Learning Task 3 (K-W-L)

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GROUP 13 BEED 1102

Buisan, Kyla
Mulingbayan, Maria Josefa
Villas, Rhea Joy
Directions. (K-W-L) Fill out columns to complete the table. On the first column: What I know,
write down all the ideas that you have about the three items. On the second column, write
what you want to know about them. On the third column, What I learned, must reflect the
inputs imparted to you in course of discussion between you and your professor. (Note: The
last column shall be answered after the discussion of the topic).
Contents What I KNOW What I WANT to What I LEARNED
Instructional Planning It is the teacher's Importance of It is the ability of the
instruction plan on instructional teachers to picture or
what the students planning. visualize what, why and
will learn as well as How is how the teaching learning
on how the students instructional process will develop in the
will learn a planning done? future.
particular subject or Difficulties in It is really helpful for the
topic and how the constructing teachers because it guides
teacher should instructional and provides them
deliver the lesson to planning. direction to have a well-
organized teaching.
the students
Teachers need this
to teach better and
clear to the children
about their topic
Things to Consider in We should have: Other things to Learning Objectives
planning in instructional Learning consider in Personal Aims
planning for teaching music objectives planning the Language Point
in the elementary grades materials for instructional Teaching Aids
teaching planning Anticipated Problems
procedure or the Importance of The procedure, phase and
method of each thing in timing
teaching. making the Interaction
instructional Class level, number of
planning students
Date and Time

Instructional Planning It provides guidelines to Different types It is the instruction for teachers
Models have an organize and of Instructional to have a guidelines in planning
appropriate plan and for Planning their way of teaching to have or
the possible scenarios and Models. earn a better outcome or share
to achieve instructional Importance of knowledge to the students.
goals. instructional
model in

It is the teacher's plan or a Importance of It is a guide of teachers in

detailed step on how they lesson plan in their teaching. It is a step-
will deliver the lesson to effective by-step plan about the
their students. It is for them teaching. content of the lesson.
to be guided and organized How to make an Lesson plan act as a guide
in delivering a particular effective lesson for teachers to have an
topic. plan? effective and organized
Types of lesson delivery of the lesson.

Major Components of Objectives Other things to A lesson plan includes:

Lesson Plan Materials be included in Learning objectives
Warm up activity lesson plan. Materials
Presentation of the Importance of Warm up activity
topic each Presentation (discussion)
Application components. of the topic
Assessment Application

How are objectives In constructing an Things to The objectives of a lesson

constructed objective, it should consider in must be SMART
compose of goal about the constructing an (Specific, Measurable,
knowledge, goal about the objective. Attainable, Relevant, and
attitudes, and goal about What Is the Time Bound
the skills of the students main purpose in Objectives consist of four
terms of components which are the
teaching audience, behavior,
condition and degree.
Lastly, in constructing
objectives, it may consider
the 3 domains of it which
are Cognitive, Affective,
and Psychomotor.

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