SWD Notes
SWD Notes
SWD Notes
Learning Outcome
▪ It’s the channel that
carries the water.
▪ It is laid to a gradient to
permit the water to flow
▪ Common materials are
half-round semi glazed
ware or precast concrete
block drain (u-shaped or v-
▪ Similar function as an open
drain, however it is located
under the ground/road
▪ It can either be in a shape of
a pipe or a box (cross
section profile)
▪ Common materials are
reinforced concrete pipe
(RCP) and reinforced
concrete box culvert
▪ It’s a pit that sits where the
drains interchange (ie.
when there is a change in
direction of the drain)
▪ Also act as a collection
point for ease of
▪ Can be brick sump,
reinforced concrete sump
or precast concrete sump
▪ Excavate trenches ▪ Channels (PC block drain or
▪ Ditto, next to existing Half round clay drain)
roadway ▪ Cascades drain
▪ Rock excavation ▪ Drain walls (brick walls or
▪ Disposal of excavated concrete walls or rubble walls)
material ▪ Plastering to drain walls
▪ Disposal of surface water ▪ Graded filters & weep holes
▪ Filling to excavation ▪ Concrete top
▪ Concrete blinding ▪ Drain covers (M.S grating or
▪ Concrete beds PC slab cover)
▪ Concrete benching or ▪ Concrete struts (in-situ or PC)
▪ Excavate trenches ▪ Hardcore
▪ Ditto, next to existing ▪ Concrete blinding
roadway ▪ Concrete beds
▪ Rock excavation ▪ Pipe culvert or Box culvert
▪ Disposal of excavated ▪ Concrete Surround or
material Concrete Haunching
▪ Disposal of surface
▪ Filling to excavation
▪ Excavate pit ▪ Plastering to sump
▪ Rock excavation walls
▪ Disposal of surface water ▪ Concrete top
▪ Disposal of excavated ▪ Sump covers (M.S
material grating or PC slab
▪ Filling to excavation cover)
▪ Hardcore ▪ Building in ends of pipe
▪ Concrete blinding -------------
▪ Concrete beds ▪ Connection to existing
or mains
▪ Sump walls (brick walls or
concrete walls) ▪ Testing
V.1 Information
1. Work beyond the boundary of the site shall be so described and any restriction
regarding access, etc. shall be stated.
2. The nature of the ground in which the excavations are to be made shall be given in
accordance with clause D.1
V.2 Excavation
4. Excavating trenches to receive surface water drains stating the starting level (measured the width of the
foundations of the surface water drains therein) shall be classified as follows:
a. Trenches not exceeding 0.30m in width shall be given in metres stating the average depth to the nearest
b. Trenches exceeding 0.30m in width shall be given in cubic metres in accordance with Section D.
8. Trenches in rock as defined in clause D.12.2 shall be described. Alternatively rock may be given in metres as
extra over the trench in which it occurs.
D.12 Types of excavation
2. Excavation in rock shall be so described. Rock is defined as any material met with in excavation which is of such
size or position that it can be removed only by means of wedges, levers, special plant (power operated hammers,
drills and chisels, special attachment to mechanical plant such as rock buckets, rippers, hammers, chisels)
explosives or chemicals. Alternatively rock may be given as extra over each of the various types of excavation.
V.3 Disposal of water
Disposal of water shall be given in accordance with clauses D.15 -16.
D.15 Surface water
An item shall be given for keeping the surface of the site and the excavations free of surface water.
1. Beds, benchings and coverings shall each be given separately in metres stating:
1. Pipes (measured over all pipe fittings) shall each be given in metres stating the kind and quality of pipe,
the nominal size and the method of jointing. Any pipes not laid in bottom of the trench (e.g. found in a
multipurpose trench) shall be given separately and the depth stated in accordance with the depth-range
stages as clause V.2.1.
V.2 Excavation
1. Excavating pipe trenches shall be given in metres stating the starting level, the depth range in increments
of 2.00m and the average depth within the depth-range to the nearest 0.25m.
6. Excavation below ground water level shall be given as extra over the trench in which it occurs and any
adjustment to earthwork support shall be deemed to be included.
7. Trenches next to roadway, next to existing buildings or in unstable ground shall each be so described.
WALL – refer appropriate section
G.3 Generally
1. Particulars of the following shall be given:
a. Kind, quality and size of bricks. Purpose-made bricks shall be so described.
b. Type of bond.
c. Composition and mix of mortar.
3. Brickwork in each of the following classes shall be given separately in square metres stating the thickness:
a. Walls.
J.36 Generally
2. Particulars of the following shall be given:
e Composition and mix of mortar for bedding, jointing and pointing
J.37 Walls, piers and chimney-stacks
1. Rubble work in each of the following classes shall be given separately in square metres stating the thickness:
d. Battering walls defined as walls of uniform thickness built battering.
G.3 Generally
1. Particulars of the following shall be given:
a. Kind, quality and size of bricks. Purpose-made bricks shall be so described.
b. Type of bond.
c. Composition and mix of mortar.
3. Brickwork in each of the following classes shall be given separately in square metres stating the thickness:
a. Walls.
J.36 Generally
2. Particulars of the following shall be given:
e Composition and mix of mortar for bedding, jointing and pointing
J.37 Walls, piers and chimney-stacks
1. Rubble work in each of the following classes shall be given separately in square metres stating the thickness:
d. Battering walls defined as walls of uniform thickness built battering.
V.2 Excavation
4. Excavating trenches to receive surface water drains stating the starting level (measured the width of the
foundations of the surface water drains therein) shall be classified as follows:
a. Trenches not exceeding 0.30m in width shall be given in metres stating the average depth to the nearest
b. Trenches exceeding 0.30m in width shall be given in cubic metres in accordance with Section D.
8. Trenches in rock as defined in clause D.12.2 shall be described. Alternatively rock may be given in metres as
extra over the trench in which it occurs.
D.12 Types of excavation
2. Excavation in rock shall be so described. Rock is defined as any material met with in excavation which is of such
size or position that it can be removed only by means of wedges, levers, special plant (power operated hammers,
drills and chisels, special attachment to mechanical plant such as rock buckets, rippers, hammers, chisels)
explosives or chemicals. Alternatively rock may be given as extra over each of the various types of excavation.
1. Beds, benchings and coverings shall each be given separately in metres stating:
6. Excavation below ground water level shall be given as extra over the trench in which it occurs and any
adjustment to earthwork support shall be deemed to be included.
7. Trenches next to roadway, next to existing buildings or in unstable ground shall each be so described.
V.6 Generally
1. Sumps, manholes, soak ways and the like shall each be grouped together and given in detail under an
appropriate heading stating the number.
3. Excavation, concrete work, brickwork and other work shall be given in accordance with the appropriate
5. Channels, concrete benchings, step-irons, covers and intercepting traps shall each be enumerated separately
stating the type~ the quality, the size and the method of bedding or fixing.
4. Building in ends of pipes shall be enumerated stating the nominal size of the pipe. Cutting pipe shall be
deemed to be included.
Connections to mains
V.7 Generally
1. Connecting ends of drains to mains, making good public highways and other work which may only be
carried out by a Public Undertaking or Local Authority shall be given as a provisional sum.
2. Connections to existing work shall each be enumerated stating the size of pipe or drain and the type of
structure. Cutting openings, making good, jointing, etc. shall be deemed to be included with the term.
D Allow for keeping the surface of the site and the excavations free of Item
surface water
C 75mm Diameter x 300mm long PVC weep hole build to slope into No
brick wall at 3000mm centres
B Allow for keeping the surface of the site and the excavations free of Item
surface water
B 750mm x 135mm Thick precast concrete slab cover laid on top of box m
Brick Sumps.
E Allow for keeping the surface of the site and the excavations free of Item
surface water
Brick Sumps.(Cont’d)
F 225mm thick brick wall in common bricks laid in stretcher bond jointed and m2
pointed in cement and sand mortar (1:3) including brick reinforcement
G Insitu concrete mix (1:2:4) thickness 100mm-150mm, as concrete top laid m3
on brick wall
Brick Sumps.(Cont’d)
C 25mm Thick cement and sand (1:3) mixed with an approved plasticiser m2
rendered as plaster using steel trowel on all exposed surfaces of sump
D 20mm Thick cement and sand (1:3) mixed with approved plasticiser m2
rendered to all exposed surfaces of sump bed
E Supply and install 900mm x 900mm mild steel grating comprising of 6mm No
x 50mm mild steel flat welded with 6mm fillet to 12mm x 50mm mild steel
flat and 75mm x 50mm x 6mm angle at 40mm centres on all frame
vertically and horizontally including painting
B On completion allow testing to all surface water drainage for water Item
tightness, make good any defects and leave everything in perfect working
order to the entire satisfaction of the S.O