Creative Nonfiction Session Guide Final
Creative Nonfiction Session Guide Final
Creative Nonfiction Session Guide Final
SESSION TITLE: Creative Nonfiction, 1st Quarter: Discussion on Critical Contents, its Teaching Pedagogies,
and Learning Assessment
No. of Participants: _____ Male: _____ Female: _____
I. OBJECTIVES: The 6-hour session (divided in three parts) will enable the participants to explain the relationship between
curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment in the 1st Quarter of Creative Nonfiction. Specifically, the participants will:
1. Analyze the components of the Curriculum Guide (CG) such as Content, Content Standards (CS), Performance Standards
(PS), Learning Competencies (LCs), and coding.
2. Determine appropriate pedagogy in translating learning competencies.
3. Prepare proper assessment activities for teaching/learning activities across competencies.
EXPECTED OUTPUT: CNF Learning Log, worksheets and outputs required for different activities
Armstrong, P. (2017). Bloom's Taxonomy. Retrieved March 22, 2017, from Vanderbilt University Centerfor Teaching:
Association of Writers and Writing Programs. (2017). AWP Recommendations on the Teaching of Creative Writing to Undergraduates.
Retrieved March 22, 2017, from Association of Writers and Writing Programs:
Brookhart, S. M. (2013). How to Create and Use Rubrics for Formative Assessment and Grading. Alexandria, Virginia, USA.
Department of Education. (2015, April 1). DO 8, s. 2015 - Policy Guidelines on Classroom Assessment for the K to 12 Basic Education
Program. Retrieved March 22, 2017, from Republic of the Philippines - Department of Education:
Gutkind, L. (2012). Creative Nonfiction. Retrieved March 22, 2017, from
Martin, H. (2007). Constructing Learning Outcomes. Retrieved March 22, 2017, from NACADA Clearing House:
Ohio Department of Education. (2017). Ohio Department of Education. Retrieved March 22, 2017, from Ohio Department of Education:
Online Colleges. (2017). What are you learning? Competencies, Standards, and Outcomes in Online Education. Retrieved March 22,
2017, from Online
The IRIS Center. (2016). What is Instructional Scaffolding? Retrieved March 22, 2017, from The IRIS Center:
SAY: This time, you have to post Show slide for 3 minutes
your work in a wall in the “Tag the activity.
your Story” fashion. One member
from the “Tag” group should post
his/her metastrip, followed by a
Define Creative According to Lee Gutkind, in DO: Distribute copies of the Copies of the
Nonfiction and its his book entitled YOU CAN’T Curriculum Guide to the Curriculum
prerequisites based MAKE THIS STUFF UP: The participants or ask them to take out Guide, slides
on the CG. Complete Guide to Writing their copy of the Creative showing the
CNF description Creative Nonfiction – from Nonfiction Curriculum Guide. Ask different parts
and Memoir to Literary the facilitators of each group to of the CG
prerequisites Journalism and Everything in assist you in this task.
Between, the word “creative”
refers to the use of literary SAY: Please refer to your copy of Show the slide
craft, the techniques fiction the Curriculum Guide as we do the starting the
writers, playwrights, and poets walkthrough. walkthrough
employ to present nonfiction – for CNF CG.
factually accurate prose about
real people and events – in a SAY: This 80-hour course requires Show the slide
compelling, vivid, dramatic students to take up Creative Writing presenting the
manner. The goal is to make first, and will introduce them to the subject
nonfiction stories read like reading and writing of Creative description.
fiction so that your readers are Nonfiction as a literary form. The
as enthralled by the fact as course will enable our students to
they are by fantasy. Creative become critical and creative
nonfiction can be an essay, a thinkers.
journal article, a research
paper, a memoir, or a poem; it DO: Share the Key Learning Point Show slide
can be personal or not, or it in this part of the session guide to with the Key
can be all of these. enlighten those participants with no Learning Point.
background on Creative Nonfiction.
Determine the CNF The curriculum design for DO: Refer the participants on the
Curriculum Design Creative Nonfiction is Content part of the CG. Then
CNF reflective of spiral progression explain the curriculum design to
Curriculum on the content and the them. Aid them in understanding
Design (Content sequence of the learning the design of the CG through the
and Logical competencies assigned for powerpoint presentation.
Flow) each quarter. Mastery of the
English macro-skills involved SAY: Please refer to the first Show slide
in the learning of the content column in your Curriculum Guide. presenting the
was also ensured through the You can see the Content of the ladder-like
recurrence of the same skills course for the First and Second structure of the
but with different focus. Quarter. The Content of the course content.
for each quarter is divided into two.
And if you will look closely, the
content can be compared to a
staircase in terms of arrangement.
Please look at the screen.
Establish relationship Answers in the 4-Pics One DO: Engage the participants in the
among the Word Game: 4-Pics One Word Game.
curriculum 1. content
components 2. performance SAY: Let’s have a game. Are you Show the slides
(Content, CS, PS, 3. standard all familiar with 4-Pics One Word with the 4-Pics
LCs, Code, 4. competency Game? Then, let’s play. Here are One Word
Glossary) 5. time the items: items.
6. code
7. glossary DO: Present the slide and call a
participant to answer the puzzle.
1. Curriculum Content: Make sure all groups are given
synonymous to subject matter, opportunities to answer.
it should follow the BASIC
principles (Palma, 1952) of SAY: Are the terms all familiar to
Curriculum Content – Balance you? All the terms used are the
(significant contents should be elements that make the Curriculum
covered); Articulation Guide. Let’s analyze the CG for
7. Checking the terms in the
Glossary of the CG will lead to
Evaluate the In order to identify content DO: Engage the participants to have
alignment of the and skills focus, a Creative a thorough analysis and evaluation
curriculum Nonfiction teacher should use of the Creative Nonfiction
components his/her skills in unpacking the Curriculum Guide through the CNF
Alignment of standards and understand how CG Analysis Worksheet.
CNF Content, these standards were fleshed
CS, PS, and LCs out through the use of the SAY: Let’s analyze the Show slides
learning competencies. interrelationship and alignment of regarding the
Checking the alignment of the curriculum content, content and analysis of
content, standards and performance standards, and CNF CG.
learning competencies will learning competencies in the
help the teacher see the big Creative Nonfiction Curriculum.
picture for his/her students,
leading the way towards the SAY: Convene with your group
appropriate planning or mates for this activity. Get your
designing of the copy of the Creative Nonfiction
teaching/learning experience. Curriculum Guide and use the CNF
CG Analysis Worksheets to
accomplish the task. The facilitators
in your group will consolidate the
answers of the members.
thinkers. working?
2. Notice the changes Ms.
Objectives of the session: Wessling makes for the
1. Establish connection second lesson. How does
between the mastery she modify both the content
of the learning and structure of her lesson?
competencies and the 3. What can you learn from
achievement of Ms. Wessling about
content and reflecting on your practice?
performance Distribute these questions before
standards playing the video.
2. Show how the
sequence of learning SAY: We are in the second leg of Play the video
competencies helps our session for today. Let’s watch a “When a
in the achievement of short video and answer the Lesson Goes
the content and questions distributed to you Wrong”
performance beforehand.
3. Decide on the DO: When the video is finished,
appropriate begin asking the reaction of the
pedagogy in participants on the video. Get at
attaining the learning least two responses. Then ask the
competencies questions you have given to them
4. Determine the earlier.
performances/output Process the answers by leading
s embedded in the them towards the title and goals of
learning the second leg of the session –
competencies to Creative Nonfiction Teaching
achieve the Pedagogies. Then present to them
performance the session goals.
Show how the According to Holly Martin DO: Engage the participants in
sequence of learning in his 2007 article answering the Learning
competencies helps in Constructing Student Competencies’ Sequence Check.
the achievement of the Learning Outcomes, Lead them to see how each learning
content and published in NACADA competency serves as a scaffold to
performance standards. Journal, learning objectives the learning competency next to it.
Sequential (in this case learning
Flow of LCs in competencies) should be SAY: I have here the Learning Distribute the
achieving the kept in reasonable number. Competencies’ Sequence Check Learning
CS and PS Too many learning Worksheet. May I request the Competencies’
objectives will fell facilitators of each home group to Sequence
overwhelming both to the get enough copies for your Check
teacher and the students. members? Worksheets.
with New Media outputs of the other groups? What questions for
Technology is your group’s basis in coming up processing.
with such classification of the
Other instructional methods learning competencies? Why is it
or strategies in teaching necessary for a teacher to identify
Creative Nonfiction: the level or class of the learning
Group/Individual competency? How can knowledge
Instruction on the level or class of learning
Large/Small Group competency help in achieving the
Instruction content and performance standard?
Cooperative DO: Share the Key Learning Point Show slides
Learning 1 in this part of the session guide. with the Key
Critical Thinking Learning
Creative Thinking Points and
Compare and
contrast activities
SAY: Therefore, appropriateness of
Critiquing activities
an instructional strategy or
Observations methodology will lie on the
Simulations hierarchy of the learning or thinking
Technology tools skill a teacher would like to develop
Use of graphic to his/her students. For Creative
organizers (maps, Nonfiction writing, teaching
charts, illustrations) methodologies that develop
Model by “thinking creativity and critical thinking
aloud” the process should be used extensively.
Determine the enabling Reiterating the reason for DO: Invite the participants on the
performances/outputs using Bloom’s Taxonomy of last activity for this part of the
embedded in the Learning Objectives – session. Let them reflect on their
learning competencies having an organized set of pedagogical choices for each
to achieve the objectives helps teachers to learning competency. Show them
performance standard plan and deliver appropriate the Performance Standard Scaffolds
Enabling instruction, design valid Worksheet. Instruct each group to
performances/out assessment tasks and answer it in a manila paper and post
puts in LCs as strategies, and ensure that it in a wall for a short gallery walk.
Enabling tasks, products, or DO: Emphasize to the participants Show the slide
performances can be traced the importance of scaffolding in with the Key
in the learning achieving the performance Learning
competencies. standard. Share the Key Learning Points.
Point to them in this part of the
session guide.
Set scaffold/enabling According to IRIS Center DO: Engage the participants into a Manila papers,
performances/outputs Peabody College, Vanderbilt review of their group’s markers, tape
for the Performance University at Nashville, Performance Standard Scaffolds
Standard USA, instructional Worksheet. Let the participants
scaffolding is a process check if the enabling
through which a teacher performances/products they have
adds supports for students in identified are based on the learning
order to enhance learning competencies and are leading to the
and aid in the mastery of terminal performance/product
tasks. This is done by reflected in the performance
systematically building on standard.
student’s experiences and
knowledge as they are SAY: To formally star this session,
learning new skills and new let’s go back to the last activity you
tasks with multiple steps had in the previous session. Kindly
(just like in CNF writing). refer to the Performance Standard
Scaffolds Worksheet your group
Aligning CNF 1. Assessment is a process DO: Lead the participants into the Copy of
Assessment Activities that is used to keep track review of the Policy on Assessment DO_08, s.2015
to the Policy on of learners’ progress in of the K to 12 Program. – Policy on
Assessment (DepEd relation to learning Assessment for
Order no.8 s.2015) standards and in the SAY: In this part of the session, we the K to 12
development of 21st will align the enabling tasks you Program
century skills; to have identified or suggested based
promote self-reflection on DepEd Order no.8, series or
and personal 2015 or the Policy on Assessment
accountability among of the K to 12 Program.
students about their own
learning; and to provide DO: Let them bring out their copy
bases for the profiling of of DepEd Order no.8 s.2015.
student performance on Initiate a brief review of the said
the learning order by presenting the slides
competencies and regarding this matter.
standards of the
curriculum (D.O. no.8, SAY: Let’s have a review on the Show slides
s.2015, Enclosure p.1) Policy on Assessment for the K to about the
12 Program. Please bring out your Policy
copy of the said policy as you Assessment
follow the next presentation.
Employing Other Aside from the use of rubrics, there Show slides
Types of Assessment are other assessment tools you can regarding the
consider in assessing our learners. alternative
Some of these include graphic assessment
organizers, portfolios, feedback tools
tools and discussion tools. Some
educational tools help schools
evaluate student performance, while
others permit self-evaluations of
student performance. Instructors
use educational assessment tools to
guide students in their future
academic performance and evaluate
past performances.