Report of Investigation - Oncore Technology, LLC

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New Mexico Environment Department

Solid Waste Bureau

1190 St. Francis Drive
P.O. Box 5469
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87502-5469

Report of Investigation

Report By: Daniel R. Galasso

Report Date: August 20, 2021
Report Period: March 26, 2021 – August 13, 2021

Record Number: ENTS 14933

Facility/Site/Individual(s): Planned Parenthood, 701 San Mateo Boulevard NE, Albuquerque,
NM (LAT 35.08384°, LONG -106.5866°), Amy Dickson, Chief Operating Officer (970) 846-3895

Oncore Technology LLC, 2613 Skyway Drive, Grand Prairie, Texas 75052, Thomas Simons,
Operations Manager (817) 751-5188.

Introduction ew
General Information

1-1. This report documents activity of the commercial hauler (infectious waste), Oncore
Technology LLC, regarding violations of the New Mexico Solid Waste Act (“SWA”), NMSA 1978,
Sections 74-9-1 to -42 (1990, as amended through 2011), and the New Mexico Solid Waste Rules

(“SWR”), 20.9.2 – 20.9.10 NMAC.


History of Facility

1-2. Oncore of New Mexico held a commercial hauler registration with the SWB from January 31,
2014 through January 31, 2019. However, Otley Smith, with Oncore, cancelled the hauler

registration on April 7, 2016, closing the operation. Oncore Technology LLC held a commercial

hauler registration (Exhibit 1) from March 13, 2014 through March 13, 2019, which is currently
expired and has not been renewed. BioCycle Inc. has a current commercial hauler registration
(Exhibit 2) spanning from January 18, 2017 through January 18, 2022. There is no record of Oncore

Healthcare Solutions within SEP.

Inspection/Investigative Activities

Predication/Pre-Inspection Coordination

2-1. On March 26, 2021, the SWB received a complaint from Tara Shaver, alleging that Planned
Parenthood’s contracted infectious waste hauler was in violation for not properly labeling their
Report of Inspection
Record No. ENTS 14933
Re: Oncore Technology LLC
By: Daniel R. Galasso, NMED/SWB
Report Date: August 20, 2021

hauler truck with the company’s name and NMED hauler registration number while picking up
infectious waste at Planned Parenthood, located at 701 San Mateo Boulevard NE, Albuquerque.
She also stated that the commercial hauling vehicle had Texas license plates.

Entry/Opening Conference & Documentation

2-2. On May 6, 2021, Amy Dickson, Chief Operating Officer for Planned Parenthood, was
contacted about the allegations. Later that same day, she forwarded seventeen (17) special waste

manifests (Exhibit 3) from Oncore Technology LLC spanning the time period from January 8, 2021
to April 30, 2021.

Records Review

2-3. Upon review of the manifests, it was evident that there were violations on both the
infectious waste generator (Planned Parenthood) and commercial hauler/treatment facility (Oncore
Technology LLC).
On May 19, 2021, an enforcement letter (Exhibit 4) was issued to Planned Parenthood, noting that

the generator blocks of the special waste manifests were insufficiently completed, as the name of
Planned Parenthood’s representative was consistently written as “Raquel” only, with a

corresponding signature written only as the letter “R.”

Oncore Technology LLC is currently an unregistered commercial hauler, whose registration expired

in March of 2019. The manifests used to remove infectious waste from Planned Parenthood were

Oncore Technology LLC manifests, in which BioCycle’s NMED commercial hauler registration
number was used. In addition, the treatment facility block information required on the manifests

was not completely filled-in and lacked the: telephone number of the facility, total weight
deposited/unloaded, printed name of the facility’s representative, and the date of the signature.

Also, a signature stamp was used to “sign” the manifests in the treatment facility block section,
instead of an actual hand-written signature.

Closing Conference

2-4. On August 13, 2021, I spoke with Thomas Simons, Operations Manager for Oncore
Technology, to further clarify the relationship between Oncore Technology LLC, BioCycle and Oncore

Report of Inspection
Record No. ENTS 14933
Re: Oncore Technology LLC
By: Daniel R. Galasso, NMED/SWB
Report Date: August 20, 2021

Healthcare Solutions. He indicated that Oncore Technology LLC, the originating company,
purchased BioCycle, but no longer operates under the name Oncore Technology LLC. The two
names used are BioCycle and Oncore Healthcare Solutions. In addition, Mr. Simons confirmed that
during removal of infectious waste from Planned Parenthood, the only labeling on the truck is
BioCycle’s NMED registration number (#0066557), State of Texas identification numbers and a label

stating “Caution Medical Waste.”

Summary of Findings

3-1. This report documents the following violations of the SWR by Oncore Technology LLC:

1. Failure to re-register as a commercial hauler (unregistered commercial hauler), violation
of NMAC, seventeen (17) instances of violation, occurring on or before January 8, 2021
to April 30, 2021;
2. Misrepresentation of information on special waste manifests (used BioCycle’s NMED
commercial hauler registration number), violation of NMAC, seventeen (17) instances
of violation, occurring on or before January 8, 2021 to April 30, 2021;
3. Failure to properly complete special waste manifests, violation of NMAC,

seventeen (17) instances of violation, occurring on or before January 8, 2021 to April 30, 2021; and
4. Failure to properly label vehicles for infectious waste removal, violation of

(4) NMAC, seventeen (17) instances of violation, occurring on or before January 8, 2021 to April 30,


4-1. The following items are attached to this report (cross-reference):


1. Former Registration of Oncore Technology LLC ....................................... (Ref. Para. 1-2)


2. Current Registration of BioCycle Inc. ......................................................... (Ref. Para. 1-2)

3. Planned Parenthood Manifests ................................................................. (Ref. Para. 2-2)

4. Enforcement Letter to Planned Parenthood............................................. (Ref. Para. 2-3)

cc: Chuck Akeley, Manager, Enforcement Section, Solid Waste Bureau

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