Tsubaki Chain Couplings New

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Roller Chain Couplings
A flexible coupling manufactured with
TSUBAKI's experience and technology to
wind a sturdy two-strand roller chains around
two sprockets.

Wide Selection

Nylon Chain Couplings

The TSUBAKI Nylon Chain Coupling is a
nonlubricated, clean flex coupling consisting
of a nylon chain and a pair of coupling
sprockets. A slip-fitted couple pin allows for
easy assembly and disassembly. The Nylon
Chain Coupling is ideal for application in the
food and textile industries.

Lube Free

Roller Chain Couplings
■ Features
Outstanding Durability
The coupling performs outstanding durability with
the torque on the coupling shared with the surface-
hardened teeth of the sprockets and the powerful
roller chains that engage with the teeth.

Easy Coupling and Decoupling

Both shafts can be easily coupled or decoupled
with a single joint pin inserted into or extracted
from the roller chains.

Absorption of Large Misalignment

The clearances between the chains and sprockets Clearance between Clearance between roller link
and between chain components absorb the great roller and bushing plate and teeth
positional misalignment of both shafts. Clearance between Busing
bushing and pin Sprocket
Models in a Wide Variety Cho line
A total of 24 models including 15 models p h
i t c
Contact point between
conforming to JIS and 9 other models are the roller and teeth
standardized. (a) Clearance in teeth direction (b) Clearance in axis direction

(Roller chain shaft joint: Conforms to JIS B

Eliminates time-consuming bore
● Fit Bore Series ̶See page 7̶
TSUBAKI offers 117 dimensions of standard bore processing
and deliver them within a short time in response to orders.
The standard tolerance of bore processing is based on H7 and
support to the tolerances of press fitting too.
Keyway tolerances are in conformity with new JIS Js9 and P9
and old JIS F7 and E9.

Ordering Information on Roller Chain Couplings

● Place each order with the product code and model number.

・Body with Pilot bore ・Casing (Sold separately. Place orders if required.)
Product code Model no. Quantity Unit Product code Model no. Quantity Unit
P710001 CR3812H 10 K (units) P710030 CR3812K 10 K (units)

● Model No.
Pilot Bore (Body) Casing
 CR 38 12 H  CR3812K
H: Body Dedicated casing: If required.
No. of sprocket teeth Oil seal, packing,
Chain no. ( and mounting bolt included. )
Chain coupling Note: Place orders of body and
casings separately.

Roller Chain Couplings
■ Body Construction
Body Sprocket
The body consists of two dedicated (Induction hardened teeth)
sprockets with hardened teeth and two-
strand roller chains. The sprockets are
coupled when the chains are wound around Two Strand Roller Chain
the sprockets, and decoupled with the chains (Coupling chain)
removed. Therefore, transmission power can
be coupled or separated without moving the
transmission system.

Spring Clip
Cotter Pin
Joint Pin


Type Ⅰ Type Ⅱ

1. Dimension “C” shows the space
that must be left to allow insertion
and removal of the joint pin.
2. Dimension“F”is the recommended
place where the customer should
make a tapped hole for a set screw.

Unit: mm
Pilot Bore dia. Chain Approx.
Product JIS Inertia GD2
Model no. Type bore ℓ Mass
code code Min. Max. kg・m2 {kgf・m2} Pitch Max. Width
dia. kg
P710001 CR 3812H 8 9.5 16 5.60×10 5 {2.24×10 4} 9.525 24.0 45 25 64.9 30 4.9 4 14 0.3
P710002 CR 4012H 4012 9 11 22 2.47×10 4 {9.89×10 4} 61 35 79.4 36 10 16 0.8
P710003 CR 4014H 4014 9 11 28 4.53×10 4 {1.81×10 3} 12.70 33.1 69 43 79.4 36 7.4 10 16 1.1
P710004 CR 4016H 4016 13 16 32 7.90×10 4 {3.16×10 3} 77 50 87.4 40 6 20 1.6
P710005 CR 5014H 5014 16 35 1.37×10 3 {5.49×10 3} 86 53 2.2
P710006 CR 5016H 5016 13 18 40 2.18×10 3 {8.72×10 3} 15.875 41.0 96 60 99.7 45 9.7 12 21 2.8
P710007 CR 5018H 5018 18 45 3.53×10 3 {1.41×10 2} 107 70 3.6
P710008 CR 6018H 6018 22 56 9.33×10 3 {3.73×10 2} 128 85 6.5
Ⅰ 18 19.05 51.1 123.5 56 11.5 15 26
P710009 CR 6022H 6022 28 71 2.16×10 2 {8.63×10 2} 152 110 10.3
P710010 CR 8018H 8018 23 32 80 3.63×10 2 {1.45×10 1} 170 115 141.2 63 30 26 13.8
25.40 65.3 15.2
P710011 CR 8022H 8022 28 40 100 8.00×10 2 {3.20×10 1} 203 140 157.2 71 22 34 21.7
P710012 CR10020H 10020 33 45 110 1.61×10 1 {6.42×10 1} 31.75 81.9 233 160 178.8 80 18.8 30 36 32.6
P710013 CR12018H 12018 43 50 125 2.68×10 1 {1.07 } 256 170 202.7 90 50 36 43.9
38.10 102.7 22.7
P710014 CR12022H 12022 53 56 140 5.93×10 1 {2.37 } 304 210 222.7 100 40 46 69.0
P710015 CR16018H 16018 58 63 160 1.05 {4.19 } 341 224 254.1 112 68 42 96.3
50.80 131.7 30.1
P710016 CR16022H 16022 73 80 200 2.50 {9.99 } 405 280 310.1 140 40 70 166.8
P710017 CR20018H 85 88 205 4.60 {1.84×10 } 426 294 294.4
63.50 160.6 519.5 241 37.5 100
P710018 CR20022H 95 98 260 1.07×10 {4.26×10 } 507 374 461.6
P71 CR24022H 117 120 310 2.70×10 {1.08×102 } 608 420 871.4
76.20 197.3 751.1 353 45.1 150
P71 CR24026H 147 150 380 5.70×10 {2.28×102 } 705 520 1276.4

P71 CR32022H 197 200 430 1.08×102 {4.32×102 } 101.60 263.0 806 570 860.1 400 60.1 200 1791.2
P71 CR40020H 247 250 470 2.29×102 {9.16×102 } 932 640 2862.5
P71 CR40024H 297 300 590 4.95×102 {1.98×103 } 127.0 332.3 1093 800 1099.6 512 75.6 250 4294.6
P71 CR40028H 347 350 700 9.48×102 {3.79×103 } 1255 960 6019.4
Notes: 1. The pilot bores of the items in bold are normally in stock, while those in regular typeface are made to order. If you require a size larger than those
specified, please consult TSUBAKI.
2. The range of bore diameters for the CR4012-J to CR16022-J conforms to JIS standards. However, the minimum bore diameter can be of larger bore
than the pilot bore. The maximum bore diameter shows the permissible bore diameter for standard smooth transmission with no impact or reverse
3. The items in regular typeface are made to order and the dimension“DH”is just for reference.
4. Inertia and GD2 are based on pilot bore.

Roller Chain Couplings
■ Kilowatt Ratings Table
Note: Be sure to follow the procedure on page 6 for the selection of couplings.
Unit: kW
Max. bore Max. allowable transmission Speed of rotation (r/min.)
Model no. dia. torque at below 50 r/min.
(mm) (N•m) 1 5 10 25 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 800
CR 3812 16 99.9 0.01 0.05 0.11 0.26 0.52 0.79 1.21 1.58 1.89 2.26 2.58 3.19
CR 4012 22 217 0.02 0.11 0.22 0.58 1.15 1.73 2.63 3.46 4.15 4.96 5.67 7.01
CR 4014 28 295 0.03 0.16 0.32 0.79 1.58 2.36 3.59 4.72 5.66 6.77 7.72 9.56
CR 4016 32 386 0.04 0.21 0.41 1.03 2.06 3.09 4.69 6.17 7.41 8.85 10.1 12.5
CR 5014 35 562 0.06 0.30 0.60 1.50 3.00 4.48 6.80 8.95 10.7 12.8 14.7 18.1
CR 5016 40 735 0.08 0.39 0.78 1.95 3.91 5.86 8.92 11.7 14.1 16.8 19.2 23.8
CR 5018 45 931 0.10 0.50 0.99 2.48 4.95 7.43 11.3 14.9 17.8 21.3 24.4 30.1
CR 6018 56 1750 0.18 0.93 1.87 4.67 9.33 14.0 21.3 28.0 33.6 40.1 45.9 56.8
CR 6022 71 2370 0.25 1.25 2.51 6.31 12.5 18.8 28.6 37.7 45.3 54.1 61.9 76.5
CR 8018 80 3880 0.41 2.07 4.14 10.3 20.7 31.0 47.2 62.1 74.5 89.0 101 126
CR 8022 100 5580 0.59 2.96 5.93 14.8 29.6 44.5 67.2 89.0 106 127 146 180
CR10020 110 8780 0.93 4.66 9.33 23.3 46.6 70.0 106 140 168 200 229 283
CR12018 125 13200 1.40 7.02 14.0 35.1 70.2 105 160 210 252 302 345 426
CR12022 140 17100 1.81 9.07 18.1 45.3 90.7 136 206 272 326 390 446 551
CR16018 160 28600 3.03 15.1 30.3 75.8 151 227 345 455 546 652 746 922
CR16022 200 41700 4.43 22.1 44.3 110 221 333 506 665 799 954 1090 1350
CR20018 205 57000 6.06 30.3 60.6 151 303 454 691 909 1090 1300 1490 1840
CR20022 260 71900 7.63 38.2 76.3 191 382 572 871 1140 1370 1640 1880
CR24022 310 129000 13.7 68.8 137 344 688 1030 1570 2060 2470 2960 3380
CR24026 380 157000 16.7 83.7 167 418 837 1250 1900 2510 3010 3600
CR32022 430 255000 27.2 136 272 680 1360 2040 2850 4080 4900
CR40020 470 494000 52.6 263 526 1310 2630 3940 5990 7890 9470
CR40024 590 602000 64.0 320 640 1600 3200 4800 7300 9600
CR40028 700 717000 76.2 380 762 1900 3800 5700 8690 11400
Lubrication type Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ

Unit: kW
Max. bore Max. allowable transmission Speed of rotation (r/min.)
Model no. dia. torque at below 50 r/min.
(mm) (N•m) 1000 1200 1500 1800 2000 2500 3000 3600 4000 4800 5200 6000
CR 3812 16 99.9 3.88 4.41 5.35 6.25 6.73 8.12 9.44 11.0 12.0 14.0 14.8 16.7
CR 4012 22 217 8.53 9.68 11.6 13.7 14.8 17.9 20.7 24.1 26.3 30.8
CR 4014 28 295 11.64 13.21 15.8 18.7 20.2 24.4 28.3 32.9 35.9 42.1
CR 4016 32 386 15.3 17.3 21.0 24.4 26.3 31.9 37.0 43.0 46.9 54.9
CR 5014 35 562 22.1 25.1 30.0 35.4 38.3 46.2 53.6 62.4
CR 5016 40 735 28.9 32.9 39.9 46.4 50.0 60.6 70.4 81.6
CR 5018 45 931 36.6 41.6 50.5 58.8 63.4 76.8 89.2
CR 6018 56 1750 69.1 78.4 95.2 111 120 145
CR 6022 71 2370 93.1 105 128 149 161 195
CR 8018 80 3880 153 174 211 246 265
CR 8022 100 5580 219 249 302 352 379
CR10020 110 8780 345 392 476 554
CR12018 125 13200 519 590 716
CR12022 140 17100 671 762
CR16018 160 28600 1122
CR16022 200 41700 1640
CR20018 205 57000
CR20022 260 71900
Lubrication System Ⅰ:
CR24022 310 129000 Apply grease regularly on a monthly basis.
CR24026 380 157000 Lubrication System Ⅱ:
Apply grease regularly on a weekly basis, or mount the casing
CR32022 430 255000 filled with grease.
Lubrication System Ⅲ:
CR40020 470 494000
Mount the casing filled with grease.
CR40024 590 602000
Refer to page 8 for lubrication method.
CR40028 700 717000
Lubrication type

Roller Chain Couplings
■ Casing Construction
For ease of mounting and inspection, the casing The coupling life is notably extended due to
can be separated at a right angle to the shaft. The the prevention of both lubricant spatter and
mating part to the hub is finished precisely to hold the infiltration of dust particles when installing
the hub firmly with no eccentricity. Furthermore, the casing, which ensures effective lubrication.
the other hole has a trapezoidal groove into which The casing protects the unit from corrosion and
an oil seal is inserted for the prevention of oil ensures safe operation.
leakage while holding the sprocket boss flexibly so If the coupling with casing is used under frequent
that the flexibility of the coupling will not be lost. start and stop operation or large vibration, please
consult TSUBAKI.
Be sure to mount the casing in the following cases.
(1) The coupling is rotated at high speed (see the notes in
the Kilowatt Ratings Table).
(2) The coupling is used in an abrasive atmosphere, such as a
place with dust and dirt.
(3) The coupling is used in a corrosive atmosphere, such as a
humid place.

Hexagonal Socket
Head Bolt

Oil Seal

(Rubber cork)

Aluminum die-cast casing Aluminum cast casing

(The internal construction is the same as
that of the aluminum die-cast casing.)

Casing (K) Unit: mm

Product Inertia GD2 Oil Casing
Model no. Type mass
Type 1 Type 2 code (kg・m2) (kgf・m2) seal material

P710030 CR 3812K 1.55×10 4 {6.18×10 4} 59 61 4-M5 0.19

P710031 CR 4012K 5.13×10 4 {2.05×10 3} 75 0.33
P710032 CR 4014K 6.53×10 4 {2.61×10 3} 84 75 0.38
P710033 CR 4016K 8.58×10 4 {3.43×10 3} 92 0.41
3 3}
P710034 CR 5014K 1.29×10 {5.16×10 101 0.50
P710035 CR 5016K 1.81×10 3 {7.25×10 3} 111 85 0.58
1 3 3}
P710036 CR 5018K 2.35×10 {9.40×10 122 Special Aluminum 0.66
P710037 CR 6018K 4.85×10 3 {1.94×10 2} 142 type die-cast 0.96
3 2}
P710038 CR 6022K 9.35×10 {3.74×10 167 1.3
P710039 CR 8018K 1.86×10 2 {7.43×10 2} 186 4-M8 2.0
2 1}
P710040 CR 8022K 3.30×10 {1.32×10 220 2.5
P710041 CR10020K 6.60×10 2 {2.64×10 1} 250 148 3.7
P710042 CR12018K 7.63×10 2 {3.05×10 1} 307 3.3

P710043 CR12022K 1.29×10 2 {5.15×10 1} 357 4-M10 3.9
P710044 CR16018K 5.73×10 1 {2.29 } 406 ZF48 14.7
Place orders of casing with the casing 2 250
model numbers specified. P710045 CR16022K 1.11 {4.45 } 472 ZF60 Aluminum 17.2
P710046 CR20018K 1.42 {5.67 } 496 Special alloy 22.2
Coating specifications: 280
P710047 CR20022K 2.41 {9.66 } 578 type 26.6
Aluminum die-cast casings are bake coated with melanin Notes: 1. The casings of the items in regular typeface are made to order.
resin. Aluminum cast casings are bake coated with acrylic 2. The ZF type oil seal is made by NOK Co.
resin. 3. The item marked ※ has 4 bolts and not 6, as indicated on the drawing.
4. Refer to page 190 of service parts for the bolt length.
Coating color: Munsell 8.1YR7.6/15.2 orange yellow

Roller Chain Couplings
■ Selection
1.Operating Conditions Required for Selection Table of Service Factors (SF)

(1) Daily operating hours Source of Power

(2) Load characteristics and type of motor Load Characteristics Steam engine
Motor Diesel engine
(3) Transmission power (kW) and rotation Gasoline engine
Turbine Gas engine
(4 cylinders)
speed (r/min) or torque (N・m)
Low fluctuation, low impact,
(4) Outer diameters of both shafts low starting torque, and no 1.0 1.5 2.0
reverse rotation
2.Selection Method
Middle fluctuation, middle
(1) Obtain the service factor from the table
impact, and no reverse 1.5 2.0 2.5
of service factors on the right-hand side rotation (standard load)
according to the operating conditions. High fluctuation, high
(2) Multiply the transmission power (or impact, reverse rotation, 2.0 2.5 3.0
and loaded starting
torque) by the service factor and obtain
the correction transmission power (or Note1. An increase according to the operating hour of the chain
coupling (provided that the rotation speed is 50 r/min. or
correction transmission torque).
(3) Select from the kilowatt ratings table 8 to 16 hours/day: 0.5
a coupling that satisfy the corrected 16 hours or more/day: 1.0
transmission power (or correction   2. The above table shows rough service factor standards.
transmission torque) at the operating Decide on the service factor according to the operating
rotation speed.
(4) If the required shaft diameter exceeds the
maximum shaft diameter of the coupling Reference: Relationship between torque, transmission, and rotation speed
selected, adopt a coupling a size larger.     60000 × P     974 × P
T= T=
(5) The contact surface pressure may become      2π× n       n
excessive if a standard key is used.
T:Torque  N・ m
Calculate the contact surface pressure of P:Transmission power kW
the key and consider the necessity of using n:Rotation speed r/min
a special key or spline.
(6) If the coupling is directly connected to
the motor, select the coupling from the
following table of recommended models for
direct motor connection.

3.Recommended Coupling Models for Direct Motor Connection

Motor Output Motor shaft dia. Motor capacity Motor shaft dia.
Model no. Model no.
kW mm kW mm

0.1 0.2 11 CR3812 5.5 7.5 38 CR5016

0.4 14 CR3812 11 15 42 CR5018

0.75 19 CR4012 22 48 CR6018

1.5 24 CR4014 30 55 CR6018

2.2 3.7 28 CR4014 37 45 60 CR6022

Note: The above motor is of 4-pole type with a totally enclosed external fan.

Model no. CR3812 CR4012 CR4014 CR4016 CR5014 CR5016 CR5018 CR6018 CR6022
Backlash (Angle°
) ±1.02 ±1.06 ±0.90 ±0.79 ±0.86 ±0.75 ±0.66 ±0.62 ±0.51

Model no. CR8018 CR8022 CR10020 CR12018 CR12022 CR16018 CR16022 CR20018 CR20022
Backlash (Angle°
) ±0.58 ±0.47 ±0.50 ±0.42 ±0.34 ±0.31 ±0.26 ±0.33 ±0.27

Note: The above figures are calculated value and not guaranteed. Consult your TSUBAKI representative for the backlash angles of other models.

5.Operating Ambient Temperature

− 10℃∼ 60℃
If the operating ambient temperature range is other than the above, refer to page 190 for information on
special applications.

Roller Chain Couplings
■ Fit Bore Series (with Finished Bore)
Processing Details Ordering Information on Fit Bore Series
※Different processing details can be set on both sides separately. ■ Place each order with the product code and model
Select the desired dimension from table 1 and
number specified.
Finished bore
the tolerance from table 2. Product code Model no. Quantity Unit
Select the desired dimension and the tolerance P710019 CR3812FB-H14J×H16J 10 K (units)
Keyway from table 2.
Check with table 3. (Two points on a single side
Tap hole of the hub with setscrews provided)  
●Model No.
Time for Delivery
Fit Bore Series (Body)
Bore tolerance Keyway tolerance
CR6022FB-H35J × G40F
Code for keyway tolerance
H7 Js9 J=Js9 F=F7
Bore dia. 35 mm dia.
Semi-standard R7, P7, N7, 40 mm dia.
specifications P9, F7, E9 Code for bore tolerance
M7, Js7, G7
H=H7 G=G7
Model no. of fit bore coupling
※The casing is sold separately.
List of Applicable bore (Table 1)
Product Bore dia. mm
Model no.
code 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 25 28 30 32 35 38 40 42 45 48 50 55 60 65
P710019 CR3812FB-□□□□×□□□□
P710020 CR4012FB-□□□□×□□□□
P710021 CR4014FB-□□□□×□□□□
P710022 CR4016FB-□□□□×□□□□
P710023 CR5014FB-□□□□×□□□□
P710024 CR5016FB-□□□□×□□□□
P710025 CR5018FB-□□□□×□□□□
P710026 CR6018FB-□□□□×□□□□
P710027 CR6022FB-□□□□×□□□□
P710028 CR8018FB-□□□□×□□□□
P710029 CR8022FB-□□□□×□□□□
New JIS key width mm 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 12 12 14 14 14 16 18 18
Old JIS key width mm 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 7 7 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 15 15 18
※Fill out the boxes with the code for the bore tolerance, bore diameter, and code for the keyway tolerance in sequence (see the codes in table 2).

List of Bore and Keyway Tolerances (Table 2)

New JIS parallel key
Bore tolerance (Shaft tolerance : h6) Old JIS parallel key
Press fitting Middle fitting Loose fitting Bore Keyway Tolerance Keyway Keyway Tolerance Keyway Bore dia.
dia. width depth width depth φd
Tolerance Standard type Press fit Class 1 Class 2
R7 P7 N7 M7 Js7 G7 H7 Setscrew Setscrew ( mm)
symbol (mm) Js9 P9 F7 E9
Tolerance KW KH
14 14
−0.016 −0.011 −0.005 0 +0.024 +0.018 15 15
5 2.3 M5
± 0.009 16 +0.022 +0.050 16
−0.034 −0.029 −0.023 −0.018 +0.006 0 17 −0.012 5 2 M5 17
±0.0150 +0.010 +0.020
18 −0.042 18
19 19
6 2.8
20 20
−0.020 −0.014 −0.007 0 +0.028 +0.021 22 22
±0.0105 24 24
−0.041 −0.035 −0.028 −0.021 +0.007 0 25 7 3 M6 25
28 −0.015 +0.028 +0.061 28
Tolerance 30 ±0.0180 30
range −0.051 +0.013 +0.025
32 3.3 32
mm 10
35 35
38 38
−0.025 −0.017 −0.008 0 +0.034 +0.025 40 40
±0.0125 12 M8 3.5 M8
−0.050 −0.042 −0.033 −0.025 +0.009 0 42 42
45 45
48 14 −0.018 3.8 48
±0.0215 +0.034 +0.075
50 −0.061 50
55 16 4.3 +0.016 +0.032 55
−0.030 −0.021 −0.009 0 +0.040 +0.030 15 5
± 0.015 60 M10 M10 60
−0.060 −0.051 −0.039 −0.030 +0.010 0 18 4.4
65 18 6 65
Note: Refer to the previous page for the dimensions of the body and casings. KW and KH dimensions are provided in the type information on the next page.

Roller Chain Couplings

List of Set Screw Positional Relationships (Table 3)

Bore dia. d mm 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 25 28 30 32 35 38 40 42 45 48 50 55 60 65
Setscrew M5 M5 M5 M5 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M8 M8 M8 M8 M8 M8 M8 M8 M10 M10 M10
Old JIS key M5 M5 M5
CR4016FB Ⅱ
CR5016FB Ⅰ
CR8018FB Ⅲ

TypeⅠ TypeⅡ TypeⅢ

On keyway and 90°side 90°side and 180°side from keyway On keyway and 120° side








■ Lubrication
Lubrication Grease Change Interval for Lubrication System Ⅲ
The following three lubrication systems are recommended Grease change interval
Operating conditions Change interval
when using Roller Chain Couplings. The choice depends First change after first change
on the operating speed. (Refer to the Kilowatt Ratings
Table). Over ½ max. speed 1000hrs. 2000hrs.

Lubrication System Ⅰ
Apply grease regularly on a monthly basis. Less then ½ max. speed 2000hrs. 4000hrs.

Lubrication System Ⅱ
The amount of grease to apply is shown in the table
Apply grease regularly on a weekly basis, or mount the
below. If these amounts are adhered to, there will be
casing filled with grease.
slight leakage during initial operation, but this will soon
Lubrication System Ⅲ
Mount the casing filled with grease. For System Ⅲ , it is
especially important to use high-grade grease because
Amount of grease Amount of grease
of grease stick to the inner surface of the case due Coupling no. Coupling no.
(kg) (kg)
to centrifugal force, resulting in poor lubrication. The CR 3812 0.04 CR 8018 0.6
following types of grease are recommended: CR 4012 0.07 CR 8022 0.8
CR 4014 0.08 CR10020 1.4
CR 4016 0.10 CR12018 2.6
Manufacturer Grease name CR 5014 0.12 CR12022 3.4
CR 5016 0.14 CR16018 6.6
Exxon Mobil Mobilux EP. 1 or 2 CR 5018 0.20 CR16022 8.0
CR 6018 0.32 CR20018 10.1
Shell Alvania EP. 1 or 2 CR 6022 0.40 CR20022 12.2

* Consistency: NLGI No. 1 or 2

Roller Chain Couplings
■ Special Use and Service Parts
● Special Use
Floating Shaft Type
Angle error α : 0.5°max.
The standard product can be used as a floating shaft
Parallel error ε : 1% max. of chain pitch
type as shown in the illustration below if there is a
4. The maximum operating rotation speed and the
distance between applicable devices, provided that the
permissible mass of the floating portion are within
shaft is in horizontal operation with minimal errors under
the ranges specified in the table.
the following limited operating conditions.
5. Decide the length and diameter of the shaft in
comparison with equivalent standard machinery
Apply standard permissible transmission torque.
Floating portion Model no. Permissible mass of floating portion (kg) Max. operating rotation speed (r/min)
CR 3812 19 250
Operating conditions CR 4012 36 250
1. The shaft is in horizontal operation. CR 4014 35 200
2. The shaft in operation does not rotate in the CR 4016 35 200
CR 5014 62 150
reverse direction. The shaft may rotate in the
CR 5016 62 150
reverse direction only after the shaft comes to a CR 5018 61 150
perfect stop. CR 6018 83 100
3. The mounting errors are within the following CR 6022 79 100
CR 8011 136 50
CR 8022 128 50

Other Types for Special Use

Specifications Applicable model Content Parts different from those of standard product
Heat resistant Used if the operating ambient
E.g., oil seal, packing, body, and casing modification
temperature is 60° C.
C to 150°
Cold resistant Used if the operating ambient
temperature is −10°
C to −40° C. E.g., oil seal and main component (chain and
CR4012∼CR10020 Consult your TSUBAKI representative for the sprocket)
selection of models.
(Consult your TSUBAKI
Casing rotation To prevent grease leakage with the casing
representative for rotation stopper because the operation of the
stopper other types chain coupling is start and stop frequently E.g., body and casing modification
(with pin) whenever required.) under horizontal use.
Vertical use Used to prevent grease leakage from the casing
if the chain coupling is mounted vertically.
E.g., body and casing modification

● Service Parts
Use the following dedicated parts at the time of servicing.

Service Parts for Roller Chain Coupling

Part name (Symbol) Model legend Content

Dedicated roller chain (C) CR3812 C Dedicated two strand roller chains and the joint pin specified in this table are provided.
Joint pin (JP) CR3812 JP A joint pin is provided along with a clip or cotter pin for retaining.
Oil seal (OR) CR3812 OR A dedicated rubber oil seal fit into the casing. The CR20018 or later ones are made of felt.
Gasket (OS) CD3812 OS A cork seat attached to the matching surface of the cashing.

Sizes of Hexagonal Head Bolts for Casing

Model no. Size Model no. Size

CR 3812 M 5×10 CR 8018 M 8×25
CR 4012 M 6×14 CR 8022 M 8×28
CR 4014 M 6×18 CR10020 M 8×28
CR 4016 M 6×18 CR12018 M10×35
CR 5014 M 6×18 CR12022 M10×35
CR 5016 M 6×18 CR16018 M10×45
CR 5018 M 6×18 CR16022 M10×45
CR 6018 M 8×25 CR20018 M10×45 Note 1. Each size in the table indicate the nominal screw diameter and length of the
corresponding bolt.
CR 6022 M 8×25 CR20022 M10×45 2. The material is SCM435, strength grade of 12.9.

Roller Chain Couplings
■ Installation
3. Measure the distance
“S”between the sprocket
1. Place the oil seal on either the left or right sprocket.
faces and firmly fasten the
(Place the oil seal on upper side sprocket when
set bolt (refer to the table
vertical use.)
of dimensions).
Oil seal 4. Fill the grease into the
space "S" and lubricate
the chain and teeth
with grease, then wrap
the chain around both
sprockets and fix with the joint pin.
Insert the joint pin from oil seal side and confirm that
Sprocket the clip or cotter pin is securely fastened at counter
2. Bring the sprocket faces close together and correct
oil seal side.
the angular and offset misalignment.
5. Fill the required quantity of grease into both sides of
the casing and fasten them firmly.
There will be slight leakage during initial operation,

α ε but this will soon stop. If the grease still leaks, check
the conditions of installation.

Precautions for Additional Processing Work

Additional processing work on bore and keyway
In the case of processing and finishing the keyway
and bore of a purchased product provided with a
pilot bore (with no bore processed), perform the work
based on the outer circumference of the hub. Be
careful not to degrade tooth runout "a" or "b" in that
Adjust the angular Place a straight edge
Do not perform additional processing work on the
misalignment ( α ) so at the bottom of the
teeth and outer circumference of the hub.
that the dimension "T" corresponding teeth of
is the same around the the two sprockets and
a A
circumference of the adjust in order to minimize
sprockets. The allowable the offset misalignment. b A
angular misalignment ( α ) The allowable offset
is 1°. misalignment ( ε ) is 2% of
the chain pitch.
φ DH

When the sprocket speed is 1/3 or more of the

maximum speed, the allowable angular and offset
misalignments are 0.5°and 1% of the chain pitch. A

Permissible Misalignment
Model no. CR3812 CR4012 CR4014 CR4016 CR5014 CR5016 CR5018 CR6018 CR6022
Permissible offset error (ε) mm 0.190 0.254 0.254 0.254 0.318 0.318 0.318 0.381 0.381
Permissible angular error (α)° 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Permissible distance error (mm) S±0.31 S±0.68 S±0.68 S±0.68 S±0.88 S±0.88 S±0.88 S±1.02 S±1.02

Model no. CR8018 CR8022 CR10020 CR12018 CR12022 CR16018 CR16022 CR20018 CR20022
Permissible offset error (ε) mm 0.508 0.508 0.635 0.762 0.762 1.016 1.016 1.270 1.270
Permissible angular error (α)° 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
+1.0 +1.0
Permissible distance error (mm) S±1.32 S±1.32 S±1.52 S±2.02 S±2.02 S±2.52 S±2.52 S−3.0

Note 1. Consult your TSUBAKI representative for the asterisk-marked values.

   2. Each permissible error is acceptable on the condition that other errors are all zero.

Nylon Chain Couplings
■ Features

Corrosion Resistance Quiet Operation

The TSUBAKI Nylon Chain Coupling is Contact between metal and nylon allows for quieter
recommended where corrosion is a problem. running than metal couplings.

No Lubrication Economical
Keeps you work environment clean without the dirt- Low installation and maintenance costs equal big
catching problems caused by grease. savings.

Easy Assembly and Disassembly

■ Construction
The combination of chain and sprocket creates the absorption capacity for angular and offset misalignment..


Nylon Chain

Connecting Pin

Ordering Information on Nylon Chain Couplings

● Place each order with the product code and model number.

Product code Model no. Quantity Unit

P720010 CN310 10 K (units)

● Model No.
CN 3 10
No. of teeth and links
Chain size
Nylon chain coupling

Nylon BW1
S-Roller Chainand
CW1 Type
■ Dimensions
Type A Type B Chain Dimensions

Chain size Pin dia.

1. Dimension “C” shows the space
that must be left to allow insertion
and removal of the joint pin.
2. Dimension“F”is the recommended
place where the customer should
make a tapped hole for a set screw.

Unit: mm
Bore dia. Inertia GD2 Approx.
Product code Model no. Type × 10-3 × 10-3 ℓ mass
Pilot bore Max. bore kg・m2 {kg f・m2} kg
P720001 CN310 12.0 0.025 { 0.10} 39.6 25.0
P720002 CN311 8.0 14.0 0.030 { 0.12} 42.7 27.0
P720003 CN312 16.5 0.043 { 0.17} 45.8 31.0
P720004 CN313 18.0 0.055 { 0.22} 48.9 32.0 0.3
46.0 20.0 6.0 23.2 6.0 12.3
P720005 CN314 16.5 0.063 { 0.25} 52.0 30.0
P720006 CN315 9.5 19.0 0.093 { 0.37} 55.1 35.0
B 0.4
P720007 CN316 20.0 0.12 { 0.46} 58.2 37.0
P720008 CN317 24.0 0.16 { 0.62} 61.3 41.0 0.5
P720009 CN410 16.5 0.080 { 0.32} 51.8 32.0 0.3
P720010 CN411 A 9.5 20.0 0.12 { 0.47} 55.9 37.0 5.0 0.4
P720011 CN412 22.0 0.16 { 0.64} 60.1 40.0
P720012 CN413 20.0 0.20 { 0.78} 64.2 37.0
P720013 CN414 24.0 0.27 { 1.07} 68.3 42.0 0.6
51.2 22.0 7.2 32.0 22.8
P720014 CN415 28.5 0.36 { 1.42} 72.4 46.0 0.7
P720015 CN416 B 12.5 30.0 0.49 { 1.84} 76.5 50.0 6.0 0.9
P720016 CN417 32.0 0.59 { 2.35} 80.6 54.0 1.0
P720017 CN418 35.0 0.73 { 2.90} 84.7 57.0 1.1
P720018 CN419 39.5 0.93 { 3.71} 88.8 62.0 1.3
P720019 CN610 30.0 0.58 { 2.33} 78.6 49.0 1.2
P720020 CN611 12.5 0.81 { 3.23} 84.8 1.4
32.0 51.0
P720021 CN612 1.07 { 4.26} 91.1 1.6
P720022 CN613 35.0 1.46 { 5.85} 97.2 57.0 1.9
73.5 32.0 35.0
P720023 CN614 39.5 1.94 { 7.75} 103.4 62.0 2.2
9.5 47.5 8.0
P720024 CN615 45.5 2.55 {10.2 } 109.5 68.0 2.5
P720025 CN616 16.0 3.28 {13.1 } 115.7 2.9
47.5 73.0
P720026 CN617 3.88 {15.5 } 121.6 3.1
P720027 CN618 5.75 {23.0 } 128.0 4.3
55.0 83.0 89.5 40.0 24.0
P720028 CN619 6.55 {26.2 } 134.1 4.6
Note 1. All products with pilot bore are in stock. Products other than the above are made to order.
2. Finished holes, keyway, and setscrew holes can be processed by request, provided that the processing charges will be claimed separately. (Standard
bore tolerance will be H8 unless otherwise specified.)
3. Inertia, GD2, and approximately mass are based on pilot bore.
4. Orders of nylon chains for replacement are accepted.

Nylon Chain Couplings
■ Kilowatt Ratings Table
unit: kw
Max. Allowable torque Speed of rotation (r/min)
Model no. bore dia. for below 100
(mm) r/min (N ‒ m) 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1200 1500 1800 2000 2500 3000 3600 4000 5000
CN310 12.0 6.86 0.07 0.14 0.22 0.29 0.36 0.40 0.44 0.47 0.51 0.61 0.70 0.79 0.85 0.98 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.6
CN311 14.0 8.82 0.09 0.18 0.28 0.37 0.46 0.51 0.56 0.61 0.65 0.79 0.90 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.7 2.0
CN312 16.5 10.8 0.11 0.23 0.34 0.45 0.56 0.63 0.69 0.75 0.80 0.96 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.7 2.0 2.1 2.5
CN313 18.0 12.7 0.13 0.27 0.40 0.53 0.67 0.74 0.81 0.88 0.95 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.3 2.5 2.9
CN314 16.5 14.7 0.15 0.31 0.46 0.62 0.77 0.86 0.94 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 2.9 3.4
CN315 19.0 16.7 0.17 0.35 0.52 0.70 0.87 0.97 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.0 3.2 3.8
CN316 20.0 18.6 0.19 0.39 0.58 0.78 0.97 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.6 3.0 3.4 3.6 4.3
CN317 24.0 21.6 0.23 0.45 0.68 0.90 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.9 2.2 2.5 2.7 3.1 3.5 3.9 4.2 4.9
CN410 16.5 25.4 0.27 0.53 0.79 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.9 2.2 2.6 2.9 3.1 3.6 4.0 4.6 4.9 5.8
CN411 20.0 30.6 0.32 0.64 0.96 1.3 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.1 2.3 2.7 3.1 3.5 3.8 4.4 4.9 5.6 6.0 7.0
CN412 22.0 36.4 0.38 0.76 1.1 1.5 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 3.2 3.7 4.2 4.6 5.2 5.9 6.7 7.1 8.3
CN413 20.0 42.6 0.45 0.89 1.3 1.8 2.2 2.5 2.7 2.9 3.2 3.8 4.3 4.9 5.2 6.1 6.8 7.7 8.3 9.7
CN414 24.0 49.3 0.52 1.0 1.5 2.1 2.6 2.9 3.2 3.4 3.7 4.4 5.1 5.7 6.1 7.1 7.9 9.1 9.7 11.3
CN415 28.5 56.6 0.59 1.2 1.8 2.4 3.0 3.3 3.6 3.9 4.2 5.1 5.8 6.5 7.0 8.1 9.3 10.4 11.2 13.0
CN416 30.0 64.3 0.67 1.3 2.0 2.7 3.4 3.8 4.1 4.5 4.8 5.7 6.6 7.4 7.9 9.2 10.4 11.7 12.6
CN417 32.0 72.5 0.76 1.5 2.3 3.0 3.8 4.2 4.6 5.0 5.4 6.5 7.4 8.3 8.9 10.4 11.7 13.2 14.2
CN418 35.0 81.3 0.85 1.7 2.6 3.4 4.3 4.7 5.2 5.6 6.1 7.2 8.3 9.3 10.0 11.6 13.0 14.8 15.9
CN419 39.5 90.5 0.95 1.9 2.8 3.8 4.7 5.3 5.8 6.3 6.8 8.1 9.2 10.5 11.2 12.9 14.6 16.5
CN610 30.0 102 1.1 2.1 3.1 4.1 5.1 6.1 7.0 7.9 8.8 11.3 13.6 15.6 16.9 19.6 21.8 23.4 24.1
CN611 32.0 116 1.2 2.4 3.6 4.7 5.8 6.9 8.0 8.9 10.0 12.7 15.2 17.6 18.9 21.8 23.9 25.5
CN612 32.0 132 1.4 2.7 4.1 5.3 6.6 7.8 9.0 10.1 11.2 14.3 17.0 19.5 21.0 23.9 26.0 27.3
CN613 35.0 149 1.6 3.1 4.5 5.9 7.3 8.7 10.0 11.2 12.4 15.8 18.7 21.2 22.7 25.8 27.7 28.5
CN614 39.5 166 1.7 3.4 5.1 6.6 8.2 9.7 11.1 12.4 13.8 17.4 20.7 23.3 25.0 27.9 29.6
CN615 45.5 181 1.9 3.8 5.5 7.3 9.0 10.5 12.1 13.6 15.0 19.0 22.2 25.1 26.7 29.5 30.9
CN616 47.5 201 2.1 4.1 6.1 7.9 9.7 11.6 13.1 14.7 16.3 20.5 24.0 26.8 28.4 31.1 32.0
CN617 47.5 218 2.3 4.5 6.6 8.6 10.6 12.6 14.3 15.9 17.6 22.0 25.6 28.4 29.9 32.3
CN618 55.0 236 2.5 4.8 7.1 9.3 11.4 13.5 15.3 17.2 19.0 23.5 27.5 30.3 31.9 33.9
CN619 55.0 255 2.7 5.2 7.7 10.1 12.3 14.4 16.4 18.4 20.2 24.8 28.6 31.4 32.8 34.2

■ Selection
1.Operating Conditions Required for Selection (3) With the required speed, choose the coupling which
satisfies the kW from the Kilowatt Ratings Table.
(1) Daily operating hours
(4) When the required shaft diameter exceeds the
(2) Load characteristics and type of motor
maximum bore diameter of the coupling chosen,
(3) Transmission power (kW) and rotation speed (r/
use a coupling one size larger.
min) or torque (N・m)
(5) In the low speed range, the bearing pressure may
(4) Outer diameters of both shafts
be too great when using a standard key. In this
case, consider whether or not it will be necessary
2.Method of Selection to use a special key or spline bore by calculating
(1) Determine the service factor on the service factor key bearing pressure.
table on the right based on operating conditions. (6) When choosing a coupling for direct connection
(2) Obtain the design kW (torque) by multiplying the to a motor, refer to the Direct Motor Connection
kW to be transmitted by the service factor. Selection Table below.

Table of Service Factors (SF) Recommended Coupling Models

for Direct Motor Connection
Source of Power Motor output kW Motor shaft dia.
Model no.
Load Characteristics Steam engine 2P 4P 6P (mm)
Motor Diesel engine
Gasoline engine
Turbine Gas engine 0.2 0.2 11 CN310
(4 cylinders)
Low fluctuation, low impact, 0.4 0.4 14 CN311
low starting torque, and no 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.75 0.75 0.4 19 CN315
reverse rotation 1.5
2.2 1.5 0.75 24 CN317
Middle fluctuation, middle 2.2 1.5 28 CN415
impact, and no reverse 1.5 2.0 2.5
3.7 3.7 2.2 28 CN415
rotation (standard load) 5.5
High fluctuation, high 7.5 5.5 3.7 38 CN419
impact, reverse rotation, 2.0 2.5 3.0 7.5 5.5 38 ※CN614
and loaded starting 11
15 11 7.5 42 ※CN615
Note1. An increase according to the operating hour of the chain 15 11 42 ※CN616
coupling (provided that the rotation speed is 50 r/min. or more). Notes: 1. Couplings marked ※ are not applicable to 2P motors.
8 to 16 hours/day: 0.5    2. This table applies to regular loads (service factors of 1 to 1.5)
16 hours or more/day: 1.0
  2. The above table shows rough service factor standards. Decide on
the service factor according to the operating conditions.

Safety Instructions
Death or serious injury may result from misusing the product without following the directions given
WARNING under this sign.
Minor or moderate injury, as well as damage to the product may result from misusing the product without
CAUTION following the directions given under this sign.
Note : Failure take heed of information labeled “CAUTION” may also lead to serious accidents depending on the situation.

● Install a safety cover and prevent access to any rotating parts: otherwise injury may occur. Set a safety mechanism to stop the
rotating parts when the cover is lifted.
● Transporting, installing, operating, maintaining or inspecting must be carried out by skilled and professional engineers to avoid
mis-handling and hazardous situations.
● When coupling is used with vehicles that carry human, use a device to protect the vehicle: otherwise, accidents and damage
may occur.
● When the coupling is used for an elevator, install a safety device on the elevator in order to prevent it from falling, which can
cause damage and accidents resulting in death or injury.
(Unpacking upon delivery)
● If delivered in a wooden case, unpack with care. Sharp nails may cause injury.
(Additional machining)
● Never modify the coupling; the quality or function of the product may decrease and break or damage the machine or injure the
● Never step under the product when it is being elevated for transportation: otherwise, either the poduct or load may fall, causing
accidents resulting in death or injury.
● Wear appropriate clothing and safety gear (safety goggles, gloves, shoes, etc.).
● Make sure the power is switched off, and the machine is completely stopped before installing. Take caution so that the power
does not reconnect accidentally.
● Make sure to tighten and apply sufficient amount of anti-loosening agent to the hexagonal socket head cap screws.
● Avoid contact with any rotating parts ( coupling, shaft, etc. ) during operations. Rotating parts can catch approaching objects
and cause serious injuries.
(Maintenance and inspection)
● Avoid contact with any rotating parts ( coupling, shaft, etc. ) during maintenance and inspection. Rotating parts can catch
approaching objects and cause serious injuries.
● Make sure the power is switched off, and the machine is completely stopped before carrying out maintenance and inspection.
Take caution so that the power does not reconnect accidentally.
Make sure the driving and driven equipment are also completely stopped.

● Do not use coupling beyond its capacity as specified in the catalog. Exceeding its capacity can break the machine and cause
● Do not use damaged couplings. They can break your equipment and cause injuries.
● Pay extra attention so that the equipment will not fall or rollover during transportations.
● Do not touch the edge and inner diameter of any part with bare hands to avoid possible injury.
● Make sure to align the drive and driven shafts as instructed in the manual when installing the coupling.
● Do not touch the coupling during operations to avoid injuries.
● Immediately stop the machine upon any sign of abnormal operation.
(Maintenance and inspection)
● Wear appropriate clothing and safety gear (safety goggles, gloves, shoes, etc.).
● Clean the surrounding area and maintain a clutter-free space to avoid secondary accidents.
● Comply with Ordinance on Labor Safety and Hygiene 2-1-1 general standards.
● Conduct periodic inspections to make sure that the drive and driven shafts are aligned as described in the manual, and that the
rubber and plastic parts are not worn or deformed.
● Coupling scraps should be disposed as general waste by skilled professionals.
● This coupling meets RoHS (Restriction of Certain Hazardous Substances) standards and contains no hazardous chemicals.


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