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It is a story that may not be too pleasant, but one that is repeated all too often: teenage

Some 16.5 million Filipinos belong to the 15-24 year old age group. With a glaring truth
that at a very young age, a lot of young people today have children of their own. 30 % of all
births belong to this age group; and by the age of 20, 25% of the youth are already mothers.

Statistics show that every year at least 64,000 teenagers have abortions, and those are
statistics from a country where abortion is illegal, yet we claim we are Catholics, who are
preserving and valuing life. Abortions. Do these teens know they are killing a human? They
might or they might not, or they might just pretend they do not know. But how did abortion
come into the picture? How did abortion even become an option? Fear. Fear of being
unaccepted, fear of the unknown, and lots and lots of fear. Will no one stand up and lend an ear
to just listen to what these teens are experiencing? Just how many more girls are getting rid of
their babies? How many girls die by trying to kill their unborn child? How many babies will
have to lose their life because no one listens?

Teenagers from poor backgrounds are disproportionately represented among pregnant

teenagers. However, experts have argued that teenage pregnancy should be understood as a
symptom of dire economic conditions rather than a cause of it. Teenage pregnancy perpetuates
the cycle of poverty and inequality because most pregnant teenagers have no source of income
and face greater financial difficulties later in life. This is because they drop out of school and
are less likely to pursue further education or skills training.
Teenage mothers face critical health risks, including: inadequate nutrition during
pregnancy due to poor eating habits; dangers associated with the reproductive organs not ready
for birth; and maternal death due to higher risk of eclampsia, among others.

Alarmingly, while maternal deaths are decreasing in the Philippines, teenage maternal
deaths are increasing. Ten percent of pregnant teenagers died in the last year, according to the
PSA. Data from the WHO also show a high and increasing incidence of fetal death in Filipino
mothers under 20.

At the end of the teenage pregnancy summit, the participants strongly endorsed a
comprehensive sexual education curriculum; forging a “Batang Ina” social movement; and
establishing adolescent-friendly spaces. The enactment of the Responsible Parenthood and
Reproductive Health Act was also recognized as an important step to make ASRH services
more accessible to those in need.

As an international child rights organization, Plan International believes that the rights
and needs of adolescent girls and boys, including their right to access ASRH services, must be

As Dr. Jose Rizal once quoted that “ The youth is the hope of our future.” The youth
are in the wrong path and since they thought that they are ready enough to step on the next
level, they suffered the bad situation,

The early pregnancy.

Teen pregnancy is a subject that has been defined as a problem in the Philippines for
more than two decades. We know that certain factors have affected the teenage pregnancy rates.
There has been a decline in the number of teenage marriages, an increase in the onset of early
puberty, looser rules and norms that govern sexual behaviors, and a change in youth culture

Why “Just say no! stop teenage pregnancy?”

The researchers decided to come up to this study because a lot of teenagers were getting
pregnant without knowing the consequences. Most of the teenagers get pregnant without
knowing they think that this will not help them to their problems, to escape the poverty.

The researcher believes that through this advocacy it will help teenagers to open their
mind about this topic, to prevent child abuse, abortion and neglect, father-absence, low birth
weight, school failure, and poor preparation for the future.

The research shows that youths at greatest risk [for teen pregnancy] are more likely to
live in areas with: high poverty rates, low levels of education, high residential turnover, and high
separated/divorce rates. Their parents are more likely to have low levels of education, to be poor,
to have experienced a divorce or separation, or to never have married, and their mothers and
older sisters are more likely to have given birth as adolescents.


Early pregnancy should be viewed not only as a reproductive health issue but one of our social
problems. The percentages of young mothers were rapidly growing each year which is one of the reasons
why poverty is also widespread.

Teens that get pregnant or cause a pregnancy are often engaged in a pattern of poor choices.
Teens who use or abuse drugs and alcohol, who have had a history of violence and delinquency, or are
failing at or out-of-school youth have higher rates of sexual activity.

Major problem:
1. How would the society in lessening the rate of teenage mother?


Minor problem:


Conceptual Framework

For Advertising objectives, To raise awareness to teenagers about early pregnancy and to help
them have knowledge about being a young mother and what are the disadvantages.; For Advertising
strategies,Commercial ad, Poster, Seminar ,Social media pages, flyers and brochure.; For Creative
objectives To attract youth.; and For Creative strategies, For seminar the poster will be; use red to catch
attention ; to use the combination of left and right signage for direction ; to use right signage have the
diploma with a mortarboard; the left signage shows the picture of baby ; to it has also a encouraging
phrase which is enclose to an oblong separately; and it has title above the arrow to emphasize the theme
of advocacy, and for flyers; put silhouette of man and woman and in the middle is trim image of a child
with advocacy title and encouraging phrases.

Operational framework

The researcher focuses on how to reduce the number of young mothers in the Philippines. Sex education
is one way to lessen our social problem. The government can make it compulsory for school students to
undergo sex education instead of focusing on the dangers and consequences of teenage pregnancy,
schools can also educate teenagers on the advantages of not having a baby when they are unprepared so
that students may be able to weigh out the pros and the cons. This can be enforced by getting students to
attend service learning trips and having them be exposed to the real world of teenage pregnancy. 

   Another way that teenagers can be educated about sex is through their parents but in order for this to
work, there must be a strong relationship between the child and the parent. Also with a strong
relationship, parents can have more influence in their child’s sex decisions and may be able to direct their
decisions in the right way having a good parent-child relationship can decrease the affected population.


Major Objectives

To promote our Advocacy Campaign “A young mother, A journey to nowhere,” to provide

awareness to the youth and encourage them to prioritize studying to have a better future and to help in
reducing the number of teenage mother

Minor objectives

To inform the youth about the possible consequences about being a young mother; To divert their
mind into some good activities physically and mentally; and To giving teens the skills and motivation to
make informed decisions about sexuality can reduce sexual risk-taking. Helping teens avoid other risk-
taking behaviours may also help teens avoid a pregnancy.


The study is beneficial to the following :

To the School, It would provide them information of the importance of knowing the major
factors behind early pregnancy and the possible effects on educational development of teenagers.
It’s one way that administrators will intensify sex education on their school, improve the
knowledge of their faculties or teachers through seminars so that they can deal well with students
to avoid pregnancy at early age.;

To the Students, The study will also benefit students because it will give them information about
possible effects of teenage pregnancy to their studies and life once they got pregnant;
To the Future researchers, The study will help the future researchers be informed how important
is education to the development of children to manhood. This enables them to guide and identify
the major causes of teenage pregnancy .The interest of teenage in engaging early sex and if ever
teenagers are already fall of indulging sex both boys and girls, then contraceptives will play on
this to prevent teenage pregnancy.; and

To the reseacher, It will help the researcher to gain knowledge about the consequences of being a
young mother.


Teenage pregnancy is the harsh reality that many young adolescents are forced to deal
with when they engage in sexual activity. With low levels of maturity and an underdeveloped
understanding of responsibility, teens are ill prepared to deal with the consequences of their
actions. It should be noticed that a common factor of many teen pregnancies based on economic
status of their parents. This reflects the fact that the incidence of teenage pregnancy increases
when their living status decreases. This can be attributed to the effects that a lower economic
status has on ones living environment, education level and future opportunities.

The living conditions of the teenagers with higher incomes are associated with a
privileged life full of opportunities, while lower class individuals may live in poverty and have
fewer options. Families belonging to the middle class, lie somewhere in the middle of this
spectrum. Living in a poverty stricken environment gives an adolescent a reduced chance of
having readily available family planning and health services. Therefore a more limited amount of
knowledge may be provided to teenagers regarding contraception and reproduction. In higher
status families young girls are more likely to use contraception which translates into a lower
chance of pregnancy. Various reasons are attributed to why abortion is more common nowadays
because they are afraid of the outcome.
All of these factors leads to a higher level of acceptance for a teenager living in poverty
to be pregnant than in a higher class where the teenager’s peers and family will be more

Programs exist to help teens avoid pregnancy. They can be divided into several
categories: education for teens about sex, relationships, pregnancy, and parenthood; reproductive
health services for teens; programs to strengthen teens' bonds with family and community; youth
development and school-to-career programs; media campaigns; and multiple component

To further understand the project the researcher defined the following concepts:

Abuse. It is treat (a person or an animal) with cruelty or violence, especially regularly or


Phenomena. It is a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose
cause or explanation is in question.

Poverty. It is the state of being poor

Neglect. It is the state or fact of being uncared for.

Abortion. It is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during
the first 28 weeks of pregnancy.

Adolescent. It is the period of life when a child develops into an adult.

Violence. It is behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or

Delinquency. It is minor crime, especially that committed by young people.

Pros and Cons. It is  something are its advantages and disadvantages, which you consider
carefully so that you can make a sensible decision. 

Awareness. It is knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.

Manhood. It is the state or period of being a man rather than a child.

Indulging. It is become involved in (an activity, typically one that is undesirable or disapproved

Peer. It is a person of the same age, status, or ability as another specified person.

Economic status.

Childbearing. It is the process of giving birth to children.

Wide spread. It is a common over a wide area or among many people

Sex Education. It means learning the external conditions such as psychological, sociological,

economic and social factors that affect the personality, behavior and development of a boy to

manhood and fatherhood and a girl to motherhood as well as with human reproduction.



One of the reasons why teenagers are already aware with this topic is because of media.
They get a higher knowledge to sex from the magazines, TV shows, internet, movies and other
media. In television, they now also create and make shows about teen pregnancy like “Teen
Moms” and “16 and Pregnant”. These shows make us realize that the rate of this problem is
getting higher and it is getting usual. There are a lot of reported cases regarding teenage
pregnancy since past few years until now the.    

According to the UN Population Fund (UNFPA), teenage pregnancy has a huge rate in
the Philippines, especially among the poor. 2/3 of Filipinos, who give birth before age 20,
belongs to the low class society. Data from the National Statistics Office showed that 8 percent
among 1.7 million babies born in 2004 were born to mothers 15-19 years old. Young mother
gave birth to 818,000 babies in 2000 alone. This means, almost one of every 10 babies is born to
teenage mothers. The risk is, almost 10 percent of the born babies from young mothers are
malnourished. As years passed by, the statistics are getting higher. According to the study done
by the Population Institute of the University of the Philippines, more than 46 percent of teenage
pregnant woman resort to induced abortion which is against the law and the Church; 2 of every 5
teenage pregnancies are unwanted ones. If the government won’t start acting on this, this
problem will be worse as years goes by. (www. youthproblemsinthephilippines.weebly.com)


   In the developed world, the causes of teenage pregnancy is different in the sense that it is
mostly outside marriage and carries lots of social stigma. Thus, adolescent sexual behavior is one
of the causes of teenage pregnancy. In our world today, having sex before 20 yrs is the “in”
thing, it is even normal all over the world and this is brought about high levels of adolescent
pregnancy which creates sexual relationship among teenagers without the provision of
comprehensive information about sex.

The immature and irresponsible behavior arising due to complex teenage psychology is another
important cause of teenage pregnancies. Teenagers often go through a number of emotions
because of their own transition from childhood and peer pressure.

 Lack of sexual education causes teens to get abortions as they ultimately realize their
inability to bear the responsibilities of being a parent at such a young age.
 The lack of attention and affection from family resulting in depression forces them to
seek love and support from other people, especially members of the opposite sex.

 Overprotection gives rise to frustration and a feeling of not being loved and cared for.
Thus, balance is the key to avoid this problem. Lack of affectionate supervision of
parents or guardians results into the adolescents or teenage girl’s becoming pregnant.
(www. youthproblemsinthephilippines.weebly.com)


a) The issue of teenage pregnancy has several consequences. It is continually

increasing the population growth rate in the society. Many babies are being born
through it, which cannot be catered for by the available resources. 

b) The issue encourages dropping out from schools. Many pregnant female
children end up dropping out from school to avoid shame thus undermining
government's efforts towards ensuring Education for All and the Millennium
Development goal of Education in the nearest future. 

c) Due to poverty, many of those involved in teenage pregnancy die off

prematurely because of lack of proper medical attention.

According to the CDC, children born to teenage mothers have an effect on society as
well. These babies are more likely to rely on public health care throughout their lives and
because they also have more chronic medical conditions, this places a higher burden on the
health system. (www. youthproblemsinthephilippines.weebly.com)

There are no specific laws that address the growing problem of teenage pregnancy in our country;
not only in our country but worldwide. This cannot be prevented since it is the decision of the couple.
One cannot simply tell a couple to not “do the deed” or have sex since they themselves are capable of
voicing opinions out. 

The following laws are implemented to address the social issue of teenage pregnancy in the
Philippines; not directly but is connected to that topic as well: the RH Bill which includes sex education
and the use of contraceptives--- and that’s about it. This tells us several things: firstly, there are not
enough laws that address teenage pregnancy since it is really difficult to monitor it. Secondly, this social
issue cannot be prevented with the help of laws since people cannot be controlled in their decisions. And
thirdly, this is a social issue that continues everywhere and not even government officials or politicians
know how to control it. (www. youthproblemsinthephilippines.weebly.com)

Teenage pregnancy is a problem for all involved. It puts a great strain on the parents, especially
the mother, and also on their parents who, more often than not, end up with the new baby in their family
home, often having to look after it while the baby’s parents are at school, or out socializing and doing the
things that teenagers do. Because teen parents are more likely to struggle to deal with parenthood, the
child is also more likely to grow up with various problems.

Not enough effort is put into reducing teen pregnancy rates, and one reason for this is that teenage
pregnancy rates in the US have generally declined since the 1950’s. But that isn’t good enough, because
despite the decline, the US still has one of the highest teen birth rates in the industrialized world. The
statistics may be better than they were, but this is not reason enough to ignore the problem, because it is
still a very big problem. Besides the impact that teenage pregnancy has on all involved, the public costs
related to it are estimated to be $10.9 billion every year. This is an obscene amount of money and the
government should set a few billion aside to reduce teen pregnancy, and then the final bill would be so
much lower and money would be saved overall.

Reducing teen birth rates has been centered on education, and this is certainly the most important
tool with some young people. For those with poor schooling and living in deprived areas, particularly
those from ethnic minority backgrounds, education about safe sex could make the world of difference.
However, there are plenty of white middle class teenage girls getting pregnant too, and this can’t be
because they don’t understand contraception.

A lot of it must come down to how young girls are overly sexualized by the media, and put under
pressure to become sexually active at a young age. Education also puts too much emphasis on just girls,
and reinforces the fact that it is the mothers that are usually blamed for teen pregnancy while the fathers
often take no responsibility and get away with it. Young men need to know that they can’t behave in this
way, and understand the pressures of becoming a father, while girls need to become more assertive and be
able to demand the use of contraception even if they’re drunk and their partner doesn’t want to use it.


   Teen pregnancy is a common problem prevalent in the society. It frequently goes hand in
hand with premarital sex. Problems come when the news need to breach each parent’s party. A
spring of thought flash before one’s eyes, and registers only two; whether to back the hell up –
abort the child or carry on with the pregnancy but sign up for adoption - or get the hell in – have
the child with all its perks and consequences alike.
After which, these impressions simply serve no purpose but to put them off, and deduce
to mere nuisance to them when the truth of their situation slowly sinks in. How do they provide
for the child if their parents cut them short financially? Will they be able to go to grad school?
What will become of their future? What will become of their child’s future? By this time, they
would have to contend with the pressures of parenthood. What’ll truly bother them in the long
run is the reality of whether or not they can fulfill their obligation as parents, and the security of
their child’s future. Teenage pregnancy is becoming a societal problem that branches out to other
problems. (www. youthproblemsinthephilippines.weebly.com)

In August 2014, the National Statistics Office (NSO) of the Philippines released the final
results of the 2013 National Demographic and Health Survey. The survey shows that 1 in 10
Filipino women between the ages of 15 and 19 is already a mother or is pregnant with her first

Why the rise in teenage pregnancy in Philippines?

The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that about 16 million girls aged 15 to 19

and some 1 million girls under 15 give birth every year — 95% of which occur in low- and
middle-income countries.

The Philippines is classified by the World Bank as having a lower-middle-income

economy, thus the WHO survey extends to our country, and is reflective of what we see
happening here. This alarming rise in teenage pregnancy in Philippines may be attributed
to economic and educational factors.

The NSO survey results state that early initiation of sexual activity and early pregnancy is
often seen among women belonging to lower income households. It is also more common among
those with little or no formal education.

While we can speculate on the true reasons behind it, the reality is that teenage pregnancy
in Philippines is becoming far too common. Not only this, but the teenage moms are getting
younger as well.

Tips for young mothers

1. Tell your parents or an adult that you trust.

While it may be scary, pregnant teens need to tell their parents or an adult they trust that they are
pregnant. The sooner they are able to confide in someone, the better.

By having an adult to turn to for sound advice, young moms can make better decisions for
the baby’s future. They are also more likely to get help with the medical care that both
mother and baby need.

Encourage the pregnant teen to approach their trusted adviser sincerely and openly. She should
be straightforward, but also prepared for possible shocked or angry reactions.

Remind the young mom that while she is looking for support and understanding, she should also
hold her ground, and not be pressured into doing something that she does not want to do.

2. See a doctor.

The expectant teen needs to get checked by a doctor as soon as possible for proper prenatal care.
She should be prescribed with necessary vitamins for a healthy pregnancy, and may be advised
to get tested for STD’s if needed.

The father of the baby has the right to know that the teen is expecting.

3. Talk to the baby’s father.

The father of the pregnant teen’s baby has the right to know that there is a baby on the way. He
may or may not take the news well. Still, encourage the mother to do her part by informing him
of the situation.

4. Just hold on.

A pregnant teen should definitely not give up on herself and her child. Instead, she should
empower herself.
Tell her to just hold on, and remember that she is now responsible for another human being. She
should focus on being a strong mom, and draw inspiration from her child.

5. Find a support system.

Whether it is a counselor, a fellow expectant woman, her parents , or someone else whom
she can count on, an expectant teen should find someone to share her feelings and thoughts with,
and help her cope with the changes happening in her life. (www. ph.theasianparent.com)

Here are things that parents can do when faced with teenage pregnancy in Philippines:

 1. Accompany your child to the hospital.

Be involved in your teen’s pregnancy. Go with her for checkups, and keep yourself informed on
her status and progress.

2. Control your emotions.

You may be feeling anything from shock, disappointment, guilt or anger, and this is natural. Do
your best to control what you feel to make it easier for you to communicate with your child.

You should also try to find someone you can talk to about your situation. It could be a fellow
parent or someone who has been through the same thing with their children.

Being able to share your thoughts and listen to someone’s advice on the situation can help you
cope with your own emotions. You may also gain valuable insights on how to best show support
to your daughter.

3. Help out financially.

One of the things that your teen is sure to need is financial support, not just during her pregnancy
but also after the baby is born. If you are capable of doing so, help out in this aspect.
You could also assist your daughter in finding the best, most reasonably priced maternity
package available. Savings and practical deals also count as extended financial support.

4. Prepare for the baby.

There are countless things to be done in preparation for the baby’s arrival. You have been
through this yourself. This is the best time to put your parenting experience and wisdom to good

Preparing for the baby also means helping your child reach out to the parents of her baby’s
father. Arrangements for the baby need to be agreed upon by both families.

The two teens don’t necessarily have to get married, but issues like who will shoulder expenses
and how much involvement each family should have with the baby ought to be discussed.

5. Be supportive.

Your teen needs to feel that she can count on you for support. Provide her with a warm, nurturing
environment where she feels safe. This way, she will feel comfortable enough to open up and
reach out to you for help. (www. youthproblemsinthephilippines.weebly.com)


This chapter presents the research methods available for the study and presents the various
procedures and strategies in identifying sources for needed information on the analysis and
evaluation of young mother, a journey to nowhere. Thus, this part of the study specifies the
method of research used, research design, respondents of the study, data collection, instruments
used, validation and administration of the instrument, conducted semi- conducted interview, data
representative and reliability, description of the study, statistical treatment of data, and analysis
of the gathered data. For this type of study, the survey research was utilized.

Nonetheless, it would be very hard to rule out alternative explanations especially infer
causations. Thus, this study used the survey approach. The data used in the study were generated
from a questionnaire made by the researchers based on the gathered information and through
other related researches which are essentially needed in the data gathering information necessary
in the accomplishment of the study. The goal was to measure the awareness of the public to
create a much appropriate info-materials that will be used for the campaign. The questionnaire
was personally administered to the respondents of the study. Each item in the questionnaire was
systematically explained to the respondents for them to understand how to answer the specific
questions included and also, the purpose of answering the questionnaire. Afterwards, it was
retrieved immediately given that the respondents provided the necessary information. The result
will also be used as an evidence to strengthen the importance of this campaign.


College of Engineering, Architecture and Fine Arts
Gov. Pablo Borbon Campus II, Alangilan, Batangas City, Philippines 4200
www.batstate-u.edu.ph telefax: (043) 300-4404 locs. 106-118

1. Name ( Optional ) :

2. Age:

3. Sex:

4. Course / Year :

5. What is the main reason why teenagers get pregnant or get someone pregnant?
a) Mistake
b) Carelessness
c) To keep boyfriend/girlfriend
d) Benefits
e) Want to become mum/dad

6. At what age do you think teenage pregnancy is most common?

a) 13-14
b) 15-16
c) 17-19
7. Do you think teenagers have the mental capability to parent a child ?
a) yes
b) no

8.Do you think teenagers are responsible enough to take care of a child?
a) yes
b) b) no

9. Why do you think many of the fathers leave? 

a) They’re scared 
b) They don’t want the responsibility 

10.What is your belief on teens and sex? 

a) They should do it when they feel ready, it’s their decision 
b) They should wait until marriage 

11.Do you think the number of pregnant teenagers depends on if the teens received effective sex education?
a) yes
b) no

12. Do you believe the way parents raise their kids correlates to teen pregnancy?
a) yes
b) no

13. Are teens emotionally ready to have a child?

a) yes
b) no

14.  To what extent do you think that teenage pregnancy is a problem which needs to be tackled?
a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) No opinion
d) Disagree
e) Strongly Disagree

15. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements on teenage mothers?
Teenage mothers are:

a) Less like to o Agree o Disagree o No opinon

finish their
b) Less likely to o Agree o Disagree o No opinon
find a good job
c) More likely to o Agree o Disagree o No opinon
end up as a
single parent
d) more like to o Agree o Disagree o No opinon
end up bring up
their children in

 In your opinion what should be done to prevent teenage pregnancies occurring?

What is the main reason why teenagers get pregnant or get someone pregnant?
Based on the data gathered from the survey, why teenagers got pregnant or get someone got
pregnant 40% of the respondents perceived that it was a mistake, 36% said it was carelessness,
20% to keep boyfriend/ girlfriend and 4% want to become mom/dad.

At what age group do you think teenage pregnancy is most common?

In the graph above, 56% of the young mothers said that 17-19 are the age group where teenage
pregnancy is most common.

Do you think teenagers have the mental capability to parent a child?

As shown in the graph above, 72 % of the teenagers think that they are not yet mentally capable
to become parents and 28% of the respondents are ready.

Why do you think many of the fathers leave?

In the graph above, 64% of teenagers don’t want responsibility since most of the teenagers that
gets pregnant were single parent and 36% answered because they’re scared.

What is your belief on teens and sex?

The 76% of teenagers still believe that they should wait until marriage to engage in sexual
activity and 24% of the respondents believe that they should do it when they feel ready.

Do you believe the way parents raise their kids correlates to teen pregnancy?
In the graph above 56% of the youth believe the way parents raise their kids’ correlates to teen
pregnancy and 44% said not.

To what extent do you think that teenage pregnancy is a problem which needs to be
Based on the result 56% of the young mother strongly agree that teenage pregnancy is a problem
which need to be tackled, 8% agree and 36% said no opinion on the matter.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement on teenage mothers?
A. Less likely to find a good job

In the graph above, 48% of the respondents agree that when you’re a teenage mother, it is
less likely to find a good job, 36% disagree and 16% no opinion.

B. More likely to end up as a single parent

In the graph above, 52% of the youth disagree that teenage pregnancy end up single
parent, 28% no opinion and 20% of the respondents agree.

More likely to end up bringing up their children in poverty

The result shows 40% agree that young parents may end up bringing up their children in
poverty, 32 % said no opinion and 28% disagree in the subject matter.


Based on the initial report on the survey, mostly of teenagers became young mother
because it was a mistake and most common age group were teenagers got pregnant is 17-19
years old. Before becoming a young mother, teenagers were aware that they are not yet ready to
become parents and mostly the young mothers’ end up being a single parent because the partner
they chose doesn’t want any responsibility yet. Teenagers nowadays perceived about sex is that
they should do it when they feel ready rather that they should wait until marriage, maybe because
of curiosity, peer pressure and social media that’s why teenagers perspective about sex changed.
Young mothers strongly agree that this problem should be tackled to raise awareness to youth.
Most teenage mothers were unable to finish their education because of the current situation they
have been through as it end up raising the children in poverty.




The collection and diversification of information states that teenagers nowadays are
ignorant when it talks about sexual education and reproductive health-related topics. They are
not yet ready to take a responsibility and should know more about sex education. If teenagers
took notice about this advocacy regarding sexual education and reproductive health, it will
spread awareness and increase the possibility of prevention among teenage pregnancies.


Sex education can reach teenagers through many different ways, one of which is through
schools. The government can make it compulsory for school students to undergo at least certain
number of hours of sex education. Instead of focusing on the dangers and consequences of
teenage pregnancy, schools can also educate teenagers on the advantages of not having a baby
when they are unprepared so that students may be able to weigh out the pros and the cons. This
can be enforced by getting students to attend service learning trips and having them be exposed
to the real world of teenage pregnancy.
Another way that teenagers can be educated about sex is through their parents but in
order for this to work, there must be a strong relationship between the child and the parent. Also
with a strong relationship, parents can have more influence in their child’s sex decisions and may
be able to direct their decisions in the right way. So in other words, having a good parent-child
relationship can help to decrease the affected population.

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