Cream Rather, Quantity by Marketplace. So Many Buyers and So Many Sellers That Each Has Offering Going and He Will

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4-lb \Vbat ls Coinpetition?

The market for ice cream.~ like m.ost markets in the economy, is highl y comp e ti-
tiv e. Each buyer knows that there are several sellers from which to choose, ,,n d
t'a ch seller is aware that his product is similar to that offered by other sellers. As a
result, the price and quantity of ice cream sold are not determined by any single
buyer or seller. Rather, price and quantity are determined by all buyers and sellers
as they interact in the marketplace.
competitive market
Economists use the term competitive market to describe a market in which
a market in which there
there are so many buyers and so many sellers that each has a negligible impact
are many buyers and
on the market price. Each seller of ice cream has limited control over the price
many sellers so tllat each
because other sellers are offering similar products. A seller has little reason to
has a negligible impac t
ch,1rge less than the going, and if he charges more, buyers will m.ake their
on the market price
purchases elsewhere. Similarly, no single buyer of ice crean1 can influence the
price of ice crea1n because each buyer purchases only a small anwunt.
In this chapter, we assume that markets are perfectly co,npetitive. To reach this
highest form of competition, a market must have two characteristics: (1.) The
goods offered for sale are all exactly the same, and (2) the buyers and. sellers are so
numerous that no single buyer or seller has any influence over the market price.

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· . pe1f~ctly
• · comp~tltive
· · markets must accept the pnce
--~1 E- 1nd1.~t.t detcrmmes, they are said to be price tak~rs. At the market price, buyers
can buy dll they want, and sellers can sell all they want.
~here are some markets in which the assumption of perfect con1petition applies
pertect1y. In tht' wheat market, for example, there are thousands of faTmers who
sell \vhea t and n1illions of consun1ers who use wheat and wheat products. Be-
cause no single buyer or seller can infltwnce the price of wheat, each takes the
m.arket price as given.
Not all goods a.n d services, however, are sold in perfectly competitive markets.
Some 1na.rkets .h ave only one seller, and this seller sets the price. Such a seller is cL1llcd
a mo110po(y. Your 10011 cable television c01npany, for instance, may be a 111.onopoly. Res-
idents of your to\A.rn probably have only one company from which to buy cable, ser-
vice. l)ther n1arkets fall between the extremes of perfect c01npetition and monopoly.
Despite the diversity of market types we find in the world, assu1ning perfect
co1npetition is a useful simplification and, therefore, a natural place to start. Per-
fectly con1petitive .m arkets are the easiest to analyze because everyone p0rtic-
ipating in the market takes the price as given by market conditions. Moreover,
because so1ne degree of co1npetition is present in most 111arkets, many of th~ l:es-
sons that vve learn by studying supply and demand under perfect con\pet1t10n
apply in rnore complicated markets as well.
What is a market? ~ What are the characteristics of a perfectly competi-
tive market?

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