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KEP. DIREKTORAT PEMBINAAN SMP NO : 230/C3/KEP/2008, Tgl. 08 Pebruari 2008
NIS : 200420 NSS : 201026105057
Jalan Kartini No. 16 Telp. (0251) 8324513 Fax. 8335287 Bogor 16114
Website : www.smpn4bogor.sch.id , E-mail : smpn4bog@smpn4bogor.sch.id


TAHUN PELAJARAN : 2009 – 2010

Mata Pelajaran : Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi

Kelas : VII (SBI)
Waktu : 60 minutes

1. Tulis nomor Anda pada lembar jawaban.
2. Periksalah dan bacalah soal-soal dengan teliti sebelum menjawab.
3. Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang dianggap mudah.
4. Kerjakan pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan
5. Hitamkan dengan menggunakan pensil 2B pada jawaban yang dipilih
6. Apabila ada jawaban yang dianggap salah, dan ingin diperbaiki, hapuslah jawaban anda dengan karet
penghapus sampai bersih, kemudian hitamkan pilihan anda yang baru..

Choose the answers a, b, c or d that you a. Listen information

properly! b. See and hear information
c. Send document via telecommunication
1. The effort that we have to do when the network
information technology has developed… d. Conversation in both directions.
a. Improve ourselves in information
technology 6. In history, computer used for…
b. Mining human resources a. Predict c. Type
c. Buy a lot of computers b. Compute d. Make a movie
d. Using advance software
7. Technology which sends sound and images
2. Information which can’t be saved is… via on air is….
a. Picture in cave wall a. Radio c. Television
b. Send email b. Telephone d. facsimile
c. Information by trumpet
d. Send MMS 8. Service application which sends short text
message is...
3. The example of culture changes because a. MMS
technology evolution, except… b. GSM
a. Stove using firewood become stove using c. CDMA
gas d. SMS
b. Cell phone from telephone
c. PLTA to PLTN 9. Technology which sends sound and image
d. Use wells become use PDAM or water via cable (telecommunication network) is…
machine a. Television c. Facsimile
b. Radio d. Telephone
4. The Example of technology evolution which
influences culture changes…. 10. Here is traditional communication ….
a. satellite a. Telephone c. Bamboo alarm
b. manual to automatic equipment b. Internet d. Hand phone
c. transportation
d. communication equipment 11. Here is the technology which is very
important and can help people to complete
5. Those picture is one of their works...
communication technology, and a. Digital camera
the function of those equipment is… b. Computer
c. HP 3G 20. Entering the computer software program is
d. Mp3 Player called….
a. Entering
12. Type of technology is used by an employer b. Install
to do their works in office… c. Remove
a. LCD c. MP3 d. Uninstall
b. PDA d. Personal Computer
21. Here is the hardware…
13. Look those part technologies! a. Webcam c. Yahoo Messenger
1. Table b. Linux d. Windows Media Player
2. Motor cycle
3. Bridge 22. Those are including the 6T of work is, except
4. Car …
Technology which are the part of a. Not aware
constructions technology.... b. Not Experience
a. 1 and 2 c. 1 and 3 c. Don’t give attention
b. 2 and 3 d. 2 and 4 d. Carefully

14. Look those parts of hardware! 23. Which is the correct point of view when you
1. CD ROM Driver take a seat in front of computer is ...
2. Diskette a. Horizontal line
3. Hard disk External b. Less than 15o
4. Floppy Disk c. More than 30o
Which are the parts of driver or device.... d. Less than 30o
a. 1 and 2 c. 2 and 4
b. 2 and 3 d. 1 and 4 24. Technology which has example like Airplane
and train is....
15. What does GPRS mean... a. Industry c. Transportation
a. General Packet Radio System b. Production d. Communication
b. Global Packet Radio Service
c. Global Packet Radio System 25. Here are parts of Software ...
d. General Packet Radio Service a. Ms. Office, Antivir, LCD
b. Games, Ms. Excel, Ms. Outlook
16. Cycle of data and information processing is c. Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse
… d. Macromedia Flash, LCD, Norton
a. Input – Process - Output
b. Input – Process - Input 26. Name of “GAPTEK” usually called to
c. Output – Process - Input someone who…
d. Process – Input – Output a. Don’t understand about technology
b. Don’t know about technology
17. Which includes the extension of the c. Don’t use technology
animation picture file … d. Always use technology
a. gif c. doc
b. Jpeg d. mp3 27. Technology evolution from traditional
become modern it’s because....
18. Here are the condition of the work safety is, a. Effective and Efficient
except… b. Economical
a. Not thrust c. Faster and affordable
b. Watch out on electrical equipment d. Self concept
c. Always use protective glasses
d. Careless on rotary engine equipment 28. What does CSU mean ...
a. Case Service Unit
19. Here are the advantages of the windows as b. Case System Unit
operating system is, except… c. Central Service Unit
b. Application that has been available d. Central System Unit
c. Easy to learn
d. User friendly
e. Cheap price

29. Look at the picture! 35. To facilitate us in making a presentation,
which is the software use?
1. 6. a. Microsoft Power Point
b. Microsoft Excel
c. Microsoft Word
d. Microsoft Access
2. 7.
36. Part of computer which can be damaged our
eyes is...
3. 8. a. Keyboard c. Monitor
b. Mouse d. Speaker

4. 9. 37. How many rows should be in an one slide...

a. Min 20 rows c. Max 20 rows
b. Min 12 rows d. Max 12 rows
5. 10. 38. Here is the point that should be prepared
when you want to have a good presentation,
Which are the input devices from those except...
pictures… a. Have a nice style
a. 1, 2, 3 c. 6, 7, 10 b. Practice, practice, practice
b. 2, 5, 9 d. 2, 4, 8 c. Know your message
d. Know the audience
30. The conditions which have to be notice when
you work using computer... 39. Command to insert an images from your file
a. Eyes distance to monitor is ...
b. Body’s position, Computer’s position, a. Insert Picture Clip Art
lightning b. Insert Symbol
c. Monitor position, CSU, Foot’s position c. Insert From File Browse
d. Keyboard, Mouse, Hand position, Foot d. Insert Picture From File
40. Icon to add an text box is ...
31. Which is a data storage media on the
a. Webcam a. c.
b. Diskette
c. DVD Driver b. d.
d. Printer

32. WINDOWS, VISTA, DOS, UNIX and -Good Luck-

LINUX are...
a. Word Processing program
b. Operating System
c. Number processing program
d. Database processing program

33. This is the correct position of keyboard and

a. Put keyboard higher and little bit in
another side
b. Put mouse far from your hand
c. Put mouse higher than keyboard
d. Put mouse beside keyboard

34. What does GPRS mean....

a. Global Packet Radio System
b. Global Packet Radio Service
c. General Packet Radio System
d. General Packet Radio Service

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