Pasteurization of Mushroom Substrate and Other Solids: Review
Pasteurization of Mushroom Substrate and Other Solids: Review
Pasteurization of Mushroom Substrate and Other Solids: Review
Mushrooms represent an important part of natural solid waste disposal, which can be enhanced by
cultivation. Cultivation provides a source of wholesome food which thus, by cultivating them we can
have more food and less solid waste. However, pasteurization for cultivation requires the use of some
fuel. In order to obtain the maximum environmental benefit from them, it is therefore important to use
the minimum fuel and the best conditions for their cultivation. In this review, we discuss the use of fuel
for pasteurization, a step in cultivation that can potentially use very large amounts of energy. The use of
simple methods and good management can minimize the amount of fuel and reduce disease and pests.
Key words: Mushroom substrate preparation, heating solids, solid waste, field waste, agro-industrial waste.
In nature, mushrooms are a primary part of controlling pasteurization seems to be the best general term that has
solid waste, building organic soil and returning minerals been applied to the processes of heating mushroom
to the soil. Mushrooms are the only crop that actually substrate, in order to reduce weeds, diseases and pests.
consumes field and other solid wastes. They convert
straw, sugar cane baggase, maize stalks, cotton waste,
coffee waste, many other field wastes, agro-industrial CLASSICAL PASTEURIZATION
waste and even animal manure into wholesome, vitamin
and protein rich food (Kurtzman, 1975, 1997). In addition, Liquids
yields per square meter of land occupied by them can be
much greater than any other crop (Figure 1). Pasteurization has often been confused with sterilization.
The soil must be prepared for green plants. Similarly, Even more common is the belief that more heat and
the wastes, used for mushroom substrate must be longer times are always better. In the U.S. pasteurization
prepared to grow mushrooms. In both cases of soil and has officially been described as: “... heating every particle
mushroom substrates, the desired objective is to destroy of milk products to at least 143ºF (62ºC) and holding it at
similar organisms which will compete. Also, if possible such a temperature continuously for at least 30 min”
destroy pests and diseases. One important step in the (Pelcazar and Reid, 1965). More recently, on the web, the
preparation of mushroom substrate is often referred to as commercial description is “pasteurization: partial
pasteurization and has at least some relation to the sterilization of liquids such as milk, orange juice, wine,
process used for milk and other liquids. and beer, as well as cheese, to destroy disease-causing
While the composition of substrates for different and other undesirable organisms. The process was
mushrooms vary greatly and there is variation in the named after the French scientist Louis Pasteur, who
preparation of substrates used for every cultivated discovered in the 1860s that undesired fermentation
species, most substrates are treated with moist heat and could be prevented in wine and beer by heating it to
then, said to be pasteurized. However, there is confusion 135°F (57°C) for a few minutes. Milk is pasteurized by
about the pasteurization conditions. Often, people believe heating it to about 145°F (63°C) for 30 min or by the
that more heat is better. However, even if a temperature "flash" method of heating to 160°F (71°C) for 15 sec,
of approximately 60ºC is used for solids, it is not followed by rapid cooling to below 50°F (10°C), at which
unreasonable to say that the term pasteurization must be temperature it is stored. The harmless lactic acid bacteria
confined to a rather specific treatment of liquids. Yet, survive the process, but if the milk is not kept cold, they
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Figure 1. Walls of oyster mushrooms. Left, to be picked the next morning; right, to be picked on the third day.
multiply rapidly and cause it to turn sour (Answers, 2010). time between 1915 and 1944 and was common practice
Although cheese is mentioned, it is not possible to heat in 1950. In the experiment carried out by Duggar (1915),
“every particle” of any solid in the same fashion that is it was not mentioned, but Treschow (1944) mentions it for
used for liquids, it is especially difficult to heat and cool some experiments, but not others. Others have tried to
them quickly and evenly. In general, if cheese is said to set the date and origin of the practice and there is some
be pasteurized, the milk has to be pasteurized before belief that it began about 1915 in the U.S (Atkins, 1979).
cheese is made from it. When pasteurization of compost begins, the compost
has some ability to self-heat remaining, so it provides
heat from the inside, while the steam provides heat from
Compost pasteurization the outside. The process is intended to kill and when
done properly, it is quite successful in killing all seeds,
While there have been attempts to grow mushrooms in nematodes, insects and other organisms that flourish at
liquid fermenters, commercial mushroom substrates are, the temperatures used to grow the mushrooms. Even
of course, solids. So we must face some problems of with the self-heat, bringing the entire mass to 60°C,
heating, if we are to pasteurize them. For many years it requires days. Then cooling requires days, so while the
has been customary to “pasteurize,” “peak heat,” “cook temperature fits the term pasteurization, neither the
out” or “Phase II” Agaricus mushroom substrate heating time nor the cooling time are similar to liquid
(compost). All of these terms refer to blowing a 60°C pasteurization. With the long cooling time, there is
mixture of steam and fresh air into compost-space at the considerable opportunity for re-contamination. Although
end of composting (Lambert, 1950; Snetsinger, 1970; self-heating provides much of the required heat, the
Denham, 1975). Apparently, the practice began some process is costly, but less costly than the loss of crops to
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pests and disease. Also, it introduces no poisons that intended microoganism as soon as it is practical.
might contaminate the mushrooms. Treschow (1944) was among those who have confused
For many years, the compost was placed in beds or the meaning of “sterilization.” While calling pasteurization,
growing trays in a room. After self-heating increased the sterilization and everything in between “sterilization” he
temperature, steam and air were added until both the treated substrate of Norway spruce needle litter in clay
compost and the air in the room were at 60°C. They were flower pots 60, 80, 100 and 120°C all for 60 min before
held at that temperature for four or more hours, then spawning with Agaricus. He also had control pots that
more fresh air was added for several days until the were not heated. The controls yielded 40 g/pot, 120°C
compost cooled (Kurtzman, 1979c). yielded nothing, 100°C 22 g/pot, 80°C 97 g/pot, and 60°C
While that method is still used, today most is done with 242 g/pot. Rather convincing evidence is that
the compost half-filling a room where the steam and “pasteurization” is of value and that more is not better.
fresh air is forced in through a grated floor and
recirculated with appropriate additions of steam and air to
maintain the desired temperature and oxygen (Denham, PASTEURIZATION FOR OYSTER MUSHROOMS
Many countries, especially those of Africa, Asia and Latin
America cultivate oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus spp.)
STERILIZATION (Kurtzman, 2006, 2007, 2009; Martinez-Carrera et al.,
2010). Oyster mushrooms grow on dead trees, logs and
It may be apparent to some, but from others, often we other wood in nature. However, Agaricus grows on the
hear, “why not sterilize?” All microbiology text books state ground and generally in association with manure or other
that wet heat sterilization requires 121°C, which means previously rotted material (Smith, 1963). It is interesting,
that a high pressure boiler and a pressure container then, that many people who have been associated with
(autoclave, retort) large enough to hold the material to be the cultivation of Agaricus and other mushrooms have
sterilized. When it is understood that a single commercial treated oyster mushrooms as though they were just
mushroom grower may process many tons of substrate Agaricus with a different shape. They seem to have no
every day and a great amount of time is required for the concept of the different needs of different species. They
heat to penetrate large masses of substrate, it becomes have promoted growing oyster mushrooms on compost
clear that the cost of both equipment and fuel is (Kalberer, 1974). When they learned that it was a poor
prohibitive. substrate they began to use cold water to wet the straw.
The more important reason to pasteurize rather than Cold water is repelled by the natural waxy surface of
sterilize, or even to use a temperature much greater than straw, so cold wetting requires many days. During
60°C was eluded to by Pasteur in his 1857 landmark wetting, the material that wets first supports large
paper on lactic acid: “One may compare what happens in populations of disease and other contaminating
fermentation to the soil in which nothing is planted. It is organisms. Then, when the straw is well damaged, they
soon choked with plants and insects of different kinds that used steam to “pasteurize” it (Lanzi, 1986). Cold straw is
mutually destroy each other” as translated by Pasteur slow to self-heat, so great amounts of fuel are required.
(1957). However, since the translated quote has been Also, if anything resembling pasteurization is to be
removed from the original context, some interpretation accomplished, the steam must be mixed with air to bring
may be needed. First, in general, but particularly for this the temperature down to just slightly more than 60°C.
discussion, mushrooms growing is solid-state The cool “steam” quickly condenses as it warms the wet
fermentation. straw. The result is that it takes many hours to warn the
When we sterilize, nothing living is left so, if the straw. Pockets of air will tend to occur; those pockets will
substrate is not protected, it is available to all exclude the “steam,” so there is no assurance that all of
microoganisms that happen to fall on it, from the air, from the straw will ever reach 60°C. If the temperature of the
insects landing on it, water splashing on it, etc. When we steam-air mixture is increased, then it is likely that
pasteurize, we kill many organisms, but we expect those beneficial organisms will be killed and disease organisms
that remain to be: 1) Easily controlled. For example, will easily populate the substrate.
thermophiles from composting, in mushroom substrate at In the last decade, it has become common to spawn
less than 20°C, will grow very slowly; 2) poor competitors (inoculate) Agaricus compost, then compress it into
for the organisms we intend to grow; 3) beneficial to the blocks that can be easily transported. The method works
organism we intend to grow, for example, nitrogen fixing well for compost substrate. However, for oyster
bacteria in Legumonosae or the Legumonosae in a field mushrooms, in addition to problems with heating field
of maize. A more general interpretation is that long term, wastes, because straw and most other field wastes do
absolute protection of either sterilized or pasteurized not self-heat quickly, they do self-heat slowly.
material is difficult, so it should be inoculated with the Furthermore, thermotolerants and thermophiles multiply
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as the steam heats the straw and as it cools. The 1979a). Finally the conditions were codified (Kurtzman,
increase in thermophiles, means that the straw will now 1978b). He then proposes two methods, one for minimal
self-heat more quickly. In addition, the straw is a good investment, which we will call the “drum method,”
heat insulator, so the heat will build up inside of the large because ordinary steel drums have most often been used
block, killing much of the mushroom mycelium and as pasteurizing vessels and a second which has minimal
possibly leading to spontaneous combustion. Since water consumption and zero liquid waste, to be called the
Agaricus prefers a nearly horizontal surface, those blocks “mixer method,” since some sort of mixing machine is
are placed as a single layer on shelves, but oyster required (Kurtzman, 2010) . The first consists of heating
mushrooms favor vertical surfaces, so it is tempting to water to 60°C in a volume approximately equal to the
stack the blocks, thereby increasing their effective volume of dry field waste-substrate to be pasteurized.
thickness, increasing the self-heating and increasing the When the temperature is reached, the dry field waste-
danger of spontaneous combustion. substrate is added to the water. It is desirable to have the
In 1974 Kurtzman (1975) poured hot water over straw field waste-substrate in a wire or fabric mesh container,
to “pasteurize” it for the cultivation of oyster mushrooms so that the water may easily mix with the substrate when
and other mushrooms that prefer fresh substrate. His it is put into the hot water and can be easily drained when
conditions were later changed as he found conditions that the pasteurization is completed (Figure 2). The substrate
appeared more favorable to the mushrooms (Kurtzman, is held in the water for 30 to 60 min, while the water is
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maintained at 60 ± 3°C. Then the substrate is drained required for cold water to penetrate; pasteurization begins
and allowed to cool slowly for 16 to 20 h. The drained as soon as the dry waste-substrate contacts the water, so
water may be used to pasteurize additional substrate, there is no chance for new growth of undesirable
with some fresh water added to replace that which was organisms. It also means that there will be no
consumed. Additional heat will be needed to bring the uncontrolled run-off and that the heat is also transmitted
water back to 60°C, before the new batch of field waste- immediately with little time for cooling to take place. Both
substrate is added and the process repeated, but both from economic and environmental considerations, it is
water and heat will be conserved. However, the water desirable to conserve energy and to reduce all sorts of
must not be kept after it cools because it will ferment waste. In converting solid waste into wholesome food,
anaerobically. we can improve the environment. However, neither the
While the method may sound primitive, with wire use of excess fuel nor the introduction of uncontrolled
baskets and chain-fall or block and tackle as shown in run-off improves the environment and they add to the
Figure 2, it is possible for a single operator with two cost of the food produced.
drums to process up to one ton of dry waste-substrate in The second method proposed by Kurtzman (2010)
8 to 10 h and even have time for lunch. The ton of dry requires equipment capable of mixing the substrate as
material will become about three tons of wet material and water at approximately 63°C is poured over it. This was
may support the production of about one ton of fresh really his original idea, (Kurtzman, 1974), but his equip-
mushrooms. ment was inadequate to mix on a practical scale. Sergei
In addition to supplying the water that will be used for Gusev, a grower in Russia, was able to obtain two feed
the growth of the mushrooms and the heat required for mixing machines from defunct collective, Soviet, farms,
pasteurization, water at 60°C immediately melts the he modified them to handle oyster mushroom substrate
natural waxy coating on straw and other plant materials. (Kurtzman, 2006). A large concrete mixer would also be a
By melting the wax, the water is immediately able to possible machine for the mixer method (Figure 3). Mr.
penetrate and wet the dry waste-substrate material. The Gusev's substrate is linen boon, the waste fiber from
immediate wetting is in contrast to the many days making flax into linen. If these fibers and many other
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