Jesuit Memorial College Mbodo Aluu Port Harcourt: First Continuous Assesment, Second Term 2018/2019 Academic Session

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Please do not open this question booklet until you are told to do so.
While you are waiting, read the following instructions carefully.

This paper consists of

two sections: I & II. Section I consist of thirty (30) multiple-choice questions and Section II consists of
three essay questions, out of which you are to answer ALL. Both sections will last for 1 hour.



1. Use HB pencil only

2. Write your Name, Subject, and your class boldly written on the answer sheet provided. Also, write
and shade appropriately Date of Exam, your DOB, Student ID & your Examination number, where
applicable, in the spaces provided.

3. Answer each question by shading the box that corresponds to the option you have chosen.

4. Do not waste time on any question. If you find any difficult, go to the others and finish them before
you come back to the difficult one(s).

5. There must not be more than one shading for an answer. Any shading with more than one box will be
marked wrong.

6. If you change your mind about an answer, completely erase the first shading.

7. Do not start until the Supervisor tells you to do so.

Turn Over

1. Which of the following is NOT used in e. None of the above
information technology?
a. Computer
b. Satellite
9. The GSM technology is based on
c. Webcam
d. Radio
e. Telegram
2. _____ is a telecommunication device used to c. OPM
transmit and receive sound across distance d. RSM
a. Telex e. None of the above
b. Fax
c. Telegram 10. A _____combines features of both
d. Telephone scanner and printer
e. Typewriter a. Telex machine
b. Radio
3. ICT is an acronym for c. Pager
a. Information Communication d. Telephone
Technology e. Fax machine
b. Information and communication
techniques 11. Which device would only send printed
c. Information Communication and text over a telephone line?
Technology a. Scanner
d. Information and Communication b. Fax machine
Technology c. Telex machine
e. Information and computer d. Internet
training e. Pager

4. The full meaning of Fax is 12. Which of the following devices would
a. Facial require the use of paper to transmit/
b. Facts receive information?
c. Facilitation a. Telephone
d. Faxile b. GSM phone
e. Facsimile c. Radio
d. Telex
5. A network of computers that allow e. Pager
information exchange across the world is
called________ 13. SIM is an acronym for
a. Communication a. Service Identity Market
b. Internet b. Subscriber Identity Module
c. Telecommunication c. Subscriber Internet Module
d. Intranet d. Service Identity module
e. Information e. None of the above

6. Which of the following devices is not 14. Wi-Fi is a term used to refer to________
connected to a telephone line to a. Wireless Finance
send/receive message? b. Wired future
a. Radio c. Wireless Networks
b. Pager d. Wireless Furniture
c. Telex e. All of the above
d. Fax machine 15. GSM stands for
e. None of the above a. Global System for Mobile
7. A device that is used to send and receive communications
audio signals over a distance is called b. General Service Machine
a______ c. Global Service Machines
a. Satellite d. General System for Mobile
b. Fax communications
c. Telex e. None of the above
d. Telephone 16. Which is the odd one out?
e. None of the above a. Fax
8. GSM originated in_______ b. Telex
a. 1925 c. Pager
b. 1958 d. GSM
c. 1885 e. Pen
d. 1982
e. None of the above
24. Which of these devices cannot be
17. One of the following does Not transmit a. GSM phone
signals b. Computer
a. Satellite c. Telex
b. Computer d. Fax machine
c. Radio e. None of the above
d. Telephone
e. Typewriter 25. ________ is the process by which people
18. One of the negative effects of ICT is____ exchange information
a. Globalisation a. Technology
b. Innovation b. Communication
c. Creativity c. Transmission
d. Cyber crime d. Storage
e. Media integration e. Expression
19. ICT promotes ______ in new and better 26. ATM is short for ________
ways a. Automatic Transmission Machine
a. Human interference b. Automated Transmission
b. Human interaction Machine
c. Human destruction c. Assisted Teller Machine
d. Capital loss d. Automated Teller Machine
e. Job loss e. All of the above
20. ICT gadgets are devices for the following 27. Which of the following can be sent using
except ____ a mobile phone?
a. Convincing a. Text messages
b. Collecting b. Pictures
c. Processing c. Videos
d. Storing d. All of the above
e. Transmitting e. A only
21. Information transmitted through a fax 28. Which of the following is not a social
machine is ____ network?
a. Received through post a. Twitter
b. Printed on paper b. Facebook
c. Received through audio c. WhatsApp
d. Displayed on the screen d. Instagram
e. None of the above e. None of the above
22. A ______ is a complex communication 29. Which of these can be used to
device located in space communicate pictures of live events?
a. Radio a. Fax machine
b. Star b. Television
c. Diode c. Telephone
d. Satellite d. Telex
e. Transmitter e. Pager
23. Which of these is not a band used for 30. Blog is short for ______
radio signals a. Web log
a. Amplitude Modulation b. Blue log
b. Short Wave c. Big log
c. Frequency Transition d. Band log
d. Frequency Modulation e. None of the above
Section B;
Answer all questions

1. Define the term ICT. List 5 examples of ICT gadgets (10 marks)

2. Describe the following devices stating their use (a) Fax machine (b) telephone (10 marks)

3. a) Explain five disadvantages of ICT (10 marks)

b) Give five differences between a GSM handset and a Fax machine (10 marks)

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