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Key Concepts

• Motivation

• Content Theories

• Process Theories

• Rewards & Incentives

Motives & Motivation

• Motives: are the goals that are desirable e.g. money,

power etc.

• Motivation: enthusiasm for doing something or achieving

motives, the need or reason for doing something.


• Low-Morale, dissatisfaction is known as de-motivation. The

effects of de-motivation is Higher labor turnover, Higher

absenteeism, Employee’s disputes, Reduced levels of

quality and quantity

Content theories
• Maslow hierarchy of need theory
Practice 1
B is a caretaker at a school where his wife is a teacher. They have three
young children and have just moved in to new house which they
cannot afford on B’s wife salary alone. Which of Maslow’s hierarchy of
needs is likely to be motivating B?
a) Basic
b) Safety
c) Social
d) ego
higher order needs of maslow hierarchy
• A need for freedom of inquiry and expression: social conditions must
allow free speech and encourage justice, honesty and fairness.
• A need for knowledge and understanding: a need to explore and
experiment. The significance of Maslow’s ideas is that it suggests an
approach that management should take to improving the motivation
of employees.
Limitations of the hierarchy of needs
• The main problem is its assumption that needs are the same for all
people and can be satisfied for everyone in the same way.
• Individuals have different needs, and they are not necessarily in the
hierarchical order suggested by Maslow.
• Many individuals may seek to satisfy several different needs at the
same time. The same need may cause different reactions and
responses from different individuals.
Practice 2
Which level of Maslow’s hierarchy do the following factors relate to?
a) New job title(ego,esteem)
b) Large pay rise(ego,esteem)
c) Sick pay(safety)
d) Christmas parties(social)
e) Challenging work(self fulfilment/ actualization)
f) Enough cash to live(basic)
Dan has worked in XYZ Co for 15 years now and has recently been
promoted to senior manager position. He enjoys a good rapport with
his team. He is well settled and his remuneration package is attractive
considering he owns his house and all his children are self-sufficient.
Which of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is likely to be motivating Dan?
a) Safety Needs
b) Physiological Needs
c) Social Needs
d) Esteem Needs
Content Theories
• Herzberg two factor theory
• Hygiene factors are used to avoid dissatisfaction or irritation. Hygiene
factors are short-term motivation
• Motivator factors are used to enhance the personal grooming and
confidence of an employee. Motivator factors are long term
Mc Clelland theory (content theory)
• Need for achievement
• Need for affiliation
• Need for power
Process Theories

• Victor Vroom Expectancy Theory

Victor Vroom stated a formula by which human motivation could be

assessed and measured. He suggested that the strength of an

individual's motivation is the product of two factors.

• F= force of motivation
• V= valence (preferences)
• E= expectations

High = 1
Sonya lacks confidence. Her boss wants to motivate her by showing her
that she has regulatory exceeded targets in the past. Which aspect of
the vroom model is being focused on here?
a) Valence
b) Expectancy
Theory X & Theory Y(process theory)

• McGregor suggested that a manager's approach is

based on attitudes somewhere on a scale between two

extreme sets of assumptions.

Mcgregor theory X and Theory Y
• Coercion meaning the action or practice of persuading someone to do
something by using force or threats./ punishment
• Shun responsibility meaning is avoid to take responsibility
• Expend effort meaning make an effort to do something, you try very
hard to do it.
• Self discretion meaning the freedom to decide what should be done
in a particular situation.
• THEORY X = approach to management is an authoritarian style
• THEORY Y= approach to management is participative style
Joe owns a law firm and believes that employees are all skilled and do
not need micromanagement and instructions. He believes employees
should be given room to make their own work schedule without
disciplinary actions. How can Joe’s style of management be classified
using McGregor’s theory?
a) Theory X
b) Theory Y
TruFabric is a textile manufacturing company with a large factory for
production. Factory workers are given a clear set of instructions and are
expected to follow the instructions without variations. Security cameras are
installed to ensure that workers are not slacking. Any worker who exceeds
daily target is given a bonus at week end. TruFabric clearly adheres to which
set of assumptions about human motivation?
a) Collectivism
b) Individualism
c) Theory X
d) Theory Y
Rewards & Incentives
Extrinsic rewards are separate from (or external to) the job itself, and
dependent on the decisions of others (that is, also external to the
control of the workers themselves). Pay, benefits, non-cash incentives
and working conditions (Herzberg's hygiene factors) are examples.
Intrinsic rewards are those which arise from the performance of the
work itself (Herzberg's motivator factors). They are therefore
psychological rather than material and relate to the concept of job
satisfaction. Intrinsic rewards include the satisfaction that comes from
completing a piece of work, the status that certain jobs convey, and the
feeling of achievement that comes from doing a difficult job well.
Which of the following is an example of an ‘intrinsic reward’?
a) Performance related bonus
b) Level of responsibility and interest in job
c) Level of responsibility and good working conditions
d) Private healthcare and share schemes.
Which one of the following is an intrinsic reward?
a) Company car
b) Extra holiday entitlement(non cash reward)
c) On the job training of new recruits (recruits means new employees)
d) Bonus payment
Herzberg's proposal to improve job design
• Job enrichment is vertical extension in the job.
• Job enlargement is horizontal extension in the job
Jane was identified as one of the employees in the sales team identified by
the managers who had potential but was bored of the same tasks in her daily
routine. Her performance appraisal highlights her ability to meet targets. Her
manager has just assigned her to a project team as the project manager with
the liberty to set instructions to meet targets. According to Herzberg, which
of the following has been used to motivate Jane?
a) Job Enrichment
b) Job Enlargement
c) Job Rotation
d) Performance Related Pay
Feedback as a motivator
• Motivational feedback( mention the strengths or positive points of
employee performance)
• Developmental feed back(mention the weaknesses or negative points
regarding performance)
• Constructive feedback(it’s a mixture of both motivational and
developmental feed back. Constructive feedback consider one of the
most effective feedback)
Participation in the decision-making process is
a motivation for an employee
a) Certainty: Participation should be sincere and authentic
b) Consistency: Steps to establish participation should be taken
c) Clarity: The reason for participation should be clear
d) Capacity: The individual should have the ability to provide effective
e) Commitment: The managers should be sincere in their support to
the participation
Salary as a Motivator
There are a lot of ways through which organisations establish employee
a) Market rates
b) Individual performance in the job
c) Job evaluation(job description or job duties)
d) Fairness
e) Negotiated pay
• A market-related salary refers to the going rate that the job market is
prepared to pay for a specific role. Companies do this to identify the
salary levels of various roles within the market.
• Individual performance in the job means that in which compensation
is connected to competency or with the performance of the
• Job evaluation means that the salary or compensation of employee
depends upon the job duties which the employee performs in the
• Fairness means a wage that is reasonable for the type of work done.
Or a wage with behavior without favoritism or discrimination.
• Negotiated pay means Salary negotiation is a process where one
party (usually the employee) negotiates the amount of their pay,
income, earnings, commission, salary, wages, wage remuneration,
annual review, or salary raise with another party (usually a
representative of the employer, such as their manager

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