd ˈʃeɪp
get to grips with phr ˌɡet tə ˈɡrɪps wɪð
have a natural aptitude phr həv ə ˌnætʃərəl ˈæptɪt
have a particular knack for phr həv ə pəˌtɪkjələ ˈnæk
have a rare gift for phr həv ə ˌreə ˈɡɪft fə
overcome setbacks phr əʊvəˌkʌm ˈsetbæks
show drive and determination phr ʃəʊ ˌdraɪv ən dɪtɜːməˈ
step outside your comfort zone phr step aʊtˌsaɪd jə ˈkʌmf
clear-cut adj klɪə ˈkʌt
far-fetched adj fɑː ˈfetʃt
far-reaching adj fɑː ˈriːtʃɪŋ
hard-wired adj ˈhɑːd waɪəd
life-long adj ˈlʌɪflɒŋ
long-held adj ˈlɒŋ held
time-honoured adj ˈtaɪm ˌɑːnərd
upcoming adj ˈʌpˌkʌmɪŋ
widely-held adj ˈwaɪdli ˌheld
comforting adj ˈkʌmfətɪŋ
distressing adj dɪˈstresɪŋ
hypnotic adj hɪpˈnɒtɪk
involuntary adj ɪnˈvɒləntəri
nostalgic adj nɒˈstældʒɪk
shrill adj ʃrɪl
soothing adj ˈsuːðɪŋ
tingling adj ˈtɪŋɡlɪŋ
unsettling adj ʌnˈsetlɪŋ
clutch v klʌtʃ
flinch v flɪntʃ
gasp v ɡɑːsp
grimace v ˈɡrɪməs
make you squirm phr ˌmeɪk jə ˈskwɜːm
set your teeth on edge phr set jə ˈtiːθ ɒn ˌedʒ
start at v ˈstɑːt ət
wince v wɪns
activate symptoms of stress phr ˌæktɪveɪt ˈsɪmptəmz əv
foster a positive outlook phr ˈfɒstə ə ˈpɒzətɪv ˈaʊtl
keep our spirits up phr ˌkiːp aʊə ˈspɪrɪts ʌp
kick-start our brains phr ˌkɪk stɑːt aʊə ˈbreɪnz
loosen muscles phr ˌluːsən ˈmʌsəlz
offset food indulgences phr ˌɒfset ˈfuːd ɪnˌdʌldʒən
open up to others phr ˈəʊpən ʌp tə ˌʌðə z
take time to unwind phr teɪk ˌtaɪm t ʌnˈwaɪnd
crop up phr v krɒp ˈʌp
mess with phr v ˈmes wɪð
pass something on to phr v ˌpɑːs sʌmθɪŋ ˈɒn tə
push you into a way of thinking phr pʊʃ jə ɪntə ə ˌweɪ əv ˈ
put v pʊt
to be in a good state of health or condition
to understand or deal with something difficult
to have natural ability or skill, especially in learning
to have a natural skill or ability
to have an unusual abiity or talent
to deal successfully with problems that had caused difficulty
to demonstrate that you have the qualities of determination and the ability to do
to move beyond the range of activities or situations that you feel happy and conf
easy to understand or be certain about
extremely unlikely to be true or to happen
having a great influence or effect
if an attitude, way of behaving etc is hard-wired, it is a natural part of a person
lasting through your life
for a long time
a time-honoured method or custom is one that has existed for a long time
happening soon
believed by a lot of people
making you feel less worried, unhappy, or upset
making you feel very upset
making you feel tired or unable to pay attention to anything else, especially b
happening to you although you do not want it to
if you feel nostalgic about a time in the past, you feel happy when you remembe
a shrill sound is very high and unpleasant
making you feel calmer and less anxious
a slight stinging feeling, especially on your skin
making you feel nervous or worried
to hold something tightly because you do not want to lose it
to move your face or body away from someone or something because you are in p
to breathe in suddenly in a way that can be heard, especially because you are sur
to twist your face in an ugly way because you do not like something, because you
to make you feel ashamed or embarrassed
if a sound or taste sets your teeth on edge, it gives you an uncomfortable feelin
to move your body suddenly, especially because you are surprised or afraid
to suddenly change the expression on your face as a reaction to something painf
to create signs of stress
to develop a positive attitude to life or the world in general
to keep yourself feeling happy
to do something to help us to think or learn better
to relax muscles
to do something that will lessen the effects of eating food that has a lot of calori
to stop being shy and say what you really think to other people
to take time to relax and stop feeling anxious
if a problem crops up, it happens or appears suddenly and in an unexpected way
to get involved with someone or something that may cause problems or be dan
to give someone a piece of information that someone else has given to you
to influence you or force you to think in a certain way
to make a suggestion, especially to get someone’s opinion or agreement
Example GSE Unit/Lesson
She's in good shape for her age. 60 8A
I’ve never really got to grips with this new technology. / 8A
He has a natural aptitude for teaching. 79 8A
Some people seem to have a particular knack for making money. / 8A
He had a rare gift for languages. 67 8A
He overcame many setbacks in order to qualify as a doctor. 75 8A
Fran has always shown drive and determination to complete all assignm / 8A
Most people, when stepping outside their comfort zone, will get nervou / 8A
There is not always a clear-cut distinction between right and wrong. 77 8A VB
All this may sound a bit far-fetched, but companies are already developi 81 8A VB
The country carried out far-reaching reforms to modernise its economy 77 8A VB
The desire to communicate seems to be hard-wired into our brains. 85 8A VB
Their was a life-long friendship. / 8A VB
It is a long-held tradition in the family. / 8A VB
Sharon became involved with music in the time-honoured fashion – thr / 8A VB
Call 882-4488 for a calendar of upcoming events. 76 8A VB
It is a widely-held view. / 8A VB
It’s comforting to know I can call my parents any time. 73 8B
The front page news was shocking and distressing. 76 8B
His voice had a smooth hypnotic effect. 79 8B
He suffered from involuntary twitches. / 8B
Seeing those old school photographs has made me feel quite nostalgic. / 8B
Fran uttered a shrill scream. 80 8B
He said a few soothing words and the baby stopped crying. 78 8B
Graham felt a tingling sensation in his hand. 81 8B
It was an unsettling experience. 77 8B
Joanne clutched her mother's hand. / 8B VB
She flinched at the touch of his hand / 8B VB
The crowd gasped as the plane burst into flames. 76 8B VB
She grimaced at her reflection in the mirror. 82 8B VB
He made me squirm with embarrassment. 82 8B VB
His high-pitched squeaky voice set my teeth on edge. / 8B VB
She started at the sound of loud knocking at the door. / 8B VB
Sandra winced as the dentist started to drill. 82 8B VB
Long periods of tension can activate symptoms of stress such as difficul / 8C
Encouraging friendships in children helps to foster a positive outlook. / 8C
He had a strong sense of humour, and kept his spirits up. / 8C
I kick-start my brain in the morning by doing a crossword puzzle. / 8C
She does 10 minutes of yoga every morning to loosen her muscles. 73 8C
He goes for a run at the weekend to offset the food indulgences of a nig / 8C
Last night was the first time that Ken had opened up to us about his fee 61 8C
Can you take some time each day to unwind or to commune with natur 79 8C
You have to learn to deal with difficult situations when they crop up. 74 8D
Don't mess with fireworks. / 8D
She said she’d pass the message on to the other students. 61 8D
So much exposure to these messages pushes you into a different way of / 8D
He put the idea to his wife. 65 8D
Topic Page number
idioms and collocations: skills 94
idioms and collocations: skills 94
idioms and collocations: skills 94
idioms and collocations: skills 94
idioms and collocations: skills 94
idioms and collocations: skills 94
idioms and collocations: skills 94
idioms and collocations: skills 94
compound adjectives 141
compound adjectives 141
compound adjectives 141
compound adjectives 141
compound adjectives 141
compound adjectives 141
compound adjectives 141
compound adjectives 141
compound adjectives 141
adjectives to describe sensat 95
adjectives to describe sensat 95
adjectives to describe sensat 95
adjectives to describe sensat 95
adjectives to describe sensat 95
adjectives to describe sensat 95
adjectives to describe sensat 95
adjectives to describe sensat 95
adjectives to describe sensat 95
verbs to describe reactions 141
verbs to describe reactions 141
verbs to describe reactions 141
verbs to describe reactions 141
verbs to describe reactions 141
verbs to describe reactions 141
verbs to describe reactions 141
verbs to describe reactions 141
well-being 98
well-being 98
well-being 98
well-being 98
well-being 98
well-being 98
well-being 98
well-being 98
thoughts and ideas 101
thoughts and ideas 101
thoughts and ideas 101
thoughts and ideas 101
thoughts and ideas 101
Vocabulary Part of sp Pronunciation
complete fallacy phr kəmˈpliːt ˌfæləsi
element of truth phr ˌeləmənt əv ˈtruːθ
patently not true phr ˌpeɪtntli nɒt ˈtruː
ring true phr rɪŋ ˈtruː
spot on adj spɒt ˈɒn
strike a chord phr ˌstraɪk ə ˈkɔːd
sweeping statement n ˌswiːpɪŋ ˈsteɪtmənt
trot out a trite phrase phr trɒt ˌaʊt ə ˈtraɪt freɪz
vacuous adj ˈvækjuəs
way too oversimplistic phr ˈweɪ tuː əʊvəsɪmˌplɪst
cut out for something idiom kʌt ˈaʊt fə ˌsʌmθɪŋ
change tack idiom tʃeɪndʒ ˈtæk
fly in the face of idiom ˌflaɪ ɪn ðə ˈfeɪs əv
get hung up idiom ˌɡet hʌŋ ˈʌp
give something a go idiom ˌɡɪv sʌmθɪŋ ə ˈɡəʊ
go along with idiom ɡəʊ əˈlɒŋ wɪð
have your fair share of problems idiom həv jə feə ʃeə əv ˈpr
knock your confidence idiom nɒk jə ˈkɒnfɪdəns
make strides in something idiom meɪk ˈstraɪdz ɪn ˌsʌmθ
throw in the towel idiom ˌθrəʊ ɪn ðə ˈtaʊəl
deliver a quality curriculum collocationdɪlɪvə ə ˌkwɒləti kəˈrɪ
develop a nurturing environment collocationdɪveləp ə ˈnɜːtʃərɪŋ ɪ
establish mutual respect collocationɪstæblɪʃ ˈmjuːtʃuəl rɪˌs
find your own path collocationfaɪnd jər ˌəʊn ˈpɑːθ
focus on individuality collocation
foster good relationships collocationˌfɒstə ɡʊd rɪˈleɪʃənʃɪps
fulfil your potential collocationfʊlˌfɪl jə pəˈtenʃəl
maintain rigorous standards collocationmeɪnteɪn ˈrɪɡərəs ˌst
strive for excellence collocationˌstraɪv fər ˈeksələns
blended learning n ˌblendɪd ˈlɜːnɪŋ
continuous assessment n kənˌtɪnjuəs əˈsesmənt
critical thinking n ˈkrɪtɪkəl ˌθɪŋkɪŋ
external accreditation n ɪkˈstɜːnl əˌkredɪˈteɪʃən
peer assessment n pɪə əˈsesmənt
rote learning n rəʊt ˈlɜːnɪŋ
student loan n ˌstjuːdənt ˈləʊn
tuition fees n tjuˈɪʃən ˌfiːz
virtual learning environment n vɜːtʃuəl ˈlɜːnɪŋ ɪnˈva
vocational training n vəʊˌkeɪʃənəl ˈtreɪnɪŋ
creative genius collocationkriˌeɪtɪv ˈdʒiːniəs
creative thinking collocationkriˌeɪtɪv ˈθɪŋkɪŋ
fertile imagination collocationˈfɜːtaɪl ɪˌmædʒəˈneɪʃə
flash of inspiration collocationˌflæʃ əv ɪnspəˈreɪʃən
innate adj ˌɪˈneɪt
insight n ˈɪnsaɪt
instinct n ˈɪnstɪŋkt
novel idea collocationˌnɒvəl aɪˈdɪə
out of the blue phr ˌaʊt əv ðə ˈbluː
raw talent collocationˌrɔː ˈtælənt
spark ideas phr ˌspɑːk aɪˈdɪəz
think outside the box phr θɪŋk aʊtˈsaɪd ðə ˌbɒks
adjust your teaching phr əˌdʒʌst jə ˈtiːtʃɪŋ
classroom dynamic n ˌklɑːs-rʊm daɪˈnæmɪk
feed answers to phr ˌfiːd ˈɑːnsəz tə
inspire someone v ɪnˈspaɪə ˌsʌmwʌn
take into account phr v teɪk ˌɪntə əˈkaʊnt
talk you through something phr v ˌtɔːk jə ˈθruː sʌmθɪŋ
bring long-term benefits phr ˌbrɪŋ lɒŋ tɜːm ˈbenəfɪt
do more harm than good phr duː mɔː ˌhɑːm ðən ˈɡʊd
end up stuck with phr ˌend ʌp ˈstʌk wɪð
facilitate cultural development phr fəˈsɪlɪteɪt ˌkʌltʃərəl d
give the cultural life of that city a phr ɡɪv ðə ˈkʌltʃərəl laɪf əv
have a detrimental effect phr həv ə ˌdetrəmentl ɪˈfe
raise the cultural profile phr ˌreɪz ðə kʌltʃərəl ˈprəʊ
showcase the best phr ˌʃəʊkeɪs ðə ˈbest
tangible benefit n ˌtændʒəbəl ˈbenəfɪts
by and large phr ˌbaɪ ən ˈlɑːdʒ
cut and dried phr ˌkʌt ən ˈdraɪd
give or take phr ˌɡɪv ə ˈteɪk
hustle and bustle phr ˌhʌsəl ən ˈbʌsəl
live and learn phr ˌlɪv ən ˈlɜːn
make or break phr ˌmeɪk ɔː ˈbreɪk
out and about phr ˌaʊt ən əˈbaʊt
peace and quiet phr ˌpiːs ən ˈkwaɪət
pick and choose phr ˌpɪk ən ˈtʃuːz
short and sweet phr ˌʃɔːt ən ˈswiːt
slowly but surely phr ˌsləʊli bət ˈʃɔːli
sooner or later phr ˌsuːnərə ˈleɪtə
accept v əkˈsept
acknowledge v əkˈnɒlɪdʒ
call for phr v ˈkɔːl fə
cite v saɪt
echo v ˈekəʊ
illustrate v ˈɪləstreɪt
maintain v meɪnˈteɪn
ponder v ˈpɒndə
question v ˈkwestʃən
raise v reɪz
voice v vɔɪs
back someone up phr v ˌbæk sʌmwʌn ˈʌp
fill someone in phr v ˌfɪl sʌmwʌn ˈɪn
reel off phr v riːl ˈɒf
talk someone into phr v ˌtɔːk sʌmwʌn ˈɪntə
tip someone off phr v ˌtɪp sʌmwʌn ˈɒf
commonplace adj ˈkɒmənpleɪs
deeply rooted adj ˈdiːpli ˌruːtɪd
frown upon phr v ˈfraʊn əˌpɒn
irrespective of adv ˌɪrɪˈspektɪv əv
long-standing adj lɒŋ ˈstændɪŋ
be peculiar to phr bi pɪˈkjuːliə tə
stereotypical adj ˌsteriəˈtɪpɪkəl
assault on the senses phr əˌsɔːlt ən ðə ˈsensɪz
favourite topping n ˌfeɪvərət ˈtɒpɪŋ
fuse interesting flavours phr fjuːz ˌɪntrəstɪŋ ˈfleɪvəz
intriguing smells n ɪnˌtriːɡɪŋ ˈsmelz
traditional dish n trəˌdɪʃənəl ˈdɪʃ
unique cuisine n juːˌniːk kwɪˈziːn
identify your strong selling points phr aɪˈdentɪfaɪ jə strɒŋ ˌse
warrant a second look phr ˌwɒrənt ə ˈsekənd lʊk
play to your particular strengths phr ˌpleɪ ɒn jə pəˈtɪkjələ
leave a problematic digital footprinphr liːv ə prɒbləˌmætɪk dɪd
jeopardise a person’s chance phr ˌdʒepədaɪz e pɜːsənz ˈ
spread the word phr ˌspred ðə ˈwɜːd
aggravate the problem collocationˈæɡrəveɪt ðə ˌprɒblə
alleviate boredom collocationəˌliːvieɪt ˈbɔːdəm
boost morale collocationˌbuːst məˈrɑːl
ease stress levels collocationiːz ˈstres
engender distrust collocationɪnˌdʒendə dɪsˈtrʌst
exacerbate divisions collocationɪɡˌzæsəbeɪt dəˈvɪʒənz
strengthen bonds collocationˌstreŋθən ˈbɒndz
be a wet blanket phr ˌbi e wet ˈblæŋkɪt
be flooded with spam phr bi ˌflʌdɪd wɪð ˈspæm
ideas flow phr aɪ ˌdɪəz ˈfləʊ
keep your head above water phr kiːp jə ˌhed əbʌv ˈwɔː
pour out your frustrations phr ˌpɔːr aʊt jə frʌˈstreɪʃə
take a long time to trickle down phr teɪk ə ˈlɒŋ taɪm tə trɪ
water something down phr ˌwɔːtə sʌmθɪŋ ˈdaʊn
screen freezes phr ˌskriːn ˈfriːzɪz
allocate resources collocationˌæləkeɪt rɪˈzɔːsɪz
bridge the gender pay gap collocationbrɪdʒ ðə ˌdʒendə ˈpeɪ
eliminate discrimination collocationɪˌlɪməneɪt dɪskrɪməˈne
encourage diversity collocationɪnˌkʌrɪdʒ daɪˈvɜːsəti
enforce regulations collocationɪnˌfɔːs reɡjəˈleɪʃənz
shape policy collocationˌʃeɪp ˈpɒləsi
stand up for phr v ˌstænd ˈʌp fə
tackle inequalities collocationˌtækəl ɪnɪˈkwɒləti:z
cast a vote phr ˌkɑːst ə ˈvəʊt
exit polls n ˈeɡzɪt ˌpəʊlz
far right/left adj fɑː ˈraɪt/ˈleft
head of state n ˌhed əv ˈsteɪt
hereditary monarch n həˌredətəri ˈmɒnək
liberal political views phr ˌlɪbərəl pəˈlɪtɪkəl vjuːz
manifesto n ˌmænəˈfestəʊ
on the left phr ˌɒn ðə ˈleft
right-wing adj raɪt ˈwɪŋ
secret ballot n ˌsiːkrɪt ˈbælət
spin v spɪn
written constitution n ˌrɪtn kɒnstɪˈtjuːʃən
field of work n ˌfiːld əv ˈwɜːk
prioritise v praɪˈɒrətaɪz
shared values n ʃeəd ˈvæljuːz
social aspect n ˈsəʊʃəl ˌæspekt
sound financial footing phr ˌsaʊnd fəˈnænʃəl fʊtɪ
toxic culture n ˌtɒksɪk ˈkʌltʃə
back a project collocationˌbæk ə ˈprɒdʒekt
fuel your motivation collocationˌfjuːəl jə məʊtəˈveɪʃə
pursue an ambition collocationpəˌsjuː ðən æmˈbɪʃən
push the limits collocationˌpʊʃ ðə ˈlɪmɪts
raise funding collocationreɪz ˈfʌndɪŋ
realise a dream collocationˌrɪəlaɪz ə ˈdriːm
satisfy your curiosity collocationˌsætəsfaɪ jə kjʊəriˈɒsət
serve science collocationˈsɜːv ˌsaɪəns
blindingly obvious collocationˌblaɪndɪŋli ˈɒbviəs
gravely mistaken collocationˌɡreɪvli məˈsteɪkən
immediately important collocationɪˈmiːdiətli ɪmˌpɔːtənt
infinitely preferable collocationˈɪnfənətli ˌprefərəbəl
ludicrously high collocationˌluːdəkrəsli ˈhaɪ
vehemently opposed collocationˌviːəməntli əˈpəʊzd
wildly inaccurate collocationˌwaɪldli ɪnˈækjərət
face the day phr ˌfeɪs ðə ˈdeɪ
go through a rough patch phr ɡəʊ ˌθruː ə ˈrʌf pætʃ
have a knock-on effect phr həv ə ˌnɒk ɒn ɪˈfekt
helping hand phr ˌhelpɪŋ ˈhænd
make ends meet phr meɪk ˌendz ˈmiːt
spread the word phr ˌspred ðə ˈwɜːd
aloof adj əˈluːf
appreciative adj əˈpriːʃətɪv
compassionate adj kəmˈpæʃənət
conscientious adj ˌkɒnʃiˈenʃəs
enterprising adj ˈentəpraɪzɪŋ
intuitive adj ɪnˈtjuːətɪv
resourceful adj rɪˈzɔːsfəl
selfless adj ˈselfləs
aligning incentives collocationəˌlaɪnɪŋ ɪnˈsentɪvz
business model collocationˈbɪznəs ˌmɒdl
collaborative consumption collocationkəˈlæbərətɪv kənˈsʌm
drive customer loyalty collocationdraɪv ˌkʌstəmə ˈlɔɪəlti
finite resources collocationˌfaɪnaɪt rɪˈzɔːs
investment opportunities collocationɪnˈvestmənt ɒpəˌtjuːnə
on-demand access collocationɒn dɪˌmɑːnd ˈækses
sharing economy collocationˈʃeərɪŋ ɪˌkɒnəmi
zero waste collocationˌzɪərəʊ ˈweɪst
at an unprecedented rate phr ət ən ʌnˈpresɪdentɪd ˌr
global assessment phr ˌɡləʊbəl əˈsesmənt
grave impacts phr ˌɡreɪv ˈɪmpækts
pool evidence together phr puːl ˌevɪdəns təˈɡeðə
seemingly infinite phr ˌsiːmɪŋli ˈɪnfənət
set to disappear phr ˌset tə dɪsəˈpɪə
take immediate action phr teɪk ɪˌmiːdiət ˈækʃən
the brink of extinction phr ðə ˌbrɪŋk əv ɪkˈstɪŋkʃən
adopt mannerisms phr əˈdɒpt ˈmænərɪzəmz
establish an immediate rapport phr ɪˌstæblɪʃ ən ɪˈmiːdiət
have a bearing on phr ˌhəv ə ˈbeərɪŋ ən
have a lasting effect phr həv ə ˈlɑːstɪŋ ɪˈfekt
lead to problematic preconception phr ˌliːd tə prɒbləˈmætɪk
project a certain image phr prɒˌdʒekt ə sɜːtn ˈɪmɪ
size up phr v saɪz ˈʌp
taint our impression of phr ˌteɪnt aʊər ˈɪmɪdʒ əv
bereft adj bəˈreft
disconcerting adj ˌdɪskənˈsɜːtɪŋ
dishevelled adj dɪˈʃevld
distinctive adj dɪˈstɪŋktɪv
gullible adj ˈɡʌləbəl
implausible adj ɪmˈplɔːzəbəl
industrious adj ɪnˈdʌstriəs
pompous adj ˈpɒmpəs
reassuring adj ˌriːəˈʃʊərɪŋ
self-deprecating adj ˌself ˈdeprəkeɪtɪŋ
successive adj səkˈsesɪv
susceptible adj səˈseptəbəl
unapproachable adj ˌʌnəˈprəʊtʃəbəl
unfavourable adj ʌnˈfeɪvərəbəl
unintelligible adj ˌʌnɪnˈtelədʒəbəl
unperturbed adj ˌʌnpəˈtɜːbd
boost our own self-esteem phr ˌbuːst aʊə əʊn self ɪˈ
distort information phr dɪˈstɔːt ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃən
embellish the details phr ɪmˌbelɪʃ ðə ˈdiːteɪlz
go viral phr ɡəʊ ˈvaɪərəl
sway public opinion phr ˌsweɪ pʌblɪk əˈpɪnjən
the rumour has been quashed phr ðə ˌruːmə z biːn ˈkwɒʃ
the story escalates phr ðə ˌstɔːri ˈeskəleɪts
theories abound phr ˌθɪəri:z əˈbaʊnd
bolster their image phr ˌbəʊlstə ðə ˈɪmɪdʒ
bring someone round to your way ophr brɪŋ sʌmwʌn ˌraʊnd te
come across as phr kʌm əˈkrɒs əz
convince people of your credibility phr kənˌvɪns piːpəl əv jə k
gauge their reactions phr ˌɡeɪdʒ ðə riˈækʃənz
go to extraordinary lengths phr ɡəʊ tə ɪkˈstrɔːdənəri ˌ
own the room phr ˌəʊn ðə ˈruːm
assured adj əˈʃʊəd
captivating adj ˈkæptəveɪtɪŋ
cogent adj ˈkəʊdʒənt
expensive adj ɪkˈspensɪv
inappropriate adj ˌɪnəˈprəʊpri-ət
long-winded adj ˌlɒŋ ˈwɪndɪd
mediocre adj ˌmiːdiˈəʊkə
muddled adj ˈmʌdld
pertinent adj ˈpɜːtɪnənt
self-effacing adj self ɪˈfeɪsɪŋ
stiff adj stɪf
subtle adj ˈsʌtl
aspire to be v əˈspaɪ tə ˌbi
build them into your character phr ˌbɪld ðəm ɪntə jə ˈkæ
career-wise adj kəˈrɪə waɪz
handle yourself v ˈhændl jɔː ˌself
have an open house phr həv ən ˌəʊpən ˈhaʊs
present yourself v prɪˈzent jɔːˌself
work ethic you want to replicate phr ˌwɜːk eθɪk jə wɒnt tə ˈ
address v əˈdres
break new ground phr ˌbreɪk njuː ˈɡraʊnd
devoted following collocationdɪˈvəʊtɪd ˌfɒləʊɪŋ
plunged into phr v ˈplʌndʒ ˌɪntə
resonate with v ˈrezəneɪt wɪð
revolved around phr v rɪˈvɒlv əˌraʊnd
seen through the eyes of phr ˌsiːn θruː ðə ˈaɪz əv
set against the backdrop of phr set ə ˌɡenst ðə ˈbækd
debut novel collocationˌdeɪbjuː ˈnɒvəl
fiendishly clever collocationˌfiːndɪʃliː ˈklevə
grip v ɡrɪp
in the style of phr ˌɪn ðə ˈstaɪl əv
ingeniously plotted collocationɪnˈdʒiːniəsliː ˌplɒtɪd
riveting page-turner collocationˌrɪvətɪŋ ˈpeɪdʒ tɜːnə
sheer delight collocationʃɪə dɪˈlaɪt
confrontational adj ˌkɒnfrənˈteɪʃənəl
emotionally charged collocationɪˈməʊʃənəliː ˌtʃɑːdʒd
melancholic adj ˌmelənˈkɒlɪk
melodic adj məˈlɒdɪk
poignant adj ˈpɔɪnjənt
punchy adj ˈpʌntʃi
rousing adj ˈraʊzɪŋ
simplistic adj sɪmˈplɪstɪk
authentic cuisine collocationɔːˌθentɪk kwɪˈziːn
indigenous culture collocationɪnˈdɪdʒənəs ˈkʌltʃə
legendary journey collocationˌledʒəndəri ˈdʒɜːni
opulent dining collocationˌɒpjələnt ˈdʌɪnɪŋ
panoramic views collocationpanəˈramɪk ˌvjuːz
preserved villages collocationprɪˈzɜːv d
primeval forests collocationpraɪˈmiːvəl ˌfɒrɪsts
quintessential small-town diners collocationˌkwɪntəˈsenʃəl smɔːl t
soaring mountains collocationˌsɔːrɪŋ ˈmaʊntɪnz
undulating hills collocationˌʌndjʊleɪtɪŋ ˈhɪlz
barren desert collocationˈbærən
dense forest collocationˌdens ˈfɒrɪst
pristine beach collocationˌprɪstiːn ˈbiːtʃ
rambling farmhouse collocationˌræmblɪŋ ˈfɑːmhaʊs
rugged coastline collocationˌrʌɡɪd ˈkəʊstlaɪn
well-appointed hotel room collocationwel əˈpɔɪntɪd
come about phr v kʌm əˈbaʊt
far removed from phr ˌfɑː rɪˈmuːvd frəm
launch a new era phr lɔːntʃ ə ˌnjuː ˈɪərə
on a massive scale phr ɒn ə ˈmæsɪv ˌskeɪl
set the ball rolling phr ˌset ðə bɔːl ˈrəʊlɪŋ
the best was yet to come phr ðə ˈbest wəz jet tə ˌk
cutting edge phr kʌtɪŋ ˈedʒ
be spoilt for choice phr bi ˌspɔɪlt fə ˈtʃɔɪs
dig your heels in phr ˌdɪɡ jə ˈhiːlz ɪn
have second thoughts phr həv ˌsekənd ˈθɔːt s
in a quandary phr ɪn ə ˈkwɒndəri
sit on the fence phr ˌsɪt ɒn ðə ˈfens
sleep on it phr ˈsliːp ɒn ɪt
take the path of least resistance phr teɪk ðə ˌpɑːθ əv liːst r
um and ah v ˌʌm ənd ˈɑː
anti-clockwise (Br E)/counter-clock adj ˌæntɪˈklɒkwaɪz/ˌkaʊnt
be faced/confronted with phr bi feɪst/kənˈfrʌntɪd wɪ
concur with v kənˈkɜː wɪð
embark upon v ɪmˈbɑːk əˌpɒn
go ahead with phr v ɡəʊ əˈhed wɪð
have clout/influence phr həv ˈklaʊt/ˈɪnfluəns
isolated adj ˈaɪsəleɪtɪd
secluded adj sɪˈkluːdɪd
subscribe to phr v səbˈskraɪb tə
take-away(Br E)/take-out (Am E) n ˈteɪkəweɪ/ˈteɪk-aʊt
vexing adj ˈvɛksɪŋ
worrying adj ˈwʌrɪɪŋ
cast an eye over phr ˌkɑːst ən ˈaɪ əʊvə
dip into phr v dɪp ˈɪntə
flick through phr v flɪk ˈθruː
peruse v pəˈruːz
plough through phr v ˈplaʊ θruː
pore over phr v ˈpɔːr əʊvə
read up on phr v ˌriːd ˈʌp ən
scrutinise v ˈskruːtənaɪz
skim v skɪm
skip to v ˈskɪp tə
bookworm n ˈbʊkwɜːm
cover-to-cover adj ˌkʌvə tə ˈkʌvə
curl up with phr ˌkɜːl ˈʌp wɪð
die-hard adj ˈdaɪhɑːd
get lost in phr ɡet ˈlɒst ɪn
have your nose in a book phr həv jə ˌnəʊz ɪn ə ˈbʊk
heavy-going adj ˌhevi ˈɡəʊɪŋ
hit v hɪt
actively involved collocationˈæktɪvli ɪnˌvɒlvd
completely oblivious collocationkəmˌpliːtli əˈblɪviəs
deeply divided collocationˌdiːpli dəˈvaɪdɪd
hotly debated collocationˌhɒtli dɪˈbeɪtɪd
patently obvious collocationˌpeɪtntli ˈɒbviəs
strictly enforced collocationˌstrɪktli ɪnˈfɔːst
chop and change phr ˌtʃɒp ən ˈtʃeɪndʒ
indecisive adj ˌɪndɪˈsaɪsɪv
investigate v ɪnˈvestɪɡeɪt
limitations n pl ˌlɪmɪˈteɪʃənz
narrow something down phr v ˌnærəʊ sʌmθɪŋ ˈdaʊn
overwhelmed adj ˌəʊvəˈwelmd
restricted adj rɪˈstrɪktɪd
variable n ˈveəriəbəl
be in good shape phr bi ɪn ˌɡʊd ˈʃeɪp
get to grips with phr ˌɡet tə ˈɡrɪps wɪð
have a natural aptitude phr həv ə ˌnætʃərəl ˈæptɪt
have a particular knack for phr həv ə pəˌtɪkjələ ˈnæk
have a rare gift for phr həv ə ˌreə ˈɡɪft fə
overcome setbacks phr əʊvəˌkʌm ˈsetbæks
show drive and determination phr ʃəʊ ˌdraɪv ən dɪtɜːməˈ
step outside your comfort zone phr step aʊtˌsaɪd jə ˈkʌmf
clear-cut adj klɪə ˈkʌt
far-fetched adj fɑː ˈfetʃt
far-reaching adj fɑː ˈriːtʃɪŋ
hard-wired adj ˈhɑːd waɪəd
life-long adj ˈlʌɪflɒŋ
long-held adj ˈlɒŋ held
time-honoured adj ˈtaɪm ˌɑːnərd
upcoming adj ˈʌpˌkʌmɪŋ
widely-held adj ˈwaɪdli ˌheld
comforting adj ˈkʌmfətɪŋ
distressing adj dɪˈstresɪŋ
hypnotic adj hɪpˈnɒtɪk
involuntary adj ɪnˈvɒləntəri
nostalgic adj nɒˈstældʒɪk
shrill adj ʃrɪl
soothing adj ˈsuːðɪŋ
tingling adj ˈtɪŋɡlɪŋ
unsettling adj ʌnˈsetlɪŋ
clutch v klʌtʃ
flinch v flɪntʃ
gasp v ɡɑːsp
grimace v ˈɡrɪməs
make you squirm phr ˌmeɪk jə ˈskwɜːm
set your teeth on edge phr set jə ˈtiːθ ɒn ˌedʒ
start at v ˈstɑːt ət
wince v wɪns
activate symptoms of stress phr ˌæktɪveɪt ˈsɪmptəmz əv
foster a positive outlook phr ˈfɒstə ə ˈpɒzətɪv ˈaʊtl
keep our spirits up phr ˌkiːp aʊə ˈspɪrɪts ʌp
kick-start our brains phr ˌkɪk stɑːt aʊə ˈbreɪnz
loosen muscles phr ˌluːsən ˈmʌsəlz
offset food indulgences phr ˌɒfset ˈfuːd ɪnˌdʌldʒən
open up to others phr ˈəʊpən ʌp tə ˌʌðə z
take time to unwind phr teɪk ˌtaɪm t ʌnˈwaɪnd
crop up phr v krɒp ˈʌp
mess with phr v ˈmes wɪð
pass something on to phr v ˌpɑːs sʌmθɪŋ ˈɒn tə
push you into a way of thinking phr pʊʃ jə ɪntə ə ˌweɪ əv ˈ
put v pʊt
a false idea or belief, especially one that a lot of people believe is true
one part or feature of a whole system, plan, piece of work etc that is true
very clearly not true
if something rings true, you believe it, even though you are not sure why
exactly right
to say or do something that other people agree with or have sympathy with
a statement etc that is too general and that does not consider all the facts – u
to use a phrase that is boring or not new and one that you have used too many
showing no intelligence or having no useful purpose
treating difficult subjects in a way that is much too simple
naturally suited for an activity or task
to try a different way of dealing with a situation
to be the opposite of what most people think is reasonable, sensible, or normal
to be thinking or worrying too much about someone or something
to try doing something
to agree with or support someone or something
if you have had your share of problems, you have a lot of problems
to have a negative effect on your belief in yourself
to make progress towards achieving something
to give up, to admit defeat
to provide a courses of study of a high standard
to create an environment where people feel cared for
to establish that respect is felt and shown by two or more people for each other
to find your own way or route to something
to give attention to the qualities that make someone or something different fro
to help relationships develop over a period of time
to achieve the full development of your natural ability or qualities
to make sure that thorough and exact standards continue to be met
to make a great effort to achieve a very high standard
a type of education where students learn online as well as face-to-face with tea
a way of judging a student’s ability by looking at the work they have done durin
the ability to analyse information and make judgements
independent (coming from outside the institution) confirmation of an acceptabl
assessment by someone of the same age/level as you
a way of learning that is based on memorising and repetition
an amount of money that you borrow from the government or a bank to pay for yo
money paid by or for a student to a university or similar institution for its course
an enviroment that provides learning through computers and the internet, insid
training that provides to the skills you need to do a particular job
having a very high level of creativity
the ability to come up with original solutions and ideas
an imagination, mind etc that is able to produce a lot of interesting and unusual
if someone has a flash of inspiration, they suddenly have a clever idea
an innate quality or ability is something you are born with
a sudden clear understanding of something or part of something, especially a co
a natural tendency to behave in a particular way or a natural ability to know som
an idea not like anything known before, and unusual or interesting
if something happens out of the blue, it is very unexpected
someone with raw talent is naturally good at something, but has not developed th
to be the cause of new ideas
to think of new, different, or unusual ways of doing something, especially in bus
to change your teaching slightly to improve it or make it more suitable for a par
the way that students and teachers behave and interact in the classroom
to supply answers without giving time for thought
to encourage someone by making them feel confident and eager to do somethi
to think about something important when you are making a decision or judgme
to discuss something thoroughly with someone so that you are sure they underst
bring benefits that will continue for a long period of time
ɑːm ðən ˈɡʊd
to find yourself in a situation that you hadn't planned/wanted
to make it easier for cultural development to take place
to increase or improve the cultural life of the city
to cause harm or damage
if an organisation raises its cultural profile, its cultural life gets more attention
to show the best qualities of a person, organisation, product etc
benefits that are clear enough or definite enough to be easily seen or noticed
used when making a general statement
a situation, decision, result etc that is cut and dried cannot now be changed
used to say that the amount or figure that you have just mentioned is nearly corr
busy and noisy activity
used to say that you have just learned something that you did not know before
to cause something or someone either to be very successful or to fail completel
to go to different places
free from stress and interruptions
to choose only the best people or things, or only the ones that you really like
brief but pleasant/interesting
used to emphasise that a change is happening, although it is happening slowly
used to say that something is certain to happen at some time in the future, tho
to decide that there is nothing you can do to change a difficult and unpleasant s
to admit or accept that something is true or that a situation exists
to ask publicly for something to happen
to mention something as an example, especially one that supports, proves, or exp
to repeat what someone else has just said
to make the meaning of something clearer by giving examples
to strongly express your belief that something is true
to spend time thinking carefully and seriously about a problem, a difficult ques
to have or express doubts about whether something is true, good, necessary etc
to begin to talk or write about a subject that you want to be considered or a qu
to tell people your opinions or feelings about a particular subject
to say or show that what someone is saying is true
to tell someone about recent events, especially because they have been away fr
to repeat a lot of information quickly and easily
to persuade someone to do something
to give someone such as the police a secret warning or piece of information, espec
happening or existing in many places, and therefore not special or unusual
a deeply rooted habit, idea, belief etc is so strong in a person or society that it is
to disapprove of someone or something, especially someone’s behaviour
used when saying that a particular fact has no effect on a situation and is not i
having continued or existed for a long time
if something is peculiar to a particular person, place, or situation, it is a feature
having a belief or idea of what a particular type of person or thing is like
if a feeling, sound, smell etc assaults you, it affects you in a way that makes yo
favourite thingyou put on top of food to make it look nicer or taste better
to combine interesting flavours
smells that are interesting because they are unexpected
a dish that is part of the traditions of a people or place
a unique/original style of cooking
to recognise the particular qualities that make you attractive to employers, etc
ˈsekənd lʊk
to use your particular strengths in order to get what you want
to leave information on the internet as a result of your activity online which co
to risk losing or spoiling an opportunity that a person has
to tell other people about something
to make the problem worse
to make boredom less difficult to deal with
to increase or improve levels of confidence postive feelings
if you ease stress, it gradually improves or becomes less
to be the cause of the feeling that someone cannot be trusted
to make the problem of disagreements within a group worse
to make the relationship/things that unite people stronger
to spoil other people’s fun, for example by refusing to join them in something e
to receive so many unwanted/unsolicited messages that you cannot deal with the
ideas come steadily and continuously, without anything stopping or interruptin
to manage to continue to live on your income or keep your business working when
if you pour out your frustrations, you tell someone all about your feelings of fr
to take a long time for the people in a lower group start to feel the effects of
to make a statement, report etc less forceful by changing it or removing parts
if a computer or a computer screen freezes, the image on the screen will not c
to give resources to a particular person, organisation etc
to reduce or get rid of the difference in the pay between women and men
to put an end to the practice of treating one person or group differently from an
to make the inclusion of many different types of people more likely
to make people regulations
to influence a way of doing something and make it develop in a particular way
to support or defend a person or idea when they are being attacked
to deal with problems of unfair situations, in which some groups in society hav
to vote in an election
the activity of asking people how they have voted in an election in order to discov
having extreme left-wing or right-wing political opinions
the main representative of a country, such as a queen, king, or president, who
king or queen who can pass on the title to a younger person in the same family
political opinions in favour of gradual political and social changes
a written statement by a political party, saying what they believe in and what th
favouring left-wing views
a right-wing person or group supports the ideas and beliefs of capitalism
a way of voting in which people write their choices on a piece of paper in secret,
to describe a situation or information in a way that is intended to influence the
a written set of basic laws and principles that a country or organisation is gover
an area of activity that people are involved in as part of their work
to put several things, problems etc in order of importance, so that you can deal
Shared values are values that people have in common
the social part of a situation, idea, plan etc that has many parts
financial conditions that are good, and likely to produce the right results
a culture that is disrespectful, abusive or unethical
to support someone or something, especially by giving them money or using you
to increase your motivation or make it stronger
to try to achieve your ambition over a long period of time
to try to go beyond what is allowed/possible
to collect money that you can use to do a particular job or help people
to achieve something that you were hoping to achieve
to find out something that you want to know
to be useful or helpful for science
very or extremely obvious
very much mistaken
important and needing attention now
very much better or more suitable
much higher than is reasonable/normal
to strongly disagree with a plan or idea
extremely inaccurate
to deal with what you have to do in the day
to experience a period of time when you are having a lot of difficulty
to start a process in which everything that happens causes something else to h
help and support
to have only just enough money to buy the things you need
to tell other people about something
unfriendly and deliberately not talking to other people
feeling or showing that you enjoy something or are pleased about it
feeling sympathy for people who are suffering
careful to do everything that it is your job or duty to do
having the ability to think of new activities or ideas and make them work
an intuitive idea is based on a feeling rather than on knowledge or facts
good at finding ways of dealing with practical problems
caring about other people more than about yourself – used to show approval
to arrange/organise incentives so that they work effectively
a plan for a successful business
the shared use of goods or services by a group
increase the loyalty of customers or encourage their loyalty
resources that have an end or a limit
opportunities to make financial investments
providing access whenever someone asks
an economy where people rent or borrow goods rather than buy or own them
a situation which produces no waste
at a speed that has never happened before
an assessment of the situation affecting the whole world
very bad/serious effects
to combine evidence
appearing to be without a limit
to start disappearing
to act immediately
əv ɪkˈstɪŋkʃən
to use a particular style of speaking or moving, especially one that you do not us
to quickly create a friendly understanding with people
to have an effect or influence on something
to have an effect that will continue for a long time
to result in problematic opinions that are formed without knowing the facts
to try to make other people have a particular idea about you
to look at or consider a person or situation and make a judgment about them
if an image or idea is tainted by something, it damages them by making them s
feeling very sad and lonely
making you feel slightly confused, embarrassed, or worried
if someone’s appearance or their clothes, hair etc is dishevelled, they look very
having a special quality, character, or appearance that is different and easy to r
too ready to believe what other people tell you, so that you are easily tricked
difficult to believe and therefore unlikely to be true
someone who is industrious works hard
someone who is pompous thinks that they are important, and shows this by bein
making you feel less worried or frightened
trying to make your own abilities or achievements seem unimportant
coming or following one after the other
likely to suffer from a particular illness or be affected by a particular problem
seeming unfriendly and therefore difficult to talk to
if someone’s reaction or attitude to something is unfavourable, they do not like i
impossible to understand
not worried or annoyed by something that has happened
to increase or improve the feeling of being satisfied with your own abilities, and
to give information in a way that is not completely true or correct
to make a story or statement more interesting by adding details that are not tru
if a picture, video, joke etc goes viral, it spreads widely, especially on the Inter
to influence the public so that they change their opinion
an end has been put to the information being passed from one person to anoth
the story becomes better known/more important
ideas or explanations for something exist in large numbers
to improve their image
to persuade someone to have the same ideas/opinions as you
if someone comes across in a particular way, they seem to have particular qualit
to convince people that you deserve to be believed or trusted
to measure how people feel about something or the effect that something is lik
to try very hard or to do whatever is necessary to achieve something that is imp
getting the respect and attention of other people in a situation
confident about your own abilities
very attractive and interesting, in a way that holds your attention
if a statement is cogent, it seems reasonable and correct
costing a lot of money
not suitable or right for a particular purpose or in a particular situation
continuing to talk for too long or using too many words in a way that is boring
not very good
directly relating to something that is being considered
not wanting to attract attention to yourself or your achievements
formal or unfriendly
not easy to notice or understand unless you pay careful attention
to desire and work towards achieving something important
to work on certain qualities and make them part of your own character
relating to your career
to deal with the way you behave
if you have an open house, people are welcome to visit you at any time
to talk and behave in a particular way when you meet people
a belief in the moral value and importance of work that you want to copy
if you address an issue, you start trying to solve it
to do something innovative that is seen as positive
people or a group who support and admire a person, group or belief
to suddenly experience a difficult or unpleasant situation, or to make someone
if something such as an event or a message resonates, it seems important or goo
to have something as a main subject or purpose
seen from the point of view of a particular person
the conditions or situation in which something happens
the first novel that is published by a writer
extremely clever
to have a strong effect on someone or something
in a similar way or style to something
with a plot that has been very cleverly written and works well
something that is so interesting that you cannot stop reading it and turning the
extreme pleasure or satisfaction
likely to cause arguments or make people angry
causing strong emotions which could be difficult to control
feeling very sad
something that sounds melodic sounds like music or has a pleasant tune
making you feel sad or full of pity
a punchy piece of writing or speech is short but very clear and effective
a rousing song, speech etc makes people feel excited and eager to do something
treating difficult subjects in a way that is too simple
a style of cooking that is done or made in the traditional or original way
the beliefs, way of life, art, and customs that are shared and accepted by peopl
a journey that is very famous and admired
eating an expensive meal
impressive views of a wide area of land
villages that have been protected from change or harm
forests belonging to the earliest time in the existence of the universe or the Eart
a perfect example small restaurants that you would find in a small town
mountains that rise high above
moving or being shaped like waves that are rising and falling
a desert that has no plants growing in it
large area of land that is thickly covered with trees
a beach that is not spoiled or damaged in any way
a rambling farmhouse has an irregular shape and covers a large area
a coastline that is rough and uneven
a well-appointed room, house, or hotel has attractive furniture and all the equ
to happen, especially in a way that is not planned
very different from something
to start a new period of time in history
in very large numbers or amounts
to start something happening
used to say that even better things were going to happen
if a company or its work is at the cutting edge of an activity, they are working
have a lot of things to choose from
to refuse to do something in spite of other people’s efforts to persuade you
to start having doubts about a decision you have made
in a difficult situation
to avoid saying which side of an argument you support
to not make a decision about something important until the next day
if you follow the path of least resistance, you avoid making difficult decisions
to think for some time before making a decision
moving in the opposite direction to the hands of a clock
to have to deal with a difficult situation
to agree with someone or have the same opinion as them
to begin something
to start to do something, especially after planning it or asking permission to do it
to have power or the authority to influence other people’s decisions
an isolated building, village etc is far away from any others
very private and quiet
if you subscribe to an idea, you agree with it or support it
a meal that you buy at a shop or restaurant to eat at home
something that is vexing makes you feel annoyed, worried or frustrated
something that is worrying makes you feel anxious or worried
to examine or read something quickly in order to judge whether it is correct, go
to read short parts of a book, magazine etc, but not the whole thing
to look at a book, magazine, set of photographs etc quickly
to read something, especially in a careful way
to read all of something, even though it is boring and takes a long time
to read or look at something very carefully for a long time
to read a lot about something because you will need to know about it
to examine someone or something very carefully
to read something quickly to find the main facts or ideas in it
to not read, mention, or deal with something that would normally come or happ
someone who likes reading very much
reading very thoroughly
to sit or lie comfortably to read
opposing or refusing to accept new ideas
to pay so much attention to something that you don't notice anything else
to be reading a book etc, especially with a lot of interest
if a book, play etc is heavy going, it is boring and difficult to understand
to begin a journey or go somewhere
in a way that involves doing a lot of practical things
without any awareness or understanding of something
having strong disagreement about something
argued about strongly
extremely obvious
definitely made to happen
to keep changing your mind
unable to make clear decisions or choices
to try to find out the truth about something such as a crime, accident, or scienti
qualities that stop someone or something from being as good or as effective as
to reduce the number of things included in a range
having a strong emotional effect
limited in your movements or in what you are able to do
something that may be different in different situations, so that you cannot be s
to be in a good state of health or condition
to understand or deal with something difficult
to have natural ability or skill, especially in learning
to have a natural skill or ability
to have an unusual abiity or talent
to deal successfully with problems that had caused difficulty
to demonstrate that you have the qualities of determination and the ability to do
to move beyond the range of activities or situations that you feel happy and conf
easy to understand or be certain about
extremely unlikely to be true or to happen
having a great influence or effect
if an attitude, way of behaving etc is hard-wired, it is a natural part of a person
lasting through your life
for a long time
a time-honoured method or custom is one that has existed for a long time
happening soon
believed by a lot of people
making you feel less worried, unhappy, or upset
making you feel very upset
making you feel tired or unable to pay attention to anything else, especially b
happening to you although you do not want it to
if you feel nostalgic about a time in the past, you feel happy when you remembe
a shrill sound is very high and unpleasant
making you feel calmer and less anxious
a slight stinging feeling, especially on your skin
making you feel nervous or worried
to hold something tightly because you do not want to lose it
to move your face or body away from someone or something because you are in p
to breathe in suddenly in a way that can be heard, especially because you are sur
to twist your face in an ugly way because you do not like something, because you
to make you feel ashamed or embarrassed
if a sound or taste sets your teeth on edge, it gives you an uncomfortable feelin
to move your body suddenly, especially because you are surprised or afraid
to suddenly change the expression on your face as a reaction to something painf
to create signs of stress
to develop a positive attitude to life or the world in general
to keep yourself feeling happy
to do something to help us to think or learn better
to relax muscles
to do something that will lessen the effects of eating food that has a lot of calori
to stop being shy and say what you really think to other people
to take time to relax and stop feeling anxious
if a problem crops up, it happens or appears suddenly and in an unexpected way
to get involved with someone or something that may cause problems or be dan
to give someone a piece of information that someone else has given to you
to influence you or force you to think in a certain way
to make a suggestion, especially to get someone’s opinion or agreement
Example GSE Unit/Lesson
The idea that a good night's sleep will cure everything is a complete fa 78 1A
There is more than just an element of truth in this idea 64 1A
The statement is patently not true.. 82 1A
Does his explanation ring true to you? 78 1A
The descriptions of the characters spot-on. 76 1A
Their story is bound to strike a chord with all parents. / 1A
Of course, this is usually the case, but I am having doubts about such 79 1A
I know it might sound like a trite phrase, but mothers usually know be / 1A
He delivered a vacuous speech. / 1A
That's unfair and way too oversimplistic. / 1A
He realised he wasn't cut out for farming. / 1A VB
Don changed tack and his tone became friendlier. / 1A VB
Eysenck's claim flies in the face of all the evidence. / 1A VB
He gets hung up on trivial things. 78 1A VB
Can you give it a go? / 1A VB
I would be happy to go along with the idea. 63 1A VB
He’d had more than his fair share of adventure. 72 1A VB
Failing his exams really knocked his confidence. / 1A VB
She made great strides in her English. / 1A VB
I found the task too difficult, so I threw in the towel. / 1A VB
This institution delivers a quality curriculum to its students. / 1B
The school has developed a nurturing environment with an emphasis / 1B
We must establish a climate of mutual respect. 71 1B
Everyone has to find their own path in life. 62 1B
We have a close working relationship while focusing on our individuality 72 1B
The workshops can foster better relationships between husbands and w 76 1B
Are you fulfilling your potential? 76 1B
The intitution maintains rigorous academic standards. 76 1B
We strive for excellence by ensuring high quality work at all times. 76 1B
Many schools have started offering blended learning. / 1B VB
Student progress is monitored by means of continuous assessment on a r 65 1B VB
Students are encouraged to develop critical thinking instead of acceptin 67 1B VB
All the training courses have external accreditation. 72 1B VB
Groupwork may involve peer assessment. 73 1B VB
The curriculum focuses more on problem-solving than rote learning. 83 1B VB
It is £2,265 for the full grant and £420 for the student loan - in total a 45 1B VB
Universities plan to raise tuition fees for overseas students. 69 1B VB
New virtual learning environments have completely changed the way w / 1B VB
This country takes vocational training for its young people very seriousl 73 1B VB
Shakespeare is considered a creative genius. 59 1C
Creative thinking is essential for designing advertisements. 59 1C
He was extremely knowledgeable, with a fertile imagination and a whim / 1C
The idea came to her in a flash of inspiration. / 1C
Children have an innate ability to learn language. 79 1C
The article gives us a real insight into the causes of the present economic 68 1C
Animals have a natural instinct for survival. 69 1C
It was a novel idea and one we appreciated later when the weather im 76 1C
Out of the blue, he asked me to come with him to Europe. / 1C
He has the raw talent to become a star. 79 1C
The conversation sparked some interesting ideas. 77 1C
To succeed in this job, you need to think outside the box. / 1C
He needs to adjust his teaching to meet the needs of the younger stude 67 1D
It is important to establish a good classroom dynamic. / 1D
It is a mistake to feed answers to students. / 1D
We need someone who can inspire the team. 67 1D
We will take your recent illness into account when marking your exams / 1D
He talked me through the new safetly regulations. / 1D
Having a new power station built has brought many long-term benefit t 64 2A
Offering free parking has done more harm than good. 72 2A
He ended up stuck with 200 pairs of shoes he couldn't sell. / 2A
If we win this position, we will facilitate cultural development in the loc 72 2A
The new theatre and cinema will give the cultural life of that city a tr / 2A
Smoking has a detrimental effect on your health. / 2A
This is an opportunity to raise the cultural profile of our city. / 2A
At the sales conference, they showcased their best products. 81 2A
The scheme must have tangible benefits for the unemployed. 79 2A
By and large, the new arrangements have worked well. 67 2A VB
I don’t think the plan is as cut and dried as people think. / 2A VB
It’ll be a £1,000, give or take £50 or so. / 2A VB
I like the hustle and bustle of the market place. / 2A VB
I had no idea he used to live here. Oh well, you live and learn. / 2A VB
Critics can make or break a young performer. 66 2A VB
I don't like staying at home. I prefer to be out and about. / 2A VB
The baby is asleep and I can enjoy some peace and quiet. / 2A VB
Come on, you haven’t got time to pick and choose. 76 2A VB
His explanations were always short and sweet. / 2A VB
We are slowly but surely gaining the support of the public. / 2A VB
His wife’s bound to find out sooner or later. 62 2A VB
We have to accept that this is not an ideal world. 62 2B
The family acknowledge the need for change. 68 2B
He called for Europe to work towards economic integration. 64 2B
Several factors have been cited as the cause of the unrest. 71 2B
You bet, ’ she said, echoing his words. 77 2B
Let me give an example to illustrate the point. 63 2B
Critics maintain that these reforms will lead to a decline in educational 72 2B
He continued to ponder the problem as he walked home. 80 2B
No one dared to question his decisions. 65 2B
I’d like to raise the issue of publicity. 57 2B
She angrily voiced her objections. 71 2B
Jane would back me up if she were here. 69 2B VB
I think you’d better fill me in on what’s been happening. 66 2B VB
Jack reeled off a list of names. 81 2B VB
My husband talked me into going skiing. 54 2B VB
His contact had tipped him off that drugs were on the premises. 76 2B VB
Car thefts are commonplace in this part of town. 80 2C
Collins has had to deal with deeply rooted prejudice against him. 75 2C
Even though divorce is legal, it is still frowned upon. / 2C
The course is open to anyone, irrespective of age. / 2C
I have a long-standing arrangement with the bank. / 2C
The problem of racism is not peculiar to this country. / 2C
The stereotypical Californian is tall, fit, and tanned. 78 2C
The noises and smells of the market assaulted her senses. / 2D
I want vanilla ice cream with my favourite chocolate topping. 80 2D
In this dish, they have fused interesting flavours from several different c 78 2D
There were some intruguing smells coming from the kitchen. 75 2D
What is a traditional dish from your country? 48 2D
That region has a unique cuisine. / 2D
When preparing your CV, it's important to identify your strong selling points. 3A
It is important to take a second look at what you have in front of you. / 3A
He plays on his particular strengths to get the most out of his team. / 3A
His online research had left a problematic digital footprint which led to / 3A
Arguments with the boss may jeopardise your chance of promotion. / 3A
He has been spreading the word about ways to beat heart disease. / 3A
Air pollution may aggravate the problem. 77 3B
During long shifts, they watched films to alleviate boredom. 78 3B
The wins have boosted team morale. 76 3B
These breathing exercises ease stress and calm the mind. 73 3B
His aggressive behaviour engendered fear and distrust. / 3B
The new policies only exacerbated divisions in the company. 75 3B
The experience strengthened his bonds with the local community. 71 3B
They thought he was a middle aged wet blanket. 85 3B VB
I was flooded with so much spam that I had to change my email address. 75 3B VB
The conversation was lively and ideas flowed. 74 3B VB
f I get this raise, we'll just about keep our heads above water until next 72 3B VB
She sat down and poured out all her frustrations to him. 70 3B VB
It took a long time for the benefits of the changes to trickle down to th / 3B VB
The report of the investigation had been watered down. 78 3B VB
My screen froze and I had to reboot the computer. 72 3B VB
I spoke to the official who was in charge of allocating the resources / 3C
They promise to bridge the gender pay gap, starting with women workin / 3C
We aim to eliminate discrimination in the workplace. 70 3C
The new policies encourage diversity in the institution. 68 3C
The regulations are strictly enforced. 68 3C
Experience of unemployment has shaped the party's policy. / 3C
It’s time we stood up for our rights. 65 3C
There is more than one way to tackle ineaqualities in this company. 71 3C
In 1996,8, 605 people cast votes for mayor, including 6,570 for Owens. 70 3C VB
Early exit polls suggested he was the clear winner. / 3C VB
He is on the far left of the party. / 3C VB
The party chairman is also head of state. / 3C VB
In this country, we have a hereditary monarch. 77 3C VB
He had liberal political views on issues of crime and punishment. / 3C VB
The Tories are due to publish their manifesto tomorrow. 73 3C VB
She has always been more on the left that he has. / 3C VB
The organisation is very right-wing. 57 3C VB
The chairman was elected by secret ballot. 79 3C VB
Supporters attempted to spin the bill’s defeat to their advantage. / 3C VB
A written constitution forms the fundamental law of the nation. 55 3C VB
She is interested in the latest developments in her field of work. 57 3D
You need to prioritise your tasks. 80 3D
I have many shared values with my friends. 74 3D
We are interested in the social rather than the financial aspect of the / 3D
Their business has a sound financial footing. / 3D
His bullying tactics created a toxic culture in the office. / 3D
The project has been backed by several major companies in the region. 69 4A
Aspirations, a sense of how we can realise our potential, can fuel our m / 4A
David left the company to pursue his political ambitions. 72 4A
In our research, we are trying to push the limits of what is possible. / 4A
They are raising funding to help needy youngsters. 62 4A
She never realised her dream of winning an Olympic gold medal. / 4A
I decided to call him in order to satisfy my curiosity. 71 4A
Falsifying data doesn't serve science. 63 4A
It was blindingly obvious that Max wasn’t interested. / 4A VB
If you think that this the end of the crisis, you are gravely mistaken. 81 4A VB
We need to deal with more immediately important issues such as housi 35 4A VB
Working late today is infinitely preferable to working at the weekend. / 4A VB
By local standards the prices are ludicrously high. / 4A VB
For reasons I never understood, my sisters were vehemently opposed to 82 4A VB
Figures quoted in the article are wildly inaccurate. 78 4A VB
I need two cups of coffee before I can face the day. 59 4B
Gemma’s going through a rough patch right now. / 4B
These price rises will have a knock-on effect on the economy. 76 4B
She’s been giving me a helping hand with the children. / 4B
When Mike lost his job, we could barely make ends meet. 71 4B
You will spread the word about the meeting, won't you? 79 4B
They worked hard, but tended to stay aloof from the local inhabitants. 82 4B VB
They had an appreciative audience. 79 4B VB
We must try to create a more caring, more compassionate society. 75 4B VB
A conscientious teacher may feel inclined to take work home. 77 4B VB
Some enterprising students are designing software. 79 4B VB
He seemed to have an intuitive awareness of how I felt. 79 4B VB
We can influence our children's development by encouraging them to b 80 4B VB
The doctors showed selfless devotion to their work. 81 4B VB
Getting more out of your team is a question of aligning incentives. / 4C
This is a new type of business model and it requires online service. 69 4C
Ride sharing apps are an example of collaborative consumption. / 4C
We need to think of new strategies to drive customer loyalty to our bra / 4C
We need to protect the Earth’s finite resources. 77 4C
Econmonic growth will create more investment opportunities. 60 4C
They provide on-demand access to the support service. / 4C
The sharing economy functions without monetary exchange. / 4C
The way to achieve zero waste is to compost food waste. / 4C
Their industry is developing at an unprecedented rate. / 4D
This is the first time there has been a global assessment of the impact 60 4D
The consequences of global warming have grave impacts for us all. / 4D
The evidence has been pooled together to create this report. / 4D
I amazed at my children's seemingly infinite energy. / 4D
This species is set to disappear if it is not protected. / 4D
When he saw the leak he took immediate action and called a plumber. / 4D
The breed was on the brink of extinction. / 4D
She has adopted her boss's mannerisms in meetings. / 5A
She is able to establish an immediate rapport with the patients. / 5A
Exercise has a direct bearing on how healthy you are. 74 5A
The government's decision could have a lasting effect on investments. 72 5A
The report led to problematic preconceptions about what life is really li / 5A
He wanted to project a certain image of himself as a great leader. / 5A
It only took a few seconds for her to size up the situation. 79 5A
The impression of a perfect family life was tainted by the scandal. / 5A
His death in 1990 left her completely bereft. 84 5A VB
Waters asked a few disconcerting questions. 77 5A VB
Pam arrived late, dishevelled and out of breath. 84 5A VB
Male birds have distinctive blue and yellow markings. 72 5A VB
Plastic replicas of the Greek pottery are sold to gullible tourists. 81 5A VB
Margaret found his excuse somewhat implausible. 80 5A VB
Most of the students I knew at college were serious and industrious. 81 5A VB
She found him pompous and annoying. 81 5A VB
It’s reassuring to know that problems are rare. 77 5A VB
Jones also has a very self-deprecating sense of humour. / 5A VB
Successive governments have tried to deal with this issue. 75 5A VB
Older people are more susceptible to infections. 73 5A VB
He kept his arms crossed in front of him and seemed somewhat unappr 84 5A VB
Careless spelling mistakes in a letter can create an unfavourable impres 78 5A VB
Eva muttered something unintelligible. 74 5A VB
Emily sat with her hands in her lap, quite unperturbed. / 5A VB
The courses are designed to boost your self-esteem / 5B
The information about the public response was distorted. 77 5B
He embellished the details of his conversation with the politician. 83 5B
His clip of the dog swimming in his pool went viral. 75 5B
Public opinion is unlikely to be swayed by those arguments. 73 5B
Rumours of another tax increase have been quashed by the minister. / 5B
Stories of his escape escalated. / 5B
Theories abound about how the earth began. 81 5B
He needs to do something to bolster his image. / 5C
After some discussion, I brought him round to my way of thinking, and / 5C
He comes across as a very intelligent sensitive man. / 5C
He convinced the local party of his credibility after many years of public / 5C
The company commissioned a report to gauge public reactions to the p 80 5C
Some people go to extraordinary lengths to make their homes attractiv / 5C
When you give a presentation, you need to own the room. / 5C
He has an assured manner. / 5C VB
She has a captivating smile. 81 5C VB
It is a cogent argument for banning the drug. / 5C VB
Petrol is becoming more and more expensive. 20 5C VB
His comments were wholly inappropriate on such a solemn occasion. 72 5C VB
His speeches tend to be rather long-winded. / 5C VB
I thought the book was pretty mediocre. 76 5C VB
The situation today is very muddled. 75 5C VB
He asked me a lot of very pertinent questions. 81 5C VB
He is a quiet self-effacing man. 84 5C VB
He has a very stiff manner. / 5C VB
The pictures are similar, but there are subtle differences between them 67 5C VB
Franz never aspired to be a movie star. 76 5D
I look at my mentor's strengths and I want to build them into my charac / 5D
What are you hoping to do career-wise? / 5D
You need to know how to handle yourself in this business. / 5D
He kept open house for a wide range of artists and writers. / 5D
He presents himself well / 5D
The people in that company have a work ethic that I would like to repli / 5D
Our products address the needs of real users. 65 6A
This approach to patient care breaks new ground. / 6A
The artist has a small but devoted following. / 6A
The house was suddenly plunged into darkness. 72 6A
This is an idea that resonates with many voters. 81 6A
Jane’s life revolves around her children. 80 6A
The events are seen through the eyes of a young child. / 6A
It is a love story set against a backdrop of war and despair / 6A
In her debut novel, she describes the lives of an immigrant family. 70 6A VB
She arrived at the answer using a fiendishly clever equation. 84 6A VB
Panic suddenly gripped me when it was my turn to speak. 73 6A VB
He decorated his house in the style of an ancient temple. 53 6A VB
The novel is ingeniously plotted with an ending that no reader will be ab / 6A VB
This novel is a riveting page-turner. I can't put it down. / 6A VB
The visit to the gallery has been a sheer delight. 78 6A VB
In an attempt to improve his image, Stevens has decided to be less conf 80 6B
In an emotionally charged speech, he said he was resigning. / 6B
He seemed burdened with melancholic thoughts and dark visions. / 6B
Their music is loud and not very melodic. 80 6B
In a poignant moment, Richter interrupted his speech to thank his moth 82 6B
Start with a punchy sentence, get them reading. / 6B
They sang a rousing chorus of ‘Happy Birthday’. 82 6B
This is a very simplistic approach to the problem. / 6B
This is the authentic cuisine of the Southwest. / 6C
It is important to protect the country's indigenous culture. 77 6C
In the documentary, he records his legendary journey across the Arctic. 78 6C
He enjoyed opulent dining with friends at the Ritz. 83 6C
From the top of the hill, you get panoramic views of the city. 79 6C
The villages are part of our national history and should be preserved. 66 6C
We are taking measures to protect the primeval forest. 82 6C
This place is a quintessential small-town diner, serving low cost meals i / 6C
The view of the soaring mountains rising above us was breathtaking. / 6C
I love the gently undulating hills of the Dales. 83 6C
Thousands of years ago this areas was a barren desert. 77 6C VB
The lost city was discovered in the middle of a dense forest. 72 6C VB
Along the coast, there a many pristine beaches to explore. 82 6C VB
He lived in a rambling old farmhouse. 82 6C VB
We sailed for days along the rugged coastline. 77 6C VB
It has all the facilities and ten well-appointed hotel rooms. / 6C VB
The opportunity to get into computing came about quite by accident. 65 6D
The events in the newspaper article were far removed from reality. / 6D
The accord launched a new era of world peace. 72 6D
This was fraud on a massive scale. 77 6D
To set the ball rolling, the government was asked to contribute £1 milli / 6D
I enjoyed the celebrations, but the best was next to come. The next day / 6D
The scientific and engineering skills which we have developed are at th 77 6D
She dug her heels in and refused to make any further changes. 74 7A
You’re not having second thoughts, are you? 68 7A
Kate was in a quandary over whether to go or not. 83 7A
It's time to stop sitting on the fence and say which side you support. / 7A
We decided to sleep on it. 68 7A
Kirk always just takes the path of least resistance. / 7A
He ummed and ahed a bit but eventually agreed to help us. / 7A
Turn the lid anticlockwise. / 7A VB
At work he was confronted with many difficulties. 73 7A VB
The committee largely concurred with these views. 81 7A VB
Both countries have embarked upon serious reform. 79 7A VB
They’ve decided to go ahead with plans to build 50 new houses on the s 52 7A VB
He has a lot of influence in political circles. 79 7A VB
Not many people visit this isolated spot. 71 7A VB
We sunbathed on a small secluded beach. / 7A VB
I have never subscribed to the view that schooldays are the happiest day 77 7A VB
Let’s have a takeaway tonight. 62 7A VB
It's a vexing problem. / 7A VB
The situation is extremely worrying. 71 7A VB
Mellor cast an eye over the draft for inaccuracies. / 7B
It’s the kind of book you can dip into now and again. 79 7B
Will flicked through Carla’s photo album. / 7B
She leant forward to peruse the document more closely. / 7B
Most staff will never want to plough through the manuals that come wi 76 7B
She was poring over a book. 82 7B
You’ll enjoy traveling more if you read up on the history of the countries 64 7B
He scrutinised the document. 79 7B
Julie skimmed the sports page. 71 7B
Let’s skip to the last item on the agenda. / 7B
I was a real bookworm when I was a child. 84 7B VB
I read the book cover-to-cover. It was fascinating. / 7B VB
In the evenings, I like to curl up with a good book. / 7B VB
She still has a few diehard fans. / 7B VB
She got completely lost in the book. / 7B VB
She always had her nose in a book. / 7B VB
Although she usually got on well with children, she found Hilary heavy / 7B VB
Time to hit the road again. / 7B VB
Carol was actively involved in running the group. 73 7C
In the sitcom she plays a New York executive who's completely oblivious 79 7C
Public opinion, as measured in the polls, was deeply divided. 77 7C
The issue is still being hotly debated. 79 7C
The cause of her problems is patently obvious. 82 7C
The rules are strictly enforced 68 7C
You can’t keep chopping and changing like this! 76 7D
People were always telling me I was too indecisive. 81 7D
The state police are investigating the incident. 63 7D
Despite the limitations of the survey, it did suggest some general trends 72 7D
The police have narrowed down their list of suspects. 71 7D
I was overwhelmed by a sense of relief. 72 7D
In those days women led very restricted lives. 74 7D
There are too many variables to predict who will win the war. 71 7D
She's in good shape for her age. 60 8A
I’ve never really got to grips with this new technology. / 8A
He has a natural aptitude for teaching. 79 8A
Some people seem to have a particular knack for making money. / 8A
He had a rare gift for languages. 67 8A
He overcame many setbacks in order to qualify as a doctor. 75 8A
Fran has always shown drive and determination to complete all assignm / 8A
Most people, when stepping outside their comfort zone, will get nervou / 8A
There is not always a clear-cut distinction between right and wrong. 77 8A VB
All this may sound a bit far-fetched, but companies are already developi 81 8A VB
The country carried out far-reaching reforms to modernise its economy 77 8A VB
The desire to communicate seems to be hard-wired into our brains. 85 8A VB
Their was a life-long friendship. / 8A VB
It is a long-held tradition in the family. / 8A VB
Sharon became involved with music in the time-honoured fashion – thr / 8A VB
Call 882-4488 for a calendar of upcoming events. 76 8A VB
It is a widely-held view. / 8A VB
It’s comforting to know I can call my parents any time. 73 8B
The front page news was shocking and distressing. 76 8B
His voice had a smooth hypnotic effect. 79 8B
He suffered from involuntary twitches. / 8B
Seeing those old school photographs has made me feel quite nostalgic. / 8B
Fran uttered a shrill scream. 80 8B
He said a few soothing words and the baby stopped crying. 78 8B
Graham felt a tingling sensation in his hand. 81 8B
It was an unsettling experience. 77 8B
Joanne clutched her mother's hand. / 8B VB
She flinched at the touch of his hand / 8B VB
The crowd gasped as the plane burst into flames. 76 8B VB
She grimaced at her reflection in the mirror. 82 8B VB
He made me squirm with embarrassment. 82 8B VB
His high-pitched squeaky voice set my teeth on edge. / 8B VB
She started at the sound of loud knocking at the door. / 8B VB
Sandra winced as the dentist started to drill. 82 8B VB
Long periods of tension can activate symptoms of stress such as difficul / 8C
Encouraging friendships in children helps to foster a positive outlook. / 8C
He had a strong sense of humour, and kept his spirits up. / 8C
I kick-start my brain in the morning by doing a crossword puzzle. / 8C
She does 10 minutes of yoga every morning to loosen her muscles. 73 8C
He goes for a run at the weekend to offset the food indulgences of a nig / 8C
Last night was the first time that Ken had opened up to us about his fee 61 8C
Can you take some time each day to unwind or to commune with natur 79 8C
You have to learn to deal with difficult situations when they crop up. 74 8D
Don't mess with fireworks. / 8D
She said she’d pass the message on to the other students. 61 8D
So much exposure to these messages pushes you into a different way of / 8D
He put the idea to his wife. 65 8D
Topic Page number
describing attitudes 8
describing attitudes 8
describing attitudes 8
describing attitudes 8
describing attitudes 8
describing attitudes 8
describing attitudes 8
describing attitudes 8
describing attitudes 8
describing attitudes 8
idioms 136
idioms 136
idioms 136
idioms 136
idioms 136
idioms 136
idioms 136
idioms 136
idioms 136
idioms 136
collocations: education 11
collocations: education 11
collocations: education 11
collocations: education 11
collocations: education 11
collocations: education 11
collocations: education 11
collocations: education 11
collocations: education 11
compound nouns 136
compound nouns 136
compound nouns 136
compound nouns 136
compound nouns 136
compound nouns 136
compound nouns 136
compound nouns 136
compound nouns 136
compound nouns 136
creativity 14
creativity 14
creativity 14
creativity 14
creativity 14
creativity 14
creativity 14
creativity 14
creativity 14
creativity 14
creativity 14
creativity 14
teaching and learning 16
teaching and learning 16
teaching and learning 16
teaching and learning 16
teaching and learning 16
teaching and learning 16
describing the impact of an a 20
describing the impact of an a 20
describing the impact of an a 20
describing the impact of an a 20
describing the impact of an a 20
describing the impact of an a 20
describing the impact of an a 20
describing the impact of an a 20
describing the impact of an a 20
binomials 137
binomials 137
binomials 137
binomials 137
binomials 137
binomials 137
binomials 137
binomials 137
binomials 137
binomials 137
binomials 137
binomials 137
summarising verbs 23
summarising verbs 23
summarising verbs 23
summarising verbs 23
summarising verbs 23
summarising verbs 23
summarising verbs 23
summarising verbs 23
summarising verbs 23
summarising verbs 23
summarising verbs 23
multi-word verbs for reportin 137
multi-word verbs for reportin 137
multi-word verbs for reportin 137
multi-word verbs for reportin 137
multi-word verbs for reportin 137
conventions/cultural heritag 26
conventions/cultural heritag 26
conventions/cultural heritag 26
conventions/cultural heritag 26
conventions/cultural heritag 26
conventions/cultural heritag 26
conventions/cultural heritag 26
describing food 29
describing food 29
describing food 29
describing food 29
describing food 29
describing food 29
collocations: job searching 32
collocations: job searching 32
collocations: job searching 32
collocations: job searching 32
collocations: job searching 32
collocations: job searching 32
verb-noun collocatons 36
verb-noun collocatons 36
verb-noun collocatons 36
verb-noun collocatons 36
verb-noun collocatons 36
verb-noun collocatons 36
verb-noun collocatons 36
metaphors 138
metaphors 138
metaphors 138
metaphors 138
metaphors 138
metaphors 138
metaphors 138
metaphors 138
collocations: politics 38
collocations: politics 38
collocations: politics 38
collocations: politics 38
collocations: politics 38
collocations: politics 38
collocations: politics 38
collocations: politics 38
politics 138
politics 138
politics 138
politics 138
politics 138
politics 138
politics 138
politics 138
politics 138
politics 138
politics 138
politics 138
workplace and work culture 40
workplace and work culture 40
workplace and work culture 40
workplace and work culture 40
workplace and work culture 40
workplace and work culture 40
verb-noun collocations 44
verb-noun collocations 44
verb-noun collocations 44
verb-noun collocations 44
verb-noun collocations 44
verb-noun collocations 44
verb-noun collocations 44
verb-noun collocations 44
adverb-adjective collocations 138
adverb-adjective collocations 138
adverb-adjective collocations 138
adverb-adjective collocations 138
adverb-adjective collocations 138
adverb-adjective collocations 138
adverb-adjective collocations 138
collocations: needing and giv 48
collocations: needing and giv 48
collocations: needing and giv 48
collocations: needing and giv 48
collocations: needing and giv 48
collocations: needing and giv 48
adjectives to describe people 138
adjectives to describe people 138
adjectives to describe people 138
adjectives to describe people 138
adjectives to describe people 138
adjectives to describe people 138
adjectives to describe people 138
adjectives to describe people 138
money and economy 50
money and economy 50
money and economy 50
money and economy 50
money and economy 50
money and economy 50
money and economy 50
money and economy 50
money and economy 50
extinction 53
extinction 53
extinction 53
extinction 53
extinction 53
extinction 53
extinction 53
extinction 53
collocations: first impressions 56
collocations: first impressions 56
collocations: first impressions 56
collocations: first impressions 56
collocations: first impressions 56
collocations: first impressions 56
collocations: first impressions 56
collocations: first impressions 56
adjectives and adjectival end 139
adjectives and adjectival end 139
adjectives and adjectival end 139
adjectives and adjectival end 139
adjectives and adjectival end 139
adjectives and adjectival end 139
adjectives and adjectival end 139
adjectives and adjectival end 139
adjectives and adjectival end 139
adjectives and adjectival end 139
adjectives and adjectival end 139
adjectives and adjectival end 139
adjectives and adjectival end 139
adjectives and adjectival end 139
adjectives and adjectival end 139
adjectives and adjectival end 139
spreading misinformation 59
spreading misinformation 59
spreading misinformation 59
spreading misinformation 59
spreading misinformation 59
spreading misinformation 59
spreading misinformation 59
spreading misinformation 59
persuasion 62
persuasion 62
persuasion 62
persuasion 62
persuasion 62
persuasion 62

adjectives to describe presen 139

adjectives to describe presen 139
adjectives to describe presen 139
adjectives to describe presen 139
adjectives to describe presen 139
adjectives to describe presen 139
adjectives to describe presen 139
adjectives to describe presen 139
adjectives to describe presen 139
adjectives to describe presen 139
adjectives to describe presen 139
adjectives to describe presen 139
role models 64
role models 64
role models 64
role models 64
role models 64
role models 64
role models 64
describing literature 68
describing literature 68
describing literature 68
describing literature 68
describing literature 68
describing literature 68
describing literature 68
describing literature 68
descriibing books and films 140
descriibing books and films 140
descriibing books and films 140
descriibing books and films 140
descriibing books and films 140
descriibing books and films 140
descriibing books and films 140
reacting to poetry and song 72
reacting to poetry and song 72
reacting to poetry and song 72
reacting to poetry and song 72
reacting to poetry and song 72
reacting to poetry and song 72
reacting to poetry and song 72
reacting to poetry and song 72
adjective-nound collocations: 74
adjective-nound collocations: 74
adjective-nound collocations: 74
adjective-nound collocations: 74
adjective-nound collocations: 74
adjective-nound collocations: 74
adjective-nound collocations: 74
adjective-nound collocations: 74
adjective-nound collocations: 74
adjective-nound collocations: 74
adjective-nound collocations: 140
adjective-nound collocations: 140
adjective-nound collocations: 140
adjective-nound collocations: 140
adjective-nound collocations: 140
adjective-nound collocations: 140
innovation 76
innovation 76
innovation 76
innovation 76
innovation 76
innovation 76
innovation 76
idioms for choices 80
idioms for choices 80
idioms for choices 80
idioms for choices 80
idioms for choices 80
idioms for choices 80
idioms for choices 80
idioms for choices 80
connotation 141
connotation 141
connotation 141
connotation 141
connotation 141
connotation 141
connotation 141
connotation 141
connotation 141
connotation 141
connotation 141
connotation 141
ways of reading 83
ways of reading 83
ways of reading 83
ways of reading 83
ways of reading 83
ways of reading 83
ways of reading 83
ways of reading 83
ways of reading 83
ways of reading 83
idioms: books and reading 141
idioms: books and reading 141
idioms: books and reading 141
idioms: books and reading 141
idioms: books and reading 141
idioms: books and reading 141
idioms: books and reading 141
idioms: books and reading 141
collocations: discussing issue 86
collocations: discussing issue 86
collocations: discussing issue 86
collocations: discussing issue 86
collocations: discussing issue 86
collocations: discussing issue 86
making choices 88
making choices 88
making choices 88
making choices 88
making choices 88
making choices 88
making choices 88
making choices 88
idioms and collocations: skills 94
idioms and collocations: skills 94
idioms and collocations: skills 94
idioms and collocations: skills 94
idioms and collocations: skills 94
idioms and collocations: skills 94
idioms and collocations: skills 94
idioms and collocations: skills 94
compound adjectives 141
compound adjectives 141
compound adjectives 141
compound adjectives 141
compound adjectives 141
compound adjectives 141
compound adjectives 141
compound adjectives 141
compound adjectives 141
adjectives to describe sensat 95
adjectives to describe sensat 95
adjectives to describe sensat 95
adjectives to describe sensat 95
adjectives to describe sensat 95
adjectives to describe sensat 95
adjectives to describe sensat 95
adjectives to describe sensat 95
adjectives to describe sensat 95
verbs to describe reactions 141
verbs to describe reactions 141
verbs to describe reactions 141
verbs to describe reactions 141
verbs to describe reactions 141
verbs to describe reactions 141
verbs to describe reactions 141
verbs to describe reactions 141
well-being 98
well-being 98
well-being 98
well-being 98
well-being 98
well-being 98
well-being 98
well-being 98
thoughts and ideas 101
thoughts and ideas 101
thoughts and ideas 101
thoughts and ideas 101
thoughts and ideas 101

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