Cranial Electro Therapy
Cranial Electro Therapy
Cranial Electro Therapy
Hi Freaks.
If you have been following the Design Idea series so far, then This collection of
Ces Circuits might be of interest to you ?
The theory underlying Cranial Electro Therapy is well explained here …..
The Science Behind Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) by Daniel L. Kirsch, Ph.D.
To save you the cost and hassle of ordering the book, I’ve distilled the wisdom contained
therein into the following brief observations.
1: The most common frequencies used are as follows ; 0.5 Hz, 1.5 Hz, 10 Hz, 100 Hz
If you’ve been following this Tiny Design Idea Series, you’ll find both the hard
and software almost self explanatory. If not, then the attached “ Four Flowcharts.pdf “
may be of help in following the logical structure of the program.
To save power, since no On/Off switch is included, extensive use is made of the
Sleep instruction, both in Idle and Power Down mode. Using the latter mode the current
consumption @ 5v is in the order of 500 Nano amps and that corresponds to the self
discharge of a typical AA battery …. Real micro power here !
The 56K resistor on Pb3 limits the maximum current to around 100 Micro amps as
this is the most used therapeutic current. Other resistors, of course, can be used here to
allow different current intensities to flow. In keeping with the therapeutic aims of the
research, we strongly recommend that the MINIMUM resistance should be not less than
6K8 Ohms !!!
The frequencies have been statistically weighted to deliver the weight adjusted
frequencies as follows : 0.5 Hz has been given a weight of 50%.1.5 Hz a weight of
25%.Both the frequencies 10 Hz and 100 Hz have been weighted at 12.5% each.
Ultra-simple earclips can be made using a thin copper foil with rounded corners
4 cm. long and 1.5 cm. wide, soldering the wire end in the center, and then folding the
foil in two parts holding the earlobes.
To ensure a better current's transfer, this kind of devices usually has felt pads
moistened with a conducting solution interposed between clips and skin.
The author is involved with further research in the field of CES and other
Alternative and complimentary technologies and would appreciate any feedback,
information and suggestions having to do with same.
John-Alfred Ullasmann
This device is intended as a recreational tool only and no claims are made as to
its efficacy, medical or otherwise.This device must be powered from batteries
only and must, in no circumstances, be connected via a transformer to the
mains utility supply!
Biphasic Waveform:
Tiny13 CES Machine: