Other Mass Media

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Other Mass Media: Film and Recorded Music

Relatively little attention is given to film and recorded music as mass media
inspite of their importance. Film is a true mass medium in the sense that it reaches a
large part of the population, even in rural areas. The film has grown as an independent
cultural and entertainment industry that attracts millions of people the world over.
Even lesser attention has been devoted to recorded music as a mass medium. And yet
the replaying of music dominates much of radio content and the auxiliary use of
mobile phones. While music is generally thought of as entertainment, its relationship
to social and political events is recognized.

REVISED KNOWLEDGE: Actual answer to the process questions/ focus

1. What are the key features of a newspaper?
The newspaper’s key features are:
 Regular or periodical appearance
 Use of print technology
 News content
 Individual or group reading
2. What are the distinctive characteristics of radio and television as mass
The distinctive characteristics of radio are the following:

 Cost-effective: the device needed to listen to the radio and the hardware
and technology needed to produce and transmit radio programs are much
cheaper than the other media.
 Low demand on literacy skills: a person does not have to be literate to
listen to the radio.
 Portability: the radio can be located and lugged anywhere.
 A background medium: radio-listening can be combined with other
tasks, like driving, reading, and doing household chores.
 Accessibility to the visually-challenged because it is a sound medium.

The distinctive characteristics of television is its capacity to transmit pictures

and sound live on screen. Television has a huge influence in our lives and in
society as it evolves alongside digital information and communication
technologies. Moreover, it is accessible to almost every home around the world.
3. Why are film and recorded music considered mass media?
Film and recorded music are considered mass media in the sense that it reaches
a large part of the population, even in rural areas.

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