Patient: Patient, Example

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Patient Report |FINAL

Client: Example Client ABC123 Patient: Patient, Example

123 Test Drive
Salt Lake City, UT 84108 DOB 3/25/1976
UNITED STATES Gender: Female
Patient Identifiers: 01234567890ABCD, 012345
Physician: Doctor, Example Visit Number (FIN): 01234567890ABCD
Collection Date: 01/01/2017 12:34

Parvovirus B19 Antibodies, IgG and IgM

ARUP test code 0065120

Parvovirus B19 Antibody IgG 2.15 IV H (Ref Interval: <=0.90)

0.90 IV or less .......... Negative - No significant
level of detectable Parvovirus
B19 IgG antibody.
0.91 - 1.09 IV ........... Equivocal - Repeat testing in
7-21 days may be helpful.
1.10 IV or greater ....... Positive - IgG antibody to
Parvovirus B19 detected which
may indicate a current or
past infection.
The best evidence for current infection is a significant change
on two appropriately timed specimens, where both tests are done
in the same laboratory at the same time.

Parvovirus B19 Antibody IgM 1.78 IV H (Ref Interval: <=0.90)

0.90 IV or less .......... Negative - No significant
level of detectable Parvovirus
B19 IgM antibody.
0.91 - 1.09 IV ........... Equivocal - Repeat testing in
7-21 days may be helpful.
1.10 IV or greater ........ Positive - IgM antibody to
Parvovirus B19 detected which
may indicate a current or
recent infection. However, low
levels of IgM antibodies may
occasionally persist for more
than 12 months post-infection.
The best evidence for current infection is a significant change
on two appropriately timed specimens, where both tests are done
in the same laboratory at the same time.
Appearance of an IgM antibody response normally occurs 7 to 14
days after the onset of disease. Testing immediately
post-exposure is of no value without a later convalescent
specimen. A residual IgM response may be distinguished from
early IgM response to infection by testing sera from patients
three to four weeks later for changing levels of specific IgM

H=High, L=Low, *=Abnormal, C=Critical

Patient: Patient, Example

ARUP Accession: 20-153-106340
Patient Identifiers: 01234567890ABCD, 012345
Visit Number (FIN): 01234567890ABCD
Page 1 of 2 | Printed: 12/7/2020 2:04:02 PM
Patient Report |FINAL


Procedure Accession Collected Received Verified/Reported

Parvovirus B19 Antibody IgG 20-153-106340 6/1/2020 8:35:00 AM 6/2/2020 1:21:02 PM 6/3/2020 4:07:00 PM

Parvovirus B19 Antibody IgM 20-153-106340 6/1/2020 8:35:00 AM 6/2/2020 1:21:02 PM 6/3/2020 4:07:00 PM


H=High, L=Low, *=Abnormal, C=Critical

Patient: Patient, Example

ARUP Accession: 20-153-106340
Patient Identifiers: 01234567890ABCD, 012345
Visit Number (FIN): 01234567890ABCD
Page 2 of 2 | Printed: 12/7/2020 2:04:02 PM

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