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Creative Nonfiction Session Guide Final

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SESSION TITLE: Creative Nonfiction, 1st Quarter: Discussion on Critical Contents, its Teaching Pedagogies,
and Learning Assessment
No. of Participants: _____ Male: _____ Female: _____

I. OBJECTIVES: The 6-hour session (divided in three parts) will enable the participants to explain the relationship between
curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment in the 1st Quarter of Creative Nonfiction. Specifically, the participants will:
1. Analyze the components of the Curriculum Guide (CG) such as Content, Content Standards (CS), Performance Standards
(PS), Learning Competencies (LCs), and coding.
2. Determine appropriate pedagogy in translating learning competencies.
3. Prepare proper assessment activities for teaching/learning activities across competencies.

EXPECTED OUTPUT: CNF Learning Log, worksheets and outputs required for different activities


1. Overview of Creative Nonfiction (CNF) and its Curriculum
 CNF description and prerequisites
 CNF Curriculum Design (Content and Logical Flow)
 CNF Curriculum Guide Components (Content, CS, PS, LCs, Code, Glossary)
 Alignment of CNF Content, CS, PS, and LCs
2. Appropriate Pedagogies in Teaching Creative Nonfiction (1 st Quarter)
 Content and Performance Standards translated through the Learning Competencies
 Sequential Flow of LCs in achieving the CS and PS
 Deciding on the appropriate Pedagogies for CNF 1st Quarter
 Enabling performances/outputs in LCs as basis for pedagogy
3. Assessment Activities for Creative Nonfiction (1st Quarter)
 Setting scaffold/enabling performances/outputs for PS
 Aligning CNF Assessment Activities to the Policy on Assessment (DepEd Order no. __ s. __)
 Creating Rubrics for Assessment


 Employing Other Types of Assessment


Armstrong, P. (2017). Bloom's Taxonomy. Retrieved March 22, 2017, from Vanderbilt University Centerfor Teaching:
Association of Writers and Writing Programs. (2017). AWP Recommendations on the Teaching of Creative Writing to Undergraduates.
Retrieved March 22, 2017, from Association of Writers and Writing Programs:
Brookhart, S. M. (2013). How to Create and Use Rubrics for Formative Assessment and Grading. Alexandria, Virginia, USA.
Department of Education. (2015, April 1). DO 8, s. 2015 - Policy Guidelines on Classroom Assessment for the K to 12 Basic Education
Program. Retrieved March 22, 2017, from Republic of the Philippines - Department of Education:
Gutkind, L. (2012). Creative Nonfiction. Retrieved March 22, 2017, from www.creativenonfiction.org:
Martin, H. (2007). Constructing Learning Outcomes. Retrieved March 22, 2017, from NACADA Clearing House:
Ohio Department of Education. (2017). Ohio Department of Education. Retrieved March 22, 2017, from Ohio Department of Education:
Online Colleges. (2017). What are you learning? Competencies, Standards, and Outcomes in Online Education. Retrieved March 22,
2017, from Online College.org: http://www.onlinecollege.org/2011/06/17/what-are-you-learning-competencies-standards-and-
The IRIS Center. (2016). What is Instructional Scaffolding? Retrieved March 22, 2017, from The IRIS Center:


The participants SLIDE NO. DURATION
should be able to:



Get an overview of Creative Nonfiction is an Introduction: Ensure that the room
Creative Nonfiction emerging literary form. has been arranged based in the
and its curriculum. Creative nonfiction lies in the design and all conditions are
middle of fiction and observed (sound system,
nonfiction. It is telling true presentation materials, etc.)
stories or facts creatively by
using literary techniques and DO: Invite the participants to form Manila papers,
elements traditionally small groups with 10 members markers,
associated to fiction. (number may vary based on the crayons,
total number of participants), or tell metastrips
In this session, you would be them to go to their respective
able to: groups.
1. define Creative
Nonfiction and its SAY: Good afternoon everyone! Show slide
prerequisites based on We are in Day Four of the Senior presenting the
the CG High School Mass Training of activity title.
2. determine the CNF Teachers. This afternoon we will
curriculum design start the session with an initial
3. establish relationship activity. Please form small groups
among the curriculum with 10 members, and then choose
components (Content, two individuals from your group to
CS, PS, LCs, Code, serve as facilitators. Don’t forget to
Glossary) give a name for your group so we
4. evaluate the alignment can address your group correctly.
of the curriculum
components DO: Let the participants form
groups. Then distribute the
implements for the initial activity to
the facilitators of each group.

SAY: We will have an activity Show slide


called “Tag Your Story”. Each presenting the

member needs to choose between instructions for
“Tag” and “Story”. Then regroup the activity.
based on your choices. Those who
chose “Tag” stay together, those
who chose “Story” stay together.

DO: Give time for the participants

to choose and form a subgroup.
Then explain the mechanics of the
activity afterwards.

SAY: Does each group have its

materials for the activity? Here’s
what you need to do. If you chose
“Tag”, write something about you
in the metastrip. If you chose
“Story”, write a short sentence in
the metastrip telling your favorite
scene in a movie you watched. Do
not try to peek onto the work of
your co-members. Do this within 5

DO: Give the participants 5minutes 5 minutes

to do their initial task.

SAY: This time, you have to post Show slide for 3 minutes
your work in a wall in the “Tag the activity.
your Story” fashion. One member
from the “Tag” group should post
his/her metastrip, followed by a


member from the “Story” group,

and so on. You need to see alternate
entries of “tag” and “Story” in your
group. Do this within 3 minutes.

SAY: Now, here comes the role of 10 minutes

the facilitators. With the entries
given by your co-members, come
up with an interesting story based
on the “Tag” and “Story” entries.
Make use of all the entries, you
may change the arrangement of the
strips, provided that you still follow
the alternate arrangement of “Tag”
and “Story”. Consult your co-
members for the final output. You
need to write the story in the manila
paper for sharing. You may use
your crayons to put design on your
group’s work. Do this in 10
minutes. After 10 minutes, post the
manila paper in the wall for a short
gallery walk.

DO: Give time for the participants

to look at other group’s work for 10
minutes. Then let the participants
return to their seats.

Ask the participants about the

output of the groups. Let one
representative share his/her


observation in the work of a

different group.

SAY: What can you observe on

Group ______’s story? Share what
you observed within a minute. 5 minutes

DO: Listen to the response of the

participant. Then call another one
until all groups had been

SAY: Thank you Ma’am/Sir. How

about you Ma’am/Sir ____? What
can you say about the output of 3 minutes
Group ____?

DO: Process the response of the Show CNF

participants, focusing on the Session Title
difficulty of presenting something Slide and the
true by means of a fictional story, session
without due training and exposure, objectives.
and the possibility of doing such
feat. Refer to the previous activity
as an example. Emphasize to them
that the session will be about
Creative Nonfiction. Then show
them the session objectives.

Define Creative According to Lee Gutkind, in DO: Distribute copies of the Copies of the
Nonfiction and its his book entitled YOU CAN’T Curriculum Guide to the Curriculum
prerequisites based MAKE THIS STUFF UP: The participants or ask them to take out Guide, slides


on the CG. Complete Guide to Writing their copy of the Creative showing the
 CNF description Creative Nonfiction – from Nonfiction Curriculum Guide. Ask different parts
and Memoir to Literary the facilitators of each group to of the CG
prerequisites Journalism and Everything in assist you in this task.
Between, the word “creative”
refers to the use of literary SAY: Please refer to your copy of Show the slide
craft, the techniques fiction the Curriculum Guide as we do the starting the
writers, playwrights, and poets walkthrough. walkthrough
employ to present nonfiction – for CNF CG.
factually accurate prose about
real people and events – in a SAY: This 80-hour course requires Show the slide
compelling, vivid, dramatic students to take up Creative Writing presenting the
manner. The goal is to make first, and will introduce them to the subject
nonfiction stories read like reading and writing of Creative description.
fiction so that your readers are Nonfiction as a literary form. The
as enthralled by the fact as course will enable our students to
they are by fantasy. Creative become critical and creative
nonfiction can be an essay, a thinkers.
journal article, a research
paper, a memoir, or a poem; it DO: Share the Key Learning Point Show slide
can be personal or not, or it in this part of the session guide to with the Key
can be all of these. enlighten those participants with no Learning Point.
background on Creative Nonfiction.

Determine the CNF The curriculum design for DO: Refer the participants on the
Curriculum Design Creative Nonfiction is Content part of the CG. Then
 CNF reflective of spiral progression explain the curriculum design to
Curriculum on the content and the them. Aid them in understanding
Design (Content sequence of the learning the design of the CG through the
and Logical competencies assigned for powerpoint presentation.
Flow) each quarter. Mastery of the
English macro-skills involved SAY: Please refer to the first Show slide


in the learning of the content column in your Curriculum Guide. presenting the
was also ensured through the You can see the Content of the ladder-like
recurrence of the same skills course for the First and Second structure of the
but with different focus. Quarter. The Content of the course content.
for each quarter is divided into two.
And if you will look closely, the
content can be compared to a
staircase in terms of arrangement.
Please look at the screen.

DO: Share the Key Learning Point Show slide

in this part of the session guide to with the Key
guide the participants in the process Learning Point.
of the walkthrough of the CG.

Establish relationship Answers in the 4-Pics One DO: Engage the participants in the
among the Word Game: 4-Pics One Word Game.
curriculum 1. content
components 2. performance SAY: Let’s have a game. Are you Show the slides
(Content, CS, PS, 3. standard all familiar with 4-Pics One Word with the 4-Pics
LCs, Code, 4. competency Game? Then, let’s play. Here are One Word
Glossary) 5. time the items: items.
6. code
7. glossary DO: Present the slide and call a
participant to answer the puzzle.
1. Curriculum Content: Make sure all groups are given
synonymous to subject matter, opportunities to answer.
it should follow the BASIC
principles (Palma, 1952) of SAY: Are the terms all familiar to
Curriculum Content – Balance you? All the terms used are the
(significant contents should be elements that make the Curriculum
covered); Articulation Guide. Let’s analyze the CG for


(through the LCs) to assure no Creative Nonfiction.

gaps or overlaps in the
content; Sequence – the DO: Let the participants go back to Copy of the
pattern is from easy to their home groups. Then let the CG, manila
complex; Integration – group choose a new set of papers, markers
relatedness or connectedness facilitators for them. Give them
to other content; Continuity – manila papers and some markers for
constant repetition, the activity.
reinforcement and
enhancement of content SAY: With your respective home Show slide 5 minutes
2. Content Standard: groups, analyze the Curriculum with the
describe the knowledge and Guide by using the Unpacking Unpacking
skills that students should Standards Template. Standards
attain, often called the “what” Template.
of “what students should know
and be able to do.” They DO: Distribute copies of the Copies of
indicate the ways of thinking, Unpacking Standards Worksheet to Unpacking
working, communicating, the participants. Ask the assistance Standards
reasoning and investigating of the facilitators in doing this task. Worksheet
the important and enduring
ideas, concepts, issues, DO: Let the participants consolidate Manila papers,
dilemmas and knowledge their work per group. Process their markers
essential to the discipline. answers by honing the good points
3. Performance Standard: and clarifying the misconceptions.
concrete statements of how You may use the following
well students must learn what questions:
is set out in the content
standards, often called the “be 1. What are Standards? What’s
able to do” of “what students the difference between
should know and be able to content and performance
do.” Performance standards standard?
specify “how good is good 2. What are Learning


enough.” They are the Competencies? How does

indicators of quality that the LCs relate to the
specify how adept or curriculum standards?
competent a student
demonstration must be. SAY: Let’s have a review on Show slides
4. Learning Competencies: Curriculum Content, Curriculum regarding CG
can be defined as “an ability Standards, and Learning elements
or skill.” Lists of Competencies. Please look at the review
competencies are sometimes screen.
used in education goals – the
abilities and skills a student DO: Discuss briefly the definition
should learn in an educational of curriculum content, curriculum
program. Used to translate standards, and learning
content and performance competencies. Use the Key
standards into specific abilities Learning Points No. 1 to 7 for this
or skills; should lead to the part of the session guide. Show
achievement of the content where these parts can be seen in the
and performance standards curriculum guide.
once mastered.
5. Time Allotment: suggested After the brief review on
time for a content or curriculum components, invite the
competency to be taught or participants in a short evaluation.
achieved, following the
SMART principle in teaching SAY: Let’s see whether you have Show slides
and learning. understood the different with the
6. Code: an identification components of the curriculum Alternate
number for each competency, guide. Please answer the Alternate Response Test
for tagging and monitoring Response Test in piece of paper. on CG
purposes Please look at the screen for the components
7. Glossary: list of terms questions.
deemed necessary to be
defined in order for the end DO: For the final activity for this


user to understand the part of the session, engage the

curriculum document. participants to answer a CNF
Curriculum Guide Learning Log.
Let them complete the following
statements in a piece of paper.

SAY: For our final activity in this Show slides

part of the session, please pass a regarding the
CNF Curriculum Guide Learning CNF CG
Log. Please refer to the screen for Learning Log.
the instructions.

Here are the open-ended statements

for the CNF CG Learning Log:

1. The Curriculum Content must be

2. The Content Standard tells
________________________ and
should ______________________.
3. The Performance Standard
indicates _____________________
and should _________________ in
relation to the Content Standard.
4. Learning Competencies make the
Content and Performance Standard
5. Time allotment will make
teaching and learning
6. Codes for the Learning
Competencies will be very useful in


7. Checking the terms in the
Glossary of the CG will lead to

Evaluate the In order to identify content DO: Engage the participants to have
alignment of the and skills focus, a Creative a thorough analysis and evaluation
curriculum Nonfiction teacher should use of the Creative Nonfiction
components his/her skills in unpacking the Curriculum Guide through the CNF
 Alignment of standards and understand how CG Analysis Worksheet.
CNF Content, these standards were fleshed
CS, PS, and LCs out through the use of the SAY: Let’s analyze the Show slides
learning competencies. interrelationship and alignment of regarding the
Checking the alignment of the curriculum content, content and analysis of
content, standards and performance standards, and CNF CG.
learning competencies will learning competencies in the
help the teacher see the big Creative Nonfiction Curriculum.
picture for his/her students,
leading the way towards the SAY: Convene with your group
appropriate planning or mates for this activity. Get your
designing of the copy of the Creative Nonfiction
teaching/learning experience. Curriculum Guide and use the CNF
CG Analysis Worksheets to
accomplish the task. The facilitators
in your group will consolidate the
answers of the members.

DO: Explain how to accomplish the

CNF CG Analysis Worksheet and
how to consolidate the responses.

SAY: Finish the activity in 30



DO: Let the facilitators of each

group present the consolidated
answers of the group. Then process
the responses. Lead the group to the
conclusion that the curriculum
content, content and performance
standards, and learning
competencies are aligned and
interrelated. Show it by referring to
the entries in the CG. Use the slide
provided (you can improve the
content of the slides if necessary).
Share the Key Learning Point in
this part of the session guide.

SAY: You have pointed out how Show slide on

the curriculum components are CG component
aligned and interrelated. Let’s alignment
provide more examples from the
CG… (continue this statement
based on what you had prepared)


Decide appropriate Choosing the appropriate DO: Let the participants watch a Video from
pedagogies in teaching teaching pedagogies for video from Teaching Channel Teaching
Creative Nonfiction – Creative Nonfiction will entitled “When a Lesson Goes Channel,
1st Quarter. empower you to effectively Wrong.” Then let them answer the copies of
deliver what the students questions below: questions
need to learn, to turn them 1. How does Ms. Wessling
into creative and critical know that her lesson isn’t


thinkers. working?
2. Notice the changes Ms.
Objectives of the session: Wessling makes for the
1. Establish connection second lesson. How does
between the mastery she modify both the content
of the learning and structure of her lesson?
competencies and the 3. What can you learn from
achievement of Ms. Wessling about
content and reflecting on your practice?
performance Distribute these questions before
standards playing the video.
2. Show how the
sequence of learning SAY: We are in the second leg of Play the video
competencies helps our session for today. Let’s watch a “When a
in the achievement of short video and answer the Lesson Goes
the content and questions distributed to you Wrong”
performance beforehand.
3. Decide on the DO: When the video is finished,
appropriate begin asking the reaction of the
pedagogy in participants on the video. Get at
attaining the learning least two responses. Then ask the
competencies questions you have given to them
4. Determine the earlier.
performances/output Process the answers by leading
s embedded in the them towards the title and goals of
learning the second leg of the session –
competencies to Creative Nonfiction Teaching
achieve the Pedagogies. Then present to them
performance the session goals.


SAY: (Share the Key Learning Show the slide

Point in this part of the session with the
guide before delivering the line that session goals
follows.) The second part of our
session is all about teaching
pedagogies for Creative Nonfiction.
In this session, you will be able to:
1. establish connection between
the mastery of the learning
competencies and the
achievement of content and
performance standards;
2. show how the sequence of
learning competencies helps in
the achievement of the content
and performance standards;
3. decide on the appropriate
pedagogy in attaining the
learning competencies; and
4. determine the enabling
embedded in the learning
competencies to achieve the
performance standard.

Establish connection DO: Let the participants bring out

between the mastery of their CNF Analysis Worksheet.
the learning Remind them on what they should
competencies and the have realized in the end of the first
achievement of content part of the session – that in order
and performance for the students to achieve the
standards. content and performance standards,


 CNF Content they should attain or master the

and required learning competencies.
Standards SAY: Please take a look at your Show the slide
translated CNF Analysis Worksheet. Do you showing the
through the see that there are concepts in the LCs as building
Learning content and performance standards blocks of the
Competencies which were fleshed out in the content and
learning competencies? You can performance
observe that in your CNF Analysis standards.
Worksheet, as you can trance
similar or related concepts recurring
in the learning competencies that
were rooted to the content, content
standard and performance standard.
The learning competencies serve as
the building blocks of the content
and performance standards.

Show how the According to Holly Martin DO: Engage the participants in
sequence of learning in his 2007 article answering the Learning
competencies helps in Constructing Student Competencies’ Sequence Check.
the achievement of the Learning Outcomes, Lead them to see how each learning
content and published in NACADA competency serves as a scaffold to
performance standards. Journal, learning objectives the learning competency next to it.
 Sequential (in this case learning
Flow of LCs in competencies) should be SAY: I have here the Learning Distribute the
achieving the kept in reasonable number. Competencies’ Sequence Check Learning
CS and PS Too many learning Worksheet. May I request the Competencies’
objectives will fell facilitators of each home group to Sequence
overwhelming both to the get enough copies for your Check
teacher and the students. members? Worksheets.


Learning objectives should

also be listed sequentially, in SAY: Please get your copy of the Show the slide
student’s normal CNF Curriculum Guide. Study the with the
developmental pattern. For learning competencies for the 1st Learning
example, list those learning Quarter. Fill up the Learning Competencies’
objectives that pertain to Competencies’ Sequence Check Sequence
achieving basic academic Worksheet, and answer the Check
competence before focusing questions that follow. Do this in 10 Worksheet.
on long-range planning. minutes.
Learning objectives help
teachers plan their teaching DO: Wait for the participants to
strategies. And try to have finish the activity. Then process it
concrete or palpable by eliciting answers for the
teaching strategies for the questions posted in the worksheet.
SAY: How do you find the activity?
Were you able to realize how the
sequential attainment of the
learning competencies helps in the
achievement of the content and
performance standards?

DO: Process the answers of the Show the slide

participants, then share to them the with the Key
Key Learning Point in this part of Learning Point.
the session guide.

Decide on the 1. Patricia Armstrong, DO: Engage the participants in the

appropriate pedagogy Assistant Director of next set of activity called “CNF
in attaining the Center for Teaching in Pedagogy Scan.” Let them go to
learning competencies Vanderbilt University in their home groups and let them
 Deciding on the Tennessee, USA form 4 subgroups to handle the


appropriate recommended the use of classification of teaching strategies

Pedagogies for Bloom’s Taxonomy of for CNF. Then flash the CNF
CNF 1st Quarter Learning Objectives on Pedagogy Worksheet.
the following reasons:
SAY: At this part of the session, I Show the slide
A. Objectives (learning would like you to go to your with the
goals) are important respective groups and create 6 activity title,
to establish in a subgroups. Afterwards, all then CNF
pedagogical facilitators should get a manila Pedagogy
interchange so that paper and some markers for the Worksheet.
teachers and students group. Copy the CNF Pedagogy
alike understand the Worksheet for your group. Each
purpose of that subgroup should then be assigned
interchange. for a particular classification of
B. Teachers can benefit desired outcome and should study
from using the learning competencies of CNF.
frameworks to Write the learning competencies in
organize objectives the appropriate quadrant in the
because it helps worksheet. Transfer the group’s
clarify objectives for answer in the manila paper after the
themselves and for 6 subgroups had convened on the
the students. entries for each quadrant. Do this in
C. Having an organized ___ minutes.
set of objectives
helps teachers to: DO: Give ample time for the
 plan and deliver participants to finish this activity.
appropriate Monitor the groups as they work by
instruction; roaming around the hall.
 design valid
assessment tasks DO: After the given time, instruct
and strategies; the participants to post their work
and on the wall for a short gallery walk.


 ensure that Remind them to write down their

instruction and observations in a sheet of paper.
assessment are
aligned with the SAY: If your group is done, please
objectives. post your work in the wall near
2. Some teaching your group. Then, you may go
strategies/methodologies around the room to read other
in teaching Creative group’s work. Write your
Nonfiction writing observation in a sheet of paper.
(Association of Writers
and Writing Programs of DO: Process the activity by asking
George Mason University the observations of the participants
of Virginia) in the posted CNF Pedagogy
A.Extensive and Diverse Worksheet. You can do this by
Reading Requirements asking some questions like:
B. Study of Literary
Terminology 1. What is your group’s basis
C. Study of Critical in coming up with such
Approaches classification of the learning
D. Practice in Critical competencies?
Reading 2. Why is it necessary for a
E. Memorization teacher to identify the level
F. Practice in Critical or class of the learning
Writing competency?
G. Practice in the Writer’s 3. How can knowledge on the
Craft level or class of learning
H. Peer Review or competency help in
Workshops achieving the content and
I. Written Comments from performance standard?
the Instructor
J. Practice in Revision SAY: Let’s process the activity. Show slides
K. Hands-on Experience What have you observed on the with the


with New Media outputs of the other groups? What questions for
Technology is your group’s basis in coming up processing.
with such classification of the
Other instructional methods learning competencies? Why is it
or strategies in teaching necessary for a teacher to identify
Creative Nonfiction: the level or class of the learning
 Group/Individual competency? How can knowledge
Instruction on the level or class of learning
 Large/Small Group competency help in achieving the
Instruction content and performance standard?
 Problem-Solving
 Cooperative DO: Share the Key Learning Point Show slides
Learning 1 in this part of the session guide. with the Key
 Critical Thinking Learning
 Creative Thinking Points and
 Compare and
contrast activities
SAY: Therefore, appropriateness of
 Critiquing activities
an instructional strategy or
 Observations methodology will lie on the
 Simulations hierarchy of the learning or thinking
 Technology tools skill a teacher would like to develop
 Use of graphic to his/her students. For Creative
organizers (maps, Nonfiction writing, teaching
charts, illustrations) methodologies that develop
 Model by “thinking creativity and critical thinking
aloud” the process should be used extensively.

DO: Show the participants some

teaching strategies /methodologies
in teaching Creative Nonfiction
(Emphasize that these are suggested


strategies, the teacher can still

modify or choose another
strategy/methodology that fits to the
needs of his/her learners.). You may
add more teaching
strategy/methodology in the list.

SAY: Here are some teaching Show slides

methodologies/strategies you can with the
consider in teaching Creative teaching
Nonfiction. The choice which methodologies
teaching strategy for a content and for CNF.
learning competency will lie on
you, based on the appropriateness
of the pedagogy and the needs of
your learners. If you have other
teaching methodologies/strategies
fit for the content and learning
competencies of Creative
Nonfiction, please share it to the
group later in the activity we are
going to do.

DO: Engage the participants to

“CNF Pedagogy Upload.” Send the
participants back to their home
groups and let them finish a CNF
Pedagogy Map. Show them the
format and let them copy it in a
manila paper. Let the group decide
on what teaching pedagogies are fit
to use for each of the learning


competency in CNF Quarter 1.

SAY: Let’s try to match our Show the slide

teaching strategies to the learning with the CNF
competencies we have for Quarter Pedagogy
1. In your respective groups, make Upload
a consensus on possible teaching Worksheet.
strategies needed to attain each
learning competency by using the
CNF Pedagogy Map Worksheet in a
manila paper. Remember that you
can write other teaching strategies
not listed in the samples. Do this
within ___ minutes. Then choose a
representative from your group to
share the answers of your group
with the rest of the participants.

DO: Process the participants’

answers. Invite a positive
discussion on the answers of the

Determine the enabling Reiterating the reason for DO: Invite the participants on the
performances/outputs using Bloom’s Taxonomy of last activity for this part of the
embedded in the Learning Objectives – session. Let them reflect on their
learning competencies having an organized set of pedagogical choices for each
to achieve the objectives helps teachers to learning competency. Show them
performance standard plan and deliver appropriate the Performance Standard Scaffolds
 Enabling instruction, design valid Worksheet. Instruct each group to
performances/out assessment tasks and answer it in a manila paper and post
puts in LCs as strategies, and ensure that it in a wall for a short gallery walk.


basis for instruction and assessment

pedagogy are aligned with the SAY: In this activity, all groups Show the slide
objectives. will prepare for a short gallery with the
walk. Using your group’s answers Performance
Therefore, appropriate on CNF Pedagogy Upload, Standard
scaffolding for the final accomplish the Performance Scaffolds
performance/product (as Standard Scaffolds Worksheet. Worksheet.
stated in the Performance Determine the enabling
Standard) through the performance/output for each
enabling tasks, products or learning competency that leads to
performances will ensure the attainment of the main
that the learners had enough performance/output reflected in the
preparation, exposure and Performance Standard. Use a
practice for the final task, manila paper for this activity. Do
product or performance. this within ___ minutes.

Enabling tasks, products, or DO: Emphasize to the participants Show the slide
performances can be traced the importance of scaffolding in with the Key
in the learning achieving the performance Learning
competencies. standard. Share the Key Learning Points.
Point to them in this part of the
session guide.

SAY: We will use your answers in

the Performance Standard Scaffolds
Worksheet in the last part of this


Prepare proper Objectives of the session: Introduction: Engage the Bond papers,
assessment activities 1.set scaffold enabling participants in Scaffold to Win It ping pong balls
for teaching/learning performance/outputs for Game. Instruct each group to


Creative Nonfiction – the Performance Standard; choose 9 members to participate in

1st Quarter. 2. aligning CNF Assessment the game. Each group will have a
Activities to the Policy on ping pong ball and sheets of bond
Assessment (DepEd Order paper for this game. Four members
no.8, s.2015) will hold their papers with both
3. create rubrics for hands and the paper is spread, while
assessment the other four should roll their
4. employ other types of paper into a tube. The participants
assessment with a spread paper and paper tube
should fall in line in an alternate
fashion. The ninth member of each
team should stand at least 3 meters
from the last member of their team.
In your cue, the participants will
start to pass the ping pong ball from
the first member down to the last
until the ball rets on the hands of
the ninth member. The member that
successfully passed the ping pong
ball should move next to the last
member of the team, until the ball
reaches the hands of the ninth
member. If the ball falls on the
floor, they need to go back to spot
where they started. The first group
to complete this task without letting
the ball fall on the floor wins.

SAY: Let’s start this last part of the

session with Scaffold to Win It
Game. Choose 9 members from
your group to come up with a team.


Each group will have a ping pong

ball and sheets of bond paper for
this game. Four members will hold
their papers with both hands and the
paper is spread, while the other four
should roll their paper into a tube.
The participants with a spread paper
and paper tube should fall in one
line in an alternate fashion. The
ninth member of each team should
stand at least 3 meters from the last
member of their team. In my cue,
the group can start passing the ping
pong ball from the first member
down to the last until the ball rests
on the hands of the ninth member.
The member who successfully
passed the ping pong ball should
move next to the last member of the
team, until the ball reaches the
hands of the ninth member. If the
ball falls on the floor, they need to
go back to the spot where they
started. The first group to complete
this task without letting the ball fall
on the floor wins. Are you ready

DO: Give the participants ample Show the slide

time to execute the game before with the
processing the activity with the use questions for
of the following questions: processing


1. How do you find the activity?

2. How does proper handling of
the paper lead towards passing
the ball to the last member?
3. If one member wasn’t able to
demonstrate the right way of
passing the ball, do you think
your group will finish the task?

SAY: How do you find the activity?

(Wait for the participants to
respond.) How does proper
handling of the paper lead towards
passing the ball to the last member?
(Get the response of the
participants.) If one member wasn’t
able to demonstrate the right way of
passing the ball, do you think your
group will finish the task? Why?
(Get the response of the

DO: Process the answers of the

participants and lead them to the
last part of the session, learning

SAY: You may have realized that Show slide

the game pointed out the use of with the title of
scaffolding in achieving the end the session
result – winning the game. In this “Learning


part of the session, we will deal Assessment”

with learning assessment. The and the
objectives of the session are the objectives
1. set scaffold/enabling
performances/outputs for
the Performance Standard:
2. align CNF Assessment
Activities to the Policy on
Assessment (DepEd Order
no.8 s.2015)
3. create rubrics for assessment
4. employ other types of

Set scaffold/enabling According to IRIS Center DO: Engage the participants into a Manila papers,
performances/outputs Peabody College, Vanderbilt review of their group’s markers, tape
for the Performance University at Nashville, Performance Standard Scaffolds
Standard USA, instructional Worksheet. Let the participants
scaffolding is a process check if the enabling
through which a teacher performances/products they have
adds supports for students in identified are based on the learning
order to enhance learning competencies and are leading to the
and aid in the mastery of terminal performance/product
tasks. This is done by reflected in the performance
systematically building on standard.
student’s experiences and
knowledge as they are SAY: To formally star this session,
learning new skills and new let’s go back to the last activity you
tasks with multiple steps had in the previous session. Kindly
(just like in CNF writing). refer to the Performance Standard
Scaffolds Worksheet your group


had posted. Convene within 10

minutes with all your group mates
to discuss how your group came up
with the enabling
performances/products and its
arrangement. Choose someone from
the group to share the answer.

DO: Give ample time for the

participants to share their answers
to the rest of the group. Then
process their answers, leading to the
Key Learning Point in this part of
the session guide.
Show the slide
SAY: Your answers all lead to this with the Key
information about scaffolding – Learning Point
according to IRIS Center Peabody
College, Vanderbilt University at
Nashville, USA, instructional
scaffolding is a process through
which a teacher adds supports for
students in order to enhance
learning and aid in the mastery of
tasks. This is done by
systematically building on student’s
experiences and knowledge as they
are learning new skills and new
tasks with multiple steps (just like
in CNF writing).
Show slide
DO: Let the participants answer the with the


following questions for reflection in questions for

their CNF Learning Log. reflection
1. What have you realized in
the process of determining
enabling performances or
products out of the learning
2. How does this process lead
to determining the right type
of assessment for the
3. How does the performance
standard influence the
determination of enabling
performances or products?

SAY: Please answer these questions

for reflection before we proceed on
the next part of the session:
1. What have you realized in
the process of determining
enabling performances or
products out of the learning
2. How does this process lead
to determining the right type
of assessment for the
3. How does the performance
standard influence the
determination of enabling
performances or products?


Aligning CNF 1. Assessment is a process DO: Lead the participants into the Copy of
Assessment Activities that is used to keep track review of the Policy on Assessment DO_08, s.2015
to the Policy on of learners’ progress in of the K to 12 Program. – Policy on
Assessment (DepEd relation to learning Assessment for
Order no.8 s.2015) standards and in the SAY: In this part of the session, we the K to 12
development of 21st will align the enabling tasks you Program
century skills; to have identified or suggested based
promote self-reflection on DepEd Order no.8, series or
and personal 2015 or the Policy on Assessment
accountability among of the K to 12 Program.
students about their own
learning; and to provide DO: Let them bring out their copy
bases for the profiling of of DepEd Order no.8 s.2015.
student performance on Initiate a brief review of the said
the learning order by presenting the slides
competencies and regarding this matter.
standards of the
curriculum (D.O. no.8, SAY: Let’s have a review on the Show slides
s.2015, Enclosure p.1) Policy on Assessment for the K to about the
12 Program. Please bring out your Policy
copy of the said policy as you Assessment
follow the next presentation.

DO: Share to the participants Key Show slides

Learning Point 1 in this part of the with the Key
session guide. Learning Point

SAY: Assessment in the classroom Show slide

is classified into two – formative about the types
and summative. Formative of assessment


assessment may be viewed as based on DO 8,

“assessment for learning” where s. 2015.
assessment is used by teachers as
basis in adjusting or in modifying
instruction. It can also be viewed as
“assessment as learning” wherein it
is used by the students to reflect on
their own progress. Summative
assessment, on the other hand, is
viewed as “assessment of learning”
which occurs toward the end of a
period of learning in order to
describe if the content and
performance standards were
reached by the learner.

Both formative and summative Show slide

assessments can be used to assess with the CNF
learning standards – content and Pedagogy Scan
performance, and the learning Worksheet and
competencies outlined in the Bloom’s
curriculum. Modified
Taxonomy of
Remember the CNF Pedagogy Scan Learning
activities where you based your Objectives
choice of pedagogy on the
hierarchy of the learning
objectives? It is based on Bloom’s
Modified Taxonomy of Learning
Objectives, on the cognitive
domain, now called Cognitive
Process Dimensions by Anderson &


Krathwohl (2001). The Cognitive

Process Dimensions include
remembering, understanding,
applying, analyzing, evaluating, and

The Cognitive Process Dimensions

should be used in lesson
development and in the formulation
of assessment tasks and activities.

DO: Instruct the participants to

refer back to the enabling tasks and
performances they have formulated
based on the LCs and the
performance standard. Then engage
them in completing the CNF
Assessment Checklist in order to
have a spring board for group
discussion. Instruct the groups to
present their work afterwards.

SAY: Let’s have an activity. Please Show the slide

refer to your group’s output with the
regarding the enabling tasks and activity title
performances and the performance and the CNF
standard. Determine where these Assessment
tasks and performances fall on Checklist.
formative and/or summative
assessment by completing the CNF
Assessment Checklist. Do this
within 10 minutes. Then convene as


a group to have a consensus on your

answers before presenting it to the
rest of the participants.

DO: Give ample time for the

participants to share their answers
to the whole group. Then process
their responses using the following
1. Which among these
assessment activities should
be recorded? recorded and
2. Which one/s should you
give more weight? How will
you do that?

SAY: Which among these Show the slide

assessment activities should be on Components
recorded? recorded and graded? of Summative
Which one/s should you give more Assessment,
weight? How will you do that? and the Weight
Translating our assessment into per
numeric rating is the next step in Component.
assessment. That’s the reason why
we need to determine first which
among these assessment activities
are formative and/or summative.

DO: Let the participants refer to

their copy of D.O. no.8 s.2015
Enclosure p.9 to p.19 Emphasize to


them that they may see there the

details in computing the grades,
weighted percentage score,
equivalent rating, and promotion.

SAY: Please refer to your copy of Show slide

DepEd Order no. 8, series of 2015 with the picture
Enclosure, from page 9 to page 19 of DO 8,
for details in computing the grades, s.2015.
weighted percentage score,
equivalent rating, and promotion.
Better yet, if you have time in this
whole training, read the whole
document so that you can
understand the whole policy.

Creating Rubrics for DO: Engage the participants to

Assessment answer the initial questions about
rubrics. Call some participants to
answer and process their responses
to lead to the discussion on the
importance of rubrics in

SAY: What is your current view of Show the slide

rubrics? Write down what you with the
know about them and what reflection
experiences you had using them. questions.
Save this reflection to compare with
a similar reflection in this session.

DO: Present a sample of rubrics.


Then present a mini-lecture on


SAY: Let’s have a review about Show slide

rubrics and later on, you will create with the mini-
rubrics for the assessment activities lecture on
you had set. creation of
DO: After presenting the mini-
lecture, engage the participants to
create rubrics for the assessment
activities they had identified or
created. Send them to their home
groups and let them create rubrics
for the enabling tasks, performance
or product for CNF Quarter 1. Let
them present it using MS Power

SAY: Let’s have a practice on the

creation of rubrics. Go to your
respective home groups and divide
the number of enabling
performances or tasks for CNF
Quarter 1. Decide on the type of
rubrics and write a set of rubrics for
each enabling task based on your
choice. Create another set for the
culminating performance/output.
Present your group’s output using
MS Power point. Do this in __


DO: Give ample time for the

participants to present their work.
Then process their answers using
the following questions:
1. How will rubrics establish
transparency in assessing
the learners?
2. How will rubrics make
assessment more objective?
3. How will it help you track
your progress in teaching
the content? How about the

SAY: Thank you for all your

responses. Let’s process your
answers. How will rubrics establish
transparency in assessing the
learners? How will rubrics make
assessment more objective? How
will it help you track your progress
in teaching the content? How about
the learners?

DO: Call some participants from

different groups to answer the
questions for reflection. Then lead
them on the discussion of
alternative types of assessment for


Employing Other Aside from the use of rubrics, there Show slides
Types of Assessment are other assessment tools you can regarding the
consider in assessing our learners. alternative
Some of these include graphic assessment
organizers, portfolios, feedback tools
tools and discussion tools. Some
educational tools help schools
evaluate student performance, while
others permit self-evaluations of
student performance. Instructors
use educational assessment tools to
guide students in their future
academic performance and evaluate
past performances.

DO: Engage the participants to Show the slides

answer the CNF Learning Log. Let with the
them complete the following open- questions for
ended statements: the CNF
Learning Log.
1. I learned most about
2. In this session, I find it difficult
to understand
3. Things I learned from this
session I need the most are
4. I mostly appreciate
5. It would be better if


SAY: As we end this training

session for the day, please answer
the CNF Learning Log in a piece of
paper given to you. Then submit it
to the facilitators assigned. Thank
you and see you tomorrow! Rest


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