paper: Chile
in Chile
August, 2005
Economy paper: Chile
Table of Contents
1. CSR in Chile: Vision and Drivers services, or to the satisfaction only of its
shareholders, but has evolved towards an
The antecedents of Corporate Social integrated vision based on the creation of value
Responsibility (CSR) in Chile date back to 1920 for its different stakeholders; without whose
when a series of philanthropic actions were first support the organization would cease to exist.
glimpsed. In the beginning, these activities,
which were circumstantial and disconnected Nowadays there is greater maturity in the
from business strategy, reflected the personal application of the concept of CSR as companies
desires of philanthropic businessmen. But the are evolving from the image-marketing linked to
globalization of the economy, the liberalization philanthropy, towards building a reputation
of markets and an increasingly demanding based on the coherence of an internal focus on
society began to spur the modification of CSR where a concern for the workers is
paradigms towards fostering positions of greater emphasized, 1 and towards forging an external
commitment with society and at the same time a organizational focus like a commitment to the
reality where spaces in which government, the community, mostly linked with education.
private sector, and civil society interacted.
Many issues linked with social responsibility are
Today, this concern is no longer an incipient implied by the Free Trade Agreements (FTA)
theme. Instead it is beginning to be developed subscribed to by Chile with developed countries.
more extensively. Representatives of each sector These Agreements force businesses to
of society are starting to understand that they incorporate best practices in all their productive
are not independent from the rest, that they have process in order to assure their competitiveness.
an important role in the development of this It is for this reason that CSR is becoming a key
issue. They have come to realize that the entities strategy for businesses, specially export oriented
which compose it should not be institutions that industries.
are not too inward looking, but should be
institutions that behave in a responsible way Another concrete but more recent aspect that has
with each of the other members of the groups surfaced in the business orientation of CSR is
they interact with and be capable of participating the establishment of commitments and the
in the country’s social development. inclusion and/or enlargement of this concept in
the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) via
In general this concept has driven society to the support of important international
begin familiarizing itself with the issue. It has institutions. 2 In Chile it is becoming more and
also convinced businesses to start adopting more important to forge strategic alliances with
corporate politics that cover aspects linked to parts of the production chain that used to be the
CSR. like a concern for the workers’ integral weaker links.
development, environmental care, and
community relationships, among other aspects.
The international context of commerce, the
It was not until after the 1990s that it began to be pressure of diverse social actors and the
understood within Chile that CSR was a convictions of some businessmen are motivating
business vision that harmoniously integrated a businesses to incorporate CSR into their
respect for ethical values, people, the business strategies. While this trend has become
environment and the community, into a single evident on the level of large global companies, it
business strategy. This concept began to gain has also been gaining ground among businesses
importance and interest from a more proactive in developing countries, among them SMEs,
perspective, as much from the business
community as from the state and civil societies
connected through NGOs with the 1
environmental themes of human development Mori polling has being consistently showing this
and the promotion of human capital. trend during the last 4 years.
There are projects funded by Inter-American
Development Bank (IADB) and Governmental
Consequently, the role of businesses is no longer Agency for Economic Development (CORFO).
deemed restricted to the production of goods and
Economy paper: Chile
Economy paper: Chile
promoting and expanding CSR in the country. Currently, four Mutuales represent 70.000
Key players and examples of on-going businesses. This represents 100% of the
developments are the following: incorporated businesses that have workers who
receive payment and social benefits.
3.1 The Private Sector
The rate of accidents in Chile is among the
The concern for sensitive topics by society is a lowest in the world, developing countries
traditional attitude of Chilean businesses that included.
largely originated from the strong influence of
the Catholic Church. This social activity • Chile Good Agriculture Practices Standard:
associated to philanthropy has been constituted In the agricultural sector, and according to the
in an effort to take a step towards coming up data provided by the Fundación para el
with a systematic response and commitment on Desarrollo Frutícola, FDF (Foundation for
the part of the company vis-a-vis its various Fruit Industry Development), until year 2004
stakeholders. around 1,200 businesses had adopted the
Chilean Good Agricultural Practices Standard
Several examples indicate how entrepreneurs are (Chile-GAP 3 ). This standard which was
becoming more conscious of the benefits arising recognized in Europe encompassed
from practices linked with CSR and its environmental, labor and good food safety
incorporation into their management system practices. It is considered the first robust step
within the context of open markets. They towards CSR in the agriculture sector.
recognize that interest in this topic is growing, Meanwhile, the 2005 Chile-GAP will also
for which reason the business focus traditionally cover the avocado and wine industries which,
centered on the satisfaction of the investor is combined with the previous sectors, will reach
beginning to extend its vision, paying attention approximately 2500 producers.
to a more extensive group of stakeholders.
• Chile Clean Production Agreements:
The president of the Commission of CSR of the Increasingly, more and more businesses from
highly representative Confederation of different industry sectors are subscribing to the
Production and Trade (CPC), Mr. Gonzalo Chilean Clean Production Agreements (CPA) 4 .
Garcia has declared that “Legitimizing CSR as From the wine-growing industry, 522
an indissoluble element of all business businesses encompassing 849 facilities (660
management is an objective that is increasingly vineyards and 189 vineyards), have signed this
being fulfilled: definitely, CSR today is a agreement. Meanwhile, in the fruit industry
fundamental topic in the country.” this agreement has been signed by 884
businesses consisting of owners of orchards,
CSR is being transformed from an emergent packers, cold-storage plants owners and
issue to being constituted as an essential element exporters.
of differentiation, leadership, and excellence in
business management. The following are some • Dual Education Program: Another important
significant examples: milestone worth mentioning is the
involvement of 7,322 businesses in the dual
Health and safety mutual help associations
(or mutuales) are organizations dedicated to 3
Chile GAP Standard was develop by the Foundation
improving health and safety conditions in the for Fruit Industry Development, which depends from
work place. They were created by the private the Agriculture Exporters Association and counted
sector 46 years ago as nonprofit groups. From with the support of Government throw CORFO and
the very start, they their Boards included union the Chilean National Standards Body. More
leaders. Years later they were regulated by a law information at and
that was passed. Notably under the socialist The Clean Production Agreement is a voluntary
government (1970-73) and the right wing industry based approach to overcome collectively
environmental issues. It has being lead by the
dictatorship (1973-90) they were not modified.
Business Associations with support from
They continue to exist as a partnership between Government throw CORFO, providing co-financing
business and labor up till to the present. for SMEs that become part of the agreement.
Economy paper: Chile
Economy paper: Chile
The National Standards Body (Instituto flourishing new group of CSR-related NGOs is
Nacional de Normalización. As playing an increasingly influential role,
part of CORFO, the Chilean National Standards becoming visible to the business community. It
Body is actively participating in the is making significant advances in the diffusion
development of the ISO26000 standard for of CSR.
Social Responsibility. It has established a
national “Mirror Committee”, with more than 60 More traditional NGOs have made less of an
active participants from all sectors, including impact on the business sector and consumers,
unionized workers and the main business but some are starting to get better organized.
associations. It has become one of the most Red Puentes is a network of NGOs focused on
visible and active players among developing looking after impacting and partnering with
countries. Further because of Chile´s openness business. NGOs in this group are active
to the world market, there is a clear incentive to members of the Chilean National Mirror
be part of the Global Setting on Social Committee on ISO for Social Responsibility.
Responsibility. They network on an international level.
• Comisión Nacional de Investigación Traditional civil society does not take advantage
Científica y Tecnológica ( Its of the newest trends, and instead confronts
mission entails advising the Chilean business with traditional strategies that were not
government in the fields of science and completely successful in the past. Exceptions to
technology. CONICYT, through FONDEF, 5 this are those NGOs that have adopted a
the Fund of Scientific and Technological different attitude (like Teletón, Hogar de Cristo)
Development (Fondo de Fomento al by establishing partnerships with business and
Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico), financed integrating top managers into their boards.
the project entitled “Development of a
Management System for Corporate Social Traditional civil society has a crafted response to
Responsibility” allowing the development of the most habitual paradigms, and the mainly
practical management CSR tools and training assume roles related to welfare. Nevertheless,
materials, which are increasingly being used. the academe emphasizes where initiatives of
Vincular executed this over US$500.000 participation in themes of social responsibility
project. arise. For example, the Catholic University of
Chile is part of the SEKN network, while the
• FONDEF project II: A second project was Catholic University of Valparaiso developed the
recently awarded to Vincular. It entailed initiative, Vincular. The network Construye País
developing practical tools to better link University is composed of thirteen universities
competitiveness with the quality of life in the that promote a proactive social approach in
workplace, which is the most critical factor society.
linked with CSR in Chile. This second
investment significantly demonstrates the
drive of some government agencies to 3.4 The Consumers
contribute to the development and
establishment of CSR in Chile. The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility
is widely known and its exercise demanded by
numerous consumers across the world,
3.3 Civil Society especially those in developing countries. The
phenomenon has reached Chile so that every day
The relationship between the third sector and Chileans are more familiar with this concept and
CSR is evinced by a regional phenomenon, the more Chileans increasingly value the practice of
presence of two groups: (i) civil society being socially responsible.
organized for the sake of CSR; and (ii) civil
society organized to undertake issues of public It is important to emphasize that the MORI 2005
interest. As part of this phenomenon, the study revealed how highly Chileans value CSR.
In fact, the number of consumers who declared
Ver that a business sells more if it is socially
Economy paper: Chile
responsible has increased from 41% in 2002 to These challenges can be translated into powerful
55% in 2005. future opportunities when CSR will have formed
part of their management systems, but which
Asked during studies, consumers maintain that such will require considerable and continuing
CSR adoption in Chile is not generalized as yet change efforts.
as the national business sector has but a short-
term utilitarian point of view that first needs to
change for a sustainable approach to be attained. 4.2 CSR into the competitiveness agenda
In this regard citizens expect the business sector
to take care and commit to the development and A challenge in the years to come entails
improvement of society’s quality of life. The improving the link between CSR and the
businesses that adopt this plan do not only competitiveness agenda. The conditions
guarantee their sustainable success, but also prevailing in Chile for the development of CSR
foster greater competitiveness and a reduction in are encouraging, but it remains imperative for
their organizational costs. the CSR agenda to be formally aligned with the
mainstream competitiveness strategy.
Economy paper: Chile
medium enterprises from the manufacturing, there are other academic institutions are offering
fruit-growing and winegrowing industries are basic courses, which are limited in terms of
formally adopting Corporate Social coverage.
Responsibility into their business strategies. 6
At this point, universities are expected to
Large businesses are increasingly demanding the integrate CSR into more career programs. While
observance of CSR standards among their this trend has already been noted in some MBA
supply chains, which consist mainly of SMEs. programs, it is predicted that in the next few
These SMEs have grown increasingly aware that years, the trend will be entrenched in the
in order to remain competitive and to be standard curriculum of any MBA student, and
integrated into the most dynamic sectors of the beyond that, of almost all careers as well.
economy, they have to show that they are
dependable commercial associates aligned with
their clients’ needs. 7
Throughout a Project implemented by VINCULAR
and funded by IADB and CORFO and with
participation from the main Businesses sectors.
Eva Ramos, Corporate Social Responsibility
Director at Ecology and Development Foundation